MOSS :: Volume #6

#532: Action adventure

Wants from the Yellow Flame battleship accepted position, rushes to the bridge, is not an easy matter. 想要从炎黄战舰被收容的位置,赶往舰桥,并不是一件容易的事情。 The reason is very simple, this fifth generation battleship, was too big. 原因很简单,这艘第五世代战舰,太大了。 The entire ship, a side world seems to be huge. 整艘船,仿佛一方世界般巨大。 Must a place from the ship, to not neighboring another, the airline distance, perhaps endure compared with Moon Realm, Shen Jian travels by the spirit axle train to go to Moon City from Gold Toad City. 要从船中一个地方,去往不相邻的另一处,空间直线距离,恐怕堪比太阴界里,沈健金蟾城搭乘灵轨列车前往太阴城 Regards the concrete position to be different, the distance is also possibly more remote. 视具体方位不同,距离还可能更遥远。 Normal, wants to run, the expenditure time were too much. 正常来说,想要跑一趟,花费时间太多了。 In this huge battleship, is divided into each different region generally, has the subordination respectively. 在这庞大的战舰内部,一般分为各个不同的区域,各有统属。 Places a person in region, only the activity in this region is. 身处一片区域的人,只在这片区域内活动便是。 In the commonplace situation, will not go to other regions. 等闲情况下,不会前往其他区域。 Also is the Nascent Soul Stage old ancestor, communicated in each region, was relatively simpler. 也就是元婴期老祖,来往于各个区域,相对简单一些。 The cultivation base low person, wanting the cross region to move, must have enough jurisdiction, with the aid of battleship internal magic weapon, just now can save the time, arrives in the destination as soon as possible, is insufficient on the road quite a while the time on the expenditure. 修为较低的人,想要跨区域活动,必须要有足够的权限,借助战舰内部的法宝,方才能节约时间,尽快抵达目的地,不至于在路上就花费半天功夫。 To Shen Jian, is placed in his front difficult problem lies, first determines the position of opposite party bridge, if then also wants the means to hurry to there. 沈健来说,摆在他面前的难题在于,首先确定对方舰桥的方位,然后还要想办法赶去那里。 Moreover, could not be discovered by enemy. 而且,还不能被敌人发现。 He has that wonderful Third Layer pagoda along, theoretically, under the premise of definite position, shuttles back and forth in the ship does not have the possible matter. 他有那件神妙的三层宝塔随身,理论上来说,确定方位的前提下,于舰内穿梭并非全无可能的事情。 But the captain of this battleship, is strong to the battleship internal control, can achieve the fine situation in every way possible. 但这艘战舰的舰长,对战舰内部的掌控非常强,可以做到精细入微的地步。 In situation that Shen Jian has not acted, but may also hide oneself whereabouts. 沈健没有动作的情况下,还有可能掩藏自己行踪。 The movement is slightly bigger, may be discovered. 动作稍微大一些,就有可能被人发现。 If were discovered that is actually not completely is not but actually good. 如果被发现,其实倒也不是完全不行。 At the worst bumps hardly and that's the end. 大不了硬碰就是了。 But this with the Shen Jian precise attack, saves the strength the anticipated idea to violate. 但这跟沈健精确打击,节省力量的预期想法相违背。 If must spell hardly, black ink Heavenly Lord just left him directly to begin, does not need laborious Sleeping God to help him cover. 如果要硬拼的话,墨天尊刚离开他就直接动手了,也不用辛苦睡神帮他打掩护。 Therefore, he hopes to be able as far as possible maintaining composure close bridge. 所以,他还是希望能尽可能不动声色接近舰桥。 The magic weapon unit in the use ship transmitting, possibly exposes itself. 利用舰内传送的法宝单元,也可能暴露自己。 After Shen Jian thinking moment, in the heart had the idea faintly. 沈健思索片刻后,心中隐隐有了主意。 He starts to seek for oneself goal. 他开始寻找自己的目标。 Finally, birds Golden Core Stage cultivator appears in his field of vision. 终于,一个羽族金丹期修士出现在他的视野内。 After Shen Jian pays attention the observation discovered, the opposite party is that kind of goal that he must look. 沈健留心观察后发现,对方正是他要找的那一类目标。 Refiner Master. 一个炼器师 Moreover the status is very high, has the big jurisdiction. 