MSG :: Volume #6

#545: Destiny three states of matter through the ages

Person who dares to break the God king Aoding words, is in three sisters smallest one. She looks like some does not get on well with others greatly, even if because in such situation, she has not revealed the facial features the meaning. The light fine gauze kept off in her front together, covered up the lines of sight of all people. Keep anybody from by this veil seeing her beautiful face. 敢于打断神王奥丁话语的人,是三姐妹中最小的一个。她看起来有些不大合群,因为即便是在这样的场合里,她也没有露出来自己面容的意思。一道薄薄的轻纱挡在了她的面前,遮掩住了所有人的视线。让任何人都无法透过这道面纱去一睹她的芳容。 However wants to come, her looks are certainly good. On the one hand is because her two elder sister pearls and jade before, she is naturally impossible too inferior many. But on the other hand because of her sound, the sound of that moving heart and soul, wants to come not to spoil the fun appears above an alternative face. 不过想来,她的姿容一定不错。一方面是因为她的两个姐姐珠玉在前,她自然也不可能太逊色多少。而另一方面则是因为她的声音,那种动人心魄的声韵,想来也不会大煞风景地出现在一个另类的脸孔之上。 However cannot conceal a fact in the wonderful sound and appearance, that is this goddess temperament looks like seems not good. As one of the Lancet Gia Duc's Gods, even dares to reprimand Odin this God's father, this explained anything. 不过在美妙的声音和容貌都不能掩盖一个事实,那就是这个女神的脾气看起来似乎不是太好。作为阿斯嘉德的众神之一,甚至敢于斥责奥丁这个众神之父,这本来就说明了一些什么。 But her reprimanding had not ended obviously. 而她的斥责显然还没有结束。 I do not know that your majesty you are actually thinking anything, but something , since chose do not regret. The change of destiny means future is unknowable. Now what future is a big riddle, nobody can know that in the future will be anything. If wants to observe forcefully, but handles the matter that the idiot is handling purely!” “我不知道陛下你到底在想些什么,但是有些事情既然选择了就不要后悔。命运的改变就意味着未来的不可知。现在未来的是个大谜团,没有人能够知道未来是什么。如果想要强行窥测,只是单纯地做着蠢货才做的事情而已!” Poem Kou Di, you must know. I for the entire Lancet Gia Duc's future! Also, don't forget, I was Lancet Gia Duc's king, your kings.” “诗寇蒂,你要知道。我为的是整个阿斯嘉德的未来!还有,别忘了,我才是阿斯嘉德的国王,你们的国王。” Does not show due respect for reproving of feelings facing this, Odin could not certainly endure. Even if were he said that the goddess that was called writing poetry Kou Di the face ridicule did not say to him. 面对这样不给面子的训斥,奥丁当然是忍不了的。但是即便是他这么说了,那个被唤作诗寇蒂的女神还是一点也不给他面子地嘲笑道。 King, yes, you are our kings. However in the future front, even if the king is also only ornaments. You are impossible to control in the future, your majesty. If you want to save Lancet Gia Duc words, might as well makes us chat with this outcomer well!” “国王,是的,你是我们的国王。但是在未来的面前,即便是国王也只是个摆设而已。你是不可能主宰未来的,陛下。如果你真的想要挽救阿斯嘉德话,还不如让我们和这个外来者好好地聊一聊!” Poem Kou Di!” When Odin angrily roars once more was summoning this name, one side tranquil high-rising suddenly has actually opened the mouth, was speaking to their kings. “诗寇蒂!”当奥丁再次怒吼着呼唤着这个名字的时候,一旁平静的兀尔德却是突然间张开了嘴,对着他们的国王发话了。 Your majesty, looks like such that poem Kou Di said. About the future, more is actually more disadvantageous to you who you inquire into. Because that will make you not be controlled by oneself once again marches into the path that the destiny arranges. Very easy broke out of the fetter of destiny, came in again is not the wise action. Therefore, your majesty, you for the time being leaves. Let us chat with the outcomer who this can mix the destiny well!” “陛下,就像是诗寇蒂说的那样。关于未来,你们探究的越多其实就对你们越不利。因为那会让你们不受自己控制得就再度步入命运所安排好的轨迹之中。好不容易才摆脱掉了命运的束缚,再进来可不是什么明智之举。所以,陛下,你还是暂且离开吧。让我们和这个能够搅动命运的外来者好好聊一聊!” If poem Kou Di will only make Odin angry, then high-rising will make only Odin think deeply. 