MSG :: Volume #6

#544: Gets back one's composure the territory destiny goddess again

Again steps into gold/metal Gong the land, what Zhou Yi feels is the previous time completely different atmosphere. Withers dignifiedly, tense atmosphere of complete reactionary forces in the ascendant is covering here, let the past laughter and sings loudly vanished from this ancient Spiritual God palace. 再一次踏入金宫的土地,周易感受到的是和上一次完全不同的氛围。威严而肃杀,完完全全一副黑云压城城欲摧的紧张气氛笼罩着这里,让昔日的笑声和高歌都已经从这个古老的神灵宫殿里消失了。 Guard of communication, is these look maidservants in a hurry, suspends the appearance that a stranger be not entering on the face. That feeling, probably was a fearful disaster soon will approach was the same. 不论是来往的卫兵,还是那些神色匆匆的侍女,都在脸上摆着一副生人勿进的模样。那种感觉,就好像是一场可怕的灾难即将来临了一样。 But in fact, this indeed is a fearful disaster. various God dusk not only regarding the Lancet Gia Duc's Gods is a fearful destruction, even if regarding these Lancet Gia Duc's ordinary mortals also similarly so. This is the catastrophe of this world, is this world is destroyed, the destiny of destruction. Regardless of the Spiritual God or the mortal, only will receive the treatment that treats impartially in front of this. Therefore, these gold/metal Gong aides will have such performance are also an understandable matter. 而事实上,这的确是一场可怕的灾难。诸神黄昏不仅仅对于阿斯嘉德的众神们来说是一种可怕的毁灭,就算是对于那些阿斯嘉德的普通凡人也同样如此。这是这个世界的浩劫,是这个世界被破坏、销毁的命运。无论神灵还是凡人,在这面前都只会受到一视同仁的待遇。所以,这些金宫的侍从们会有这样的表现也是一件可以理解的事情。 Towle's footsteps are quick, but under his leadership, Zhou Yi also quickly entered in gold/metal Gong the main hall. 托尔的脚步很快,而在他的带领下,周易也很快地就进入到了金宫的正殿之中。 In this time main hall, the Lancet Gia Duc's Gods mostly mostly gathered in this, and stood in Odin about. Their armor is neat, keeps a serious look, making Zhou Yi step into here flash to have one type to step into is enjoying the temple feeling of ancient sacrificial offering. 此时的大殿里,阿斯嘉德的众神们大都已经大都汇聚于此,并且侍立在了奥丁的左右。他们一个个都装甲整齐,表情严肃,让周易在踏进这里的一瞬间都有了一种踏入享受着古老祭祀的神庙般的感觉。 Because they at this moment in the mud with temple carve the puppet to be the same simply, on face some , is the Spiritual God dignity and keeping aloof, resembles all in their grasps such. 因为此刻的他们简直就和神庙里的泥雕木偶一样,脸上有的只有属于神灵的威严和高高在上,就好像所有的一切都在他们的掌握中的那样。 However, when saw along with Zhou Yi that Towle walks, look that this crowd of Spiritual God again cannot maintain on oneself face this letting person somewhat awes. 不过,当看到随着托尔走进来的周易的时候,这群神灵就再也维持不住自己脸上这种让人有些敬畏的神色了。 Welcome your arrival, friend of mine. We waited for you for a long time!” “欢迎你的到来,我的朋友。我们已经等待你许久了!” As the master, Odin is arrival of first Zhou Yi to the person who reacts. But heard his words, saw anxiety in his look, Zhou Yi cannot help but had actually knit the brows, the sinking sound asked. 作为主人,奥丁是第一个对周易的到来做出反应的人。而听到了他的话,看到了他眼神中的焦虑,周易却是不由得皱了皱眉,沉声问道。 Odin, was only such short time, worsened this degree?” “奥丁陛下,只是过了这么短时间,就已经恶化到了这种程度吗?” The speed that destiny path transforms also compared with we imagine wants quick many, they must approach. Uicker Tela Hill has sent out wail, in the state of fire has also transmitted the bugle of war. The song of deceased person starts to sing, the form of wolf and great snake also appeared above Lancet Gia Duc. All must approach, destruction that war that we foresee, foresees.” “命运轨迹转变的速度比我们想象中的还要快的多,它们就要来临了。