MSG :: Volume #6

#547: Goddess confidence prophecies of doom

Then various God dusk? various God dusk said, it isn't one already the future of being determined? Such that if said according to you, it should also not be the future, but is, but is only a possibility. Since is indefinite possibility, why will make your Lancet Gia Duc person such dread, is worrying about his arrival!” “那么诸神黄昏呢?诸神黄昏怎么说,它不是一个已经被确定下来的未来吗?如果按照你说的那样的话,它也应该不是什么未来而是,而只是一种可能而已。既然是只是不确定的可能,为什么会让你们阿斯嘉德人这么畏惧,担忧着他的降临!” The destinies of destiny three goddesses said that makes Zhou Yi feel from the innermost feelings does not approve, no matter he does approve, he actually has to acknowledge the view that these goddess God Gods talked on endlessly also indeed had that a meaning, particularly after they dug oneself black history, this view was more persuasive. 命运三女神的命运说让周易从内心里感到不认同,但是不管他认不认同,他却不得不承认这几个女神神神叨叨的说法还的确有那么点意思,尤其是在她们把自己的黑历史挖出来后,这种说法就更加具有说服力了。 However, Zhou Yi apparently does not have easy that to be convinced. It looks like the present, he various God dusk this very special example lifting. 不过,周易显然没有那么容易被说服。就像是现在,他就把诸神黄昏这个非常特殊的例子给举了出来。 If the future is indefinite, then this group of Lancet Gia Duc person why that assured various God dusk will arrive, this absolutely does not have the matter of reason. 如果说未来是不确定的,那么这群阿斯嘉德人为什么那么笃定诸神黄昏会降临,这完全是没有理由的一件事情。 Person who listening, to be changing the destiny. various God dusk is also a mirror image of foresight, will be one also has not become the future mirror image of reality. Reason that it will attach such great importance, will be regarded as the matter that has inevitably by us. Completely is possibility that because it presents was too high.” “听着,改变命运的人。诸神黄昏也是一种预见的镜像,也是一个还未成为现实的未来镜像。但是之所以它会被这么重视,会被我们视作必然发生的事情。完全是因为它出现的可能性太高了。” If the destiny develops in the future possibly has 10,000 types, the possibility that then various God dusk presents has 9999 types. Almost the path of every destiny operation has aimed at a result of inevitably destruction. Almost every mirror image is the scene of exactly the same redundant type. Without the exception, without any vitality. Also because of this, it was called the prediction, calls the fate!” “如果说命运发展到未来的可能有10000种的话,那么诸神黄昏出现的可能性就有9999种。几乎每一种命运运行的轨迹都是指向了一个必然毁灭的结果。几乎每一个镜像都是一模一样的重复式的场景。没有例外,没有任何的生机。也正是因为这样,它才被称之为预言,称之为宿命!” High-rising was explaining, when he explained here. Dundee has also joined her words , to continue to say. 兀尔德解释着,而当他解释到这里的时候。贝露丹迪也接上了她的话,继续说道。 However your appearance is nearly situation marvelously. The destiny path had 9999 types to aim at the destruction, but you were that only remaining vitalities. Your appearance made that vitality show. Make these exactly the same destruction scenes no longer is the same. Now, no one can say that in the future will be what kind, various God dusk will be what kind . The situation will be better , will be worse. But which type, you are the most important that reason.” “而你的出现就是一个近乎奇迹般的情况。命运的轨迹有9999种指向了毁灭,而你就是那唯一剩下的生机。你的出现让那一丝生机展现了出来。让那些一模一样的毁灭景象都变得不再一样了。现在,谁也不能说未来会怎么样,诸神黄昏会怎么样。情况可能会更好,也可能会更坏。而不论是哪一种,你都是最重要的那个原因。” Regarding Zhou Yi, this naturally is a big hat. But wears a such hat, even if were he also felt the heavy pressure. 对于周易来说,这自然是一个大帽子。而戴着这样的一个帽子,就算是他也感到了沉甸甸的压力。 