MOSS :: Volume #4

#325: Who laughs last

Pagoda First Layer, a giant steel and iron fortress, is protecting Yan Donglei. 宝塔第一层,一座巨大的钢铁堡垒,守护着燕冬雷 Outside the steel and iron fortress, the snow feather flying sturgeon and other big monsters, lather. 钢铁堡垒外,雪羽飞鲟等几头大妖,都焦躁不安。 The steel and iron fortress has isolated the sincerity monster crag fragment peculiar taste, making these big monsters stabilize slightly, does not have is so crazy. 钢铁堡垒隔绝了血心妖岩碎片的特殊味道,让这些大妖略微安定,没那么疯狂。 Otherwise the big monsters of these many Golden Core Stage levels breakneck together the impact, although the Yan Donglei steel and iron fortress is firm, is not easy to resist. 否则这么多金丹期层次的大妖一起玩命冲击,燕冬雷的钢铁堡垒虽然坚固,也不易抵挡。 Especially he wants to stimulate to movement the defensive power of steel and iron fortress to achieve high, the power energy that needs to consume is extremely huge. 尤其是他想要催动钢铁堡垒的防御力达到最高,需要耗费的动力能源太过巨大。 The group monster no longer breaknecks to attack, makes Yan Donglei relax. 群妖不再玩命攻打,着实让燕冬雷松一口气。 But even if so, he now also meat pain. 但即便如此,他现在也肉痛不已。 Yan Donglei and group monster is detained pagoda First Layer together, both sides are quite both anxious, an audiences big monster moves restlessly restlessly, starts to keep thinking about Yan Donglei with the sincerity monster rock meal end that on him contaminates. 燕冬雷和群妖一起滞留宝塔第一层,双方都极为焦虑,一众大妖躁动不安,又开始惦记燕冬雷同他身上沾染的血心妖岩粉末。 One flock of evil livestock, sooner or later butchered you.” Yan Donglei vigilant outside crowd of monsters at the same time, the attention actually places in the hand on much a white jade fragment. “一群孽畜,迟早把你们都宰了。”燕冬雷警惕外边群妖的同时,更多注意力却放在手里一块白玉碎片上。 This fragment, falls from a giant disc likely. 这块碎片,像是从一个巨大圆盘上掉落。 Yan Donglei watches the white jade fragment, hesitates does not speak. 燕冬雷看着白玉碎片,沉吟不语。 Before his rebirth, but also when the Penglai Sea seabed life work, once knew that a person, learns the hearsay about East China Sea big ruins from opposite party there. 在他重生前,还在蓬莱海海底生活工作时,曾认识一个人,从对方那里得知一些关于东海大墟的传闻。 At that time everybody treated as legend story to listen. 当时大家都只是当作传说故事来听。 But in his rebirth after present Yan Donglei, an unexpected benefit of experiencing dangers, makes him discover, when some hearsay, are very possible. 但在他重生为如今的燕冬雷后,一次历险的意外收获,却让他发现,有些传闻,很可能时真的。 This usually the useless white jade fragment, after this time enters the East China Sea big ruins, on hand really some response, further confirmed that his judgment is correct. 手头这枚平时无用的白玉碎片,这次进入东海大墟后果然有了反应,进一步证实他的判断是正确的。 Although does not know that here is hiding anything, but this pagoda, has made Yan Donglei feel trip has not been made in vain merely at present. 虽然不知道这里到底藏着什么,但仅仅眼前这座宝塔,就已经让燕冬雷感到不虚此行。 What a pity his chess misses one move, their pit can only defend against a siege pagoda First Layer by Shen Jian, Luo Xihao and Su Meng. 可惜他棋差一招,被沈健罗西浩苏萌他们坑得只能困守宝塔一层 However Yan Donglei has not given up. 不过燕冬雷并未放弃。 He believes the white jade fragment in own hand, but can also play the major role. 他坚信自己手里的这块白玉碎片,还能发挥更大的作用。 You are now favorite, but paves the way for me.” “你们现在得意,不过都是为我铺路。” The good dish not to fear late, who can laugh last, who smiles well. 好菜不怕晚,谁能笑到最后,谁才笑得更好。 Sure enough, in Yan Donglei hand white jade fragment, suddenly flashing brilliance. 果不其然,燕冬雷手中白玉碎片,忽然闪动光辉。 Under his great happiness, will pour into from the movement technique strength, feels the white jade fragment has not had change, estimates truth ideal condition. 他大喜之下,将自身法力注入其中,感受白玉碎片从不曾有过的变化,揣摩其中道理意境。 