MSG :: Volume #10

#928: The ancient mirror makes trouble in the fog strange

In the dark underground space full is the smell of raging fire cauterization, but this smell is somewhat strange. Also after not having that type of protein scorches the burnt odor, does not have the fragrance that the pulp was steamed roasts. The words that hears carefully, on the contrary the spice and lumber of top were burnt down flavor/smell. 幽暗的地下空间里满是烈火烧灼的气味,不过这气味有些古怪。既没有那种蛋白质烧焦后的焦臭,也没有肉质被蒸烤的香气。仔细一闻的话,反倒是有一种顶级的香料和木材被焚烧掉了的味道。 This is in itself not normal, but what is less normal, silent was fired the ashes along with that 108 forms in one piece, in they position quietly appeared immediately the golden light shining luminous spots. 这本身就不正常,而更不正常的是,随着那108个身影在一片默然中被烧成了灰烬,他们原来所处的位置上顿时就悄然地浮现出了一个个金光灿灿的光点。 That is the broad bean almost big or small small pellet. The whole body is shining, plump, above has Danxia to reappear, the mist winds around, making the person one come up to feel that shortly as if saw pill of immortality in the fairytale is the same. But in fact, to a certain extent they indeed are also the pills of immortality. However trades more accurate view words, they should be called gold/metal pill to be right. Naturally, these so-called gold/metal pill are unedible. But their only functions, to these 108 were known as that Merring's existence, provides the necessary survival energy. 那是一个个和蚕豆差不多大小的小小弹丸。浑身金灿灿、圆滚滚,上面有丹霞浮现,云烟缭绕,让人一眼看上去就感觉仿佛看到了神话故事里的仙丹一样。而事实上,从某种程度上来说它们的确也是仙丹。不过换一个更准确的说法来说的话,它们应该叫做金丹才对。当然,这些所谓的金丹是不能吃的。而它们唯一的作用,就是给这108个号称梅林的存在,提供必要的生存能量而已。 So-called Merring, Victor has seen that exists, he has not seen existence, has a common status actually, that is the man-made person. Built up the established law in light of the ancient Mohist school institution study as well as the alchemy human body, Smith. The week created these 108 special existences in the long time. But the goal that they have one, that assists Smith. The week completed him to ferment several thousand years of important matter. But now, is this most crucial time approaches, but in this most crucial time, the man-made person who these were created offers own all for own inventor completely dutifully. 所谓的梅林,不论是维克托所见过的那个存在,还是他从来没有见过的存在,其实都有着一个共同的身份,那就是人造人。结合了古代墨家机关学以及炼金术中的人体炼成法,史密斯.周在漫长的时间里创造出了这108个特殊的存在。而他们存在的目的只有一个,那就是协助史密斯.周完成他酝酿了数千年的大计。而如今,就是这个最关键的时刻来临的时候,而在这个最为关键的时刻,这些被创造出来的人造人完全是义无反顾地为自己的创造者奉献出了自己的一切。 Their bodies were burnt down the ashes, gold/metal pill who their existences merely only remaining these had also been acted as the energy storage. When these gold/metal pill appear in abundance in burning in raging fire, that has floated ancient Jing in midair slightly to tremble immediately, has sent out slight resounding. 他们的躯体被焚烧成了灰烬,他们的存在也仅仅只剩下了这些个被充当为能量源的金丹而已。而当这些金丹纷纷地显现在燃烧着的烈火之中的时候,那个一直漂浮在半空中的古镜顿时就是微微一颤,发出了一声轻微的鸣响。 This resounded probably is plays the charge sound to be the same, immediately, all gold/metal pill changed to Daoist believers light, reckless in ancient Jing the lasing toward midair in the past. 这一声鸣响就好像是吹起了冲锋号一样,顿时,所有的金丹都化作了一道道流光,不顾一切地向着半空中的古镜激射了过去。 Two, each gold/metal pill hits together in the mirror surface of ancient mirror, makes this ancient mirror send out intermittent ripples, in each hit such one time, this ancient mirror back Heavenly Stems and Earthly Branches, four like the writing of Eight Trigrams (gossip) and even these antiquities, one after another glittered the shining ray. 一道两道,每一个金丹撞击在古镜的镜面上,都让这面古镜发出一阵阵涟漪,每撞击上那么一次,这面古镜背后的天干地支、四象八卦乃至那些上古的文字,都一个接着一个地闪烁出了金灿灿的光芒。 