MSG :: Volume #10

#927: Did not call has amazed the world with a single brilliant feat

Naturally. I have the matter to with you discuss that. If you promised me, I can make a guarantee to you!” “当然。我有事情要和你谈一谈。如果你答应了我的话,我可以向你做出一个保证!” Faced this kind of entirely different Zhou Yi, gal Nata deeply was inspiring, returns to normal own mood, then serious such was saying to him. But listened to her saying that Zhou Yi has gawked staring, then nodded. In the time of blinking, led gal Nata to vanish in this room thoroughly. 面对着这样一个截然不同的周易,伽娜塔深吸了一口气,平复下了自己的心情,然后就一脸严肃地这么对着他说道。而听着她这么说,周易愣了愣,然后点了点头。一个眨眼的时间里,就带着伽娜塔彻底地消失在了这个房间中。 Their disappearances naturally made these be stranded ban the person here to gain the freedom again. However this result actually cannot make these great people be satisfactory, because they lost have found out by secret inquiry them to talk the only possibility of content. When this key, they were worried really very much an own only dependence has the accident of any accident/surprise again. 他们的消失自然地让那些原本被困禁在这里的人重新得获得了自由。但是这种结果却一点也不能让那些大人物们满意,因为他们失去了探知他们谈话内容的唯一可能。在这个关键的时候,他们真的很担心自己唯一的一个依靠再发生什么意外的变故。 However regarding Zhou Yi, this dominates above them by far existence, they also absolutely do not have the means. Therefore they can only be in a deeply worried mood, is waiting for silently, was waiting for can have that moment that any slightest sign of trouble reports back. 但是对于周易,这个远远凌驾于他们之上的存在,他们却又是完全没有办法可言。所以他们只能怀着一个焦灼的心情,默默地等待着,等待着会不会有什么风吹草动回报过来的那一刻。 Has saying that their luck are very good. Because was quick they to adopt a monitoring of wisdom weapon to obtain a special news, that was Zhou Yi and that named gal Nata's dangerous woman as if reached any agreement, then left here together. Cut said firmly, should be they left Earth. Through to the response of space shake, these scientists can reach a such conclusion. But regarding this conclusion, in those present complexion not very attractive. 不得不说,他们的运气很好。因为很快他们就通过了一个智械的监控得到了一个特殊的消息,那就是周易和那个名为伽娜塔的危险女人似乎达成了什么协议,然后一起离开了这里。更切确的说,应该是他们离开了地球。通过对空间震荡的反应,这些科学家们能够得到这样的一个结论。而对于这个结论,在场的人脸色上都不是非常的好看。 Where did they go to? This point nobody can know. What agreement did they reach? This point also nobody can make clearly. Everyone has own guess, these guesses have advantages and disadvantages, made that all people is a flustered appearance. Some special characters, were obtaining this firsthand news because of their actions. 他们去了哪里?这一点没有人可以知道。他们达成了什么协议?这一点也没有人能弄得清楚。每个人都有着自己的猜测,这些猜测有好有坏,弄得所有人都是一副人心惶惶的样子。连带着一些特殊的人物,也因为他们的举动而得到了这第一手的消息。 This inserts the advantage of spy, at any time can obtain the information immediately. But this information regarding has ambushed for a long time person, was really a good matter. Therefore immediately, these ambushes have arranged for a long time fellow in hidden place, immediately in biggest the threat while this world does not exist, moved quietly. 这是插入间谍的好处,任何时候都能在第一时间内得到情报。而这个情报对于一些潜伏了许久的人来说,实在是一件再好不过的事情了。所以当下,这些潜伏在暗处布置了许久的家伙,立刻就趁着这个世界上最大的威胁不存在的时候,悄然地行动了起来。 But when they moved, London and Tokyo, these two at all not in same time zone, is not the same climate has the big city of millennium history to welcome suddenly never had the change, that is the thick fog that one is sudden, thoroughly has filled the entire city in the short several hours, and proliferated the past toward the range of entire country. 