如果说诗寇蒂的话只会让奥丁愤怒的话,那么兀尔德的话却只会让奥丁深思。 Poem Kou Di unpredictable, uneven performance. Therefore every so often you cannot guess she true meaning from her performance. However high-rising is different, mature steady high-rising is oldest existences in three sisters, is most careful, calmest and most sincere goddess. 诗寇蒂的性格捉摸不定,时好时坏。所以很多时候你不能从她的表现去猜测她心里真正的意思。但是兀尔德不一样,成熟稳重的兀尔德是三姐妹中的最年长的存在,也是最细心、最沉着和最真诚的女神。 Words that she spoke often real, inevitably real. Once she has opened the mouth, is Odin also has to go to ponder and treat prudently. 她说的话往往都是真的,也必然都是真的。所以一旦她开口了,就是奥丁也不得不去慎重地思考和对待。 Therefore has been pondering a moment later, Odin has to transfer the direction, was saying to Zhou Yi. 所以在思考了片刻之后,奥丁就不得不调转过方向,对着自己身边的周易说道。 Friend of mine, it seems like can only ask you to exchange with these three goddesses well, thus learned that finished various God dusk the method of destiny.” “我的朋友,看来只能拜托你和这三位女神好好地交流一番,从而获知结束诸神黄昏命运的方法了。” This behavior was equal to pays the body of Zhou Yi oneself even entire Lancet Gia Duc's destiny directly. If can ask that a result is good, but if cannot ask, that may be embarrassed. Therefore, even if was Zhou Yi also felt the heavy heavy pressure at this time. 这种行为等同于直接把自己甚至整个阿斯嘉德的命运交付到了周易的身上。如果能问出来个结果还好,但是如果问不出来,那可就难堪了。所以,就算是周易这个时候也感受到了沉甸甸的重压。 However, he was the person who went through tempering. Saved the world matter is not first time has done, therefore slightly returned to normal the mood, he to the Odin serious say/way. 不过,他好歹是几经磨炼的人了。拯救世界的事情也不是第一次做了,所以只是稍微平复了一下心情,他就对着奥丁郑重道。 I know how should do, your majesty. Also asked you to wait for my good news!” “我知道该怎么做了,陛下。还请你等待我的好消息吧!” Although the reply of Zhou Yi is very difficult to make Odin feel to feel at ease thoroughly, but he did not have any other means at this time. Therefore he can only pat the shoulder of Zhou Yi, the junction holds the heavy responsibility to his body in this manner, then when did not return to turned toward the direction to walk. 周易的回答虽然很难让奥丁彻底地感到心安,但是这个时候他也没有任何其他的办法了。所以他只能拍了拍周易的肩膀,以这种方式交托重任到他的身上,然后头也不回地就向着来时的方向走了过去。 But looks that his form disappears in such as Nepali rune/symbol writing gate. Zhou Yi the revolutions is excessive, has been sizing up own goddess to ask to that three. 而看着他的身影消失在如尼符文的门内。周易才转过了头,对着那三个一直打量着自己的女神问道。 That, can tell me three only to leave behind me, what wants to discuss alone?” “那么,可以告诉我三位只留下我,想要单独谈些什么呢?” We are the destiny three goddesses, can with naturally be the destiny that you discussed. Person from destiny!” “我们是命运三女神,能和你谈的当然是命运了。来自命运之外的人!” Replied first his is not high-rising, is not unpredictable poem Kou Di, but is Dundee this self-confident very goddess. However is listening to her words, Zhou Yi actually very strange feelings. Feeling of the somewhat strange backward. But, when high-rising said such words, Zhou Yi had discovered as if early already by oneself have neglected the matter. 最先回答他的不是兀尔德,也不是捉摸不定的诗寇蒂,而是贝露丹迪这个自信非常的女神。不过听着她的话,周易却总有一种很怪异的感觉。一种有些奇怪的追溯之感。而紧接着,当兀尔德说出这样的话的时候,周易才发现了一个似乎早已经被自己忽略了的事情。 You are not the person in this world, not? I saw the line of entirely different destiny from your body, is different from this world, is different in this world anybody's the destiny passing, very unusual passing!” “您并不是这个世界上的人,不是吗?我从你的身上看到了截然不同的命运之线,一个不同于这个世界,不同于这个世界上任何人的命运过往,一个非常奇特的过往!” Until high-rising said such words time, Zhou Yi has thought. Oneself are not this world primary resident. He is another guest of world, lived for more than 20 years in this world, has been regarded as the outcomer of oneself family/home this world. 