MKA :: Volume #12

#1183: Raina? Attempts beautiful!

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The words of young boy made Jesse as if think of anything, the last violence brought, only then the violence made the ending to make the young boy leave. 小男孩的话让杰西似乎想到了什么,最后一句暴力带来的只有暴力做结尾让小男孩离开了。 Seeming like this is only one does not seem willing to see that mother was bullied by the father, only means that oneself the helpless young boy can think, moreover...... was unable to solve. 看起来这似乎只是一个不愿意看到母亲被父亲欺负,自己又无能为力的小男孩能想到的唯一办法,而且……还无法解决。 Dear, I want to go in the town/subdues to buy a thing with Emily!” “亲爱的,我想跟艾米丽去镇上买点东西!” After the picnic ended quickly, Laura asked toward Su Zhan. 等到野餐快结束之后,劳拉朝着苏战问道。 Sure, goes!” The time of although contacting is not long, but Laura's relations with the Emily is very obviously good. Su Zhan is also glad to see that Laura had the new friend quickly, besides towerman one group of people, Laura also really has no friend, particularly bosom friend! “当然可以,去吧!”虽然接触的时间不长,但显然劳拉跟艾米丽的关系很好。苏战也乐意见到劳拉这么快就有了新朋友,除了守望者一拨人,劳拉还真没什么朋友,尤其是闺蜜 Laura after Emily leaves, Su Zhan also prepares everywhere to stroll, idles in any case the safe/without matter! 劳拉跟艾米丽离开后,苏战也准备四处逛逛,反正闲来无事嘛! Along the road, Su Zhan discovered that actually overseas is also similar to the domestic situation, is actually similar to the rural area like this small town, by the road is the corn places, green and glossy to is looks good. Walks simply not to have how much vehicles to pass through, not to mention is the expensive car race car and so on. 沿着公路,苏战发现其实国外跟国内的情况也差不多,像这种小镇其实就跟农村差不多,公路两旁都是苞米地,绿油油的到是蛮好看的。一路走来根本没有多少车辆经过,更别提是豪车跑车之类的。 Bang!” “砰!” A gunshot transmits suddenly, appears on this silent road very clear. Su Zhan turns the head to look, sees a car(riage) speed to be quick, eastern western Niu is crooked. Carefully looked, in the glass also has the bloodstain, the driver was crooked the head to hang obviously. On the back seat has two people as if to fight! 陡然一声枪响传来,在这寂静的公路上显得非常的清晰。苏战转头看去,就见一辆车速度很快,东纽西歪的。仔细看,车窗上还有血迹,司机歪着脑袋显然是挂了。后座上有两个人似乎在打架! Well? Unexpectedly is a woman?” “咦?竟然还是个女人?” The vehicle is approaching a Su Zhan's time shallowturn to advance nearby corn place suddenly directly, the glance, Su Zhan saw one unexpectedly is a woman . Moreover the appearance outline somewhat looks familiar. 车子在靠近苏战的时候陡然一个大转弯直接开进了旁边的苞米地,惊鸿一瞥,苏战见到其中一个竟然是女人,而且模样轮廓有些眼熟。 Sees the person who Su Zhan looks familiar in instance dungeon, 100% has the relations with the plot! 副本里见到苏战眼熟的人,百分之百的都是跟剧情有关系的! Seeming like this woman is not ordinary! 看起来这个女人不一般啊! Looks has battered to advance the corn place, and vehicle that gradually vanishes, Su Zhan with the past. 看着已经横冲直撞开进苞米地,并且逐渐消失的车子,苏战跟了过去。 The vehicle has opened the corn place, finally crashed in nearby rural area, after knocking the railing of rural area, stopped. 车子一直开过苞米地,最后冲进了附近的农村,撞翻了农村的围栏后停了下来。 plop, a man from the car(riage) later, tumbles. The women are following close on, a foot stepped on directly between the two legs of man, the man a pitiful yell, the woman raised hand to pound, the man fainted directly face up. 噗通一声,一个男人从车里下来,连滚带爬。女人紧跟着下来,一脚直接踩在了男人的两腿之间,男人呜嗷一声惨叫,女人扬手砸了下去,男人直接仰面晕死了过去。 At this time saw, the mouth stopper of man a corn club, seemed like across the time woman of corn place picks unexpectedly conveniently! 这时候才看见,男人的嘴里竟然塞了一个苞米棒子,看起来是穿过苞米地的时候女人顺手摘的! Gives back to me my map!” “把我的地图还给我!” The women bend the waist, in the body of man pulled out a paper to hold in the oneself pants pocket then to stand. 女人弯腰在男人的身上掏出一张纸揣进了自己的裤子兜里然后站了起来。 The crack jeans, the black leather jacket, is adding on very short small tube top, seeming like very also is very very sexy. 破洞的牛仔裤,黑色皮夹克,在加上很短的小抹胸,看起来很酷又很性感。 „It was good!” “太棒了!” While the woman prepares to inspect the situation of vehicle time, a voice of little girl made a sound suddenly. The women turn the head to look, a little girl young boy, is seemingly young. 正当女人准备检查车子的情况的时候,一个小女孩的声音突然响了起来。女人转头一看,一个小女孩一个小男孩,看起来年纪都不大。 The women said a hello with a smile, is pointing at ground that humanity: Hello, is such...... he is a very bad very bad person. Your guardians in?” 女人笑着打了一声招呼,指着地上那个人道:“你们好啊,是这样的……他是个很坏很坏的人。呃,你们家长在吗?” The little girls to do not see startled. Our mothers died, the father went to work. But I am ten years old, I decided!” 小女孩到是不见惊慌。