MOSS :: Volume #6

#540: Under mask

Silver spear/gun. 银枪。 This given name, first appears in the Shen Jian mind. 这个名号,第一时间在沈健脑海浮现。 This Feather Row battleship, had participated in one of the Huang Ming war unexpectedly. 这艘羽行战舰,居然是曾经参加过黄明界大战的一员。 Does not know that is intends or has no intention, wanders about destitute with Shen Jian to same piece Yu Yu in unexpectedly, and also discovered that whereabouts of Shen Jian with Third Layer pagoda, seeks hence. 不知是有意还是无意,竟和沈健流落到同一片宇域中来,并且还发现沈健三层宝塔的下落,寻找至此。 What coincidence is, this Feather Row battleship, silver spear/gun by above. 更巧合的是,这艘羽行战舰,银枪搭乘其上。 Finally now comes face to face with Shen Jian, bumps right into. 结果现在跟沈健狭路相逢,撞个正着。 The Feather Row federation and Yellow Flame Federation younger generation most outstanding promising youth, meets by chance at this moment. 羽行联邦和炎黄联邦年轻一代最出色的后起之秀,此刻不期而遇。 Various both sides show methods, fight in the same place. 双方各展手段,战在一起。 In same age opponent who in Shen Jian met with since birth, the opposite party is gun technique strongest existence, still wins Huo Donglai, Yi Xingluo, Di Zhen and the others. 沈健有生以来所遇的同龄对手中,对方是枪术最强的存在,犹胜霍东来易星罗狄震等人。 No wonder initially hit dirtily Di Zhen. 难怪当初把狄震打得灰头土脸。 Shen Jian want near body several times, is unable to break through the opposite party strict firepower network, instead oneself are surrounded by perils. 沈健几次想要近身,都无法突破对方严密的火力网,反而自己险象环生。 At present this opponent is the marksmanship is not only exquisite, the movement technique speed is also quite outstanding, making Shen Jian very difficulty to profit. 眼前这个对手不光是枪法精湛,身法速度也极为出众,让沈健很难占到便宜。 The hot rain of two short spirit gun spray coatings, each talisman bullet as if there is independence life, will ponder that can change. 两支短灵枪喷涂的火雨,每一枚符弹都仿佛有独立的生命,会思考会变化。 Under the tune shooting technique function, the talisman bullet path changes more than once. 曲射术作用下,符弹轨迹变化不止一次。 Not a spear/gun so. 并非一枪如此。 But is the spear/gun spear/gun so. 而是枪枪都如此。 Such level, Shen Jian first time sees in Golden Core Stage cultivator. 这样的水平,沈健金丹期修士中还是头一次见。 The speed rhythm of opposite party is also changing, by the Shen Jian combat careful observation judgment in every way possible, very difficult assurance loophole. 对方的快慢节奏也充满变化,以沈健作战时细致入微的观察判断力,都很难把握其中漏洞。 After all Golden Core Stage cultivator. 毕竟还是金丹期修士 The flaw loophole always has, moreover are it seems like many in Shen Jian. 破绽漏洞始终有,而且在沈健看来不少。 However the opposite party every can in a timely manner make up for this flaw loophole one time, even turns into the potential trap, therefore Shen Jian is not good to act blindly. 但是对方每一次都能将这破绽漏洞及时弥补,甚至变成潜在的陷阱,于是沈健也不好盲目出手。 In the cramped battleship channel, two people as if lightning illusory image, fights bold, asking others to be hard to see clearly. 空间狭窄的战舰通道内,两人仿佛闪电幻影,交手兔起鹘落,叫旁人都难以看清。 Under the fierce battle of so quick rhythm, Shen Jian discovered that the opposite party is like oneself, but can also maintain extremely strong controlling force. 如此快节奏的激烈战斗下,沈健发现对方跟自己一样,还能保持极强的控制力。 Two people intend not to spare, but the strength takes and puts away, pays attention not to give the battleship to bring the too great destruction. 两人出手不容情,但力量收放间,都注意不给战舰带来太大破坏。 Shen Jian is to draw support from the communication equipment of this battleship, star sound jade pendant that the increase is damaged. 沈健是想要借助这艘战舰的通讯设备,增幅受损的星声玉佩。 The opposite party do not have the big movement, naturally to preserve the person on battleship and battleship. 对方没有大动作,自然是为了保全战舰和战舰上的人。 Two people have the worry respectively, suddenly exhibits the dogfight situation. 两人各有顾虑,一时间呈现缠斗的态势。 Has other Feather Row cultivator intentions to join to besiege Shen Jian, could not find the opportunity to meddle. 