MOSS :: Volume #3

#235: Twin same life

Pang Hai moral nature continues to resound the voice of that female: Snort, womanishly fussy, feared that this fears that the temper of this hesitanting when a decision needed, sooner or later draws on the disaster, your we twin same life, I do not want to be harmed now together by you die.” 庞海心底继续响起那个女子的声音:“哼,婆婆妈妈,怕这怕那,你这种当断不断的性子,迟早招来祸害,你我们现在双生同命,我可不想被你害得一起死。” „Do you also provoke him?” Pang Hai helpless saying: I soon deceived, you were bent on having me to raise the bangle that in the snowy mountain obtained, if he really to too beginning Chikin was interested, that what to do?” “那你还招惹他?”庞海无奈的说道:“我都快要糊弄过去了,你偏要我提雪山里得到的手镯,他如果真的对太初奇金感兴趣,那怎么办?” Wants him to be interested, you possibly persuaded him, returned to a scarlet original snowy mountain with him together again, good to look for the thing that we wanted.” Female snort|hum: Has waited by the snowy mountain, is desolate and uninhabited, even if to him discovered really our secrets, want to kill him also to be much easier......” “正是要他感兴趣,你才可能说动他,跟他一起再回一趟赤原雪山,好去找我们想要的东西。”那女子哼了一声:“等到了雪山里,荒无人烟,就算真给他发现我们的秘密,想干掉他也容易得多……” Stops, stops!” Pang Hai said hastily: I trouble you to leave am always thinking kills others.” “打住,打住!”庞海连忙说道:“我麻烦您老别总想着干掉别人。” Female cold snort|hum: Womanly compassion.” 女子冷哼一声:“妇人之仁。” Pang Hai: ............ 庞海:“…………” Moon-face youth of not knowing whether to laugh or cry, hastily transformation topic: We just entered scarlet original snowy mountain couple days ago, may return empty-handed finally, can the place that you must find, actually not there?” 哭笑不得的圆脸少年,连忙转换话题:“我们前几天才刚刚又进赤原雪山一回,可最终还是空手而归,你要找的地方,会不会其实不在那里?” Should unable to have the mistake in scarlet original snowy mountain.” The females hesitate were saying: Could not find, explained that we have not looked to the place, the need about one step enter the snowy mountain deep place.” “应该就在赤原雪山不会有错。”女子沉吟着说道:“找不到,说明我们还是没找对地方,需要更近一步进入雪山深处。” She said to Pang Hai: „ You must come to this Heavenly Sea Daoist temple to go to school, I also agree with you to take risk, is hopes that can draw support the strength of master, brings your more thorough snowy mountain. 她冲庞海说道:“你要来这个天海道院上学,我也同意你冒险,就是希望能借助其中高手之力,带你更深入雪山。 Since you said that a moment ago that Shen Jian, is very popular in this Daoist temple, you are might as well many with his human relations, persuaded him to find the person, leading you to return to the scarlet original snowy mountain together. 你既然说刚才那个沈健,在这个道院很吃得开,那你不妨多跟他交际,说动他找人,带你一起重返赤原雪山。 We must make the best use of the time to continue to look, otherwise may give others to act swiftly to get there first. ” 我们要抓紧时间继续找,否则有可能给别人捷足先登。” Is Heavenly Sea University, is not the Heavenly Sea Daoist temple......” Pang Hai is worn out, does not know that several hundred time corrects the opposite party. “是天海大学,不是天海道院……”庞海有气无力,不知道第几百次纠正对方。 The females do not care at all: Same thing, ...... Good, is a little different, the Daoist temple teaching of your this time are public.” 女子满不在乎:“都一样的东西,唔……好吧,也有点不同,你们这个时代的道院教学更公开一些。” Pang Hai lowers the head has a look at itself 1405 rooms of floors. 庞海低头看看自己所住的1405室地板。 Downstairs are the 1305 room that Shen Jian rents. 楼下就是沈健租住的1305室。 He smiles bitterly: „The eye of this Shen Jian senior brother was too poisonous, I felt a moment ago he endured to break our details, where dew but I really could not think through the flaw, I had not seen him before, how did he walk in?” 他苦笑:“这位沈健学长的眼睛太毒了,我刚才都感觉他已经堪破咱们的底细了,可我实在想不通哪里露了破绽,我之前根本就没见过他啊,他怎么就找上门来了?” To keep own secret, he clenches the teeth the pushing purse, in extracurricular rents place to live specially. 