MSG :: Volume #10

#929: The God monkey mixes the institute of world robber

On apes and monkeys giant palm revealed that several flood golden light sharp claws, a such hand pounded to let the entire road surface in the ground immediately like is the earthquake shivered. 猿猴巨大的手掌上显露出几根泛着金光的利爪,这样的一只手砸在地面上顿时就让整个路面像是地震一样颤动了起来。 The stone is defeated and dispersed, the road surface avalanche, everywhere disintegrating slag and mist and dust flew to shoot immediately. But the sharp claws of monster also like are cut the tofu the bit, deeply pricked in the ground. It digs up slightly, neatly cut several entire ground directly, resembled its golden color to refer to the claw radically is not the claw, but was incomparably sharp laser cutter bar is the same. 土石溃散,路面崩塌,漫天的碎渣和烟尘顿时就飞射了出来。而怪物的利爪也像是切割豆腐的刀片一样,深深地刺入了地面之中。它稍稍一扒拉,直接就是把整个地面给整齐地切割成了好几段,就好像它的那个金色指爪根本就不是爪子,而是无比锋利的激光切割器一样。 Facing such situation, Wilson urinated soon to frighten. Especially looks after a claw such pastes own body was delimiting to draw, that intense intent then again cannot bear gushes out. The hot and damp feeling transmits from own crotch immediately, but the Wilson actually too big response, he has not been shivering, is similar to the young wife who received to frighten is the same, was incisive the throat to yell to ear near communication. 面对这样的情况,威尔逊尿都快要吓出来了。尤其是看着其中的一根爪子就这么贴着自己的身体划拉过去了之后,那种强烈的便意就再也忍不住地喷薄而出。湿热的感觉立刻就从自己的裆下传来,但是对此威尔逊却并没有太大的反应,他只是颤抖着,如同受到了惊吓的小媳妇一样,尖锐着嗓子对着自己耳边的通讯器就大叫了起来。 Help, help. Here has the monster, here has monster! That crowd of iron-covered lumps, that crowd of metal trash, save me quickly, saves me quickly.” “救命,救命啊。这里有怪物,这里有怪物!那群铁皮疙瘩呢,那群金属垃圾呢,快来救我,快来救我啊。” Is his sound is too perhaps big, is his sound is too perhaps grating. Always, the giant elderly apes and monkeys is swaying the head, lowered the head looks own eye to him. But looks at this giant apes and monkeys that flame well-illuminated golden color both eyes, Wilson has one type to send immediately all over the body coldly, the heart spurts thin Yulie the scared feeling. 也许是他的声音太大,也许是他的声音太刺耳。总是,巨大的白首猿猴摇晃着脑袋,低下了头就把自己的眼睛看向了他。而看着这个巨大猿猴那火焰般通明的金色双眼,威尔逊顿时就有了一种通体发寒,心脏喷薄欲裂的恐慌之感。 He feared that really this apes and monkeys opened mouth oneself ba eating, therefore he clearly knows oneself and this apes and monkeys has no way to communicate, but the leg and foot made an effort to rub gently backward, while was fluttering to say. 他是真的怕这个猿猴一张嘴就把自己吧唧吧唧的给吃掉了,所以他明知道自己和这个猿猴是没法沟通的,但是还是一边腿脚用力地向后磨蹭着,一边对着它颤声说道。 Do not eat me, do not eat me. I am not delicious, who I am not delicious to save me, who saves me.” “别吃我,别吃我。我不好吃,我不好吃谁来救救我,谁来救救我啊。” Does not know is the misconception, Wilson discovered oneself said obvious reveals disdaining from the eye of this apes and monkeys the look that. He was unable to distinguish, because him, did not have anything compared with maintaining life at this moment again a more important thing. 不知道是不是错觉,威尔逊发现自己在这么说的时候明显的从这个猿猴的眼睛里流露出一丝不屑的神色。他已经无从分辨,因为这一刻于他而言,再也没有什么比保命更加重要的东西了。 Therefore he did not care about itself ridiculing by a monkey, he cared, only then whether to be living going back. But his luck is obviously good, because this giant apes and monkeys lost the interest to him quickly, then went to the distant place the line of sight. 所以他不在乎自己是不是被一个猴子给嘲笑了,他在乎的只有自己是不是能够活着回去。而他的运气显然非常不错,因为这个巨大的猿猴很快地就对他失去了兴趣,转而把视线投向了远方。 The thick mist as if could not prevent waiting and seeing of its pair of fierce look, its eye as if can see thing that many average people could not see. But does not know that saw anything, this giant apes and monkeys suddenly, in the mouth has shown like an expression in smiling, baseless exposed left several bright as snow fang that makes the person be awed at the sight. 