有其他羽行修士意图加入围攻沈健,都找不到机会插手。 Over time, Shen Jian starts to be in the upper hand more and more. 随着时间推移,沈健开始越来越占上风。 However in his heart not general idea. 不过他心中并未大意。 Oneself can occupy the winning side , because he intends more ruthless than the opposite party. 自己能占到上风,是因为他出手比对方更狠。 If Di Zhen said initially, the silver spear/gun acts, has meaning of providing some clues. 狄震当初所言,银枪出手,有点到为止的意味。 Basically for the system enemy, injures the enemy at best, rather than to kill the enemy. 基本上是为了制敌,充其量伤敌,而不是为了杀敌。 In the battlefield, this is somewhat inconceivable. 在战场上,这有些不可思议。 But by the powerful strength, he insisted that this principle, arrives at the present forcefully. 但凭借强大实力,他坚持这个原则,硬生生走到如今。 However, when facing Shen Jian, the silver spear/gun is unable the image plane to others accomplishes a task with ease. 不过,在面对沈健的时候,银枪就无法像面对其他人时那么游刃有余。 When bumps into Shen Jian to take itself injured for the price, is spelling the time of trading his life, the silver spear/gun has to retreat, because he has no interest in perish together. 当碰到沈健以自己受伤为代价,拼着换他一条命的时候,银枪就不得不退却,因为他无心同归于尽。 Therefore naturally then drops the wind more and more. 于是自然便越来越落下风。 But on the other hand, Shen Jian does not have whole-heartedly. 而另一方面,沈健也没有全力以赴。 Some of his slightly leeway, preventing the opposite party previous custom suddenly to change. 他略微有些余地,防止对方此前的习惯突然改变。 If really has such a time, gets rid of the shackles like the ominous beast inevitably fierce. 如果真有那么一遭,必然像凶兽摆脱枷锁一样凶猛至极。 Pulls out to hail, Shen Jian does not feel better. 抽冷子来一下,沈健也不好过。 His heart is vigilant, leaves behind the strength of strain for oneself. 他心底警惕,为自己留下应变之力。 However, in view of this Feather Row battleship, he starts to unshackle, is no longer worried to destroy the issue. 不过,针对这艘羽行战舰,他开始放开手脚,不再担心破坏问题。 At present this space territory environment is unclear, can the lord knows opposite party have more reinforcements to catch up. 眼下这片宇域环境不明,天晓得对方会不会有更多援兵赶来。 Also as a last resort, only had first destroys this Feather Row battleship to say again. 万不得已,也唯有先毁了这艘羽行战舰再说。 Detected that Shen Jian starts to be getting more and more heavy, opposite silver spear/gun the fighting method instead is getting more and more conservative, defends itself stably, simultaneously stops the Shen Jian destruction battleship as far as possible. 察觉沈健下手越来越重,对面“银枪”的打法则反而越来越保守,稳固防守自身,同时尽量阻拦沈健破坏战舰。 Does not dread, but transfers uses the method of dragging, wears down the Shen Jian sharp qi, wins the time. 并非畏惧,而是转为采用拖延的手段,消磨沈健锐气,争取时间。 both sides fight, tends to be the superheating. 双方大战,渐趋白热化。 At this moment, turbulence of battleship whole suddenly bang. 就在这时,战舰整体忽然轰的动荡一下。 Shen Jian in a timely manner stands firm the self balancing with the silver spear/gun. 沈健同银枪都及时稳住自身平衡。 Meanwhile, to each other raises the unprecedented swift and fierce offensive. 同时,向彼此掀起前所未有的凌厉攻势。 In discovering the opposite party has not leaked off the flaw to oneself after the opportunity is not missed, two people retrocede as if by prior agreement together, stabilizes the position at the same time, observes the situation. 在发现对方没有漏出破绽给自己以可趁之机后,两人不约而同一起后退,稳定自身阵脚的同时,观察外界情况。 Then they discovered, the two people while in the ship fights, the vast universe outside battleship is heavy, ignites the flames of war. 然后他们就发现,自己二人在舰内交手的同时,战舰以外的广袤宇宙重,也燃起战火。 Yellow Flame battleships, the same Feather Row battleship, launches the fierce exchange of fire. 一艘艘炎黄战舰,同一艘艘羽行战舰,展开激烈交火。 The Feather Row battleship that focus of both sides, Shen Jian they place. 双方的焦点,正是沈健他们身处的这艘羽行战舰。 A Shen Jian intention revolution, thinks the star sound jade pendant of own that breakage, estimated that the effect is better, is that side Yellow Flame Federation indicates his position, making the Yellow Flame fleet look following the clue. 