尤克特拉希尔已经发出了哀鸣,火之国度里也传来了战争的号角。死人之歌开始歌唱,狼和巨蛇的身影也出现在了阿斯嘉德之上。一切就要来临了,我们所预见的战争,所预见的毁灭。” Right?” Heard Odin saying that Zhou Yi has set immediately appearance with deep veneration, inquired. That, Odin. Do you currently have the place that what need I strive?” “是吗?”听到奥丁这么说,周易立刻就做出了肃然的样子,询问道。“那么,奥丁陛下。你现在有什么需要我出力的地方吗?” Yes, friend of mine. We need to reply on your great power the place to be many. However before then, I also need to lead you to see several very important people. We hope that do not mind!” “是的,我的朋友。我们需要借助你强大力量的地方很多。但是在这之前,我还需要带你去见几位很重要的人。希望你不要介意!” Here, Odin has stood, has hinted toward Zhou Yi, directly walked toward a oneself behind road. Zhou Yi naturally followed, but along with their thorough, was quick he to arrive in a somewhat strange room. 说到这里,奥丁就站了起来,向着周易示意了一下,就径直向着自己身后的一个甬道走去。周易自然地跟了上去,而随着他们的深入,很快他就来到了一个有些奇怪的房间里。 This is one empty, by temple that the giant rock builds. Resembles the place of sacrificial altar besides dead center one, here anything does not have. But after arriving here, Odin turns toward Zhou Yi to say bright way immediately. 这是一个空荡荡的,被巨大的岩石堆砌起来的神庙。除了正中心一个好像祭台的地方外,这里什么都没有。而在来到了这里之后,奥丁立刻就向着周易说明道。 Friend of mine, this is the Lancet Gia Duc biggest secret , is the place that Lancet Gia Duc's king Caineng knows and leads. Although I because now has no recourse to lead you to come here, but I hope that you can keep this secret, do not tell anybody to have all here.” “我的朋友,这是阿斯嘉德最大的秘密,也是只有身为阿斯嘉德的王才能知晓和通往的地方。虽然我现在因为迫不得已才带你来到这里,但是我希望你能保守这个秘密,不要告诉任何人发生在这里的一切。” Naturally, I will keep one's mouth shut, your majesty.” “当然,我会守口如瓶的,陛下。” This small matter, Zhou Yi naturally cannot reject. But after obtaining the answer of Zhou Yi, Odin has grasped immediately in grid Neil in hand inserted the sacrificial altar, then with and loud and clear sound read aloud Zhou Yi not to know its content completely the spoken language. 这点小事情,周易自然不会拒绝。而在得到了周易的答复之后,奥丁立刻就把一直握在手里的冈格尼尔插入到了祭台的正中间,然后用及其洪亮的声音念诵起了周易完全不知晓其内容的言语。 But along with reading aloud of his strange language, strange and familiar rune/symbol writing appeared above the sacrificial altar, and like was the bricks and stones, built a gate shape little. 而随着他的这种怪异语言的念诵,一个个奇怪而且熟悉的符文出现在了祭台之上,并且像是砖石一样,一点点地堆砌出了一个门的形状。 Regarding such situation, Zhou Yi, although is somewhat surprised, but actually also quickly regards this is the natural matter, approved. Not because of other, because all these strange scenes stem from Odin's the reason of hand. 对于这样的情况,周易虽然有些吃惊,但是却也很快就把这当成是理所当然的事情,认同了下来。不是因为别的,而是因为这一切怪异的景象都是出自于奥丁之手的缘由。 Odin, God king in the Norse mythology, Lancet Gia Duc's God's father. Is one has widespread strength Spiritual God. In the myth, he is not only the protector of royal power, is the intelligent symbol, is representing also the victory and glory. However, actually few people know, this God's owner of father's magic in the Norse mythology. 