直到兀尔德说出这样的话的时候,周易才想了起来。自己并不是这个世界原生的居民。他是另一个世界的来客,已经在这个世界生活了20多年,已经把这个世界当做是自己家的外来者。 However this important? Has thought of here, Zhou Yi unconscious shaking the head. Past passed, but these past things were unimportant regarding oneself. He has settled down in this world, in this world has all that he has. As for all of oneself original that world, has been able to dissipate along with passing, vanishes in own life thoroughly. 但是这重要吗?想到了这里,周易不自觉的摇了摇头。过去的已经过去了,而那些过去的东西对于自己来说并不重要。他已经在这个世界定居了下来,这个世界里才有着他所拥有的一切。至于自己原来那个世界的一切,都已经可以随着过往而消散,彻底地消失在自己的人生中。 High-rising Ms., if I have not remembered incorrectly, you should be the goddess that in the destiny three goddesses the representative passes. Told you very much regrettably, I regarding passing not any meaning of inquisition. The past matter after all was the past matter, since is unable to change, why cannot make them treat peacefully there. Why must turn them, is placed in our front?” “兀尔德女士,如果我没有记错的话,你应该是命运三女神中代表过去的女神吧。很遗憾地告诉你,我对于过往没有任何探究的意思。过去的事情毕竟是过去的事情,既然无法改变,为什么就不能让他们安静地待在那里。为什么要把它们翻出来,重新摆在我们的面前呢?” You said is very right, Sir. In the past was in the past, anything cannot change!” Listens to the Zhou Yi words, high-rising to show a faint smile, was not saying anything. “你说的很对,先生。过去就是过去,什么都改变不了!”听着周易的话,兀尔德微微一笑,就不在说些什么了。 However another goddess Dundee has not thought that she is looking straight ahead Zhou Yi, lives the prestige the tune to say to Zhou Yi with one type imposingly. 但是另一个女神贝露丹迪就不这么想了,她直视着周易,用一种凛然生威的腔调对着周易说道。 If in the past were unimportant, well? Your excellency, regarding all these that the present you make, you understand that what this does mean?” “过去如果不重要的话,那么现在呢?阁下,对于现在你所做的这一切,你明白这意味着什么吗?” Dundee woman, in destiny three goddesses of representative present. I think that I can tell you very much clearly, I know that I am making anything. I am resisting with the destiny, opposes with Lancet Gia Duc's destiny. Is what kind of as for the result, I have not known, does not have the interest to know. I only know that I pledged, then I have the duty such to do. This is my choice, I did not regret. Or I have not regretted!” “贝露丹迪女士,命运三女神中代表现在的那位。我想我可以很清楚的告诉你,我知道自己在做什么。我在和命运对抗,和阿斯嘉德的命运作对。至于结果怎么样,我还不知道,也没有兴趣知道。我只知道我承诺了,那么我就有义务这么做。这是我的选择,我不后悔。或者说,我从来没有后悔过!” „Didn't you regret really?” The reply of Zhou Yi made on the corners of the mouth of Dundee hang up the smiling face. She looks at such confident Zhou Yi, what in the look reveals is the full appreciation. “你真的不后悔?”周易的回答让贝露丹迪的嘴角上挂起了笑容。她看着这样自信十足的周易,眼神里露出的是满满的欣赏。 As on behalf of the present goddess, she believes that so long as holds the present bravely, can fearlessly facing all. But the performance of Zhou Yi is without doubt similar to all that she believes. This made her have many favorable impressions to Zhou Yi naturally. 作为代表现在的女神,她相信只要勇敢地抓住现在,就可以无所畏惧面对一切。而周易的表现无疑和她所信奉的一切是相似的。这让她自然而然地对周易生出了许多好感。 I have said that I never regretted. That matter and I have nothing to do!” “我说过,我从不后悔。那种事情和我无关!” Looks over own life, Zhou Yi knows oneself have done many wrong things, many foolish matters. Also has handled proud matter. Regardless to wrong, for better or for worse, regardless of final result how. He has not regretted. Open and aboveboard that this point he can say, without hesitation. 纵观自己的人生,周易知道自己做过很多错事,很多蠢事。也做过很多值得骄傲的事情。但是不论对错,不论好坏,不论最后的结果如何。他都没有后悔过。这一点他可以说的堂堂正正,毫不犹豫。 But is such reply, is makes brighter, makes high-rising who Dundee smiles start deeply to sigh. However they at this time in speaking, because received the right to speak turned into poem Kou Di, most small in destiny three goddess, represents of future. 