就是为了保守自己的秘密,他才咬紧牙关挤荷包,专门在校外租地方自己住。 Does not want to frighten itself.” The females said: This comes with you, magic weapon magic tool that your here examinations spy on is so crowded is all right, how his Foundation Establishment Stage can cultivator look through? In addition on his arm that dragon is not good.” “不要自己吓自己。”女子言道:“这一路跟你过来,你们这里各种检验窥探的法宝法器那么密集都没事,他一个筑基期修士如何能看破?加上他手臂上那条龙也不行。” Pang Hai heave deep sighs: Such person, hides without enough time, I do not want to collect, you want to take risk I not to think that we grasshopper on a rope, had an accident I to be implicated dead by you now.” 庞海唉声叹气:“这样的人,躲都来不及,我真不想凑上去,你想冒险我不想,咱俩现在一条绳上的蚂蚱,出了事我会被你拖累死的。” From here advantage time, you did not say that was implicated by me?” The females sneer. “从我这里得好处的时候,你不说被我拖累?”女子冷笑。 Pang Hai ill-humored saying: You truly help me step up the martial arts level, but you do not excel at this actually, magic technique that you excel, I do not want to study.” 庞海没好气的说道:“你确实帮助我提升武道水平,但你其实也不擅长这个,你擅长的法术,我不想学。” You have studied.” The females said lightly: No matter study anything, first you want to be formidable, you are formidable enough, you want to study other thing to be easier more convenient.” “你已经学了。”女子淡淡说道:“不管学什么,首先你要强大起来,你够强大,你想学别的东西就更容易更方便。” Pang Hai did not speak. 庞海不吭声。 The female voice transfers slightly gently: Found the thing that I want in the scarlet original snowy mountain as soon as possible, we then have the opportunity to separate from each other, this is good to me to you.” 女子声音稍微转柔和一点:“尽快在赤原雪山里找到我想要的东西,我们便有机会分道扬镳,这对你对我都好。” When the time comes perhaps you first kill me to eliminate a potential informant.” Pang Hai whispered was saying. “到时候说不定你先杀我灭口。”庞海嘀咕着说道。 Has the opportunity separation, does respectively various, you cannot affect me, your fine powder magical skill, I am disinclined to pay attention.” Saying that the females do not care about: I have many matters to be dry, have no free time to call you, if I want to be disadvantageous to you, why must to get rid personally? So long as told the common people, you were my cassock and almsbowl successor, this way of the world naturally could not accommodate you.” “有机会分离,各干各的,你就影响不到我,你那一点微末道行,我懒得理会。”女子不在意的说道:“我有很多事要干,没空招呼你,而且如果我真想对你不利,何须亲自出手?只要告诉世人,你是我的衣钵传人,这世道自然容不下你。” Pang Haiwen said said: No, your Sir has massive, when the time comes do not worry about my such small role, my this unfilial disciple, but also invited you by my finishing an apprenticeship gate.” 庞海闻言说道:“别,您老人家大人有大量,到时候千万别记挂我这么个小角色,我这种不肖弟子,还请您逐我出师门。” The females smile suddenly: Said, if you are willing to enter my front gate wall to study hard with concentration, perhaps is really a good seedling.” 女子突然笑起来:“说起来,你要是愿意入我门墙潜心用功,或许真是个不错的苗子。” I honestly practice my military.” Pang Hai curls the lip: I was worried that has not waited for us to go to the scarlet original snowy mountain, was discovered your existence by that Shen Jian senior brother.” “我还是老老实实练我的武。”庞海撇撇嘴:“我就担心,还没等我们去赤原雪山,就被那位沈健学长发现你的存在了。” The females are confident: „ Might as well, even if were discovered my existence, so long as you do not reveal my details, is all right. 女子胸有成竹:“无妨,就算真被人发现我的存在,只要你不泄露我的底细,就没事。 As for that kid , he since to too beginning Chikin has asked that that before he has the harvest, even if he knew anything, also will not expose easily. 至于那个小家伙,他既然对太初奇金有所求,那么在他有收获以前,他即使真知道了什么,也不会轻易点破。 Waits to return to the snowy mountain, hehe...... ” 等回到雪山里,呵呵……” Stops, I know that you want to say anything.” But Pang Hai breaks the opposite party: We help others do well quite well.” “停,我知道你想说什么。”