When 108 gold/metal pill all integrates in this ancient Jing, the entire mirror is golden light greatly hold, God light Yi Yi. One comes up shortly, can make people feel is containing endless might. This is a divine tool, without a doubt. However is such at the same time the divine tool, was a moment later fiercely has actually been exuding one flip-flop the loud sound. 当108颗金丹悉数融入到这面古镜中的时候,整面镜子都已经是金光大盛,神光奕奕。一眼看上去,都能让人感觉到其中所蕴含着的无尽威力。这是一面神器,毋庸置疑。但是就是这么一面神器,却是在片刻之后猛地发出了一声噼啪巨响。 As if withstands the weight/quantity that anything was unable to withstand to be the same, this side Gujing mirror surface on entire has blasted open suddenly. But along with blasting open of mirror surface, hold/container Tongliu King's mirror body, the Heavenly Stems and Earthly Branches, four like the trace of Eight Trigrams (gossip) in the intermittent bellow, entire turned entirely changed into the powder powder. 仿佛是承受了什么无法承受的分量一样,这一方古镜的镜面突然间就整个地炸裂了开来。而随着镜面的炸裂,包铜鎏金的镜身,天干地支、四象八卦的纹路统统地都在阵阵的轰鸣声之中,整个地变成了化为了齑粉。 The ancient mirror does not exist, but along with the destruction of ancient mirror. Black shadow bands the intermittent fierce rank wind directly from already has cracked thoroughly the mirror surface one after another earth-boring auger, then howls, is shouting wildly the ghost to call, has bored through the ground, sneaked by the thick fog is covering London. 古镜不复存在,而随着古镜的毁灭。一道道黑影带着阵阵凶恶腥风直接地就从已经彻底崩裂了的镜面里一个接着一个地钻了出来,然后呼啸着、狂呼鬼叫着,钻透了地面,钻进了被浓雾笼罩着的伦敦之中。 London in fog became entirely different. However all these, live the mortals in common custom not to have a wee bit feelings. They as usual are still carrying on the normal work and rest, even said that because of mist too heavy reason, many people had an opportunity of temporary leave. This makes them in complaining this type of thick fog could also not bear to it had some gratitude. However, an occupation is the exception, that is police. 雾中的伦敦已经变得截然不同。但是这一切,生活在世俗中的凡人们还没有一丁点的感觉。他们还在像往常一样进行着正常的作息,甚至说因为雾气太重的原因,很多人都获得了一个临时休假的机会。这让他们在抱怨这种浓雾的同时也忍不住对它有了些许的感激。不过,有一种职业是例外,那就是警察。 Existence of thick fog made the transportation of entire London fall into a confusion, this type of pitch-dark thick fog was not only makes the traffic light not have the function, let between the car(riage) and car(riage) were many possibility of several points of intimate contact. Short one hour, London Police authorities received more than 50 traffic accident reports. But facing this situation, London Police has to send out all police and wisdom weapons, comes to maintain the security on transportation as far as possible. 浓雾的存在让整个伦敦的交通陷入了一片混乱之中,这种伸手不见五指的浓雾不仅仅是让红绿灯没了作用,也让车与车之间多了几分亲密接触的可能。短短一个小时的时间里,伦敦警局就已经接到了不下50起的交通事故报告。而面对这种情况,伦敦警方不得不派出所有的警察和智械,来尽可能地维持着交通上的安全。 This is very difficult, is very soul-stirring. Because in this clever weather, even if were the front surface came an automobile, you were impossible to see clearly. If the owner of automobile has not noted your existence, then absolutely is together the birth of traffic accident. 这很艰难,也很惊心动魄。因为在这种鬼天气里,哪怕就是迎面开来了一辆汽车,你也不可能看得清楚。而如果汽车的主人没有注意到你的存在的话,那么绝对就是又一起交通事故的诞生。 The Chilean weapon is good, has enormous force them completely to be capable of withstanding the fierce hit of any vehicles. However these police of human may not have this skill. So long as were bumped into such, even if not die must feed in the hospital to lie down previous a while. Action of this breaknecking, but few individuals are willing to attempt. 智械还好,有着巨大力量的他们完全有能力承受住任何车辆的猛烈撞击。但是那些人类的警察们可就没有这个本事了。只要被碰上那么一下,就算是不死也要被送进医院里躺上一阵子。这种玩命的举动,可是真的没有几个人愿意尝试的。 