MOSS :: Volume #6

#533: Removing firewood from under the pot

A fifth generation battleship, the sea calming god needle seems to be same, lives in Feather Row federation here aspect stably. 一艘第五世代战舰,仿佛定海神针一样,稳定住羽行联邦这边的局面。 This great ship suppresses Huang Ming, while attacks the Yellow Flame fleet. 这艘巨舰一边压制黄明界,一边攻击炎黄舰队。 Meanwhile, he also unceasingly launches the attack to tree-fern 2 salol fleet. 同时,他还对沙罗舰队不断发起攻击。 Even also has the leisure, pulls out hails to support black ink Heavenly Lord two Nascent Spirit great expert expert, dispersion opposite Yellow Flame and tree-fern 2 salol Nascent Spirit cultivator attention. 甚至还有闲暇,抽冷子支援一下墨天尊两位元神大能强者,分散对面炎黄和沙罗元神修士的注意力。 In the situations of many bang god artillery concentrated fire, Nascent Spirit great expert expert must enhance vigilance. 多门轰神炮集中射击的情况下,元神大能强者也要提高警惕。 Under the black ink Heavenly Lord two Nascent Spirit expert diversions, opposite party Nascent Spirit cultivator is unable to approach threatens Feather Row federation fifth generation battleship. 在己方墨天尊两位元神强者牵制下,对方的元神修士无法靠近威胁羽行联邦这艘第五世代战舰。 But other Yellow Flame battleships and tree-fern 2 salol battleships, by Feather Row battleship interception in surrounding. 而其他的炎黄战舰和沙罗战舰,也被羽行战舰截击在外围。 This Feather Row fifth generation great ship, as if void great shape fortress, the attack covers the audience, the firepower support each position ally. 这艘羽行第五世代巨舰,仿佛虚空中的巨形堡垒,攻击覆盖全场,火力支援各个方位的战友。 After it static, there is magic weapon to keep sending out the invisible ripple. 在它静止下来后,有法宝不停散发无形的波纹。 The ripple everywhere, blocks void, permits enter cannot leave, keeping a Yellow Flame side from evacuating to retreat. 波纹到处,更封锁虚空,许进不许出,让炎黄一方无法撤离退走。 But has this side world huge battleship as taking advantage, Feather Row side combat supplies, does not have the extra worries, can act independently. 而有这一方世界般庞大的战舰作为依仗,羽行一方作战补给,也没有后顾之忧,可以放手施为。 Depends the preparation to be sufficient, is powerful, a Feather Row side in Huang Ming space territory stretch of battlefield, is in the upper hand more and more. 仗着准备充足,实力雄厚,羽行一方在黄明界宇域这片战场上,越来越占上风。 While they are awe-inspiring time, the lineup intimate place, actually suddenly made the big trouble. 可正当他们威风八面的时候,阵型腹心处,却突然出了大乱子。 As that fifth generation great ship of battlefield center pole, sways suddenly fiercely. 作为战阵中央支柱的那艘第五世代巨舰,忽地剧烈摇晃。 The support four directions, swept the void fierce firepower, does not have the indication becomes must be scattered about. 原本支援四方,扫荡虚空的凶猛火力,毫无征兆的变得七零八落。 Along with time lapse, is not only unable to restore powerfully, even also in the remaining years of life like the wind, gradually extinguishes. 随着时间推移,不仅无法有力恢复,甚至还像风中残烛一样,渐渐熄灭。 Many bang god artillery, simultaneous/uniform Qiya. 多门轰神炮,齐齐哑了。 Only has broken Yuan artillery and heavy thunder cannon and other firepower, but can also support reluctantly. 唯有破元炮和重雷炮等火力,还能勉强支撑。 But its function and influence, coming a big diving, cliff to fall. 但其作用和影响力,来了个大跳水,断崖式下跌。 In battlefield other Feather Row cultivator and battleships, unexpected, almost suffered a loss. 战场上其他羽行修士和战舰,猝不及防下,都差点吃了大亏。 Formerly support shield did not have suddenly, own fierce attacking, turned immediately brings death crudely. 先前的支援掩护突然没了,自己的勇猛突击,顿时变成鲁莽送死。 Formerly aiding defense did not have suddenly, ran away shortly the birth day, finally can only wait for death helplessly. 先前的接应防御突然没了,眼看着已经逃出生天,结果只能眼睁睁等死。 Sudden, Yellow Flame Federation and tree-fern 2 salol federation a little cannot respond, this sudden change, can other Feather Row unable to eat immediately to capture walking. 