而且地位很高,有较大权限。 If goes to the ship through the magic weapon unit other blocks, does not annoy the person to suspect easily. 如果通过法宝单元前往舰内其他片区,不容易惹人怀疑。 Shen Jian therefore starts the first risk. 沈健于是开始自己第一次冒险。 He approaches the opposite party, then the Third Layer pagoda startled great wild goose one presently , helping him in most in a short time, with the smallest strength, has suppressed this birds Refiner Master divine soul. 他靠近对方,然后三层宝塔惊鸿一现,帮他在最短时间内,用最小的力气,镇压了这个羽族炼器师神魂 By the both sides military force disparity, captures alive the match's difficulty to Shen Jian not to have. 以双方武力差距,生擒对手对沈健来说一点难度都没有。 But he must reduce the movement as far as possible. 但他要尽可能减少动作。 Did not fear that was realized by the surroundings person, but avoids being realized by this battleship, or on the battleship captain by bridge was realized. 不怕被周围人察觉,而是避免被这艘战舰察觉,或者说被舰桥上的战舰指挥者察觉。 Is quietly, this Refiner Master already passed out. 悄无声息间,这个炼器师已然失去知觉。 Then was led into a cabin by Shen Jian. 然后被沈健带入一个舱房内。 Shen Jian holds the breath with rapt attention, prepares to accept a challenge at any time. 沈健屏息凝神,随时准备应战。 However, on the battleship does not have too to respond. 不过,战舰上没有太多反应。 He relaxes. 他松一口气。 The first step that oneself plan, one of the several steps also most take risking, is completed successfully. 自己计划的第一步,也是最冒险的几个步骤之一,成功完成。 Shen Jian looks that is completely spiritless as if stupor birds Refiner Master, lets both sides face-to-face. 沈健看着那个无知无觉仿佛昏迷的羽族炼器师,让双方面对面。 Then his hand pinches the law Secret Art, selects gently in own forehead. 然后他手捏法诀,轻轻点在自己眉心处。 forehead, has the talisman seal incantation to reappear, the light brilliance passes, quick spread Shen Jian whole body. 眉心处,有符印咒文浮现,淡淡光辉流转间,很快蔓延沈健全身。 Then, the brilliance projects that birds Refiner Master, covers the opposite party whole body. 接着,光辉投射那羽族炼器师,将对方全身笼罩。 Only flees in all directions after the long time, takes back on Shen Jian completely. 光流窜动半晌之后,全部收回沈健身上。 Finally under the brilliance change, the Shen Jian outward appearance changes once more. 最后光辉变化下,沈健的外观再次改变。 No longer was formerly tall Pang the Yellow Flame man image, his height slightly short a point, was thinner. 不再是先前高胖的炎黄男子形象,他身高略微矮了一点,也消瘦了一些。 The appearance facial features, the pupil color also starts to change. 面目五官,瞳孔颜色也都开始变化。 Especially behind him, the brilliance gathers, forms a pair of giant wing gradually. 尤其是在他背后,光辉聚拢,渐渐形成一对巨大的羽翼。 After the ray clears completely, Shen Jian turned into at present this birds Refiner Master appearance. 等光芒全部散尽后,沈健已经变成眼前这个羽族炼器师的模样。 He compares the mirror, carefully after observing oneself semblance, the slight nod, then shakes the head. 他对照镜子,仔细观察自己外表后,微微点头,然后又摇头。 The time press, he can only change the outward appearance appearance. 时间紧迫,他只能改变外观模样。 The opposite party has any custom, has any interpersonal relationship, he knows nothing. 对方有什么习惯,有什么人际关系,他都一无所知。 Bumps into the opposite party acquaintance, was seen through an affair very much easily. 碰上对方的熟人,很容易被拆穿。 But the current aspect, has to take a time danger, at least compares directly to spell to be better hardly. 但当前的局面,只好冒一次险,至少比直接硬拼来得要好。 Shen Jian has not killed this Refiner Master. 沈健没有杀死这个炼器师 Strikes to kill murderous aura and dead intent of opposite party, may arouse the shipboard birds great expert expert vigilance. 击杀对方的杀气和死意,有可能引起舰上羽族大能强者的警觉。 Confirmed that after the opposite party divine soul was suppressed a long time is unable to regain consciousness, Shen Jian is then going against that birds Refiner Master semblance, goes out of the cabin. 