Therefore, in name is the wisdom weapon coordinates London police to maintain the transportation to be unimpeded. However in fact, was almost all police gave up the idea of earnest work. Phenomenon that no doubt after this is also the wisdom weapon appears, causes. After all and compared with ability outstanding wisdom weapon, the malpractice of human police was really too many a point. Can say , if not because the worry unemployment increases suddenly, the society has questioned to the security situation that is dominated by the Chilean weapon completely, the genuine police already joined in the army of unemployment, became innumerable in that the society by occupation eliminated. 所以,名义上是智械配合伦敦警察维持着交通畅通。但是实际上,几乎是所有的警察都放弃了认真工作的想法。这也是智械出现之后所导致的固然现象。毕竟和能力优秀的智械相比,人类警察的弊端实在是太多了一点。可以说如果不是因为担心失业人数骤然增加,社会对完全由智械把持的治安环境有所质疑的话,真正的警察们早就加入到了失业的大军中,成为无数个被社会所淘汰的职业中的一员了。 Naturally these have the exception, for example Wilson this has worked more than 20 years of senior police, he is dedicating is completing oneself task. But reason that he will do such, on the one hand is in own work ethics, but on the other hand completely because of him regarding the loathing and repel of Chilean weapon. 当然这其中也是有例外的,比如说威尔逊这个已经工作了20多年的老警察,他就在尽忠职守地完成着自己的任务。而他之所以会这么做,一方面是处于自己的职业道德,而另一方面则完全是因为他对于智械的厌恶和排斥。 As one of the firmest conservative members. Wilson's thought has stayed in last century. Is naturally impossible to accept including him who the smartphone is unable to accept might push in wisdom weapon existence of him in the future to unemployed people. If according to his view, all wisdom weapons should be admitted in the recycling station, was stirred a smashing by these grinders, then arrives at thoroughly but is actually. 作为最坚定的保守成员之一。威尔逊的思想一直都停留在上个世纪里。连智能手机都无法接受的他自然不可能接受未来非常有可能把他挤到失业人员中的智械的存在。如果按照他的说法,所有的智械都应该被放进回收站里,被那些粉碎机搅个粉碎,然后彻底地倒到海里才是。 However, this idea is obviously impossible to put into practice. Therefore he can only be stubborn his vigor, goes all out and these wisdom weapons is competing. It looks like the present, although stood on street directs the traffic to turn into a very dangerous manual labor, but he was at cost of oneself life, stood there strongly. 不过,这种想法显然是不可能实现的。所以他只能犟着自己的一口劲,拼命地和这些智械攀比着。就像是现在,尽管站在马路上指挥交通变成了一个非常危险的活计,但是他还是拼上了自己的老命,坚强地站在了那里。 The mist is getting deeper and deeper, can the faintly visible light source thoroughly be submerged. This makes the situation more and more dangerous, vehicles of especially those running quickly, if not hearing the sound, does not know their positions. However with increase of vehicles, the impatient trumpet is also getting more and more numerous and diverse, the way of this distinguishable position also became more and more unreliable. 雾气越来越深,连带着本来还能依稀可见的光源都被彻底地淹没了下去。这让情况变得越来越危险,尤其是那些奔驰的车辆,如果不是听着声音的话,根本就不知道它们的位置。但是随着车辆的增加,不耐烦的喇叭声也越来越繁杂,这种辨别位置的方式也变得越来越不可靠了起来。 Has evaded a tendency somewhat fierce jeep crassly, knocks his window to make the driver pay attention to a next present situation. Wilson started to complain of hardship in heart. Actually said, he does not want to continue to do. Such a time of small little while, he was almost bumped twice, these by the car(riage) has gotten down again, could not say that he must lie down today going back. 骂骂咧咧地躲过了一个势头有些猛的吉普,敲着他的窗户让司机注意一下现在的情况。威尔逊开始在心底里叫苦了起来。其实说真的,他并不想继续这么干下去了。就这么一小会儿的功夫,他就差点被车碰了两次,再这些下去,说不得他今天就要躺着回去。 However hears the circular sound of wisdom weapon in oneself earphone hears, his immediately raised at heart several points of fighting spirit and anger. He is not willing to admit defeat, most at least cannot admit defeat on this matter. Therefore clenched teeth, he has insisted once more. But when his very easy spunks up, a loud sound never the distant place passed on suddenly. 但是一听到自己耳机里传来的智械的通告声,他的心里就立时升起了几分斗志和怒气。他不愿意认输,最起码不能在这个事情上面认输。所以咬了咬牙,他再次地坚持了下来。而就在这个他好不容易重新打起精神的时候,一声巨响突然地从不远处传了过来。 What had? Traffic accident?” “发生了什么?