要不是事发突然下,炎黄联邦和沙罗联邦也有点反应不回来,这突如其来的变化,立即就能让其他羽行人吃不了兜着走。 After cultivator of tree-fern 2 salol federation recovers, but also is somewhat discrete, does not have first to launch the attack. 沙罗联邦的修士回过神来后,还有些谨慎,没有第一时间发动攻击。 They worried that is Feather Row Fang zhong shows weakness intentionally, luring the enemy in deep plot. 他们担心是羽行一方某种故意示弱,诱敌深入的阴谋。 But a commander of Yellow Flame side, then makes the judgment quickly. 炎黄一方的指挥官,则很快做出判断。 A bigger possibility, was Shen Jian, Luo Xihao, Ye Jiao and the others the accomplishment. 更大可能,是沈健罗西浩叶觉等人建功了。 The Yellow Flame army, the choice believes Shen Jian they. 炎黄部队,选择相信沈健他们。 Therefore all Yellow Flame cultivator, start most violent counter-attack immediately. 于是所有炎黄修士,立马发动最猛烈的反扑。 The Feather Row federation loses immediately heavily. 羽行联邦顿时损失不轻。 Including Feather Row Nascent Spirit expert of that beginning, a move carelessly, injures at first in Yellow Flame here Nascent Spirit great expert subordinate. 连最初那位动手的羽行元神强者,一招不慎,都伤在炎黄这边的元神大能手下。 The terrifying void vortex, likely is the giant sharp blade, cuts off magic weapon of that divine wood appearance around the middle! 恐怖的虚空漩涡,像是巨大的利刃,将那神木模样的法宝拦腰斩断! Under Nascent Spirit expert of Feather Row federation is startled changes, withdraws hastily. 羽行联邦的元神强者惊变之下,连忙后撤。 This Feather Row fleet is crack troops. 这支羽行舰队都是精兵。 Meets with the big change suddenly, still quickly held one's ground, the revolutions attacks to defend, organizes own defense line. 骤然遭逢大变,仍然很快稳住阵脚,转攻为守,组织自身防线。 The important place, is whereabouts in that fifth generation great shipboard. 只是要紧的地方,还是着落在那艘第五世代巨舰上。 The people contact urgently. 众人紧急联络。 The sound that but the opposite broadcasts only has one group of noisy. 但对面传来的声音只有一团嘈杂。 Clears off the clue with great difficulty, listens to person to report to say flurriedly: „The Yellow Flame person sneak attacks, Commander...... Fell from the sky!” 好不容易理清头绪,就听人慌乱的汇报道:“炎黄人偷袭,司令……陨落了!” Hears this word, all Feather Row people, suck in cold air together. 闻听此言,所有羽行人,齐齐倒抽一口凉气。 This fifth generation battleship as the flagship of this Feather Row fleet, the captain then is also the commander of entire fleet. 这艘第五世代战舰作为这支羽行舰队的旗舰,舰长便也是整个舰队的司令。 Besides two Nascent Spirit great expert, the entire fleet listens to his verbal command up and down. 除了两位元神大能外,整个舰队上下都听他号令。 Then is the black ink Heavenly Lord two people also very much respects him. 便是墨天尊二人也很尊重他。 Let alone he places All Heavens and Myriad Realms to be most advanced most powerful in the war fortress, even if changes a place, he is also Nascent Soul peak established expert. 别说他身处诸天万界最先进最强力的战争堡垒内,就算换个地方,他本身也是元婴巅峰的老牌强者 Finally not making a sound was actually assassinated by the Yellow Flame person? 结果却被炎黄人不声不响刺杀了? How does opposite party evade the informers of these many people? 对方如何躲过这么多人的耳目? Who can achieve such matter? 谁能做到这样的事情? , In an numerous Feather Row cultivator mind, appears unexpectedly a young face. 不期然间,一众羽行修士脑海中,都浮现一张年轻的面孔。 Shen Jian! 沈健 He in Huang Ming Yu Yu! 他就在黄明界宇域! Using the rare confidentiality and lethality, completes this reverse entire war strikes. 利用自己超乎寻常的隐蔽性和杀伤力,完成这扭转整个战局的一击。 Regardless of the cultivation base height, the position size, Feather Row federation all people a heart all sank at this time the valley. 不论修为高低,职位大小,羽行联邦所有人这时一颗心全部沉到谷底。 The captain of fifth generation battleship, the request standard is harsh. 第五世代战舰的舰长,要求标准非常苛刻。 The war projects on now this situation, everybody war-making potential starts completely, Feather Row federation fifth generation battleship, although are many, captain but who can control this colossus, actually nearly a radish pit. 