MKA :: Volume #12

#1184: Has female schoolmate of story

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Attempted beautiful to look at Su Zhan to shake the head has not spoken, seemed like looks down upon the Su Zhan's physique evidently. Then, at first sight Su Zhan truly not like powerful and brave appearance. Regarding attempting beautiful suspicion Su Zhan curled the lip has not said anything, followed close on was seeing that attempted beautiful to open the trunk to wear a shirt, then moved toward the room. 图丽普看了看苏战摇摇头没说话,看样子似乎是瞧不起苏战的身板。说起来,乍一看苏战确实不像孔武有力的样子。对于图丽普的怀疑苏战只是撇撇嘴没说什么,紧跟着就见到图丽普打开后备箱穿了一件衬衫,然后走向了屋子。 Two child courage are quite big, just met the water to prepare to come out to see that attempted beautiful to walk, gave her , after the water said: „Is he your boyfriend? Is helps your?” 两个小孩子胆子比较大,刚刚接完水正准备出来就见到图丽普走了进去,把水递给她后说道:“他是你男朋友吗?是来帮你的?” Of course not!” Attempts beautiful general Yaotou to deny, then said: Ok, who liked making the handicraft?” “当然不是!”图丽普摇头否认,而后道:“好了,谁喜欢做手工艺?” Nearby young boy raises hand suddenly! 旁边的小男孩陡然举手! Then attempts beautiful also really to make Su Zhan somewhat hold in high esteem. 接下来图丽普还真让苏战有些刮目相看。 The iron pot, the white liquor, is adding on some model toys, attempts beautiful to take care of two children really to sit unexpectedly begins the craft. 铁罐,白酒,在加上一些模型玩具,图丽普带着两个小孩竟然真的坐上了手工艺。 First did not say that this matter does pull, solely is the present situation attempts beautiful to be unexpectedly unhurriedly is not very ordinary. She just killed people now, but also was chased down, then actually makes the handicraft in the strange room with two strange children, but also is merry...... 先不说这件事扯不扯,单单是现在的处境图丽普竟然不慌不忙就很不一般了。她现在刚刚杀了人,还在被人追杀,然后却在陌生的房间里跟两个陌生的小孩子做手工艺,还有说有笑…… Obviously, attempting beautiful is also female schoolmate that has the story! 显而易见,图丽普也是个有故事的女同学啊! The time passes slowly, outside is somewhat dim. 时间慢慢流逝,外面已经有些昏暗了。 At this time attempted beautiful to lead two children to complete the handicraft. 这个时候图丽普带着两个小朋友已经完成了手工艺。 A Rocket artillery? 一个火箭炮? Good, seem very really inexpensive, is playing of each family should completely. However is very obvious, attempts beautiful to prepare with this thing to cope with the pursuing troops? 好吧,看起来真的很廉价,完全就是过家家的玩应。但是很显然,图丽普是准备用这玩意对付追兵? Ok, then we played the game that played hide-and-seek, when you outside blew the hurricane, when the sound stopped, when came out again.” Attempts beautiful to lead them to come in the cave to family/home, after letting they go, say in the entrance. “好了,接下来咱们玩捉迷藏的游戏,你们就当外面刮飓风,什么时候声音停下来,什么时候再出来。”图丽普带着他们来到家里的地窖,让他们进去后在门口说道。 Two children to are clever obedient. 两个小朋友到是乖巧听话。 „Can you go in?” Attempts beautiful to ask toward Su Zhan. “你要不要进去?”图丽普朝着苏战问道。 Su Zhan instantaneous heavy line. 苏战瞬间一头黑线。 I want to stay behind, to be honest...... I, want dead difficultly!” Su Zhan said with a smile. “那我更想留下了,说实话……我这个人,想死都难!”苏战笑道。 