MKA :: Volume #12

#1160: Delivers or me meets personally!

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Black Bolt very has mixed feelings, is very depressed. 黑蝠王的心情很复杂,很郁闷。 Originally wants to cooperate with S.H.I.E.L.D., letting Inhumans can expand the development, tied the fruit pulp not to eat to annoy a oneself show. First appearance gave people to leave behind first by the impression that Hulk defeated. This has not calculated, S.H.I.E.L.D. dismissed the cooperation naturally also to finish automatically, moreover his younger brother seemed to be ready to make trouble, wanted to seize the chance to overthrow oneself. oneself sending official charged with remonstrating with the emperor Medusa as if with Su Zhan, Black Bolt absolutely oneself simply unlucky. 本来是想跟神盾局合作,让异人族可以扩充发展,结果肉没吃到惹了自己一身骚。初次露面就给人们留下了了第一个被浩克击败的印象。这还不算,神盾局解散合作自然也就自动结束了,而且他的弟弟似乎又蠢蠢欲动,想要趁机推翻自己自己的发言官美杜莎似乎又跟了苏战,黑蝠王绝对自己简直倒霉透顶了。 Although he also has no feeling to Medusa, or he has not thought the matter in emotion temporarily, but Medusa after all is the oneself sending official charged with remonstrating with the emperor, the direction of princess has trained, therefore Black Bolt has to ask that understands! 虽然他对美杜莎也没什么感觉,或者说他暂时没有想过情感方面的事情,但是美杜莎毕竟是自己的发言官,还是已王妃的方向所培养的,所以黑蝠王不得不来问一个明白! The gate of conference room opened. 会议室的门开了。 Black Bolt turns the head to look, saw Su Zhan to walk, side also followed Medusa. Sees Medusa to pull the Su Zhan's arm, Black Bolt to does not have the color, looks very calm. Naturally, as for at heart is that calm, was unknown. 黑蝠王转头看去,就见到苏战走了进来,旁边还跟着美杜莎。见到美杜莎挽着苏战的胳膊,黑蝠王到是没有表色,看起来很淡定。当然,至于心里是不是那么淡定,就不得而知了。 Su Zhan sits down with Medusa, Black Bolt subconscious looked that makes her convey a message to the Medusa preparation, Su Zhan actually opens the mouth saying: telepathy, does not need to trouble her......” 苏战美杜莎坐下,黑蝠王下意识的看向美杜莎准备让她传话,苏战却开口道:“心灵感应而已,不用麻烦她……” Good.” The Black Bolt heart said, considered hesitant expresses, how the sum total should open the mouth. “好吧。”黑蝠王心道,犹豫的考虑了一下措词,合计该怎么开口。 Just right that you come, I also plan to look for you otherwise. Later Medusa with me, sent official charged with remonstrating with the emperor anything your other has found the person now....... The crystal, I hope that can take her to come, later keeps Earth together.” Su Zhan said directly. “你来的正好,要不然我还打算找你呢。美杜莎现在已经跟我了,以后发言官什么的你另外找人吧。还有……水晶,我希望可以接她过来,以后一起留在地球。”苏战直接说道。 Black Bolt knits the brows: This is not perhaps good, we forbid......” 黑蝠王皱了皱眉:“这恐怕不行,我们禁止……” This pointless idle talk let alone. The people, must turn over to me, if not agree, I meet personally.” Su Zhan impolite interrupted the Black Bolt words directly. “这种没意义的废话就别说了。人,必须归我,如果不同意的话,我就亲自去接。”苏战不客气的直接打断了黑蝠王的话。 The Black Bolt expression instantaneously changes ugly incomparable, this is the direct threat! 黑蝠王的表情瞬间变的难看无比,这就是直接的威胁啊! „A Earth last present major part is my influence, but beside Earth not to mention, you should be very clear. Reason that you can also calm and steady on Moon, is I have not gone to respond you. Otherwise, the East has an old saying to be called the side of bed, how to allow others to sleep soundly!” Saying that Su Zhan sneers. 