而就在他们行动了起来的时候,英国伦敦、日本东京,这两个根本不在同一个时区,也不是同一个气候的有着千年历史的大城市却是突然地迎来了从未有过的变化,那就是一场突然起来的浓雾,在短短的几个小时里就彻底地弥漫了整个城市,并且向着整个国家的范围内扩散了过去。 These two countries are island country (Japan), the land area cannot be big. Therefore naturally, this thick fog fills the air rapidly also. It can be said almost before all people feel the accident/surprise, it thoroughly these two countries covering. 这两个国家都是岛国,国土面积也都并不能算是大。所以自然地,这场浓雾弥漫起来也是非常的迅速。可以说几乎是在所有人感觉到意外之前,它就已经彻底地把这两个国家给笼罩了起来。 But along with mist the heaviness of more and more, even arrived has put out a hand not to see the five fingers, the situation of close not obvious person, interferes the normal person to live seriously. Some talented people must discover not the normal place suddenly. 而随着雾气的越来越重,甚至已经到了伸手不见五指,咫尺不可见人的地步,严重地干涉到正常人生活的时候。一些人才陡然得发现到了不正常的地方。 The production of mist has certainly scientific basis, the humidity and temperature have the air current, these limit the base coefficient that the mist forms, but these factors also in the monitoring range of science. Can sweep across thick fog of country, no matter what does not have any reason to avoid the reason that the national weather department monitors. When some people with high aspirations investigated the recent weather report, had not actually discovered reason that any mist formed. But this also made them realize immediately, the formation of this thick fog has certainly the secretive reason. 雾气的产生是有着一定科学根据的,湿度、温度还有气流,这些都是限制雾气形成的基础因素,而这些因素也都在科学的监测范围之内。一场能够席卷一个国家的浓雾,不管怎么说都没有任何理由能够避开国家天气部门监测的理由。但是当一些有心人调查起了最近的天气报告,却一点也没有发现有任何雾气形成的理由。而这也让他们立刻意识到了,这场浓雾的形成一定有着不可告人的原因。 Is a matter? The intelligent person starts to be fearful. But the ignorant person as usual is actually carrying on own life. Compared with them, the proportion of smart person was too slightly was too small, to was slightly impossible to affect their situation. 到底是怎么一回事情呢?聪明的人开始惶惶起来。而无知的人却还是照常地进行着自己的生活。和他们相比,聪明人的比例实在是太小太小了,小到了根本不可能影响到他们的地步。 Thick fog, does not have anything at the worst. Perhaps crossed on for day, mist will also disappear. Many people harbor such idea, but especially takes having the native of London of name of fog city as. They as well as were used to the mist, although this type of thick fog was extremely was really strangeer, but has not actually arrived to make them feel the situation of not suiting. 只是一场浓雾而已,没有什么大不了的。也许过上一天,雾气也就会消了。不少人都怀着这样的想法,而其中尤其以有着雾都之称的伦敦人为最。他们以及习惯了雾气,虽然这种浓雾实在是太过于奇怪了一些,但是却也并没有到让他们感觉到不对劲的地步。 All are carrying on quietly, but this also causes these two island countries in less than day, was isolated beyond the world by the thick fog thoroughly. When all were expected according to oneself such is developing, has sat quietly the thin form on chair is not being able to bear has stood finally, and has been exuding somewhat excited muttering sound to the present all these. 一切都在悄然地进行着,而这也使得这两个岛国在不到一天的时间里,彻底地被浓雾隔绝到了世界之外。当一切都按照自己预料中那样发展着的时候,一个一直安坐在椅子上的消瘦身影终于是忍不住站了起来,并且对着自己眼前的这一切发出了有些兴奋的喃喃自语声。 Three years of non- wing, by long wing \; Does not fly not to call, by view people. Although not flies, flying must soar to the heavens \; Although not called, the cry must be astonishing. Literary reference of King Zhuang of Chu eventually right. So long as waits for, can wait for the opportunity eventually. Now the opportunity came, was the time gives it all!” “三年不翅,将以长羽翼\;不飞不鸣,将以观民则。虽无飞,飞必冲天\;虽无鸣,鸣必惊人。楚庄王的典故终究还是对的。只要等待下去,终究还是可以等待到机会的。现在机会已经来了,是时候放手一搏了!” His words let stand the look on his side female face slightly change, but was quick she to be calm, simultaneously turned toward him to inquire in a low voice. 