浓浓的雾气似乎根本阻挡不了它那双火眼金睛的观望,它的这一双眼睛似乎能看到许多普通人看不到的东西。而不知道是看到了什么,这个巨大的猿猴突然地在嘴边露出了一个像是在笑一样的表情,凭空的裸露出了几根让人望而生畏的雪亮獠牙。 „More than 4000 years, more than 4000 years. Has not thought that I am also unexpectedly delivered from oppression, say goodbye one day of old friend. Interesting, is really interesting!” “4000多年了,4000多年了。没想到我居然还有重见天日,再见故人的一天。有意思,真是有意思!” Loud and clear, if the sound of thunder has made a sound from the throat of apes and monkeys, but after speaking these words, it jumps to leap, vanished in Wilson directly at present. However although it left, but it takes to Wilson's impact not to abate. In fact, Wilson at this time completely is frightened excessively the performance. 洪亮的如若雷霆的声音从猿猴的喉咙里响了起来,而在说完了这句话之后,它纵身一跃,直接就消失在了威尔逊的眼前。不过它虽然离开了,但是它所带给威尔逊的冲击可是一点也没有消退下去。事实上,威尔逊此时已经完全是一个惊吓过度了的表现。 Monkey monkey will speak unexpectedly. How this was, how was this world?” “猴子猴子居然会说话。这是怎么了,这个世界是怎么了?” Although could not understand that monkey just to say anything, but Wilson can distinguish it clearly just that and roars decidedly the different spoken languages. That is the true language, moreover is he had run into the Chinese tourists are somewhat similar, but actually deviation very big language. His brain also not muddled, will therefore not make a mistake in this issue absolutely. But this sobriety, was thoroughly has actually destroyed his world outlook. 虽然听不懂那个猴子刚刚到底说了些什么,但是威尔逊还是能够清楚地分辨出它刚刚那和吼叫决然不同的言语。那是真正的语言,而且是和他曾经遇到过的中国游客有些类似,但是却又偏差很大的语言。他的脑子还没有糊涂,所以绝对不会在这个问题上出错。而正是这种清醒,却是已经彻底地摧毁了他的世界观。 This makes his whole person start blurry, but when he is blurry, one crowd of wisdom weapons have arrived at his nearby. 这让他整个人都开始迷迷糊糊,而就在他迷迷糊糊的时候,一群智械已经是走到了他的边上。 A wisdom weapon gave to support by the arm him, but another wisdom weapon to his such asking. 一个智械把他给搀扶了起来,而另外一个智械则对着他这样的问道。 What had, Sheriff Wilson?” “请问发生了什么,威尔逊警长?” „A monkey, a giant monkey. He just appeared here, then turned toward that direction to run. I mean, you must believe me, I have not lied, it exists really!” “一个猴子,一个巨大的猴子。他刚刚出现在了这里,然后向着那个方向跑了。我是说真的,你们要相信我,我真的没有说谎,它是真的存在着的!” Has the senior police of many years of experience as one, Wilson naturally is understands the words that oneself spoke have how oddly. Therefore he can only pray now, was praying the wisdom weapon of this crowd of iron-covered lumps can believe all that he said. Naturally, he does not have the too big expectation regarding these. 作为一个有着多年经历的老警察,威尔逊自然是明白自己说的话到底是有多么的离谱。所以他现在只能祈祷着,祈祷着这群铁皮疙瘩的智械能够相信他所说的一切。当然,他本身对于这些并不抱有太大的期望。 However the matter always defers to him to expect beside the development. Although he did not expect oneself can win the trusts of these wisdom weapons, but these wisdom weapons have not actually suspected his meaning. 不过事情总是按照他预料之外的发展的。他虽然并不期望自己能得到这些智械的信任,但是这些智械却是一点也没有怀疑他的意思。 We have found out the situation, Sheriff Wilson. Please as soon as possible leave here, here somewhat is possibly dangerous regarding you. We that monkey that finds the way to pursue you saying that please feel relieved.” “我们已经了解情况了,威尔逊警长。请尽快离开这里,这里对于您来说可能有些危险。我们会想办法追击您所说的那个猴子的,请放心。” Manner good of Chilean weapon as always, but is facing such manner. Wilson somewhat has actually blushed. He suddenly discovered at this time before oneself, as if some went too far, before these wisdom weapons seem do not have him, thinks is so loathful. 智械的态度一如既往的良好,而面对着这样的态度。威尔逊却是有些脸红了起来。