MOSS :: Volume #6

#541: Inborn Deity

Qu Wei and Su Meng two people of conditions, some are not right. 曲伟苏萌二人的状态,都有些不对劲。 Their spirit somewhat seems to be absent-minded, shows the vacant facial expression as if by prior agreement, link looks in all directions, probably is seeking for anything. 他们精神似乎有些恍惚,不约而同露出茫然的神情,环目四顾,像是在寻找什么。 Such performance, in the environment that the present battles, is incompatible. 这样的表现,在眼下交战的环境里,格格不入。 The attack of Feather Row cultivator falls in torrents to them. 羽行修士的攻击向他们倾泻。 Two parents-in-law in a timely manner recover, Su Meng first displays defense magic technique, blocks to plunge their violent storms. 两公婆及时回过神来,苏萌第一时间施展防御型法术,挡住扑向他们的狂风暴雨。 Under the attack of heavy firepower fire magic weapon, defends magic technique to be destroyed quickly. 重火力射击型法宝的攻击下,防御法术被很快摧毁。 Time ideal condition enough they but who win over seek for the bunker avoidance. 但争取到的一点时间意境足够他们两人寻找掩体躲避。 After regrouping after a defeat, two people do not have first to discover Shen Jian, but is simultaneous/uniform simultaneous/uniform looks at silver spear/gun late north to swim. 重整旗鼓后,两人并没有第一时间发现沈健,而是齐齐把目光投向“银枪”迟北游。 But late north swims, cannot help but turns head to look at Qu Wei and Su Meng two people, in the vision full is vacant and doubts. 而迟北游,也不由自主扭头看曲伟苏萌二人,目光中满是茫然和疑惑。 He also calculates to be battle-trained now, but made the amateur mistake at this moment. 他如今也算久经战阵,但此刻还是犯了业余的错误。 Shen Jian concentrate one's attention completely, cannot attend to with Qu Wei and Su Meng greets, when north the roaming god, rushes late decisively. 沈健则始终全神贯注,顾不上跟曲伟苏萌打招呼,在迟北游愣神的时候,就果断冲上去。 Although the unusual action of opposite party makes him care, but Shen Jian carries out first solves the principle of opponent. 虽然对方的反常举动让他在意,但沈健还是奉行先解决对手的原则。 Late the northern roaming lost the situation again. 迟北游再次失了先机。 When his vigilance time, the Shen Jian attack ideal condition overhead falls, asking him to be caught off guard. 等他警觉的时候,沈健的攻击意境当头落下,叫他措手不及。 However, in this instantaneous, from the cabin, suddenly has the fire to raid, the goal points to Shen Jian. 不过,就在这瞬间,从船舱另外一边,突然有炮火袭来,目标直指沈健 Facing the enemy reinforcements, Shen Jian is without turning a hair, decisive suspension of movement. 面对敌人援军,沈健面不改色,果断停步。 But Black Dragon that on his right arm twines raised the head to depart suddenly, the figure in the midair increases fast, roars is continue charge into north swims late. 但他右臂上缠绕的黑龙忽地抬头飞出,在半空里身形快速变大,咆哮着继续冲向迟北游。 The rear person's shadow flashes, a person to/clashes, shakes the fist, meets the tough head-on with toughness with the giant dragon claw, both sides draw back respectively. 后方人影一闪,一个人冲上来,挥拳,同巨大的龙爪硬碰硬,双方各自退开。 This person shields, recovering late north the roaming figure retrocedes. 得这人掩护,回过神来的迟北游身形后退。 Shen Jian is looking at that person: Colonel Tang, met.” 沈健望着那人:“唐上校,又见面了。” Comes person impressively Tang Shuyuan. 来人赫然正是唐恕远。 Six months ago Qilin Yu Yu one post-war, the opposite party drifted the universe to be missing, now seems like depends his law day to maintain life. 半年前麒麟界宇域一战后,对方漂泊宇宙失踪,如今看来是仗着他那具法天相地得以保命。 Tang Shuyuan smiles: Does not know that what military rank you now are, how should I call?” 唐恕远微笑:“不知你现在是什么军衔,我该怎么称呼?” If you are glad, can ask the adoptive father, the biological father to exempt, I do not have your surrendering to the enemy son.” Shen Jian spoke thoughtlessly saying that the line of sight actually in late north the roaming and Qu Wei and Su Meng three people circled. “如果你乐意的话,可以叫干爹,亲爸爸就免了,我没你这种投敌的儿子。”