MSG :: Volume #6

#546: Theory of change destiny in the future

Poem Miss Kou Di, we discussed the proper business!” “诗寇蒂小姐,我们还是谈正事吧!” In the young girl facing this unpredictable destiny goddess, Zhou Yi has smiled bitterly, shifted in the topic the subject. Although he said, the leading power of words actually on the poem Kou Di body, but is very obvious. This represents the future goddess simply not to return to the subject the idea. 面对这个捉摸不定的命运女神中的幼女,周易苦笑了一下,把话题转移到了正题上。但是虽然他这么说,话语的主导权却还是在诗寇蒂的身上,而很显然。这个代表着未来的女神根本没有回归正题的想法。 Do not worry, no rush. I have many issues to ask you!” “别着急,别着急。我可是还有很多的问题想要问你呢!” Her words are sure, in the spoken language is full of the curiosity that one type could not cover up. However, her curiosity regarding Zhou Yi is actually greatly troublesome. No matter looked from that angle, was looked up the registered permanent address is an inappropriate matter. Therefore Zhou Yi rejection very is explicit. 她言辞切切,言语中更是充满了一种怎么也遮掩不住的好奇心。但是,她的好奇对于周易来说却是大麻烦。不管从那个角度看,被人查户口都是个让人受不了的事情。所以周易拒绝的非常明确。 But I do not have that many things to reply you, poem Miss Kou Di! Please look on the body of your Lancet Gia Duc person on one's own side, tells me to be good the answer that I want!” “可是我没有那么多的东西能够回答你,诗寇蒂小姐!请看在你们阿斯嘉德自己人的身上,把我要的答案告诉我好吗!” You are really senseless!” With carefully examining the vision back and forth sized up Zhou Yi several, poem Kou Dizhi has been able such to say. Good, good. I cannot obtain from you evidently satisfiedly. Then, I tell you thing that you want!” “你这个人真无趣!”用审视的眼光来回打量了周易几圈,诗寇蒂只能这么说道。“好吧,好吧。看样子从你身上我是得不到满足的了。那么,我就把你想要的东西告诉你吧!” So-called various God dusk, according to the demonstration of destiny, is actually the inevitable result that the hatred causes! That is the hatreds of other Lancet Gia Duc and states. Before is very long starts, Lancet Gia Duc has laid down the root of hatred with several other states in the endless war. The frost giant, the hot giant, the dead in death state, the dwarf even was these by the monster and Spiritual God that the seal got up. These in the seed that the past lays down, will destroy Lancet Gia Duc's root in the future. But this point, is you are unable to change.” “所谓的诸神黄昏,按照命运的显示,其实不过是仇恨所导致的必然结果而已!那是阿斯嘉德和其他国度的仇恨。从很久以前开始,阿斯嘉德就和其他的几个国度在无休止的战争中埋下了仇恨的根源。冰霜巨人,火巨人,死亡国度的亡者,侏儒甚至是那些被封印起来的怪物、神灵。这些都是在过去埋下的种子,也是在未来毁灭阿斯嘉德的根源。而这一点,是你无法改变的。” No, strict, he also changed something actually. Don't forget, approximately Heym already thoroughly disappeared from him and Lokey's fight. But that is the start of destiny river disorder!” “不,严格来说,他其实也已经改变了一些东西。别忘了,约顿海姆可是已经彻底地从他和洛基的战斗中消失了。而那才是命运长河紊乱的开始!” When poem Kou Di said that high-rising actually suddenly such inserted a few words. But hears her these words, poem Kou Di awkwardly jams immediately. However at this time on the face had the advantage of veil to appear, because such words Zhou Yi cannot see awkwardness and embarrassment on her face. 就在诗寇蒂这么说的时候,兀尔德却是突然这么插进来了一句话。而听到她的这句话,诗寇蒂立刻就尴尬地卡壳起来。不过这个时候脸上带着面纱的好处就显现了出来,因为这样的话周易就看不出她脸上的尴尬和难堪。 After has adjusted under the mentality slightly, poem Kou Di continues to say to Zhou Yi. 而在稍微地调整了下心态之后,诗寇蒂继续对着周易说道。 Good, like such that my elder sister said. You changed anything. However that is unimportant, because of that small change, dusk has not had the absolute quality influence to entire various God. However, that actually changes all starts. Also is various God dusk the premise of destiny change. You are ruthless, is very important, particularly regarding Lancet Gia Duc's destiny. The change of this destiny is starts by you, definitely will end by you!” “好吧,就像我姐姐说的那样。