他这个时候才陡然发现自己以前似乎有些太过分了一些,这些智械看上去也没有他以前想的那么让人讨厌。 He had a mind to want for the beforehand behavior to say anything, however the irritable disposition was makes his anything unable to say. But is coy in him, afraid to say a word time. These wisdom weapons pursued in the direction that he instructed. 他有心想要为自己以前的行为说些什么,但是别扭的性格却是让他什么也说不出来。而就在他扭扭捏捏,吞吞吐吐的时候。这些智械们已经是按照他所指示的方向追了过去。 He does not have to give to say the words that oneself want to speak at heart finally with enough time, this made him have some regrets. However he actually not extremely in nuisance, because he is believing having a lot of time for that oneself always have the opportunity to make up for this regrettably. He does not know, has missed this time, he again has not made up for this regrettable opportunity in the future time. 他最终还是没有来得及把自己心里想说的话给说出来,这让他心里有了些遗憾。不过他却并没有太过于懊恼,因为他相信着来日方长,自己总是有机会来弥补这个遗憾的。只是他并不知道,错过了这一次,他就再也没有在未来的时间里去弥补这个遗憾的机会了。 Destiny always in playing tricks on person, but he is another plays with the clown in hand by the destiny obviously. 命运总是在戏弄人,而他显然就是又一个被命运玩弄在手中的小丑。 The giant apes and monkeys flees to jump in the mist strong city. Its huge body especially agile, one vertical leaps is several hundred meters distance. Naturally, at its body weight, each time vertical more can be a destructive impact. As long as places the vehicles pedestrian around its temporary lodging, was turned into the powder powder hash by this tremendous strength in abundance. 巨大的猿猴窜跳在雾气浓重的城市里。它庞大的身躯格外的矫捷,一纵一跃就是数百米的距离。当然,以它的体重而言,他每一次纵越都会是一次破坏性的冲击。但凡是身处在它落脚处周围的车辆行人,纷纷都被这股巨大的力量变成了齑粉肉糜。 The strong mist has covered up all, in addition apes and monkeys motion very is rapid, simply has not noted to have anything. They discovered that the front probably presented the thing suddenly, but is careful looks, completely is a scene of most frigid traffic accident. 浓重的雾气遮掩了一切,再加上猿猴行动的非常迅速,以至于根本没有注意到发生了什么。他们只是发现突然间前方就好像出现了事物,而仔细一看,完全就是一副最惨烈的车祸的场景。 This makes many people be panic-stricken, called for help loudly. However as the apes and monkeys of troublemaker, is not as well as these by the bad luck egg that it stamped is actually cared the person who these called for help. Will not care when with the person oneself walk stamps several ants to be the same, will be antiquity big monster it naturally will not miss the life and death of trivial several mortal on the heart. 这让不少人惊慌失措,大声呼救。但是身为肇事者的猿猴,却是一点也没有把这些呼救的人以及那些被它踩死的倒霉蛋放在心上。就和人不会在意自己走路时踩死了几只蚂蚁一样,身为上古大妖的它自然也是不会把区区几个凡人的生死挂念在心上。 It does not have the slight sympathy, even said that it also the ridicule that has sent out disdaining from own mouth. 它没有丝毫的同情,甚至说它还从自己的嘴里发出了一声不屑的嘲弄。 Crossed for several thousand years, this group of mortals do not have a progress. Really pitiful!” “都过了几千年了,这群凡人还是没有一点长进。真是可怜!” Said that this saying, it does not care these mortals. But is overtook toward the established objectives that speeding along electricity pulls. At its volume and speed, London really cannot say a large character, therefore is quick, before it arrived at himself, position that sees. 说完了这话,它就再也不把这些凡人放在心上。而是飞驰电掣的向着自己既定的目标赶了过去。以它的体积和速度,伦敦实在是说不上一个大字,所以很快,它就来到了自己之前所看到的位置。 British Museum, names the British Museum. This was one was built in 1753, north Russell square the grand construction of situated in London new Oxford Street. It was at since January 15, 1759 to be officially open to the public, was in the world the history most glorious, the scale grandest comprehensive museum, was in the world largest and one of the most famous world four big museums. 大英博物馆,又名不列颠博物馆。