The sound is not very interesting to listen, butactuallytendentiousverystrongfeelings, servethisnameto have no issue, howeverhersoundwill saywill make one think ofsomespecialdirectiondirectly!
声音不算特别动听,但却有一种倾向性很强的感觉,服务这个名字本身没什么问题,但是她的声音一说出来就会让人直接想到某种特殊的方向!„No matterit seems likewhichtimematteris common!”Su Zhanmumbledone, along withtastes: „Does not need, thanks!”
“看来不管是哪个时代这种事情都是屡见不鲜啊!”苏战嘟囔了一句,随口道:“不需要,谢谢!”„Reallydoesn't need? Perhaps...... youcanopen the doorto have a look and ensure youwill change the mind!”Womanhas not left, saying of perseverance.
“真的不需要吗?或许……你可以开门看看,保证你会改变主意的!”门外的女人并没有离开,锲而不舍的说道。Evidently, seems liketooneselfhas the self-confidencevery much.
看样子,似乎是对自己很有自信。Su Zhanoptionallooked atonein the entrancedirection, had seenwoman, staturetall, is burning the old stylehairstyle, perhapsthishairstyleseemsveryfashionableinthistime, looked likeinSu Zhan...... is too old. Wears a windproof coat, as for the windproof coatin is actually very sexyunderwear......苏战随意的朝着门口的方向看了一眼,已经见到了门外的女人,身材高挑,烫着老式的发型,或许这个发型在这个时代会显得很时髦,不过在苏战看来……太老土了。穿着一件风衣,至于风衣里面却是非常性感的内衣……Good.
好吧。Lookstrulygood, at leastcompareshalf to makethislineis much stronger. Evidentlyshewiththisinnshouldhave the relations, oneselfstays at an innsheto come.
看起来确实不错,至少比一半做这行的要强得多。看样子她跟这个旅店的应该有关系,自己来住店她就过来了。Thinks,Su Zhanwaves.
想了想,苏战挥了挥手。kā chā, gateoneselfopened.咔嚓一声,门自己开了。Womanis somewhat joyful, after pushing the doorto come, was actually shocked.
人竟然在里面。„Goodquickopening the doorspeed!” The womenare somewhat surprised, buttowardhas not actually goneat heart. Dragsto walk, after seeingSu Zhan that rocks the lookshoneinstantaneously, goodgracefulman! Moreover, thisstature...... alsogood. Inexplicable, shehasfeeling inferior, somenot can be joined tofeelings, shetodoes not knowat onceshouldsayanything.
“好快的开门速度啊!”女人有些惊讶,但却没往心里去。摇曳晃动的走了进来,看见苏战后眼神瞬间亮了起来,好帅的男人!而且,这身材……也好棒。莫名的,她有种自惭形秽,有种配不上的感觉,一时之间她到是不知道该说什么了。„Is so unfamiliar? Displayedwithyoua moment agonotlike!”Saw that the woman is actually shockednot to speak, setting out that Su Zhansmilespulled outonebunch of moneyfrom the pantspocket, seems likehasabout10,000probably. This timeprice, 10,000could be said as the great sum of money.
“这么生疏?跟你刚才的表现可一点都不像啊!”见到女人竟然愣住不说话,苏战笑笑的起身从裤子兜里掏出了一摞钱,看起来大概有一万左右。这个时候的物价,一万可以说是巨款了。„Ijustcame tothiscity, is not familiarwithhere.”Su Zhanlightsaying.
The womanunderstandsimmediately,quicklysaid: „Igrow upinthiscity, Icanhelpyou.”
那女人马上明白过来,急忙说道:“我在这座城市长大,我可以帮你。”„Verygood, thissum of moneyturned over toyou. In the eveningstays behind , helping meaccording to the massage, the meeting? Thenintroducedwithmesimplythiscity, tomorrowIprepareto have a look at the house, strolledwhile convenient.”Su Zhansaid.
“很好,这笔钱归你了。晚上就留下吧,帮我按按摩,会吧?然后跟我简单介绍一下这座城市,明天我准备去看看房子,顺便逛逛。”苏战说道。„This...... do theseturn over tome?” The womenprobe asked that obtains the affirmativeanswerlaterwomanchangeswas more initiative.
“这……这些都归我?”女人试探的问了一句,得到肯定的答复之后女人变的主动了许多。Takes off the windproof coat, the womanstartsto help the Su Zhanmassage, in this period, Su Zhantois not honest, raising a rumpus is also examinesto inspect goods. Naturally, in -depthdid not have, thatfeared that the womanhad suggestedon own initiative, butSu Zhanhas no interest. The womenlookedquickly, Su Zhanshuts outher. Reason thatwill leave behindher, forotherthings......
脱掉风衣,女人开始帮着苏战按摩,期间,苏战到也没有那么老实,动手动脚也算是验验货。当然,在深层的就没有了,那怕女人已经主动暗示了可以,但苏战却没什么兴致。女人很快就看出来了,苏战是嫌弃她。之所以会留下她,是为了其他的事情……Thismadewomanthatfeeling ashamed of one's inferiorityfeelingmore intense.
这让女人心里那种自愧不如的感觉更加强烈了。Next morningwakes up, the money on tabledoes not have, the womanalsodisappears.
第二天早上醒来,桌子上的钱已经没了,女人也不见了。At first sightthissituation, seemed like deceived.
乍一看这种情况,似乎是被骗了。HoweverSu Zhandoes not worry, washes, wears the clothes, at this time...... the womancame back.