沈健随口说道,视线却在迟北游和曲伟苏萌三人身上盘旋。 Old First Shen, you are all right well.” Qu Wei greets with Shen Jian, his attention, at this moment Shuyuan on late north roaming and Tang. 沈老大,你没事就好。”曲伟沈健打了个招呼,不过他的注意力,此刻则在迟北游与唐恕远身上。 Su Meng also so, the line of sight is far two people to rotate in north roaming Hetang late back and forth, non-stop circling. 苏萌同样如此,视线在迟北游和唐恕远二人之间来回转动,不停盘旋。 Two parents-in-law surface presently the color of doubts. 两公婆都面现疑惑之色。 Late the northern roaming is like them. 迟北游跟他们俩一样。 Moreover, except for paying attention to opposite Qu Wei and Su Meng, his vision also falls on Tang Shuyuan of same camp once for a while. 而且,除了关注对面的曲伟苏萌,他目光也时不时落在身旁同一阵营的唐恕远身上。 Only has Tang Shuyuan look safely, looks that the Shen Jian smile said: My adoptive father's words, can be their adoptive fathers probably.” 唯有唐恕远神色安然,看着沈健微笑道:“我干爹的话,大概也可以算是他们的干爹。” He referred to Qu Wei and Su Meng: „, It is not right, they should be famous mountains old ancestor to congratulate Jinglin accomplish, the words, my adoptive father is they do the grandfather.” 他指了指曲伟苏萌:“哦,不对,他们俩应该是名山老祖贺景林造就的,这么算起来的话,我干爹是他们干爷爷。” Qu Wei and Su Meng whole body shakes. 曲伟苏萌全身一震。 Two people have not lost one's temper because of Tang Shuyuan words, but is fixing the eyes on him. 二人并没有因为唐恕远的话而动怒,只是紧盯着他。 Late the vision of northern roaming, cannot help but also looks. 迟北游的目光,不由自主也看过来。 However, the present environment is not peaceful. 不过,眼下的环境并不太平。 Several people almost started, dodges to side. 几人几乎一起动了,向旁闪躲。 The battleship sways fiercely, outside defense restriction was torn by the distant fire. 战舰剧烈摇晃,外间的防御禁制被远方炮火撕裂。 In the gunsmoke, spreads the Su Meng shouting a question sound: „Before to congratulate Jinglin, has a person to study the dragon person in blue sea dragon palace, once created a perfect work, is you?” 硝烟中,传出苏萌的喝问声:“贺景林之前有个人研究碧海龙宫的龙人,曾经创造一个完美的作品,就是你?” Tang Shuyuan voice takes several points of happy expression: Really the perfect work, will be remembered.” 唐恕远声音带上几分笑意:“果然只有完美的作品,才会被人记住。” After Qu Wei draws Su Meng to hide the bunker: Our feelings cannot be wrong, I believe that you are also same, we are the same people, but stems from the different person's hands to accomplish. Both of us are to congratulate Jinglin, but both of you stem from the same person's hand!” 曲伟拉着苏萌躲到掩体之后:“我们的感觉不会错的,我相信你们也是一样,我们是相同的人,只是出自不同人之手造就。我们俩是贺景林,而你们俩出自同一人之手!” Tang Shuyuan line of sight looks to another direction. 唐恕远的视线看向另一个方向。 In there, after the bunker, is shocking late north swims. 在那里,掩体之后,是震惊的迟北游。 Yes.” Tang Shuyuan said lightly: That perfect work that you must look , the Deity near the dust, is he is right, I am like you two, is only incomplete......” “是啊。”唐恕远淡淡说道:“你们要找的那个完美作品,神人临尘,是他才对,我跟你们两个一样,都只是残缺品……” The words have not said, was broken by the sound of gunfire. 话未说完,就被枪声打断。 Tang Shuyuan quickly dodges. 唐恕远急忙闪避。 Airborne walks the position that the arc talisman bullet hits him to be. 空中走弧线的符弹击中他原先所在的位置。 Not necessarily is also perfect, heard that the pill refining technique is not much.” The Shen Jian sound resounds with the sound of gunfire together. “也未必完美,听说炼丹术就不怎么样。”沈健的声音随着枪声一同响起。 The northern roaming somewhat is late vacant. 迟北游有些茫然无措。 He is shocked in Tang Shuyuan with Qu Wei and content of Su Meng conversation, cannot find out the mind. 他震惊于唐恕远同曲伟苏萌交谈的内容,摸不清头脑。 