Good, your oneself looks, has an accident do not blame me!” “好吧,那你自己照顾好,出了什么事可别怪我!” Attempted beautiful saying that closed the cave door. 图丽普说完,将地窖的门关上了。 At this time, a wēng wēng wēng thundering sound, a helicopter opened from the distant place. 就在这个时候,一阵嗡嗡嗡的轰鸣声响了起来,一辆直升飞机从远处开了过来。 What you made, even did the helicopter send out unexpectedly?” Su Zhan curious asking. “你这是做了什么啊,竟然连直升飞机都出动了?”苏战好奇的问道。 Attempts beautiful not to speak, but lifted up the Rocket artillery of handicraft. 图丽普没有说话,只是扛起了手工艺的火箭炮。 Bang! 轰! This seems each family's same thing might is very unexpectedly big, rumbled the helicopter unexpectedly directly. Looked Su Zhan somewhat is surprised, was this mother cheats? Helicopter crash, on a face of person was protected a model toy of face! 这个好像过家家一样的玩意竟然威力还挺大的,竟然直接将直升机轰了下来。看的苏战都有些惊讶,这尼玛是开挂了吧?直升机坠毁,其中一个人的脸上被护了一脸的模型玩具! Do not look that this model has no lethality, however the impulse of explosion is not cracks a joke, he has obviously hung. 别看这模型没什么杀伤力,但是爆炸的冲击力也不是开玩笑的,明显他已经挂了。 Was killed by the model toy! 被模型玩具杀了! Attempts beautiful to arrive in front of another person, that person is also injured obviously, saw to attempt beautiful to put out the spear/gun from him. 图丽普走到另一个人面前,那人显然也受了伤,就见图丽普从他身上拿出了枪。 No, does not want......” that person quickly to beg for mercy, what a pity...... the sound of gunfire is following. “不,不要……”那人急忙求饶,可惜……枪声却随之而来。 pēng pēng! 砰砰 Two gunshots, that person hung directly. 两声枪响,那人直接挂了。 I can guarantee, your issuing a warrant for arrest are many.” Su Zhan said with a smile. “我敢保证,你身上的通缉不少。”苏战笑着说道。 Therefore I should kill you to eliminate a potential informant, so as to avoid exposed?” Attempts beautiful said that takes the spear/gun to sway to Su Zhan intentionally. However is quick she to discover that Su Zhan and has no flustered appearance, that calm was not installs absolutely, but was he had confidence that oneself will not have the matter! “所以我是应该杀你灭口,免得暴露了?”图丽普一面说,一面故意拿着枪对着苏战晃来晃去。但是很快她就发现苏战并没有任何慌张的样子,那种淡定绝对不是装出来了,而是他有把握自己不会有事! This makes beautiful senseless curling the lip say: Does not have the meaning, I walked!” 这让图丽普无趣的撇撇嘴道:“没意思,我走了!” Then, attempted beautiful to board to leave directly. 说完,图丽普直接上了车走人了。 Su Zhan smiles, looked at a cave, it is estimated that two little fellows were also about to come out, after their fathers came back, should the warning solution? Su Zhan direct teleport vanished. 苏战笑笑,看了一眼地窖,估计那两个小家伙也快出来了,等他们的父亲回来后应该会报警解决吧?苏战直接瞬移消失了。 Attempting beautiful, since is the plot character, knows Jesse, will definitely also appear, therefore he does not worry with coming up. teleport returns to nearby the church, Su Zhan leisure walks, at this time...... it thorough is black. 图丽普既然是剧情人物,又认识杰西,肯定还会出现的,所以他也不着急跟上去。瞬移回到教堂附近,苏战才慢悠悠的走回去,这个时候……天已经彻底黑了。 Laura also just came back shortly, sees Su Zhan to come back, naturally must have shows the spoils of war of oneself shopping, unknowingly, a day passed by like this. 