车祸了?” One hear of this sounds, in Wilson heart are startled. If had sent out the traffic accident in his management scale at this time, then does not mean that he is inferior to that heap of junks? Has thought of here, in he lifts up high to begin immediately the flashlight, walked toward the position that the sound conveys. 一听这声音,威尔逊心中就是一惊。如果这个时候在他的管理范围内发出了车祸,那么不就意味着他不如那一堆破铜烂铁吗?想到了这里,他立刻高举着手里的手电,向着声音传来的位置就走了过去。 The mist strong letting flashlight almost lost the significance, until he arrives in the place time he discovered that a how the truth of matter is appearance. 雾气浓重的让手电几乎失去了意义,所以直到他走到地点上的时候他才发现事情的真相到底是一个怎么样子的。 That is two does not know how to have bumped into a vehicle, turned inside out thoroughly, pressed in the above of another vehicle. The intense hit made two vehicles both withered, therefore naturally, vehicle inside was almost impossible some people able to survive safely. 那是两辆不知道怎么样碰到了一起的车子,其中一个彻底地翻了过来,压在了另一辆车子的上面。强烈的撞击让两个车子都干瘪了下来,所以自然地,车子里面几乎不可能有人能够安全地存活下来。 Damn!” “该死的!” This situation makes people somewhat depressed, therefore Wilson cursed one immediately indignantly. However has not waited for him to scold, a new loud sound fiercely never the position of distant place has uploaded. 这个情况让人有些沮丧,所以威尔逊立刻愤愤的咒骂了一句。不过还没有等他骂完,一声新的巨响就猛地从不远处的位置上传了过来。 This made Wilson immediately change complexion, then could not bear to send out in the position of loud sound to mutter. 这让威尔逊立刻变了脸色,然后忍不住对着发出巨响的位置上喃喃自语了起来。 Damn, so will not be bad luck, has no reason to bump into on together!” “见鬼,不会这么倒霉吧,没有理由都碰到一起上啊!” He was saying, while once again turned toward the direction that the sound had to walk. However this time, has not waited for him to approach, the wind sound/rumor that howls together fiercely flies to shoot from his front. 他一边这么说着,一边就再度向着声音发生的方向走了过去。不过这一次,还没有等他靠近过去,一道呼啸的风声就猛地从他的前方飞射而来。 This sound made him make immediately subconsciously has held the movement that lay, but this also made him avoid a tribulation luck. Because until the wind sound/rumor flies the past time from his top of the head, he discovered that is one does not know automobile that any reason flies. It can be imagined, if was given to bump into by it, can actually be what kind of fate. 这个声音让他立刻下意识地做出了抱头趴到的动作,而这也让他幸运地躲过了一劫。因为直到风声从他头顶上飞过去的时候,他才发现那是一辆不知道什么原因飞起来的汽车。可想而知,如果被它给碰上了的话,究竟会是一个怎么样的下场。 This made him some rejoice, but also had some doubts. How the vehicle can fly, this absolutely does not have any truth. In line with the curiosity of human, he turns toward the direction that the vehicle flies to look around immediately. But this looked, he absent-minded saw from the thick fog immediately huge form that approaches gradually. 这让他心里有了些庆幸,但是又有了些疑惑。车子怎么会自己飞起来,这完全没有任何道理可言啊。本着人类的好奇心,他立刻向着车子飞来的方向张望了过去。而这一看,他立刻就恍惚地从浓雾中看到了一个逐渐逼近的巨大身影。 That is a giant inconceivable apes and monkeys, the snub nose, raised forehead, whole body azure wool, only then above the neck is snow white. The fang such as the fine steel is brightly burnished, the eye is brightly lit like flame Jin Jing, bent/tune Jinglou carries, the head has biangular. In the mouth and nose the fog winds around, during breath thunder and lightning production. 那是一个巨大的不可思议的猿猴,塌鼻子,凸额头,浑身青毛,只有颈部以上是一片雪白。獠牙如精钢般锃亮,眼睛如火焰般金晶通明,曲颈偻背,头有双角。口鼻中云雾缭绕,呼吸间雷电生成。 This kind of monster unexpectedly in him close, this makes Wilson be scared instantaneously. But at this time, this giant 110 meters high apes and monkeys have not noted this tiny existence, he by these ceaseless trumpet making moodily, therefore immediately is a fist, has wielded to not far away road surface. 这样一个怪物居然就在他咫尺之间,这让威尔逊瞬间就吓破了胆子。而此时,这个巨大的足足有110米高的猿猴根本就没有注意到这个渺小的存在,他只是被那些无休无止的喇叭声给弄得心烦气躁,所以当下就是一拳,冲着不远处的路面就挥了过去。
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