But in the heart the strange feeling can hardly be removed, as if in proving, he and between these three people relates truly unusual. 但心中怪异的感觉挥之不去,仿佛在证明,他跟这三人之间关系确实非同一般。 Previously he was distracted, was pressed by Shen Jian in leeward, was because felt the arrival of Qu Wei and Su Meng suddenly. 先前他走神,被沈健压在下风,就是因为突然感觉到曲伟苏萌的到来。 Tang Shuyuan arrived here time, he also has the same feeling. 唐恕远来到这里的时候,他又有相同感受。 This lets in his heart a confusion. 这让他心中一片混乱。 But Shen Jian a few words, instead make late north the roaming slightly sober. 沈健一句话,反而让迟北游略微清醒。 He likes the pill refining technique, but the pill refining technique attainments are not high. 他喜好炼丹术,但炼丹术造诣不高。 This possibly is only he carefully wants to do, matter that actually cannot complete. 这可能是唯一一件他认真想做,却做不好的事情。 Related Shen Jian, his also early hears Qiming. 有关沈健,他也早闻其名。 Even knows that initially two Yellow Flame cultivator on scarlet banner pirate ship, actually one is Shen Jian. 甚至知道当初赤旗号海盗船上的两个炎黄修士,其实一个就是沈健 But another person...... 而另一人…… Shen Jian can know that his pill refining technique is mediocre, listens from that population? 沈健能知道他炼丹术平庸,想必也是从那人口中听来吧? Late in northern roaming heart sobbed. 迟北游心中唏嘘。 But immediately body one stiff. 但随即身体一僵。 He thinks, present, with Huo Donglai, perhaps were the mortal enemy, perhaps had met in the battlefield also perhaps. 他想到,现在的自己,跟霍东来,恐怕是死敌了吧,或许早已经在战场上碰过面了也说不定。 Obviously oneself are also the Yellow Flame person...... 明明自己也是个炎黄人…… Late northern roaming Wang to another side Tang Shuyuan, that is also the Yellow Flame person, why on the opposite party could not see that completely a point does hesitate? 迟北游望向另一边的唐恕远,那也是个炎黄人,为什么在对方身上完全看不到一点犹疑呢? You said that flatter leads to see you now, what idea can be?” Shen Jian asked. “你说阿帅现在看到你,会是什么想法?”沈健问道。 Commander?” The northern roaming first is late vacant, then a little responded: „Did east you say?” “阿帅?”迟北游先茫然,然后有点反应过来:“你说东来?” Yes, I give the nickname that he has.” Shen Jian replied. “是啊,我给他起的外号。”沈健答道。 „Very appropriate, is very appropriate.” Late the northern roaming first smiles, subsequently is disappointed. “很贴切,很合适。”迟北游先笑了笑,继而怅然。 Shen Jian said: Your father in Yellow Flame, I led him to go back six months ago personally.” 沈健说道:“令尊在炎黄,半年前我亲自带他回去的。” Late the northern roaming smiles bitterly: I heard, but my mother also in the Feather Row federation......” 迟北游苦笑:“我听说了,但我妈妈还在羽行联邦……” At this time, Tang Shuyuan voice suddenly resounded: Sorry, I break, late Lieutenant colonel, the latest news, your mother encountered difficulty.” 这时,唐恕远的声音突然响起:“抱歉,我打断一下,迟中校,最新消息,令堂遇难了。” Late northern roaming Ruzhui ice cave. 迟北游如坠冰窟。 Special details, you have many way understanding and confirmation genuine and fake, I have not deceived your necessity.” Tang Shuyuan said: Mentioned accurately, was an accident/surprise, in the war always the accidents/surprises of many accidental injuries, was only your mother luck is unsatisfactory, happen to bumped into, was perished by affect of Yellow Flame battleship fire.” “具体情况,你有很多途径了解和验证真假,我没有骗你的必要。”唐恕远说道:“准确说来,是一次意外,战争中总有很多误伤的意外,只是令堂运气不佳,正好碰上一场,受炎黄战舰炮火的波及而亡。” He as if there is expectation to be the same, after retreats, evades close to Shen Jian. 他仿佛有预料一样,朝后退却,躲过靠近的沈健 Late northern roaming Zhengzheng is staring at him, suddenly turns around, toward escaping, first time was the military deserter to be separated from the battlefield. 迟北游怔怔盯着他,忽然转身,朝外逃去,头一次当逃兵脱离了战场。 Back in a panic, scared. 背影仓惶,失魂落魄。
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