庞海无奈打断对方:“咱们还是与人为善比较好。” He sits on the ground, looks at the room, heave deep sighs. 他一屁股坐在地上,看着房间,唉声叹气 ............ ………… Shen Jian had Pang Haijia, has not stayed, goes downstairs, returns to the 1305 room that oneself live. 沈健出了庞海家,没有停留,自顾自下楼,回到自己住的1305室。 The station at home, catches the eye to look at roof ceiling, he smiles suddenly. 站在家里,抬眼望了望房顶天花板,他突然笑起来。 One are because the secret on practice, therefore specially in extracurricular finds the place to live. 自己是因为修炼上的隐秘,所以才特意在校外找地方住。 Pang Hai in building, it seems like it is no exception. 楼上的庞海,看来也不例外。 This person can alone move under the dangerous situation of scarlet original snowy mountain, can determine that is not the pure luck goes against heaven's will, but has other to help specially. 此人能在赤原雪山的险境下独自活动,可以确定绝不是单纯的运气逆天,而是有其他特殊帮助。 The people have the secret to have the privacy, this point Shen Jian nature is clear. 人都有秘密有隐私,这一点沈健自然清楚。 Those who let him care, the Pang Hai small secret, as if somewhat relates with oneself. 让他在意的是,庞海的小秘密,似乎同自己有些关系。 Sword ghost? 剑煞吗? Although does not divide the sword ghost of day guest, but possibly is the sword ghosts of other people. 虽然不是分天客的剑煞,但可能是其他人的剑煞。 Therefore, is this boat-fruited sterculia schoolmate, actually a grave robber? 所以,这位胖大海同学,其实是个盗墓贼? Therefore abstained from very much others know his details. 因此很忌讳别人知道他底细。 The modern cultivation path civilized society, to robbing a grave to explicitly ban. 现代修道文明社会,对盗墓明令禁止。 Does not shake the head to......” Shen Jian slowly. “不对……”沈健徐徐摇头。 Although is widely separated by the void distance to be too long, although Paramita Divine Boat spirit mind has the damage, but its precision is very high. 虽然远隔虚空距离太长,虽然彼岸神舟灵脑有损伤,但其精确度很高。 If only because the sword ghost that after Shen Jian and Pang Hai have the big sword cultivates, becomes similarly, should not make the spirit mind judgment of Paramita Divine Boat produce hesitates. 如果只是因为沈健和庞海同样身怀大剑修死后所成的剑煞,不应该让彼岸神舟灵脑判断产生迟疑。 Between both sides, should have close the similarity. 双方之间,应该有更接近更相似的地方。 Contains in the respective that sword ghost. 包含在各自那一点剑煞里。 Shen Jian thought communication right hand token talisman seal, the mind communicates the key control room of battleship bridge, issues the instruction, requesting the divine boat spirit mind accent to take formerly operation record, made further more thorough decision analysis. 沈健意念沟通右手令牌符印,心神重新沟通战舰舰桥的核心控制室,下达指令,要求神舟灵脑调取先前的运转记录,做更进一步更深入的判定分析。 „It is not the pure malignant influences, but is...... Perhaps calls the live ghost, is more appropriate?” “不是单纯的煞气,而是……或许称之为活煞,更合适?” After the moment, Shen Jian opens eyes, in the heart have several gradually. 片刻后,沈健重新睁开眼,心中渐渐有数。 The sword ghost of own within the body changes the doing work ghost , because at that time in Shushan land features, that nether world Nascent Soul old ancestor, the intention returns to the law of summoning by the nether world, refine divides the day guest is the living corpse puppet, therefore made the sword ghost have some changes. 自己体内的剑煞变作活煞,是因为当时蜀山地脉里,那个幽冥道的元婴老祖,意图以幽冥返召之法,炼化分天客为活死人傀儡,所以令剑煞有些许改变。 Although the nether world returns to summon to be defeated finally, but the sword ghost has changed the trace still preserved. 虽然幽冥返召最终失败,但剑煞改变过的痕迹仍然留存。 Sword ghost that if Pang Hai has is the same with him, that explained that the opposite party contacts the sword ghost at the same time, had the relations with the nether world say|way? 如果庞海身怀的剑煞和他一样,那岂不是说明,对方接触剑煞的同时,也跟幽冥道有了关系?
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