你已经改变了一些什么。但是那不重要,因为那只是一点小小的变动,并没有对整个诸神黄昏产生绝对性的影响。不过,那却是改变一切的开始。也是诸神黄昏命运改变的前提。你狠特殊,也很重要,尤其是对于阿斯嘉德的命运来说。这个命运的改变是由你开始的,也必然会由你来终结!” This point I knew, then this changes this destiny? Do not tell me is makes me go other world destroying, such words really do not have any too big significance. I impossible to do!” “这一点我已经知道了,那么到底该怎么改变这个命运呢?不要告诉我是让我去把其他的世界给毁灭掉,那样的话实在是没有什么太大的意义。我也不可能去那么做!” The poem Kou Di explanation really does not have any too big implication regarding Zhou Yi, or simply is one pile of useless idle talk. Therefore he did not shake the head very much patiently, such was saying to her. 诗寇蒂的解释对于周易来说实在是没有什么太大的借鉴意义,或者干脆就是一堆无用的废话。所以他很不耐烦地摇了摇头,对着她就这么说道。 Do not say this useless issue to me. What I want is only specific plan, is you in the thing that in the future will see. Told me to be good these matters, as for other me thought that I do not need too to understand!” “不要跟我说这种没有用的问题了。我要的只是具体的方案,是你在未来里看到的东西。把那些事情告诉我就行了,至于其他的我觉得我不需要太了解!” No, like this did not say right. Person who changes the destiny! You must understand that actually anything is destiny, can genuinely change the destiny. If you smatter, then you absolutely are unable to change various God the dusk fact. This is inevitable!” “不,这样说不对。改变命运的人!你必须明白究竟什么是命运,才能真正的改变命运。如果你一知半解,那么你就绝对无法改变诸神黄昏的事实。这是必然的!” High-rising interposed again, but heard her words, Zhou Yi can only the peak own shoulder, the response say reluctantly. 兀尔德再次插话进来,而听到她的话,周易只能无奈地耸了耸自己的肩膀,回应道。 Then is good, please say. What is the destiny, this changes various God dusk to have any relations with me!” “那么好吧,请说吧。到底什么是命运,这又和我改变诸神黄昏有什么关系!” Is a little patient, the person who changes the destiny. This has the advantage to you, because this might help you in some time of future very much!” Dundee had also joined at this time. She looks Zhou Yi that a face is bored to death, shows a faint smile was saying to him. “有点耐心,改变命运的人。这对你是有好处的,因为这很有可能在未来的某个时间段里对你有所帮助!”贝露丹迪这个时候也加入了进来。她看着一脸百无聊赖的周易,微微一笑就对着他说道。 Before then, I want to ask you, you think that the destiny is comprised of what?” “在这之前,我想问你,你认为命运到底是由什么组成的?” Destiny comprised of what? I think that should comprised of the past, the present and future these three parts. As if also only then this view can stand firmly! „ “命运是由什么组成的?我想应该是由过去、现在和未来这三部分组成的。似乎也只有这个说法才能站得住脚吧!“ Looks at the present destiny three goddesses, Zhou Yi looked for a view casually. But hears his reply, Dundee actually immediately knit the brows. 看着眼前的命运三女神,周易随便地找了个说法。而听到他的回答,贝露丹迪却是立刻皱了皱眉。 This view right, but actually cannot say completely correctly. Strict, the so-called destiny was the past already the established fact, fact that now occurred, future had not determined fact that had. Only has the fact, can be called destiny. Thing that these have not had, is only a possibility, but cannot talk into is the destiny.” “这个说法没错,但是却也不能说全部正确。严格来说,所谓的命运是过去已经既定的事实,现在正在发生的事实,还有未来的还没有确定发生的事实。只有事实,才能被称之为命运。那些没有发生的东西,只是一种可能,而不能说成是命运。” „Does the matter that this and we must say what relations have?” “这和我们要说的事情有什么关系吗?” Zhou Yi did not come such one patiently, but heard him saying that Dundee and poem invader Thizy swung together began. 周易不耐烦地来了这么一句,而听到他这么说,贝露丹迪和诗寇蒂齐齐地摇起了头。 Naturally has the relations, patient, listening to us to say!” “当然有关系,耐心点,听我们说!” Makes me come you to call an analogy, if you knew future trend, perhaps will be one minute later future. But this will satisfy you very in the future, then you present, have gotten up to some tricks in view of the turning point that this will present in the future, making that have the change in the future. You thought the words that does this, can do to be called the change destiny, the change in the future?” “让我来给你打个比方,如果说你知道了未来的走向,也许就是一分钟后的未来。