战争打到现在这个地步,大家战争潜力全部启动,羽行联邦这边第五世代战舰虽不少,但能驾驭这庞然大物的舰长,却近乎一个萝卜一个坑。 Falls from the sky, in a short time does not have the means to make up. 陨落一个,短时间内根本没办法补上来。 At present although this Feather Row great ship can also start, but a prestige can the strength, fall by the naked eye clearly discernible degree straight line! 眼下这艘羽行巨舰虽然还能开动,但一身威能力量,以肉眼清晰可见的程度直线下跌! Not is only striking power drops, drops including defense restriction of battleship. 不仅仅是攻击力下降,连战舰的防御禁制也下降。 A Yellow Flame fourth generation bang god class battleship, the bang god artillery sends out silent roars, the light of destruction meets to pierce protection restriction of this Feather Row fifth generation great ship straight. 炎黄一艘第四世代轰神级战舰,轰神炮发出无声咆哮,毁灭的光流直接洞穿这艘羽行第五世代巨舰的防护禁制 The terrifying bang god artillery, in this great shape target, makes one to putting on the hole. 恐怖的轰神炮,在这个巨形靶子上,生生打出一个对穿的孔洞。 Here huge damage, starts to spread to all around. 此处巨大的损伤,开始向四周扩散。 This fifth generation Feather Row great ship, is almost unable to continue to maintain hovering in void. 这艘第五世代羽行巨舰,几乎无法继续维持悬停于虚空中。 The fierce attack, starts violent storm same to plunge it. 凶猛的攻击,开始狂风暴雨一样扑向它。 On battleship other Feather Row people , can only maintain reluctantly, inspires the protection of battleship as far as possible, in order to avoid this giant universe fortress was hit the disintegration disintegration in void at the scene. 战舰上其他羽行人,也只能勉强维持,尽可能提振战舰的防护,以免这巨大的宇宙堡垒在虚空里被当场打得崩碎解体。 black ink Heavenly Lord and other Feather Row Nascent Spirit great expert, get rid of the respective match diligently. 天尊等二位羽行元神大能,努力摆脱各自对手。 They have not tried to rescue that fifth generation great ship. 他们没有试图去救援那艘第五世代巨舰。 Is hearing the captain killed that flash, two worldly-wise people know, rescues that fifth generation battleship, is unable to save the general situation. 在听闻舰长被击毙的那一瞬间,两个老江湖就已经知道,救援那艘第五世代战舰,无法挽救大局。 On the contrary, that great shape battleship, but also probably turns into their burdens. 相反,那艘巨形战舰,还可能变成他们的累赘。 Now possibility of only making a comeback, only then destroys Huang Ming forcefully! 如今唯一翻盘的可能,只有强行摧毁黄明界! This is they come here goal. 这是他们来这里的目标。 So long as this goal can achieve, then this war, even if a Feather Row side loss is serious, but at least cannot calculate the defeat. 只要这个目标能达成,那么此战哪怕羽行一方损失惨重,但至少不能算败。 Therefore, two Feather Row federation Nascent Spirit great expert, charge into Huang Ming together. 所以,两位羽行联邦元神大能,齐齐冲向黄明界。 Begins meanwhile, black ink Heavenly Lord directly the fifth generation great ship that embarrassed uses greatly has issued the new order to that. 动手同时,墨天尊直接给那艘已经难堪大用的第五世代巨舰下达新的命令。 Blows that capture the Yellow Flame battleship, do not let it run!” black ink Heavenly Lord said callously: If the circumstance is critical, directly destroys!” “镇住那艘捕获的炎黄战舰,别让它跑了!”墨天尊冷酷说道:“如果情势危急,就直接摧毁!” Next ends the order, he raises hand to melt one group to camouflage the starry sky the dark ink shadow, prevents that tree-fern 2 salol federation Nascent Spirit great expert cultivator, then uses fiercely attacks Huang Ming fully. 下完命令,他扬手化开一团遮蔽星空的浓墨黑影,阻挡那位沙罗联邦的元神大能修士,然后自己倾尽全力猛攻黄明界。 black ink Heavenly Lord consideration in spite of being very busy, pertinent. 天尊百忙之中的考虑,切中要害。 This moment that Feather Row fifth generation battleship, suppressed that Yellow Flame battleship, is trying while to flee randomly. 此刻那艘羽行第五世代战舰内部,被镇压的那艘炎黄战舰,正试图趁乱出逃。
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