确认对方很长一段时间神魂都被镇压无法苏醒后,沈健便顶着那个羽族炼器师的外表,走出舱房。 He plunders the personal effects of opposite party cleanly, then arrives in the ship the long distance movement magic weapon unit place. 他把对方的随身物品都搜刮干净,然后来到舰内长距离移动法宝单元处。 Here, Shen Jian runs into other birds people. 在这里,沈健遇到其他羽族人。 What is lucky, these people pretend to be the birds Refiner Master that replaces with him, is not familiar. 万幸的是,这些人跟他冒充顶替的这个羽族炼器师,也不怎么熟悉。 Shen Jian rejoiced now, although this have not planned to take the intelligence report route, but after enlistment, the firing line attacks, has crammed ferociously a Feather Row language. 沈健现在非常庆幸,虽然自己本没打算走谍报路线,但在参军后,还是火线突击,恶补了一番羽行语言。 Therefore now is not familiar with him to pretend to be Feather Row cultivator of object with these at present in the same place, greeted simply, chats several, was insufficient to be seen through an affair. 所以现在跟眼前这些不熟悉他冒充对象的羽行修士在一起,简单打个招呼,闲谈几句,也不至于被人拆穿。 Since does not have the acquaintance at present, in line with too much talk leads to error principle, Shen Jian has played a very desolate role, as far as possible few exchanges with the surroundings. 既然眼前没熟人,本着言多必失的原则,沈健扮演了一个很冷淡的角色,尽可能少的跟周围交流。 In his surface calmly, but has been listening to the surrounding person to speak actually attentively, screens the gain to the useful information. 他面上若无其事,但其实一直在用心听周围人讲话,从中筛选获取对自己有用的信息。 Then, he is well organized, not anxiously unhurried in this huge Feather Row battleship interior movement. 然后,他四平八稳,不急不慌的在这艘巨大的羽行战舰内部移动 Before Qilin Yu Yu, attacked and sank Po sea, sets the foreshadowing for his today's motion, provided the convenience. 之前在麒麟界宇域,击沉破海号,也为他今天的行动埋下伏笔,提供方便。 Although after that had not seen Po sea again, but after Shen Jian enlists in the military, uses the information jurisdiction in oneself hand, after obtaining successfully Yellow Flame side dismantling analyzes Po sea the wreckage, many structure drawings that obtains. 虽然那之后再未见过破海号,但沈健参军后,利用自己手里的情报权限,成功得到炎黄一方拆解分析破海号残骸后,得到的许多结构图。 At present this Feather Row fifth generation great ship, with initial Po sea, was the same. 眼前这艘羽行第五世代巨舰,跟当初的破海号,乃是同一型。 The internal structure is basic, then has the difference quite to be also slight, does not hurt the essentials. 内部结构基本相同,便有差别也极为细微,无伤大雅。 This makes Shen Jian know, which routes oneself should through, go to the bridge of this battleship. 这让沈健知道,自己该通过哪些路线,前往这艘战舰的舰桥。 However, more approaches area the bridge, Shen Jian is vigilant. 不过,越靠近舰桥一带,沈健便越是警惕。 As battleship most core heavy, the defense of similar place, is strictest. 作为战舰最核心的重地,类似地方的防卫,也最为严密。 Admonishes the aspect, is defense capacity, far exceeds the ordinary specification. 不论是警戒方面,还是防卫力量,都远远超出平常规格。 Outside war again and again. 外面大战连连。 Time press. 时间紧迫。 But was at this time, living air/Qi that a Shen Jian instead calmer reason, more can sink. 但越是这种时候,沈健反而越冷静理智,越能沉的住气。 In this moment outside is void, the Feather Row fleet concentrated fire power, initiates toward the fleet of tree-fern 2 salol federation fiercely attacks. 此刻外界虚空里,羽行舰队正集中火力,朝沙罗联邦的舰队发起猛攻。 Under their attacks, the tree-fern 2 salol fleet casualties are getting more and more, somewhat cannot bring one's strength to bear gradually. 在他们的攻击下,沙罗舰队伤亡越来越多,渐渐有些吃不住劲。 Cannot count on that they go all out dead to fight for Yellow Flame. 不能指望他们为炎黄拼命死战到底。 But at this moment, in the Feather Row fleet, as that fifth generation great ship of mainstay, sways suddenly fiercely. 但就在这时,羽行舰队里,作为中流砥柱的那艘第五世代巨舰,突然剧烈摇晃一下。
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