而这个未来让你非常不满意,然后你就在现在,针对这个未来出现的转折点做了些许的手脚,让那个未来发生了变化。你觉得这样做的话,能做叫改变命运,改变未来吗?” Heard this supposition, Zhou Yi has thought in own brain, then indefinitely replied. 听到这个假设,周易在自己的脑子里想了一圈,然后就不确定地回答道。 I think that should not have the issue, didn't this change the future?” “我想应该没问题吧,难道这样不是改变了未来吗?” Naturally is not!” As the future goddess, categorical that poem Kou Di replies, is powerful. Did this can only changed at best a future possibility, cannot be called the change in the future. What the future is? In the future forever is unable to determine, thing that is unable definitely even unable to be described. It only exists in the thought that exists in the supposition, but will never appear in the reality. Therefore, if this is also called change in the future, then also too will be rather casual in the future!” “当然不是!”作为未来女神,诗寇蒂回答的斩钉截铁,气势十足。“这样做充其量只能算是改变了一个未来的可能性,根本不能叫做改变未来。未来是什么?未来是永远无法确定,无法肯定甚至无法被描述的东西。它只存在于思想中,存在于假设中,而永远不可能出现在现实中。所以,如果这样也叫做改变未来的话,那么未来未免也太随便了!” This view is somewhat novel regarding Zhou Yi, even somewhat is hard to accept. Because on his experience, he thought that oneself has also changed the future person. It looks like he in extinguishing in the ultimate war of tyrant, reversed the entire time river to be the same, while changing that heartless destruction, won't change one to represent the desperate future? 这个说法对于周易来说有些新奇,甚至有些难以接受。因为就他本身的经历来说,他觉得自己也算是改变过了未来的人。就像是他在和灭霸的终极一战中,逆转了整个时间长河一样,在改变了那无情的毁灭的同时,难道不也是改变了一个代表着绝望的未来吗? If according to poem Kou Di this view, he changes is anything. 如果按照诗寇蒂这个说法的话,他改变的到底是个什么。 Looked that your appearance knows you simply have not wanted to understand. Good, looks in you is also in the good share. I show mercy explain to you again in detail.” “看你的样子就知道你还根本没有想明白。好吧,看在你这个人还算是不错的份上。我就大发慈悲再给你解释地详细一点吧。” The Zhou Yi complexion change is all people can see. But regarding gazing at the three destiny goddesses of time river. Why he will have is so strange, even is the somewhat ugly complexion, is not difficult to guess. Therefore quick, poem Kou Di has interrupted the Zhou Yi complex train of thought that such was saying to him. 周易脸色的变化是所有人都能看得到的。而对于注视着时间长河的三位命运女神来说。他为什么会有这么奇怪、甚至是有些难看的脸色,一点都不难猜。所以很快,诗寇蒂就打断了周易的复杂思绪,对着他这么说道。 Is a supposition. After you saw for one minute, a future scene that you think. In view of this future, you handled something to make it have the change. When you complete all these, before that future scene will occur the beforehand ten seconds will look at this future words again, can it also be that future appearance?” “还是一个假设。你看到了一分钟后,你认为的一个未来景象。针对这个未来,你做了一些事情让它发生了改变。而当你做完这一切,在那个未来景象发生之前的十秒钟之前再去看这个未来的话,它还会是那个未来的样子吗?” This, is certainly different. Wait/Etc., will change in the future, naturally is different!” “这个,当然是不一样的。等等,未来已经改变了,当然不一样了!” Has thought thinks, Zhou Yi and repeatedly does not have what the way of difference to say to poem Kou Di with this type. In his opinion, poem Kou Di simply in playing a game in language, is forcefully the paradox. 想了又想,周易才用这种和重复没有什么区别的方式对诗寇蒂说道。在他看来,诗寇蒂简直是在玩一种语言上的游戏,是在强行地诡辩。 However poem Kou Dike does not believe, her slightly cannot observe held up the head, was saying to Zhou Yi by a proud stance. 但是诗寇蒂可不这么认为,她微不可察地昂起了头,以一种骄傲的姿态对着周易说道。 Stupid fellow, you thinks that I am playing with the language art with you? I told you, I to all these that you said may be the destiny true meaning. Is the most real destiny principle!” “愚蠢的家伙,你以为我是在和你玩弄语言艺术吗?