地球上现在一大部分都是我的势力,而地球之外就更不用说了,你应该很清楚。之所以你们还能安安稳稳的在月球上,是我没去搭理你们。否则的话,东方有句古话叫做卧榻之侧,岂容他人酣睡!”苏战冷笑的说道。 This is the first time that Black Bolt dealt with Su Zhan, Su Zhan's makes him not have the energy to refute anything strongly all of a sudden. Similarly is King, however both's disparity was too big! 这是黑蝠王第一次跟苏战打交道,苏战的强势让他一下子没有底气去反驳什么。同样是国王,但是两者的差距太大了! Either, making the crystal keep side me with Medusa, why you return to your Moon should. Either, I meet the person directly, then you were also being treated on Moon. 要么,让水晶跟美杜莎留在我身边,你回你的月球该干嘛干嘛。要么,我直接去接人,然后你们也被在月球上待着了。 Two choose one, the possibility without bargained back and forth. 二选一,没有讨价还价的可能。 Black Bolt is very aggrieved, even is very angry, but he actually has to comply. 黑蝠王很憋屈,甚至很愤怒,但是他却不得不答应。 Yes, has to comply. 是的,不得不答应。 If before, perhaps Black Bolt also dares with the Su Zhan gesture gesture, but after seeing the Su Zhan's strength, he really did not have the confidence. 如果是以前,黑蝠王或许还敢跟苏战比划比划,但是见到了苏战的实力之后,他是真的没有信心了。 His Hulk cannot block, but Hulk adds with Sentinel/Sentry together is not the Su Zhan's opponent, even a Su Zhan's hair cannot injure, what does this also gesticulate? 他连浩克都挡不住,而浩克哨兵加一起都不是苏战的对手,甚至连苏战的一根头发都伤不到,这还比划什么啊? Black Bolt looked at Medusa, seeming like wants to know her opinion, not only after all this involves her oneself, the crystal, Black Bolt thought that Medusa should easily not comply? Who knows that Medusa expression very calm, as if has long known to be like this same, seeing Black Bolt to look, Medusa says: This is you best choice! I after the crystal leaves, although was separated from royal family lineage/vein, but stems from the royal family after all. Without affecting to his, if the royal family had what situation, I will help!” 黑蝠王看了一眼美杜莎,似乎是想知道她的意见,毕竟这不单单涉及到她自己,还有水晶,黑蝠王觉得美杜莎应该不会那么轻易答应吧?谁知道美杜莎的表情非常的淡定,似乎早就知道这样一样,看见黑蝠王看过来,美杜莎开口说道:“这是你最好的选择!我跟水晶离开后,虽然脱离了王室一脉,但总归还是出自王室。在不影响到他的情况下,如果王室出现了什么情况,我会去帮忙的!” This was dead set on. 这是死心塌地了。 Black Bolt sighed secretly, nods toward Su Zhan: My this prepared to go back, after going back, I will say to the crystal, delivered her to come as soon as possible.” 黑蝠王暗暗的叹息了一声,朝着苏战点了点头:“我这就准备回去了,回去之后我会跟水晶说,尽快送她过来的。” This was good.” Su Zhan said. “这就行了。”苏战道。 Black Bolt set out to be about to leave, walked two steps, he hesitant one said: „A matter I thought that perhaps you want to know, Avenger dismissed, but these officials will not lose the strength of resistance. Especially after this matter, the people worshipped to you, but they were actually afraid you! Therefore, their secret may form the new organization to replace S.H.I.E.L.D., before hopes that I can join, but I rejected, they...... rejected.” 黑蝠王起身准备离开,走了两步,他犹豫了一下说道:“还有一件事我觉得或许你想知道,复仇者解散了,但是那些官员不会就这么失去抵抗的力量。尤其是这一次事之后,民众们对你更崇拜了,但是他们却更加害怕你了!所以,他们可能会秘密组建新的组织来取代神盾局,之前希望我可以加入,但我拒绝了,他们……都拒绝了。” So-called they, naturally refer to the illumination meeting that several. 