他的话语让一直侍立在他身边的女人脸上神色稍变,不过很快她就镇定了下来,同时低声向着他询问了起来。 Now needs me to inform them? Dear.” “现在需要我去通知他们吗?亲爱的。” Naturally, you must inform everyone.” Hears Allec Sya's question, in look somewhat excited Smith. The week showed a faint smile, constrains the expression on face, was returning to the covered passageway to her earnestly. These people constrained for a long time, was the time makes them jump to move. Did the words that such does not make, waste us to weave the pains of fishing net laboriously?” “当然,你要通知到每一个人。”听到阿莱克西亚的问话,神色上有些激动的史密斯.周微微一笑,压抑住了脸上的表情,转而认真地对着她回复道。“这些人压抑得太久了,是时候让他们跳出来活动一下。不这么做的话,岂不是浪费了我们辛苦编织渔网的一片苦心吗?” Hears this saying, Allec Sya nodded naturally. They arrange laboriously that for a long time, besides the main goal, for the subordinate who does not have ulterior motives the collaborator who as well as these conspires these to give catches the whole lot in a dragnet thoroughly. Now opportunity on moved to and fro at present, then they naturally do not have the reason that anything misses. 听到这话,阿莱克西亚理所应当地点了点头。他们辛苦布置那么久,除了最主要的目的之外,为的不就是把这些心怀鬼胎的合作者以及那些图谋不轨的手下给彻底地一网打尽吗。现在机会就摆在眼前,那么他们自然没有什么错过的理由。 Therefore quick, Allec Sya defers to Smith. Such that the week told, informed to be given to mark the character in blacklist by them. But looks that all defer to such that oneself plan, is developing in good order, Smith. The palm of week actually quietly fell on toys. 所以很快,阿莱克西亚就按照史密斯.周所吩咐的那样,通知起了一个又一个已经被他们给画上了黑名单里的人物来。而看着一切都按照自己计划的那样,井井有条的发展着,史密斯.周的手掌却是悄然地落到了身边的一个玩物身上。 That is ancient Jing, the brass decorated with fine gold gold/metal all through, the back has circle Niu, outside Niu has four arrays, the Eight Trigrams (gossip) encirclement and heavenly stems support collar link circles likely. On attached the article of antiquity, in writing diffracted makes a debut Dodge light, following Smith. The stock palm of week quietly emits. But looks mysterious phenomenon that this kind of treasure demonstrates, Smith. Zhou Zhishi smiles silently, ancient Jing turning over. 那是一面古镜,通身的黄铜点饰有鎏金,背后有圆钮,钮外有四象阵列,八卦环绕、天干地支环环相绕。上附有上古之文,文字内衍射出道道奇光,顺着史密斯.周的股掌就悄然地放射出来。而看着这样一个宝物所展示出来的神奇异象,史密斯.周只是默然一笑,就将古镜给翻转了过来。 The ancient mirror mirror surface seems like the brass, is similar to the colored glaze is insightful, the rays of light may reflect. The mirror surface maps Smith. On the face of week, is similar to the wave same ripples immediately, but along with mirror surface returning to normal of again, the face of above that thin scholarly actually suddenly had traded an appearance. 古镜镜面看似黄铜,却是如同琉璃般通透,毫光可鉴。镜面一映射到史密斯.周的脸上,立刻就如同水波一样荡漾开来,而随着镜面的重新平复,上面那个本来清瘦儒雅的脸庞却是突然间换了一个模样。 That is a top of the head E crown, the facial color is red, on the face has little must steadily scholarly elder image. With present Smith. Zhou described that has 89 difference, however in the look temperament is actually the appearance that a mold carves. In addition he and Smith. Inside and outside the week mirror throughout is maintaining a complete synchronized appearance, this enables among them to seem extremely strange, as well as harmonious. 那是一个头顶峨冠,面色赤红,脸上有着几许长须的儒雅长者形象。和如今的史密斯.周形容上有着89分的不同,但是在眼神气质上却是一个模子刻出来的模样。再加上他和史密斯.周镜子内外始终保持着一个完完全全的同步模样,这就使得他们之间看上去极为的怪异,以及融洽。 This is an unusual phenomenon, but Smith. The week actually as if becomes accustomed. He is staring at that face of mirror people, for a long time, quietly has sighed deeply. 