我告诉你,我跟你说的这一切可都是命运的真谛。是最最真实的命运法则!” Like such that I just said that from the perspective of time, after so-called one minute in the future throughout is in that minute of point. But peeps at this time the point before one minute before ten seconds in the same fashion, the thing that sees is different, hasn't this been able to explain what?” “就像我刚刚说的那样,从时间的角度来看,所谓的一分钟后的未来始终是处于那一分钟的点上。而在一分钟前和十秒前以同样的方式去窥视这个时间点,看到的东西却不一样,这难道还不能说明什么吗?” You actually want to say anything! Please speak frankly!” “你到底想说什么!请直说!” As if grasps anything's Zhou Yi to stare to tighten the present three goddesses suddenly, the look such was asking to them seriously. But looks that he asked finally such words, three goddesses smiled, to stand in one. 似乎把握到了什么的周易突然盯紧了自己眼前的三位女神,神色郑重地这么对着她们问道。而看着他终于问出了这样的话,三个女神相视一笑,就重新站在了一起。 „ The so-called future is actually never qualitative. But the change this matter is always will be in the future impossible to exist. The future that you see will not be in the future, but will be only the future one possibility, is a mirror image that the time river indistinct will appear. The true future is the nihility, does not exist , is unable to change by the external force. „ “所谓的未来其实是从来没有定性的。而改变未来这种事情也从来是不可能存在的。你看到的未来并不是未来,而只是未来的一种可能性,是时间长河隐约中显现出来的一个镜像。真正的未来是虚无的,是不存在的,也是根本无法由外力改变得。“ Poem Kou Di just said, Dundee followed her words , to continue to say. 诗寇蒂刚刚这么说完,贝露丹迪就接过了她的话,继续说道。 These so-called future, actually from the one of the present future toward the possibility that can perhaps present. Said that is also the change in the future, will have the present that can actually be changed truly. Grasps the present, grasps the future, can guide you in that possibility that the future wanted to see. The future is any appearance, entirely depends on the present. Also only then the present, will possibly withdraw one in future infinite possibility, will concentrate on the maximum effort toward it, can let the only method of situation in the future will change you to want.” “那些所谓的未来,其实只是从现在向着未来出发的一种也许会出现的可能性。说是改变未来,其实真正能被改变的也只有现在。把握现在,才是把握住了未来,才能把未来导向你想要看到的那种可能上。未来是什么样子的,完全取决于现在。也只有在现在,把未来的无限可能中的一个可能提取出来,向着它投注出最大的努力,才是能让未来变化出你想要的情况的唯一方法。” Past eventually was only the past, future also eventually is only the future. It is not able to change, is unable to touch. Truly can grasp only has the present! Even if you counter traces time river is also same, in the past in front of you, but you grasp is also only now.” “过去的终究只是过去的,未来的也终究只是未来的。一个无法改变,一个无法触及。真正能把握的只有现在!就算是你逆溯时间长河也是一样,过去只是在你前面,而你把握的也只是现在。” High-rising summarizes finally makes Zhou Yi also cannot help but at heart secret is startled. He indeed counter has traced time river, however such matter should be anybody does not know that is also impossible to know. But now, this secret in the long elder sister by destiny goddess was said that this made his instinct on the surface feel inconceivable. 兀尔德最后的总结让周易也不由得在心里暗暗一惊。他的确逆溯过时间长河,但是那样的事情应该是任何人都不知道的,也不可能知道。而现在,这个秘密却是被命运女神中的长姐说了出来,这让他本能上地感受到了一种不可思议。 But his response also wrote on his face, looks at the look on his face. The destiny three sisters have smiled immediately. 而他的反应也写在了他的脸上,看着他脸上的神色。命运三姐妹立刻就笑了起来。 This is the destiny, person who can change the destiny. Even if you, does not have the secret to say in its front. It is comprehensive, natural you also in!”( ~^~) “这就是命运,能改变命运的人。即便是你,在它的面前也是没有秘密可言的。它包罗万象,自然的你也在其中!”(~^~)
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