The coat of womanhas not escaped, shortly after shouldjustcomeevidently, on the faceis melting the makeup, particularly the lipis very charming. Sheis looking intoout of the window, the looksomewhat seemed to be soulless, seems likemet the appearance of whatworryingmatter, making one have the feeling that wishwas fond.
女人的外套还没有脱,看样子应该刚来不久,脸上化着妆,尤其是嘴唇很是迷人。她眺望着窗外,眼神似乎有些无神,似乎是遇到了什么烦心事的样子,让人有种想要疼惜的感觉。Seesher, Su Zhanrecognizedheridentityimmediately!
见到她,苏战马上认出了她的身份!LauraJoosParkerZach. Silkspiritsecond-gen, isfemale protagonist in towerman.
劳拉朱斯派克扎克。丝灵二代,也是守望者中的女主角。Her motheris the first-generationsilkspirit!
她的母亲就是第一代的丝灵!Thisplottimeselects, should shemakeheresimilarlyis the Superheronightowlet, pillDrayneBergh?
If Luosummeris the representative who the towermandoes not compromise, then the label of nightowletis a good-hearted person. Cloak, eye-shade, a nightowletflyingspatialship, thisgoodsaremalemain charactercome! The nightowlethas had the favorable impressionto the silkspirit, but the courageis too small, does not dareto take actionthen, remembersinfinally, two peopleas ifarrived atone. Howevernow......
The Su Zhancorners of the mouthraiseslightlyrevealwipesmilebadly, thensoonfound a night of owlet.苏战嘴角微微扬起露出一抹坏笑,然后很快找到了夜枭。This timenightowlet is also the suit and dress shoeshave dressed upcarefully the appearance, justcame outto prepareto block the car(riage)from the main house gate.
此时的夜枭也是西装革履精心打扮过的样子,刚刚从家门出来正准备拦车。„Hasme, do not count on that kept an appointment.”
“有我在,你就别指望赴约了。”Su Zhansmilesonebadly, wasgloomy, becauseit that the goodweathersuddenlychangedis black, thereforethiscloudy day was not too obvious, butquick...... torrential downpourpā dāpā dāgot down, gave the racket the nightowletdirectly! Suddenlyrainingmakes the nightowletunprepared, quicklyturns aroundto preparewith the umbrella, after entering the room, turnedlooks for quite a whileto plan that went upstairsactuallymakes a false stepsuddenly.苏战坏笑一声,原本还算是不错的天气陡然变的阴沉了起来,因为天已经黑了,所以这一阴天并不算太明显,但是很快……倾盆大雨啪嗒啪嗒的下了了起来,直接将夜枭给拍了!突然下雨让夜枭毫无准备,急急忙忙转身回去准备拿个雨伞,进屋后翻找了半天正打算上楼却忽然一脚踩空了。
The response of nightowletis quick, asSuperhero, althoughnosuperpower, but the bodyqualityresponded that abilityisextremelystrong, seeshissuddenlybackward somersault, as to stand firmbody, butgoodskillfulunfortunately, landingtime his footslidesagain, plop, the nightowletfalls downdirectly, followed close onwas hearingonestuffily.
夜枭的反应很快,作为超级英雄虽然没什么超能力,但是身体素质反应能力都是极强的,就见他陡然后空翻,似乎想要稳住身体,但好巧不巧的,落地的时候他的脚再次一滑,噗通一声,夜枭直接摔倒在地,紧跟着听见了一声闷哼。Turned the foot!
扭到脚了!„Damn, is really hapless, certainlymoistenedto the watera moment ago was so slippery, it seems like after the retirement , my skillregressed.”Nightowletsaidtakes off the shoesto look, the foothas swollenlooked awful, moreoveras ifinjured the bone, movesslightlyis an ache of heartrending. „Oh no, must fail to keep an appointment!”
夜枭郁闷不已!Saw that a night of owletdid not have the meansto keep an appointment, Su Zhanthenreceived the thoughts, thenran in the restaurantquickly.
见到夜枭没办法来赴约了,苏战这才将心思收了回来,然后快步跑进了餐厅。Outsiderainssuddenly is to make spirit, isLaurasomewhatis accidental/surprised, finally from being in a dazeto sober. Looks that outsideraingets bigger and bigger, pillhas not come, shefelt like,perhapspilldoes not come back.
The person in restaurantare many, seeming like the businessis very good, actuallydoes not have the spatialtable, moreoveris the doublingties the group. Su Zhanswept, thenwalkedinLaura'sdirection.
餐厅里的人很多,看起来生意很好,竟然没有空桌,而且都是成双结群。苏战扫了一圈,然后朝着劳拉的方向走了过去。„Beautifulyoung lady, can Isithere?”Su Zhanaskedwith a smile.
“美丽的小姐,我能坐在这里吗?”苏战笑着问道。Lauragawked, but alsothinks that Su Zhaniscomesstart a conversation, thismadeherdepressedmoodslightlygood, after all the woman, some people of start a conversationshowed that oneselfwas attractiveenough, is worth the happymatter, butsheshook the head, turning down of someapologiessaid: „Sorry, Iinand the others!”
劳拉愣了一下,还以为苏战是过来搭讪的,这让她沉闷的心情稍微好了一些,毕竟女人嘛,有人搭讪才证明自己够漂亮,是值得开心的事情,不过她是摇摇头,有些歉意的婉拒道:“抱歉,我在等人!”„Femaleis pleasedforfriend, the attractiveperson of appearancesitsheredefinitelyinand the others! However, youalsosaw, inthisrestauranttrulydid not have the position, ifIdid standwaitsomewhatto be as if awkwardhere? Therefore, can the words that does not mindmakemefirstsit down? Whenthere is the spatialplaceor your friendcomes, do Ileave?”Su Zhansaid.