Therefore? How I should do! You must know, I am not willing to lead Lancet Gia Duc to the destruction. I want helps their, the belt from the future of these destruction will possibly come out them. This is my only idea. Therefore, what regardless in the future is. I only hope that you can me direct, to tell me, how I should do!” “所以呢?我该怎么做!你们要知道,我并不愿意把阿斯嘉德带向毁灭。我要的只是帮助他们一把,把他们从那些可能毁灭的未来中带出来而已。这是我唯一的想法。因此,不论未来到底是什么样的。我只希望你们能够给我指引,告诉我,我到底该怎么做!” Actually we can give your direction not to be many. It looks like we to such that Odin said that knows more sometimes is not a good deed. Because this will make the development of matter develop in the worst direction. If you need an answer, I can only tell you, the present, when you must make the choice, does you to think the most correct matter.” “其实我们能给你的指引不多。就像是我们给奥丁说的那样,知道的越多有时并不是一件好事。因为这会让事情的发展向着最坏的方向发展。如果你真的需要一个答案的话,我只能告诉你,在现在,在你要做出选择的时候,去做你认为最正确的事情。” Dundee has gripped own younger sister poem Kou Di hand, then deeply looked at Zhou Yi one. 贝露丹迪握住了自己的妹妹诗寇蒂的手,然后深深地看了周易一眼。 Now, this destiny grasps in your hands, it will only change along with your decision. Therefore this answer does not need to ask us, but only needs to ask you!” “现在,这个命运就掌握在你的手中,它只会随着你的决定而改变。所以这个答案不需要问我们,而只需要问你自己!” Spoke these words, destiny three goddesses silently has drawn back, stood the world to set up under Uicker Tela Hill. They no longer look at Zhou Yi, but is weaving the yarn in hand, while hummed the ballad that Zhou Yi could not understand completely in a low voice. 说完这句话,命运三女神就默默地退了回去,重新站到了世界树尤克特拉希尔之下。她们不再看着周易,而是一边编织着手中的纱线,一边低声地哼唱起一种周易完全听不懂的歌谣。 This ballad sounds vague, but has one type unable with the strength that the spoken language described to exist. In this singing sound, Zhou Yi even felt that special flowing with stagnation feeling, looks like illusory rivers from own side flows little, but is excessively same. 这个歌谣听起来若有若无,但是却是有一种无法用言语形容的力量存在于其中。在这歌声中,周易甚至感觉到了一种特殊的流动和凝滞感,就像是一个虚幻的河流从自己的身边一点点地流淌而过一样。 That type felt that Zhou Yi is familiar, is the strength of time river. But in strength that in this time river transforms. Form this of destiny three goddesses gradually turned illusory, vanishes in gradually at present. 那种感觉周易非常熟悉,是时间长河的力量。而就在这时间长河幻化出来的力量之中。命运三女神的身影就这样渐渐变成了虚幻,渐渐地消失在了眼前。 They obviously already not with the meaning that Zhou Yi exchanged. But in this case, Zhou Yi can only like this leave. He has the doubts to come, but departs is having many puzzled and issues. This is not his issue, but is the destiny itself so variable. 她们显然已经没有和周易交流下去的意思了。而在这种情况下,周易只能就这样地离开。他带着疑惑而来,而离去的时候却是带着更多的不解和问题。这并不是他的问题,而是命运本身就是如此的无常。 The inquisition future person should so, because will never have the answer in the future. This perhaps is Zhou Yi now the only harvest! 探究未来的人本来就应该如此,因为未来从来没有答案。这或许是周易现在唯一的收获! But after he left the world of world tree peak, the forms of destiny three goddesses gradually appeared. 而就在他离开了世界树顶端的世界之后,命运三女神的身影又渐渐地浮现了出来。 They look at the direction that Zhou Yi leaves, after for a long time, Dundee brought some to open the mouth regrettably. 她们看着周易离开的方向,直到许久之后,贝露丹迪才带着些许遗憾地张开了嘴。 I am not clear, high-rising. Why you do not make me exist to tell him that. That is his destiny, is match who he can definitely run into the future. Morning a point told his words, perhaps will let in the future become well, not?” “我不明白,兀尔德。为什么你不让我把那个存在告诉他。那是他的命运,是他未来必然会遇到的对手。早一点告诉他的话,也许会让未来变得更好一些,不是吗?” But may also let in the future become worse, not?” Faced own younger sister's inquiry, high-rising has been closing own eye silently. Although in her hand has been weaving the destiny yarn steadily, but her the eyelid of that restless beat explained that her mood at this moment not like she displays tranquil. “但是也有可能让未来变得更坏,不是吗?”