这是一个不同寻常的现象,但是史密斯.周却是仿佛习以为常。他只是盯着镜子中人的那张脸,许久之后才是悄然地长叹了一句。 Scarlet pine nut, scarlet pine nut. After today, feared that was we do not have the opportunity to meet again.” “赤松子啊,赤松子。今日之后,怕是我们再也没有机会见面了。” This deep sigh has mind filled with obviously bitterly, is full of special meaning that is hard clearly to sue innumerably. Can look, this name regarding Smith. The week has unusual meaning. And also involved many to be submerged the past events in history inevitably. However this is unimportant, or this had been put down by him thoroughly. 这声长叹显然满腹辛酸,其中也饱含着无数难以明诉的特殊意味。看得出来,这个名字对于史密斯.周而言有着非同寻常的意味。其中必然也牵扯到了许许多多被淹没在历史中的往事。不过这并不重要,或者说这已经被他彻底地放下。 Because quick, he turned over the mirror surface, making this mirror restore an obsolete low-spirited appearance in own hand. As if before , all have not occurred have been same. But at this time, Allec Sya returns his side, is reporting to him. 因为很快,他就翻转了过了镜面,让这个镜子在自己的手中重新恢复到了一个陈旧黯然的模样。仿佛之前一切都没有发生过一样。而这时,阿莱克西亚已经是重新回到了他的身边,对着他汇报到。 Wiese led the person to go to London. Timur had influence on the hand to go to Japan. Victor sent in the news saying that behind him that fellow could not sit still, turned toward Japan to overtake. All have been ready, could start to take action?” “威斯克带着人去了伦敦。帖木儿带着自己手上的势力去了日本。维克托发来消息说,他背后的那个家伙坐不住了,也向着日本赶了过去。一切都已经准备就绪了,是不是可以开始行动了呢?” Waits, before to waiting again all start, I want with some people well to chat to chat. Moreover before then, some preparatory work must be done.” “再等一等,等一切开始前,我想要和一些人好好地聊上一聊。另外在这之前,还有一些准备工作要做一下。” Here, Smith. The week baseless toward a oneself front ground point, immediately, is lingering innumerable rune/symbol writing, glittered dark ray magic to appear in his front. But he looked at mirror in a hand finally, then did not yearn for directly to throw entire ancient Jing. 说到了这里,史密斯.周就凭空向着自己面前的地面一点,顿时,一个萦绕着无数符文,闪烁着幽暗光芒的魔法阵就出现在了他的面前。而他最后看了一眼手中的镜子,然后毫不留恋地就把整面古镜给直接抛了进去。 Similar to sinks to the water surface to be ordinary, ancient mirror vanished in this magic directly. But along with its disappearance here, London ten thousand-mile away, in a dark underground space, 108 is wearing the heavy/thick cape, has lifted immediately the head the solid person who oneself cover, looked to a great-circle that they revolve place above. 如同沉入水面一般,古镜直接就消失在了这个魔法阵中。而随着它在这里的消失,远在万里之外的伦敦,一个幽暗的地下空间里,108个身披着厚重斗篷,把自己遮挡的严严实实的人立刻就抬起了头,看向了他们所围绕着的一个大圈的正上方。 There is one with Smith. Magic exactly the same existence that the week makes, but glitters to make a debut ripples along with this magic, at the same time bronze mirror already quietly from has crashed. Then is light, like is feather is floating slowly, finally stayed these 108 people. 那里是一个和史密斯.周所制造出来的魔法阵一模一样的存在,而随着这个魔法阵上闪烁出道道涟漪,一面铜镜已经是悄然地从其中坠落了下来。然后轻飘飘的,像是羽毛一样缓缓漂浮着,最终停留到了这108个人的正中间。 But looks at all these, from beginning to end the person who these 1808 people do not say a word has taken immediately off own hat, has revealed exactly the same, once was called Merring's face. At this moment, they are gazing in front of that mirror steadily, then has made such sound neatly. 而看着这一切,这1808人从始至终都不发一言的人立刻就摘下了自己的帽子,露出了一张张一模一样的,曾经被称之为梅林的脸孔。此时此刻,他们纷纷目不转睛的注视着自己面前的那个镜子,然后整齐地发出了这样的声音。 „When day, down to!” “天时以至!” The voice just fell, flaming flame fiercely has burnt from their bodies, suddenly has fired the ashes them.( To be continued.) 话音刚落,熊熊的火焰就从他们的身上猛地燃烧了起来,眨眼之间就把他们烧成了灰烬。(未完待续。)
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