这是一座始建于1753年,位于英国伦敦新牛津大街北面的罗素广场的宏伟建筑。它在1759年1月15日起正式对公众开放,是世界上历史最悠久、规模最宏伟的综合性博物馆,也是世界上规模最大、最著名的世界四大博物馆之一。 British Museum collected many cultural relics and valuable things of all over the world, and draft manuscript of great scientist, holding rich, many of type, is the entire world museum rare. Naturally, lots are not museum all, but is they take by force and deceits to come from all countries in the world in a variety of ways. It looks like such that Hugo said. 大英博物馆收藏了世界各地的许多文物和珍品,及很多伟大科学家的手稿,藏品之丰富、种类之繁多,为全世界博物馆所罕见。当然,这其中很多东西都并不是博物馆所有的,而是他们以各种方式从世界各个国家中巧取豪夺而来的。就像是雨果所说的那样。 Days, two robbers rushed in Old Summer Palace. A robber loots, another robber sets on fire. As if after triumphing, then can begin to commit a theft. Carried on large-scale grabbing to Old Summer Palace, the stolen goods has divided equally by two victors. We saw, this entire event is related with the volume King's name, this name makes the person have no alternative but to recall the Parthenon temple, formerly to be how dry to the Parthenon temple, how now to be also dry to Old Summer Palace, is only thorougher, is more attractive, is nothing left. The valuables and money of all our cathedrals put together, perhaps could not have been as good as the Eastern this extraordinary splendid museum. There not only has the art treasure, big pile of gold and silver products. Great achievements! The harvest is huge! Two victors, has crowded the belt-bag, this is can see, another has packed a box of basket. They hand in hand, returned to Europe grinningly. This is the stories of these two robbers.? 有一天,两个强盗闯进了圆明园。一个强盗洗劫,另一个强盗放火。似乎得胜之后,便可以动手行窃了。对圆明园进行了大规模的劫掠,赃物由两个胜利者均分。我们看到,这整个事件还与额尔金的名字有关,这名字又使人不能不忆起巴特农神庙,从前对巴特农神庙怎么干,现在对圆明园也怎么干,只是更彻底,更漂亮,以至于荡然无存。我们所有的大教堂的财宝加在一起,也许还抵不上东方这座了不起的富丽堂皇的博物馆。那儿不仅仅有艺术珍品,还有大堆的金银制品。丰功伟绩!收获巨大!两个胜利者,一个塞满了腰包,这是看得见的,另一个装满了箱筐。他们手挽手,笑嘻嘻地回到了欧洲。这就是这两个强盗的故事。? England is one of the two robbers, therefore naturally, this never cares about the robber of facial skin not to dread that in puts in own museum to display own stolen goods. It has regarded the great achievements this, even also for this reason constructed own museum grandly one, the people that in country whatever these were insulted by him visited, displays. Then is splendid, shameless said to them, we take care of these are for hello and so on words. 英格兰就是这两个强盗之一,所以自然地,这个从来不在乎脸皮的强盗也一点也不忌惮于把自己的赃物放到自家的博物馆里展览。它把这当成了丰功伟绩,甚至还为此把自己的博物馆修建成了最宏伟的之一,并且任由那些被他所欺辱的国家的子民去参观,去展览。然后堂而皇之,恬不知耻的对他们说,我们保管这些是为了你们好之类的话。 It welcomed visitor group by group by such opinion, but today, they welcomed the most special visitor. Or two! Because of this time, besides that giant apes and monkeys, seemed like not that special existence also appears here. 它以这样的言论迎来了一批又一批的访客,而今天,它们却是迎来了一个最为特殊的访客。或者说,两个!因为此时,除了那个巨大的猿猴之外,还有一个看起来不是那么特殊的存在也出现在了这里。 That is a somewhat strange daughter. A azure clothing, on the pitch-black hair inserted one as if to be burnt down the general burned black sending hairpin. On her face pale, both eyes are actually red. Li's looks stand there certainly, although keeps silent, but has unusual conditions a graceful bearing of renouncing society and living alone. 那是一个有些奇怪的女儿。一身青色的衣衫,乌黑的头发上插了一个仿佛被火烧过一般的焦黑的发簪。她脸上苍白,双眼倒是通红。绝丽的姿容站在那里,虽然是不言不语,但是却自有一种浑然天成的遗世独立的风姿。 This is an inborn this noticeable beautiful woman, but in fact, her existence had not actually paid attention. Phenomenon that because only on her whole body presents.( Not 这是一个天生该引人注目的美人,但是实际上,她的存在却并没有被人所注意。只因为她周身上出现的异象。(未 Ends being continued 完待续 ~^~) ~^~)
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