不过苏战却不着急,洗漱完毕,穿好衣服,这个时候……女人回来了。Takes the breakfastwith the newspaper, seesSu Zhanto wake up, the womanexplained: „Ihelpedyoubuy the breakfast, does not know that youlikedeatinganything, probablyeachtypebought.”
The Su Zhannodcomplied withone, has takencoming to see, althoughis far fromanythingto be special, butseems likealsogood. Thing that hereSu Zhaneats, that sideshehad handed over the newspaper, thisageaverage personhasto have the breakfastto read the newspaper the custom, thenshesaid: „Yousaidyesterdaymustlook at the house, does not know that ispreparesto rentorbuy? Whathasto requestprobably?”苏战点头应了一声,拿过来看了看,虽然谈不上什么特别吧,但看起来还不错。这边苏战吃的东西,那边她已经将报纸递了过来,这个年代一般人都有吃早饭看报纸的习惯,然后她说道:“你昨天说要看房子,不知道是准备租还是买?大概有什么要求?”„Buys!”
“买!”„Bestis the independentvilla, ormountain villageand so on.”Su Zhanalong withtastes.
“啊……”Althoughlooksfromhismaking a movecomes outthisis a rich man, guessed correctly that may buy, the request is never so expected that high, villa, mountain village? Thisis not cheap. The womenthoughtfor quite a while, but alsoreallymadeherthink of a house.
虽然从他的出手就看的出来这是一个有钱人,猜到可能是会买,没想到要求这么高,别墅,山庄?这可不便宜。女人想了半天,还真让她想到了一个房子。„Iknow that has a mountain village, the area is very goodwith the environment, but the price may want saying that is more expensive......”womanto probe.
“我知道有一栋山庄,面积跟环境都很好,只是价格可能要贵一些……”女人试探的说道。„Onewill have a look!”
“一会去看看!”Finished eating the breakfast, Su Zhanfollowedsheto look atthatmountain village, the areawas truly big, all aroundalsotwometershighfences, althoughwas somewhat remote, but the garden, the swimming pool, had it all, had everything expected to find, whatwas main wasinsidearrangementveryluxurious, although the Su Zhan'svisionhas come to seesomeobsoletestyles, buthow can I say? Alsois the nostalgic phase, has the modernity? After allsomerich manpossiblyrepairstimewill choosethisargumentintentionally! Naturally, whatSu Zhan said that will be the futuretime, rather than the person of presenttime. Regarding the person of presenttime, thisshouldbenewest! Askedknows, becauseMaster of thismountain villagemustleavethiscity, in additionin the fundsomewhathas a poor turnover, thereforepreparesto sell out.
吃完了早饭,苏战跟着她去看了看那个山庄,占地面积确实不小,四周还有一层两米多高的围墙,虽然有些偏僻,但是花园,游泳池,一应俱全,应有尽有,最主要的是里面的布置非常的奢华,虽然已苏战的眼光来看有些老旧风格,但怎么说呢?也算是怀旧风,有时代感?毕竟有些有钱人可能装修的时候会故意选择这种调调!当然,苏战说的是未来时代,而不是现在时代的人。对于现在时代的人来说,这应该就是最新潮的了!问了一下知道,这个山庄的主人因为要离开这座城市,再加上资金上有些周转不开,所以才准备卖掉。Moreoverwhat...... is worth mentioning, after thismountain villagetidies up, hehas not lived, has saying that Master of thismountain villageis doomednot to havethislife!
另外……值得一提的是,这个山庄收拾好之后他都没住过,不得不说,这个山庄的主人注定没有这个命啊!Thenwas simple, Su Zhanboughtthismountain villagedirectly, evenhas not bargained, mountain villageMasterlookedSu Zhanis so naturaltwo of garagealsocalculatesdirectly the goodcar(riage)alsogaveSu Zhan. After the conclusion, the womantoisveryintelligentasked whether Su Zhanneeded the manpower, after allsuchbigmountain village, no matter the securityusuallysurelyneeds the manpower, was actually given the rejectionbySu Zhan. Laterstrolledalmostmost of the daytime, boughtmanythings, hadcertain understanding of thiscity, then...... madethatwomanwalk.
接下来就简单了,苏战直接将这个山庄买了下来,甚至都没有讲价,山庄主人一看苏战这么大方直接将车库的两台还算不错的车也送给了苏战。结束之后,女人到是很聪明的问苏战是否需要人手,毕竟这么大的山庄,不管是安全还是平时肯定都需要人手,却被苏战给拒绝了。之后又逛了几乎大半天的时间,买了不少东西,对这个城市有了一定的了解,然后……让那个女人走了。Less thanday of gained10,000, womensomedoes not wantto walk! Howevershe is also very tactful, left behind the contact methodspecially, ifSu Zhanhasanyrequestmomentarilyto look forher!
After sheleaves, a Su Zhanpersonininside the mountain villa, but alsoreallyfeelssomewhatspacious.
等到她离开后,苏战一个人在山庄里,还真觉得有些空旷。Will call back the soul of the deceasedto makestrangely, makingthembe responsible forguarding the family.
将摄魂怪弄了过来,让它们负责看家护院。At this timeitis black, Su Zhancame outto prepareto go tonearbyrestaurantfrom the mountain villageto eat a thing, pondered overshould thenmakeJialingcome, hasJialingthisfemale cooktrulyto facilitatemany, moreoverhercraftsmanshipalsoreallygood. Thinks,Su Zhandiscoveredinnearbyrestauranthas a woman! Veryprettywoman, as ifinand the otherswomen!
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