Along with the time lapse, the white jade fragment in Yan Donglei, the superficial brilliance is getting more and more bright. 随着时间推移,燕冬雷手里的白玉碎片,表面光辉越来越明亮。 To afterward, the fragment on presented the fissure unexpectedly again, starts bit by bit to disrupt the powder powder. 到了后来,碎片上竟然再出现裂痕,开始一点一点碎裂成齑粉。 Yan Donglei is not only anxious, instead laughs. 燕冬雷不仅不急,反而哈哈大笑起来。 Through the fragment, he can feel that the entire pagoda as if there is single layer change. 通过碎片,他能感觉到,整个宝塔似乎又出现一重变化。 Pagoda First Layer that he and group monster defends against a siege, the space becomes unstable. 他和群妖困守的宝塔第一层,空间重新变得不稳定。 The space boundary blends fuzzily, decomposes into the single layer heavy independence, but the complexing overlapped space, each individual falls into alone. 空间边界模糊交融,重新分解为一重重独立但络合重叠的空间,每个个体单独身陷其中。 Bai Long, snow feather flying sturgeon and other big monsters so, Yan Donglei also so. 白龙、雪羽飞鲟等大妖如此,燕冬雷也如此。 Even, protected his steel and iron institution fortress, separates with him, falls into the different spaces. 甚至,本来保护他的钢铁机关堡垒,也跟他分离,落入不同的空间中。 Looks on the left hand little finger that ring also baseless to vanish unexpectedly, Yan Donglei heart faint drop blood. 看着左手小指上那个指环竟然也凭空消失,燕冬雷心头隐隐滴血。 But he pours can also take up to put down, shakes the head removes the distracting thoughts, the entire gods alert, attention at present. 但他倒也拿得起放得下,摇摇头将杂念排除,全神戒备,关注眼前。 That thorough broken becomes the white jade fragment of powder, changes into a dazzling white light, curls up Yan Donglei, then disregards at present the chaotic space, flies upwards upwardly. 那彻底碎成粉末的白玉碎片,化为一道耀眼白光,将燕冬雷卷起,然后无视眼前纷乱的空间,向上飞升。 But at the same time, Shen Jian and the others pagoda Second Layer, resembles to start to break up unexpectedly. 而与此同时,沈健等人所处的宝塔第二层,竟似开始崩解。 When Qu Wei and Su Meng two parents-in-law touch business hall that giant white jade disc, has inspired the white jade fragment on Yan Donglei. 曲伟苏萌两公婆触动大厅中央那巨大的白玉圆盘时,也引动了燕冬雷手上的白玉碎片。 But Yan Donglei in view of the movement of white jade fragment, feeds back to the white jade disc similarly. 燕冬雷针对白玉碎片的动作,同样反馈给白玉圆盘。 The white jade disc is related with the pagoda, under the dramatic turmoil, everybody pats two powder. 白玉圆盘同宝塔相关,剧烈动荡下,大家一拍两散。 Among the pagoda turbulence, First Layer seems to be connected with the Second Layer space and time, but also is in great confusion. 宝塔动荡间,第一层同第二层的时空仿佛相连,但同时也都乱成一团。 On the white jade plate gushes out one suddenly vigorously, Qu Wei and Su Meng two people call out in alarm one, simultaneously was shaken by the white jade plate flies. 白玉盘上突然涌出一股大力,曲伟苏萌二人惊呼一声,同时被白玉盘震飞。 Shen Jian and Luo Xihao rescue without enough time, then also space and time that because pagoda Second Layer collapses, but was flung the score to disperse. 沈健罗西浩来不及去救,便也都因为宝塔二层坍塌的时空,而被甩得分散开来。 Once more is also separate with Shen Jian including small Black Dragon. 连小黑龙也再次同沈健失散。 The Shen Jian look is calm, mind whereabouts in own right hand, communicate Paramita Divine Boat once more. 沈健神色冷静,心神再次着落在自己的右手,沟通彼岸神舟 Has the Paramita Divine Boat central spirit mind help to deduce, letting Shen Jian can find the way as soon as possible. 彼岸神舟中央灵脑帮助推演,让沈健可以尽快找到路径。 Pagoda First Layer folds the union with Second Layer at this moment, calling the difficulty that Paramita Divine Boat deduces also greatly to enhance, although still unceasingly provided the clue to give Shen Jian, but wants to carry out thoroughly, needs to compare with long time. 