面对着自己的妹妹的询问,兀尔德默默地闭上了自己的眼睛。尽管她的手上一直在平稳地编织着命运的纱线,但是她那不安跳动的眼皮却已经说明了,她此刻的心情并不像她所表现的那样平静。 Fellow in that concealment darkness in the thing that represented you also sees. That is can swallow the destiny strength, can let the entire time river for existence that it vanishes. Such person is not we should touch, even if mentions should not. We have our destiny, therefore we should not easily step to his destiny, even if only then little, should not.” “那个隐匿在黑暗中的家伙所代表的东西你们也都看到了。那是能吞噬命运的力量,是能让整个时间长河都为之消失的存在。那样的人不是我们应该触及的,就算是提及也不应该。我们有自己的命运,因此我们不应该轻易地涉足到他的命运中去,哪怕就算是只有一点点,也是不应该的。” High-rising did, what you see? Should be able to trace the source of that destruction by your strength is. Who he is, why will make you so dread, told us his real status not to want.” “兀尔德,你到底看到了什么?以你的力量应该可以追溯到那个毁灭者的源头才是。他到底是谁,为什么会让你如此畏惧,以至于连告诉我们他的真实身份都不愿意。” Dundee is closely examining, hopes that can know more matters from own elder sister's mouth. 贝露丹迪追问着,希望能从自己姐姐的嘴里知道更多的事情。 As will separately represent, the present and future three goddesses. Their Si palm completely different destiny strengths. But looks like strength such that they represent, high-rising can only see became the past destiny of reality. But she can only notice that toward the destiny that the reality transforms. As for poem Kou Di, then can only see the possibility, the possibilities in innumerable destiny. 作为分别代表过去、现在和未来的三位女神。她们司掌着完全不同的命运力量。而就像是她们所代表的力量那样,兀尔德只能看到已经成为现实的过去的命运。而她则只能看到正在向着现实转变的命运。至于诗寇蒂,则只能看到可能,无数命运中的可能。 Therefore, regarding her, she had only discovered from the Zhou Yi side that unequalled darkness, in that darkness is ambushing the terrifying power of letting person palpitation. But regarding the origin of this strength, the future of this strength, she is actually complete knowing nothing. 因此,对于她来说,她只从周易的身边发现了那无与伦比的黑暗,和那黑暗中所潜伏着的让人心悸的恐怖力量。而对于这个力量的来历,这个力量的未来,她却是完全的一无所知。 If were in the past, she can also exchange with high-rising, actually had a look at this fearful strength is any origin. When high-rising has rejected her request, she actually discovered, the matter is some are really different. 如果是以往,她还能和兀尔德交流一下,看看这股可怕的力量究竟是什么一个来历。但是当兀尔德拒绝了她的要求的时候,她却是发现,事情实在是有些不一样了。 I said that that is not the thing that we should step and move. About the origin of that existence, do not ask me, do not count on that I can tell you. If, I even hope, I have not seen these things.” “我说了,那不是我们应该涉足和触碰的东西。关于那个存在的来历,你不要问我,也不要指望我能告诉你们。如果可以,我甚至希望,我从来没有看到过那些东西。” Desperate abyss has embezzled all light, even if were the most magnificent Sun also lost own luminous in that unequalled despair. Changed has only made the shade, changed does has swallowed the end of myriad things. The finale of world was born!” “绝望的深渊吞没了一切的光明,就算是最辉煌的太阳也在那无与伦比的绝望中失去了自己的光亮。光变作了影,变作了吞噬万物的终结。世界的终曲已经诞生了!” High-rising sighed during spoken language made Dundee fall into was silent, but poem Kou Di also announced oneself foresight at this time. 兀尔德叹息般的言语让贝露丹迪陷入了沉默之中,而诗寇蒂这个时候也宣告出了自己的预见。 „The deepest darkness in side of the brightest existence, the light and shade will happen one day interwine. When approached on that day, the true end catastrophe will arrive to the world above. Raises brightly, darkness forever embezzles all world. All these destinies, were grasped by that person in the hand!” “最深沉的黑暗就在最光明的存在之侧,光与影终有一天会交织在一起。