Medusanaturallyhad understoodyounger sister,saw the crystalas if not resistknowsthismattermost likelybecame, the crystaldid not oppose,Su Zhancoaxes the womanpick up girlsmethodso is also excellentoutstandingly, howhas not experiencedthistype of mattercrystalpossiblyis the Su Zhan'sopponent, falling to the enemy will also besooner or latermatter.美杜莎对于妹妹当然有所了解,见到水晶似乎并不抗拒就知道这件事十有八九是成了,水晶不反对,苏战又这么优秀哄女人泡妞的手段又这么高超,从来没有经历过这种的事情水晶怎么可能是苏战的对手,沦陷也不过是早晚的事。Sheevennoticed the crystalto startto look atSu Zhansecretly, obviouslytohisincomparablecuriosity.
她甚至注意到水晶已经开始偷瞄苏战了,显然对他无比的好奇。„.” The crystalcoughedtwo, as ifsomeare not quite comfortable.
“咳咳。”水晶咳嗽了两声,似乎有些不太舒服。Su Zhanthinks saying: „Medusa, youhavecrystalcalm, accompaniesherto chat, is familiar withheresituation.”苏战想了想道:“美杜莎,你带着水晶安顿一下,陪她聊聊,熟悉熟悉这里的情况吧。”Othersjustcame, Su Zhanis not goodextremelydirectly, givestheirtwo sisters some time of being together! MoreoverinformerDevourHulkafter the Sentinel/Sentrygreat power, systemas ifpromotedexactly. Regardingsystem, Su Zhandoes not care aboutthesethingsto be honest, besidescanprovidecross overinstance dungeonability, otherhas nothingto affect, Su Zhanhas not paid attention, possiblysystemalsoknowsthis point, thereforeunusuallow keyquickly changesnohad the feeling. The promotion is also the bird that risesquietly, a sounddoes not have, the words of Su Zhanoneselfattention, have not possibly discovered.
After the promotion, has not improvedwhatfunction, butwere many a newinstance dungeonoption, this is also the inherent connotation.
升级后并没有提升什么功能,只是多了一个新副本选项,这也算是应有之义吧。AlthoughFused Instance Dungeonis good, but the randomnessis too strong, nowhas the opportunity that canoneselfchooseinstance dungeontoisveryrare, after allcannoteraseinstance dungeonlikebefore, designated,isFused Instance Dungeon, or the strength of Devourrule, has naturally not been ableto erase. Aboutthisnewinstance dungeon, Su Zhanthought of the towerman.融合副本虽好,但是随机性太强,现在有可以自己选择副本的机会到是挺难得的,毕竟不像以前那样还可以抹掉副本,重新选定,都是融合副本,或者已经吞噬规则之力了,自然不能抹掉。关于这个新副本,苏战想到了守望者。Bluefairy, Dr.Manhattanshouldverystrong? Remembers,hassilkspiritsecond-gen, thatleathertight-fittinguniform/subdueas ifalsohas the quality of being worth looking. Althoughthisinstance dungeontime is quite after all near the top, possibly the Fused Instance Dungeonprobabilityis quite small, butno matter, Su Zhanhad really not planned that alsoturns intoFused Instance Dungeonthisinstance dungeon. WasFused Instance Dungeonloseschose the instance dungeonopportunityon own initiative, let alonealsothreeFused Instance Dungeon, twohave not filled, did not have the strength of Devourrule, does not needto worry!
蓝精灵,曼哈顿博士应该挺强的吧?还有记得,有个丝灵二代,那一身皮制紧身制服似乎也蛮有看头的。虽然这个副本的时代毕竟比较靠前,可能融合副本的几率比较小,但是无所谓,苏战还真不打算把这个副本也变成融合副本。都是融合副本就失去了主动选择副本的机会,更何况还有三个融合副本,其中两个没满,一个还没有吞噬规则之力,也不需要那么着急!Firstchoosesseveralinstance dungeonto playon own initiative, after Fused Instance Dungeonfilled, makes the plan is not late!
先主动选择几个副本玩玩,等到融合副本都满了之后再做打算也不迟!„Newinstance dungeondesignated: Towermen.”
“是否进入?”„Newinstance dungeonenters!”
“新副本进入!”As the systemsoundresounds, Su Zhanhas vanishedfromMarvel World, the nextquarter, heappearsinsomedimstreet.
随着系统的声音响起,苏战已经从漫威世界消失,下一刻,他出现在某个昏暗的街头。Tonightas if no moon, the weatheris not stuffy, occasionallyhas the windto blowtohas had a cool feeling of faint trace. The surroundingsare very silent, the style of constructionis also obsolete, thinks that thistime the backgrounddid seem likein the 80's? The neon light that has not made noise, does not have the livelynightlife, thisageevening'spublic securityis not good, without the nightlifearrives is also very normal.
The light of streetis not bright, a Su Zhanpersonwalksin the streetalsoreallyfeelssomewhatlonely, entireworldonly thenhisfeeling. Looks at the surroundingenvironment, Su Zhanpreparesto find a placefirstto liveto clarifyiswhattime.
街头的灯光并不明亮,苏战一个人走在街头还真感觉有些冷清,有一种整个世界只有他一个人的感觉。一面看着周围的环境,一面苏战准备找个地方先住下来弄清楚是什么时间段。Walkedfewsteps, the Su Zhansuddenlyoppositestreetonsaw a person's shadow. The old styleblackclothesskinwindproof coat, the headbrings the hat, lowersslightlyis not seeing clearly the face, the stepactuallydoes not givepeoplequickly an urgentfeeling, as ifhas anything to wait forhimto lookto be the same. Alonelong streettheir two peopleverystriking, Su Zhanseeshim, healsosawSu Zhan.