宝塔第一层同第二层此刻折叠联合,叫彼岸神舟推演的难度也大幅度提高,虽然仍不断提供线索给沈健,但想要彻底完成,需要较长时间。 Shen Jian does not become alarmed, static waiting, looks at present the pictures of some fuzzy distortions, consolidates, becomes clear real. 沈健并不着慌,静静等待,看着眼前有些模糊扭曲的景象,重新稳固下来,变得清晰真实。 He as if places in a channel. 他似乎身处一条通道中。 Shen Jian walks along the channel downward, a moment later, presents together the close front door at present. 沈健沿着通道向下走去,片刻之后,眼前出现一道封闭的大门。 In the gate appears mysterious rune, shining. 门上浮现玄奥的符纹,流光溢彩。 Depends on the direction that the right hand is transmitting, Shen Jian extends the left hand, outlined writing on the front door. 依着自己右手传递来的指引,沈健伸出左手,在大门上勾勒书写。 The non- moment time, the brilliance on front door, starts to diverge. 不片刻功夫,大门上的光彩,开始散去。 But the front door of that closure, spread the sad sound at this time, must be opened shortly. 而那关闭的大门,这时则传出沉闷的响声,眼看着要被打开。 However, along with the Shen Jian movement, the space also again changes at present. 不过,随着沈健的动作,眼前空间也再次又发生变化。 Shen Jian a flower, as if can see eight front doors also to open at present. 沈健眼前一花,仿佛能看见八座大门同时开启。 Then when the gate opens, he marches into, sees as if great universe to be void at present. 然后当门打开,他步入其中,就见眼前仿佛广阔无垠的宇宙虚空。 In dark void, on that eight pill furnaces, simultaneously shines the flame, forms a battle formation, surrounds and protects that incomplete piece of white jade plate in the center. 黑暗的虚空中,那八尊丹炉上,同时亮起火光,结成一个阵势,将那块残缺一片的白玉盘拱卫在中央。 Under pill furnace fire sparkling photo, the white jade plate appears the strange purple, is rotating slowly. 丹炉火光映照下,白玉盘浮现诡异的紫色,正在徐徐转动。 Shen Jian looks over a wide area to look in all directions, sees except for oneself behind entrance, in dark void really also opens wide another seven gateways. 沈健游目四顾,就见除了自己身后的门口,黑暗的虚空中果然还洞开另外七座门户。 From these gateways, emits Luo Xihao, Yan Donglei, Su Meng and Wang Xiaoyu's physique separately, the schoolmates of another two lower grades. 从那些门户中,分别冒出罗西浩燕冬雷苏萌、王晓宇的身姿,还有另外两个低年级的同学。 Except for this, that white dragon! 除此以外,还有那条白龙! Other people, including the white dragon, come here, on the face slightly somewhat is vacant. 其他的人,包括白龙,来到这里,脸上都略微有些茫然。 Only then Yan Donglei is not accidental, but he noticed that comes this place besides some oneself also these many people, the feeling is unexpected, and somewhat annoyed. 只有燕冬雷不意外,但他看到除了自己还有这么多人都来此地,就感觉出乎预料,而且有些恼火。 Has of white jade fragment to come in this place, this is very normal. 有白玉碎片的自己能进来此地,该很正常。 But Shen Jian and other did important goods child person, come? 可是沈健等一大帮子人,怎么也都来了? In the Shen Jian heart moves slightly, he with the aid of the Paramita Divine Boat deduction pagoda change, touched the pagoda, making the pagoda have some accidents. 沈健则心中微动,他借助彼岸神舟推演宝塔变化,触动了宝塔,令宝塔发生了些意外。 Eight pill furnaces, simultaneously turn on eight gateways, selected randomly has placed the different space level eight individuals, received and instructed here together. 八尊丹炉,同时开启八座门户,随机选取了身处不同空间层面的八个个体,一起接引来了这里。 The people vision falls on the purple light white jade plate of rotation, sees the purple light gradually congealment on white jade plate is precious pearl. 众人目光都落在转动的紫光白玉盘上,就见白玉盘上的紫光渐渐凝结为一枚宝珠。 Although also unclearly principle, but on the scene is the experienced people, sees that is this place key. 虽然还不明其中原理,但在场都是见多识广的人,一眼看出那是此地关键。 Everybody you have a look at me, I have a look at you, immediately on the Japanese beautyberry toward white jade plate flushes away together! 大家你看看我,我看看你,当即一起朝白玉盘上的紫珠冲去!
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