劳拉也是刚刚回来没多久,见到苏战回来,自然少不了展现一下自己购物的战利品,不知不觉,一天就这样过去了。 Except for Sunday, usually the church simply does not have many people to come. 除了礼拜日,平时教堂根本没有多少人来。 Jesse prepares in the time period, idled safe/without matter Su Zhan to chat an available vehicle with the work, after by time period, Laura looked for Emily, Su Zhan sits on the Jesse vehicle. 杰西准备去阵子上,闲来无事苏战跟劳拉搭了个便车,到了阵子上后,劳拉去找艾米丽,苏战则坐在杰西的车上。 What do you in hesitate?” Su Zhan opens the mouth to ask. “你在犹豫什么?”苏战开口问道。 This, Jesse as if is hesitating anything. 这一路,杰西似乎就在犹豫着什么。 Jesse hesitated the moment, said the matter of young boy. The parking place is a company, mother of young boy goes to work here. He wants to see, asks her, her husband really maltreats her, needs oneself to provide anything to help and so on. 杰西迟疑了片刻,说了小男孩的事情。停车的地方是一个公司,小男孩的母亲就在这里上班。他想要去见见,问问她,她的丈夫是不是真的虐待她,需不需要自己提供什么帮助之类的。 As a missionary, must spread the God's gospel, certainly wants driving help others. 作为一个传教士,要传播上帝的福音,肯定要主动的帮助他人。 Coming out that can look from the hesitation of Jesse, he wants to complete missionary status, otherwise he does not need to pay attention. 杰西的犹豫就能看的出来,他还是很想做好好传教士这个身份的,否则的话他根本不需要理会。 hesitates for a long time, Jesse decided has a look. 犹豫了半天,杰西还是决定去看看。 I accompany you to go together, I am also all right in any case.” Su Zhan along with tastes. “我陪你一起去吧,反正我也没事。”苏战随口道。 Jesse nods. 杰西点了点头。 Two people entered the company, soon found mother of young boy before some desk. 两人进了公司,很快在某个办公桌前找到了小男孩的母亲。 After sitting down, introduced simply, Jesse chatted. Donnie how?” 坐下之后,简单的介绍了一下,杰西闲聊了起来。“唐尼怎么样?” Donnie is very good.” Donnie is the father of young boy, is her husband. 唐尼很好。”唐尼就是小男孩的父亲,也就是她的丈夫。 That is good, my meaning is......, if situation incorrect words, you can look my? For example, does he bully you?” After chats exchanged greetings, Jesse probe talked about the topic. “那就好,我的意思是……如果情况不对的话,你会来找我的吧?比如说,他欺负你?”闲聊寒暄过后,杰西试探的聊起了话题。 Donnie wife hesitant, said in a low voice: He...... has been bullying me.” 唐尼的妻子犹豫了一下,低声说道:“他……一直都在欺负我。” It seems like has not thought that easily acknowledged that Jesse searched the body to say to the throat: How does he bully you?” 似乎是没想到这么轻易就承认了,杰西向前探了探身子道:“他怎么欺负你?” Donnie some wife difficult appearances. He hits me.” 唐尼的妻子有些难以启齿的样子。“他打我。” Good.” “好吧。” He...... bites me, he uses the fist to hit me, but also hits me with the rope skipping. Yesterday, after he got off work, he also burnt me with the teapot.” The Donnie wife look somewhat is lax saying in a low voice. “他……咬我,他用拳头打我,还用跳绳打我。昨天,他下班之后,他还用茶壶烫我。”唐尼的妻子眼神有些涣散低声的说道。 Sounds like and does not seem like complaining, does not have the angry feeling. 听起来似乎并不像是在控诉,也没有愤怒的感觉。 However Jesse has not noticed this point obviously, he only thinks that these things are difficult, after all is not the good deed, therefore he is thinking, can encourage her to report to the police? 但是杰西显然没有注意到这一点,他只以为这些事情难以启齿,毕竟不是什么好事,所以他在想,要不要鼓励她报警?
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