沈健心念一转,想到自己那块破损的星声玉佩,比自己预想中功效要好,到底还是为炎黄联邦那边指明他的位置,让炎黄舰队循着线索找来。 Besides the Yellow Flame fleet, here also has the Feather Row fleet. 只是,除了炎黄舰队外,这里也有羽行舰队。 both sides exchange fire intensely. 双方激烈交火。 The power bay of this Feather Row battleship, was hit to explode by the Yellow Flame fire on the spot. 这艘羽行战舰的动力舱,当场被炎黄炮火打爆。 Meanwhile, has Yellow Flame cultivator to start to try to board this Feather Row battleship. 同时,有炎黄修士开始试图登上这艘羽行战舰。 The Feather Row fleet is also catching up, both sides take a battleship as the focus, launches the hand-to-hand fighting. 羽行舰队这边同样在发力,双方以一艘战舰为焦点,展开白刃战。 Shen Jian is impolite immediately, fires into the ship Feather Row cultivator, in order to the compatriot with Yellow Flame collaborates from outside with the inside. 沈健当即不客气,冲向舰内羽行修士,以求同炎黄的同胞里应外合。 Meanwhile, he also keeps a mind. 同时,他也多留一个心眼。 If Yellow Flame gets the winning side finally, perhaps Feather Row for a penny and for a pound, bombards the battleship directly, sank Shen Jian and numerous Yellow Flame cultivator together. 万一最后炎黄占据上风,羽行说不定一不做二不休,直接炮轰自家战舰,将沈健和一众炎黄修士一起沉了。 Shen Jian controls the suppression of Third Layer pagoda resistance battleship interior magic power restriction, while also always prepares the stimulation of movement pagoda to prepare to protect the external attack. 沈健一边驾驭三层宝塔抵御战舰内部法力禁制的镇压,一边也时刻准备着催动宝塔准备防护外来攻击。 Opposite silver spear/gun, then hints other Feather Row cultivator, this ship has been hard to continue to persevere, everyone seeks asylum to escape as soon as possible. 对面的银枪,则示意其他羽行修士,这艘船已经难以继续坚守,大家尽快避难逃生。 In this time, Shen Jian is noticing that with the opponent of mask, gawked suddenly, is in a state of strange delay. 正在这时,沈健留意到,那个带着面具的对手,突然愣了一下,陷入诡异的呆滞状态。 Shen Jian seizes the opportunity to go forward decisively, successfully close to silver spear/gun. 沈健果断抓住机会上前,成功靠近银枪。 The silver spear/gun recovers immediately, but slow one step. 银枪立刻回过神来,但已经慢了一步。 The experts contend, sometimes victory and defeat only in the frontline. 高手相争,有时胜负只在一线。 Silver spear/gun this slow, then cannot snatch the winning side again. 银枪这一慢,便再抢不回上风。 His near body martial arts strength , is quite actually intrepid, as if slightly is not unexpectedly weaker than gun technique. 他近身武道实力,其实也极为强悍,竟似乎不比枪术稍弱。 However because of the absent-minded reason, slow, step by step was previously slow. 不过因为先前失神的缘故,一步慢,步步慢。 But once in turn Shen Jian is in the upper hand, does not give the opponent the opportunity. 而反过来沈健一旦占了上风,就再不给对手机会。 He one grasps to the opposite party throat. 他一把抓向对方咽喉。 The silver spear/gun dodges with every effort, had not been caught the strategic point by Shen Jian. 银枪尽力闪避,没被沈健抓到要害。 But on the face, was actually raised by the fresh breeze flies. 但脸上面具,却被劲风掀飞。 Did not have the mask to cover up, reveals a young face. 没了面具遮掩,露出一张年轻的面孔。 This face, Shen Jian is not strange. 这张面孔,沈健不陌生。 Opposite party, he is first seeing. 对方本人,他是第一次见。 But the image of opposite party, Shen Jian has seen. 但对方的影像,沈健早就见过了。 His previous intuition has been confirmed that at present this young people clearly are also the Yellow Flame person, was Huo Donglai past the good friend, late north swam. 他先前的直觉得到验证,眼前这个年轻人分明也是个炎黄人,正是霍东来昔日挚友,迟北游。 At this time, together cabin door, blast of bang. 这时,一道舱门,轰的炸开。 Has Yellow Flame cultivator that snatches to embark to break. 有抢上船来的炎黄修士冲入。 In the crowd, Shen Jian sees two familiar forms impressively. 人群中,沈健赫然看见两个熟悉的身影。 A man and a woman, have not worn the military uniform. 一男一女,都未穿军装。 Actually is Qu Wei and Su Meng two parents-in-law. 却是久违的曲伟苏萌两公婆。
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