“我们的妈妈死了,爸爸去上班了。但我十岁了,我说了算!” I looked.” The women are nodding. “我看出来了。”女人点着头。 The man telephone of made a sound in this time ground is lying down, the woman looked at a knitting the brows head. Telephone above localization here position, should some quick people pursue. Thinks of here, the woman takes off the jacket backhandedly, arrives at the trunk to open as if prepares to change the clothes. 就在这个时候地上躺着的男人身边的电话响了,女人看了一眼皱了皱眉头。电话上面定位了这里的位置,应该很快就会有人追上来。想到这里,女人反手脱掉夹克,走到后备箱打开似乎准备换衣服。 You cannot drive to batter like this destruction thing, but also the murder......” ten -year-old little girl says. “你不能这样开着车横冲直撞破坏东西,还杀人……”十岁的小女孩开口说道。 The women smile to say anything, actually stopped suddenly, then said to that two children: I was somewhat thirsty, can you help me meet a cup of water?” 女人笑笑想要说什么,却忽然停顿了一下,然后对那两个孩子说道:“我有些渴了,你们能帮我接杯水吗?” Good!” “好吧!” Little girl nod brought younger brother to turn around. 小女孩点点头带着弟弟转身进去了。 They just walked, the woman complexion changes, just like the fierce leopard to throw toward side! 他们刚一走,女人脸色一变,犹如凶猛豹子朝着旁边扑了过去! Unexpectedly!” “竟然还有一个!” The voice falls, front the woman has rushed to one to fight with the fists. 话音落下,女人已经冲到面前一拳打了过去。 Her goal, is with Su Zhan! 她的目标,正是跟过来的苏战 I am not......” Su Zhan want to explain one, meaning that but the woman obviously do not listen. Helpless shaking the head, Su Zhan takes advantage of opportunity to hold her wrist/skill direct one to turn around, carried directly her arm behind. Women slightly one startled, another hand turned the past to behind, finally was also held to take advantage of opportunity to buckle behind. “我不是……”苏战本想解释一句,但女人显然没有要听的意思。无奈的摇摇头,苏战顺势抓住她的手腕直接一个转身,直接将她的胳膊背到了后面。女人微微一惊,另一只手向后面轮了过去,结果也被抓住顺势扣到了后面。 Raina, I with him am not one group.” Su Zhan is pressing her both arms, saying of explanation. 蕾娜,我跟他不是一伙的。”苏战按着她的双臂,解释的说道。 The women gawked evil ways: Who is Raina?” 女人愣了一下道:“蕾娜是谁?” „, With your long very like the person , I will let loose you, but you left were beginning, I with him was not one group, was well-meant to you, if must begin, you were not my opponent!” Su Zhan said probe let loose her. “呃,一个跟你长的很像的人,这样,我会放开你,但你别在动手了,我跟他不是一伙的,对你没有恶意,而且如果要动手的话,你也不是我的对手!”苏战说完试探的放开了她。 She to has not begun, but vigilant looks at Su Zhan. 她到是没有动手,只是警惕的看着苏战 Su Zhan is also visiting her. Under was desperate a moment ago, Su Zhan blurted out that shouted Raina. Because she in Raina long exactly the same of Inhumans with Marvel World! Just entered Marvel World time, Su Zhan also planned to subdue Raina, but the matter of mistake arising out of chance circumstances were too afterward many, is adding on the woman gradually to increase, has not paid attention regarding Raina. 苏战也在看着她。刚才情急之下,苏战脱口而出喊了一声蕾娜。因为她跟漫威世界异人族蕾娜长的一模一样!刚进漫威世界的时候,苏战还打算收服蕾娜,不过后来阴差阳错的事情太多,在加上女人逐渐增多,对于蕾娜也就没怎么关注了。 Has not thought that here will see her. 没想到在这里会看到她。 Naturally, she definitely is not Raina. 当然,她肯定不是蕾娜 She adds on Jesse again, good, two Marvel World people ran up to DC World, moreover seems like the character status completely to be different, even is clearly opposite. 她再加上杰西,好吧,两个漫威世界的人跑到了DC世界,而且看起来性格身份都完全不同,甚至截然相反。 Jesse in Marvel World, but the Iron Man father, the famous rich and powerful people, however in this world are actually poor B. But Raina in Marvel World is to play the intelligence quotient, plays the method, present she favors obviously beginning! However, does she want to be whiter than Marvel World Raina probably? 杰西漫威世界里可是钢铁侠的老爹啊,有名的富豪,但是在这个世界里却是个穷B。而蕾娜漫威世界里是玩智商,玩手段的,眼前的她显然更倾向于动手!不过,她好像比漫威世界蕾娜要白一些? „It seems like your situation to be not quite good, I called Su Zhan, temporarily lived in the church in small town, did you name?” Su Zhan asked with a smile. “看起来你的处境不太好,我叫苏战,暂时住在小镇的教堂里,你叫什么名字?”苏战笑着问道。 „Do you live in the church?” The women closely examined one, looked that like this she also knows Jesse obviously, because her alert was obviously lax. You can call me to attempt beautiful.” “你住在教堂?”女人追问了一句,看这样子她显然也认识杰西,因为她的戒备明显松懈了下来。“你可以叫我图丽普。” If you do not want to annoy to trouble, best leave immediately!” “如果你不想惹上麻烦的话,最好还是马上离开!” I have not looked the beautiful woman meets the custom of troublesome standing by, what therefore...... perhaps I can help make?” Su Zhan said with a smile. “我可没有看着美女遇到麻烦而袖手旁观的习惯,所以……或许我能帮做些什么?”苏战笑着说道。
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