所谓的他们,自然就是指光照会那几个。 Su Zhan nods to indicate that knew. 苏战点了点头表示知道了。 Even if they want secret to form what organization, should not be the illumination will meet or Avenger that group of people, such words the people will not accept in a short time, therefore definitely is other finds the person, who as for is, when the time comes knew. Jokes aside, Su Zhan will not find anyone on own initiative, quite does not have the pleasantly surprised feeling. 就算他们要秘密组建什么组织,应该也不会是光照会或者复仇者那一批人,那样的话短时间内民众不会接受的,所以肯定是另外找人,至于是谁,到时候就知道了。说真的,苏战已经不太会主动去找什么人了,比较没有惊喜感。 Was just like this time, the appearance of noisy crowd so many people. 就好比这次,一窝蜂的出现了这么多人。 Doctor Strange, Sentinel/Sentry, Black Bolt, Medusa anything, this has the pleasant surprise! 奇异博士啊,哨兵啊,黑蝠王,美杜莎什么的,这样才有惊喜嘛! Naturally, what is main is the present, no matter emits what character to come is not not possible to shake oneself , there is nothing to be worried radically. 当然,最主要的是现在不管冒出什么人物来都不可能撼动自己,根本没什么可担心的。 The extraction Power of Belief, with Medusa hi skin, three days of passed. 提取提取信仰之力,跟美杜莎嗨皮一下,三天的时间就这么过去了。 West Coast administrative center, three days ago in conference room that Black Bolt presents. 西海岸的行政中心,三天前黑蝠王出现的会议室里。 Su Zhan as well as Medusa sit on the chair static is waiting, a moment later...... the fluctuation of energy transmits together, should be the fluctuation that some space transmission has. The next quarter, the person's shadow flashed through together, presented a woman of wear yellow tight-fitting joined bodies uniform/subdue. Her hair hair color wants to be shallower than Medusa, is shorter, the yellow uniform/subdue, the waist, the arm, the calf place has the black leather accessories. Seemingly yellow black matching, unusual evident stature. Her cheek is somewhat similar to Medusa, is only younger, were more than several points of clarity Medusa, was short of several points of high noble. 苏战以及美杜莎坐在椅子上静静的等着,片刻之后……一道能量波动传来,应该是某种空间传送产生的波动。下一刻,一道人影闪过,出现了一个穿着黄色紧身连体制服的女人。她的头发发色比美杜莎要浅一些,也短一些,黄色的制服,腰间,手臂,小腿处有黑色的皮制配饰。看起来黄黑搭配,非常的凸显身材。她的脸蛋跟美杜莎有几分相似,只是更加的年轻一些,比美杜莎多了几分清纯,少了几分高贵 As for stature! 至于身材嘛! Is on a par with Medusa, is only slightly is slightly shorter than Medusa. 美杜莎不相伯仲,只是略微比美杜莎稍微矮一些。 Princess Inhumans, crystal! 异人族公主,水晶! Crystal, hopes that do not blame me to make the decision for you!” Medusa walks to hold the crystal to say. “水晶,希望你不要怪我替你做出决定!”美杜莎走过去抱着水晶说道。 The crystal smiles: Actually I have wanted to come Earth, but does not have the opportunity. Moreover...... he is also good.” 水晶笑笑:“其实我一直就很想来地球,只是没有机会。而且……他也不错啊。” What although Su Zhan said is to make the crystal keep Earth with Medusa, had not indicated that also has what meaning to the crystal. However in light of Su Zhan attitude until now with the custom, the crystal comes that is the extreme danger, the matter of being settled, before she comes perhaps was also informed or guessed correctly the real reason! 虽然苏战说的是让水晶跟美杜莎都留在地球,并没有表明对水晶也有什么意思。但是结合苏战一直以来的作风跟习惯,水晶过来那就是羊入虎口,板上钉钉的事情,所以在她来之前恐怕也被告知或者猜到真正的原因吧!
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