走了没几步,苏战忽然对面街的上见到了一个人影。老式的黑色衣皮风衣,头上带着帽子,头微微低着看不清楚脸,步伐不快却给人一种迫切的感觉,仿佛有什么事情在等着他去找一样。孤零零的长街就他们两个人非常的醒目,苏战看到他,他也看到了苏战。Whenheraised the headinstantly, Su Zhantoissomewhataccidental/surprised.
当他抬头的刹那,苏战到是有些意外。Becauseonhisfacealsobrings the mask, on the maskas ifalsohas the ink marksdesign, moreoverthisdesign can also changeunexpectedly!
Such obviousmodeling, which can also not recognizehisidentity.
罗夏。Person who in the entiretowerman the Su Zhancomparisonadmires, althoughis only an average person, whatcalculatedisdarkrighteousnesspolice, whenalltowermenare forcedto retire, healsosticks to the oneselffaith, will never compromise, attacks the criminal. Naturally after the comedianis the comediandied, has also traced the clue, finally...... bybluefairyDr.Manhattanexploding.
整个守望者中苏战比较佩服的人,虽然只是一个普通人,算的是一个黑暗义警,在所有守望者都被迫退休的时候,他还坚守自己的信念,永不妥协,打击罪犯。当然喜剧演员也就是笑匠死了之后一直追查线索,最后……被蓝精灵曼哈顿博士给爆了。In the entiretowerman, bluefairyhassuperpower, although others have the talentrespectivelybutare the average people, but Luosummeris most difficultto be together, evencansayunpopular, becausehehas livedin the darkness, buthas saying that actuallymostinsisted, most uncompromising!
整个守望者中,只有蓝精灵拥有超能力,其他人虽然各有天赋但都是普通人,而罗夏虽然是最难相处,甚至可以说最不受欢迎的,因为他一直活在黑暗之中,但不得不说,却是最坚持,最不妥协的!That night the owlet, Dr.Manhattan, the silkcompromisesto the pharaohkingspirit, for the worldcompromisetime, only thenheinsistedas beforehisfaith, will never compromise, untilDeath!
当夜枭,曼哈顿博士,丝灵都向法老王妥协,为了世界妥协的时候,只有他依旧坚持他的信念,永不妥协,直至死亡!Luosummerlooked atSu Zhan, thenlowered the headto leave.
罗夏看了一眼苏战,然后又低着头离开了。Two peoplehave not stopped, without the exchange, like thiswas separated.
两人没有停顿,也没有交流,就这样分开了。Walks awayto the Luosummer, Su Zhanturned the headto look atone, saw the back that Luosummerdepartedexactly, inexplicabletothoughthad a loneliness.
一直到罗夏走远,苏战转头看了一眼,恰好看见罗夏离去的背影,莫名的到是觉得有种孤独感。Alsoyes, inthisworld, heis truly lonely......
也是,在这个世界,他确实是孤独的……Outsideseveralcorners, Su Zhanfinallyfound an inn. Environmentnotplace, butseemed like the bestinn that shouldbeherecanfind, makes a payment the room,...... trulynot much. Firstcopes with an evening, tomorrowwill sayagain! Although the roomis not big, arrangement is also very simple, butactuallywinsincleanly, turned on the obsoletebigbuttockstelevisionconveniently, on the televisionexactlyin the news of reportaboutLuosummer.
在几个街角之外,苏战终于找到了一家旅店。环境不怎么地,但看起来应该是这里能找到的最好的旅店了,交了钱开好了房间,呃……确实不怎么样。先对付一晚吧,明天再说!虽然房间不大,布置的也很简单,但却胜在干净,随手开了老旧的大屁股电视,电视上恰好在报道关于罗夏的新闻。„The latest news: Wearing a maskpolice officersummerjustattacked a policeman, becauseviolated for sixyears ago through the Kean Act that forbidsto wear a mask, Luosummerwas included in the FBItenbigmost wanted terroristlists...... it is saidLuosummer......”intelevision, there isto dress up the obsoletereporterto repay the news.
“最新消息:蒙面警员罗夏刚刚袭击了一位警察,由于违反了六年前通过的禁止蒙面的基恩法案,罗夏被列入联邦调查局十大通缉犯名单中……据说罗夏……”电视里,有个装扮老旧的记者正在报答着新闻。„Just? In other wordsbumps intohistime did he crime sceneleavea moment ago? Howeverthisera newsworkstoisveryprofessional, such will onestartto report the newstemporarily? Letmethink,thisevent...... was the comedianjustdiedevidently? Knowswhenprobablyselected.”
“刚刚?也就是说碰到他的时候他刚才案发现场离开?不过这个年代新闻工作到是很敬业啊,这么一会就开始临时播报新闻了?让我想想,这个事件……看样子是喜剧演员刚死的时候吧?大概知道是什么时间点了。”Su Zhanmumbledone, took off the clothesto take a bathconveniently.苏战嘟囔了一句,随手脱了衣服去洗澡。Takes a bath, Su Zhanpreparesto rest, actuallyheard the knocksuddenly, is following close on a soundsound of woman.
洗完澡出来,苏战准备休息,却忽然听见了敲门声,紧跟着一个女人的声音响了起来。„Needsto serve?”
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