“女为知己者悦嘛,打扮的漂亮一个人坐在这里肯定是在等人!不过,你也看到了,这个餐厅里确实没有位置了,如果我站在这里等似乎有些尴尬?所以,不介意的话能不能让我先坐下?等到有空座或者你朋友来的,我就离开?”苏战道。Lauraturned the headto look atone, a moment agocontinuously in a dazehas not thought that in the restauranthas been filled, reallydid not have the position. Perhaps...... hedoes not comestart a conversation, butreallywantsto avoidawkwardly. Looked atSu Zhan, very charmingman, as ifhasspecialcharm, palpitates with excitementto be far, butis not at least repugnant.
劳拉转头看了一眼,刚才一直在发呆没想到餐厅里已经坐满了,真的没有位置了。或许……他并不是来搭讪,只是真的想要避免尴尬而已。看了看苏战,挺帅气的男人,仿佛有种特殊的魅力,怦然心动谈不上,但至少不反感。SeesLaurato nod, Su Zhansmilesto sit.
见到劳拉点头,苏战笑笑坐了下来。„IcalledSu Zhan, justarrived atthiscity.”Su Zhanputs out a handwith a smile.
“劳拉!”Saidmutually the nameshakes hand, nearbyservice personwalkedsuffering.
互相说了名字握了手,旁边的服务员走了过挨。BeforeLauradid not have a meal here, understood at a glance that inand the others, Su Zhansatafterwardin the past, the service personthinks the person who arrivedcame a meal.
之前劳拉在这边也没点餐,一看就知道是在等人,后来苏战过去坐了下来,服务员以为等的人到了就过来点餐了。„Onyour family'scharacteristicsvegetable/dishsome, moreovercomes the bottleto be goodto select the liquor, thanks!”Su Zhanhas not read the menu, saiddirectly, thenpaidmanytips. The mood of service personimmediatelychangedbeautiful, was generous!
“你家特色的菜上一些吧,另外来瓶好点得酒,谢谢!”苏战也没看菜单,直接说了一句,然后给了不少的小费。服务员的心情马上变美丽了,出手大方啊!„Youdid not saya moment agositswaits a whilehere?” After the service personwalks, the workchats.
“你刚才不是说坐在这里等一会吗?”等到服务员走后,劳拉道。Su Zhanis smilingsaying of explanation: „Sheobviouslymisunderstandsusis the same place, but alsositswaitsto be possible is not goodhere. Moreoverlooked that yourappearanceshouldalsocome the period of time? Whono matteryourperson is about, making such beautifulwomanwaitsuchfor a long timeis a crime, moreover...... could heas ifputyourpigeonevidentlyvery much? Actually, Icompareto be good atcompletely understandingcoming out that others'psychology,...... Icanlook atfor example, yourmoodvery not good, thereforeyourapproximatelyshouldbe the old friendand so on, comes outto chat, adjusts the mood? Like this...... actuallyI can also be competentthisrole, howtherefore...... gives an opportunity?”Su Zhansaidwith a smile.苏战笑着解释的说道:“她明显误会我们是一起的,还坐在这里干等可就不好了。而且看你的样子应该也来了一阵子吧?不管你约的人是谁,让这么美丽的女士等了这么久都是一种罪过,而且……看样子他似乎很有可能放你鸽子啊?其实,我这个人比较擅长看透别人的心理,比如说……我能看的出来,你的心情很不好所以你约的应该是老朋友之类的,出来聊聊天,调整一下心情?这样的话……其实我也能胜任这个角色的,所以……给个机会怎么样?”苏战笑着说道。Laurasomewhatsurprisedlooks atSu Zhan, a moment agohesaidunexpectedly! „How do yousee? Are you psychologist?”
劳拉有些吃惊的看着苏战,他刚才说的竟然都中了!“你怎么看出来的?难道你是心理学家?”„Perhaps can youthinkmeto be ablemind reading? telepathy?”Su Zhansaidwith a smile.
“或许你可以认为我可以读心?或者心灵感应?”苏战笑着说道。„superpower?”Laurais somewhat stunned, perhaps the average persondoes not think, butdo not forgetherisSuperhero, moreover...... herpresentworkis helpingbluefairy, isDr.Manhattanhandlessometrivial matters, naturallycanthink of the superpoweraspect. HoweverSu Zhandoes not have the acknowledgmentnot to deny, the thinghad deliveredexactlyat this time, Su Zhansplit the topicdirectly.
“超能力吗?”劳拉有些愕然,或许普通人不会这么想,但别忘了她可是超级英雄,而且……她现在的工作就是帮着蓝精灵,也就是曼哈顿博士处理一些琐事,自然会想到超能力方面。不过苏战没有承认也没有否认,恰好这个时候东西已经送上来了,苏战直接叉开了话题。OriginallyLauratodoes not wantto eat mealwithSu Zhantogether, but the presentto was somewhat curioustoSu Zhan, inadding on the Su Zhan'scharactermakingshadcharmvery much, particularlyheas ifreallycancompletely understandoneselfto be the same, the speechchatted can always speakin the oneselfmind, onetypescompared withoneselfalsounderstood that the feeling of oneself, unconsciousLaura seemed to have forgottenoneselfmadepill, withoutgoingto think how pilldid not have, chattedwithSu Zhancompletelyopened, probablyonwasSu Zhan is about from the beginning same.
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