而就是这样的回答,却是让贝露丹迪笑的更加灿烂,同时也让兀尔德开始深深地叹气起来。不过她们此时都没有在说话了,因为接过话语权的已经变成了诗寇蒂,命运三女神中的最小者,也是代表未来的那一个。 As the future goddess, poem Kou Dixi gets angry erratically. She leads nobody to see through appearance/portrait the veil, books that will be taking one not open always. Even if weaves the destiny yarn, she also always before weaves the net the yarn will destroy, destroys. But reason that she such does, because she represents will be in the future. 作为未来的女神,诗寇蒂喜怒不定。她带着无人能够看穿真容的面纱,拿着一本从来都不会被打开的书籍。就算是编织命运纱线,她也总是在将纱线编织成网之前将之销毁掉,破坏掉。而她之所以这么做,就因为她代表的是未来。 The future is indefinite, is evasive, is unable to weigh inestimable. Even if your supernatural power is exceedingly high, even can change the past, but actually can never change in the future. Because is unable to change in the future, it is present extending, is only then the present can, not tangibly existence that can see. 未来是不确定的,是不可捉摸的,更是无法衡量无法估计的。即便你神力通天,甚至能够改变过去,但是却也永远改变不了未来。因为未来无法改变,它是现在的延伸,是只有在现在才能出发,才能看见的不可触摸的存在。 But now, the present age displays, when the goddess Dundee has approved Zhou Yi, poem Kou Di this will represent the future goddess also to show the smiling face to him. 而现在,当代表现在的女神贝露丹迪认可了周易的时候,诗寇蒂这个代表未来的女神也向他露出了笑容。 Said, can let the river of destiny hero who changes, you planned that what things will know from the future?” “说说吧,能够让命运之河为止改变的英雄,你打算从未来知道些什么东西?” You should know that poem Miss Kou Di. I only want to know how can make various God dusk the bubble. As for other, my anything does not want to know!” “你应该知道的,诗寇蒂小姐。我只想知道,如何才能让诸神黄昏成为泡影。至于其他的,我什么都不想知道!” First Zhou Yi asked was this issue, but as if also only then this issue, was worth him interpellating to the destiny. 周易最先问的就是这个问题,而似乎也只有这个问题,才值得他向命运质询。 However at this time, poem Kou Di was actually hehe smiles. 但是这个时候,诗寇蒂却是呵呵一笑。 Interesting! Do you only want to know this really? Must know that I can tell you a lot? For example, you do not want to know how many children you will have, how many wives? Again or, which gives you under the birth heir's woman to be first?” “有趣!难道你真的只想知道这个吗?要知道我可是能把很多事情告诉你?比如说,难道你就不想知道你会有几个孩子,几个妻子吗?再或者,最先给你诞下子嗣的女人会是哪一个呢?” At this moment is Zhou Yi also has to acknowledge, he somewhat vacillated. This issue is very ingenious, but is also very appealing. Especially when he and these his spouses need a crystallization of love. However has thought thinks, he shook the head. 这一刻就是周易也不得不承认,他真的有些动摇了。这个问题很巧妙,但是也很吸引人。尤其是当他和那些他的爱人们真的需要一个爱情的结晶的时候。不过想了又想,他还是摇了摇头。 Forget about it, poem Miss Kou Di. Such future does not have the significance. What I need is only various God the dusk answer, as for other, said, although I anticipate however actually not to believe!” “还是算了吧,诗寇蒂小姐。这样的未来没有意义。我需要的只是诸神黄昏的答案,至于其他的,说真的,我虽然期待但是却并不相信!” You said right, if definite thing that can believed that that also will not be the future. Also is various God dusk, like this by destiny established the thing, in a disorderly way may follow, as for other, is I am deceiving your playing actually.” “你说的没错,如果是确定的、能被人相信的东西,那也就不是未来的。也就是诸神黄昏,这样被命运既定下来的东西,才有规律可循,至于其他的,其实都是我骗着你的玩的。” Poem Kou Di was replying grinningly, but was makes the Zhou Yi complexion ugly. 诗寇蒂笑嘻嘻的回答着,但是却是让周易的脸色难看了起来。 Do not look that this little girl looks like fresh-faced tender, but cuts open is actually the jet black piece. This also really made him suddenly somewhat unable to accept.( To be continued.) 别看这个小女孩看起来粉嫩嫩的,但是切开来却是漆黑一片。这还真是让他一时间有些接受不了啊。(未完待续。)
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