当那一天来临的时候,真正的末日浩劫就会降临到世界之上。是光明重新升起,还是黑暗永远地吞没所有的世界。这一切的命运,都被那个人握在了手上!” Here, destiny three goddesses hummed once again in a low voice. In their humming, the branch of Uicker Tela Hill started Shasha to sway, the golden leaf fell gently little along with the movement of branch. As if including it also to feel that for the destiny language that oneself hear is alarmed and afraid same. 说到了这里,命运三女神再度低声哼唱了起来。在她们的哼唱中,尤克特拉希尔的枝桠开始莎莎地摇晃了起来,金色的树叶随着枝桠的动作一点点地飘落下来。仿佛连它也在为自己所听到的命运的语言而感到惊惧一样。 However besides it, anybody has not known this occurred under the world tree prediction from destiny. Secret that this is one cannot known, but actually this secret when will be revealed that can only be the matter that is unable to determine. Perhaps is tomorrow, perhaps is forever, clarity that no one is possible to say. 不过除了它之外,没有任何人知道这发生在世界树之下的来自命运的预言。这是一个不能被人知道的秘密,而这个秘密究竟会在什么时候被人揭穿,都只会是一件无法确定的事情。也许是明天,也许是永远,谁也不可能说的清楚。 Goes out the front door that such as Nepali rune/symbol writing has woven, Zhou Yi saw immediately a face is anxious and anticipation look Odin. But similarly, Odin also saw him, but in he discovered that in Zhou Yi earliest possible time, he impatiently flushed, was saying to Zhou Yi. 走出了如尼符文编织出来的大门,周易立刻就看到了一脸惶急和期待神色的奥丁。而同样的,奥丁也看到了他,而就在他发现周易的第一时间里,他就迫不及待地冲了上来,对着周易说道。 Actually destiny three goddesses said anything to you, friend of mine. Do they have to tell you, how should be able to untie this destiny the knot!” “命运三女神究竟对你说了些什么,我的朋友。她们有没有告诉你,该怎么样才能解开这个命运的绳结!” Sorry, your majesty. They were only and I said words that some did not understand what is heard!” Smiled bitterly is opening the mouth, Zhou Yi has only been able full contain the apology to say to Odin. They only told me, making me grasp now, then makes any correct choice. Except for this, they have not told me any useful thing.” “抱歉,陛下。她们只是和我说了一些根本听不明白的话!”苦笑着张开了嘴,周易只能满含歉意地对着奥丁说道。“她们只告诉了我,让我把握住现在,然后去做什么正确的选择。除了这个,她们没有告诉我任何有用的东西。” Is this appearance?” Heard the reply of Zhou Yi, on Odin's face has revealed disappointed look that but obviously Yi (easy) sees. However he has not blamed the meaning of Zhou Yi actually, instead put out a hand, has patted the shoulder of Zhou Yi, is comforting to say to him as elder. “是这个样子吗?”听到了周易的回答,奥丁的脸上露出了显而见的失望神色。不过他倒是没有责怪周易的意思,反而伸出了手,拍了拍周易的肩膀,以一个长辈的身份对着他安慰道。 This does not blame you, do not care. My young friend, destiny goddess all along so. If not because they are never willing to reveal that perhaps the truth of destiny path, all these will not approach. Ok, all these must depend eventually our. Makes us change this damn all!” “这并不怪你,你不要太放在心上了。我年轻的朋友,命运女神一贯如此。如果不是因为她们从不愿意吐露出命运轨迹的真相,说不定这一切就不会来临了。算了,这一切终究还是要靠我们自己的。就让我们自己来改变这该死的一切吧!” Your majesty, did you have what plan?” “陛下,难道你已经有什么方案了吗?” I had some ideas. However before then, I hope that you can accompany me to perform in a play, friend of mine.” Here, on Odin's face has shown a complex look. Please ship out one to obtain the appearance of destiny foreknowledge, to Lancet Gia Duc these person of confidence. I was worried very much, if no this confidence to support them, likely before that all approach, we lost the faith of courage and fight!”( ~^~) “我有了一些想法。不过在这之前,我还是希望你能陪着我演一出戏,我的朋友。”说到这里,奥丁的脸上露出了一种复杂的神色。“请你装出一副已经得到了命运预知的样子,给阿斯嘉德那些人信心吧。我很担心,如果没有这个信心支持他们的话,很可能在那一切来临之前,我们就已经失去了勇气和战斗的信念了!”(~^~)
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