奥丁,北欧神话里的神王,阿斯嘉德的众神之父。是一个有着非常广泛力量的神灵。在神话里,他既是王权的守护者,也是智慧的象征,同时也代表着胜利和荣耀。但是,却很少有人知道,这个众神之父在北欧神话里还是魔法的拥有者。 Once took the price by an own eye, acquired the knowledge from the spring of wisdom he, with oneself hung upside down, in the world set up the way on Uicker Tela Hill, clear(ly) has understood such as the Nepali writing. Also is Lancet Gia Duc's magic origin. Also because of being being this, he became Lancet Gia Duc's the God of magic, most formidable magic strength user and owner. 曾经以自己的一只眼睛作为代价,从智慧之泉中获得知识的他,用把自己倒吊在世界树尤克特拉希尔上的方式,明悟出了如尼文字。也就是阿斯嘉德的魔法起源。也正因是这样,他才成为了阿斯嘉德的魔法之神,最强大的魔法力量的使用者和拥有者。 Also because of such reason, he uses this nearly magic the method, constructs a new gate to come out, Zhou Yi is not surprised. 也正是因为这样的原因,他用这种近乎魔法的手段,构造出一个新的门出来,周易一点也不感到意外。 Quick, this gate that was constructed by such as Nepali rune/symbol writing thoroughly has completed its modelling shape work. But as soon as it forms, a gateway to another world appeared in the Zhou Yi front. But is very obvious, this is Odin leads him to come this's real objective. 很快,这个由如尼符文构建出来的门就彻底地完成了它的塑形工作。而它一成形,一个通往另一个世界的门户就出现在了周易的面前。而很显然,这才是奥丁带他来此的真正目的。 Comes with me, friend of mine. We should also visit the destiny, actually having a look at the destiny how to narrate and comment to our future!” “跟我来吧,我的朋友。我们也应该去拜访一下命运,看看命运对我们的未来究竟是怎么评述的了!” Has completed all these, when Odin entered in this gateway first. But along with his footsteps, Zhou Yi was also following close on. 做完了这一切,奥丁就当先走进了这个门户之中。而随着他的脚步,周易也紧跟着走了进去。 Entered the gate of this magic, the Zhou Yi present scene had the tremendous changes immediately. 一进入这个魔法之门,周易眼前的景象立刻发生了翻天覆地的变化。 A giant incomparable golden Saint tree appears in him at present, the big branch blocked the sky, has almost covered the entire sky and this side world. 一个巨大无比的黄金圣树出现在了他的眼前,高大的枝桠遮天蔽日,几乎覆盖了整个天空和这一方世界。 The golden ray sprinkles from the slit of sky and leaf, shines on this full of vitality land, making the person have one type immediately has been similar to places oneself in the feeling of illusion. 金色的光芒从天空和树叶的缝隙中洒落下来,照射在这个生机勃勃的土地上,让人顿时有了一种如同置身于梦幻的感觉。 But at this time, walked in Zhou Yi front Odin lived in own figure, was pointing at that pure white all over the body was similar to the superior beautiful jade, the leaf blade was the purest yellow golden great tree said. 而这个时候,走在周易前面的奥丁则是顿住了自己的身形,指着那个通体洁白的如同上等的美玉,叶片却是最为纯粹的黄金色的巨树说道。 This is the world sets up Uicker Tela Hill appearance/portrait, but we now the position is the peak of world tree, the destiny three goddesses is.” “这就是世界树尤克特拉希尔的真容,而我们现在所处的位置就是世界树的顶端,命运三女神的所在。” Illuminated you saying that our trip the goal was to visit these three goddesses?” “照您这么说,我们此行来的目的就是拜访这三位女神吗?” Looks at the present world tree, as well as of not far away calmly depends upon near the lake water small thatched house. Zhou Yi has thought immediately that three goddess real status that they must visit. But sees understanding clearly in Zhou Yi eye, Odin has stroked the grey beard, was replying to him. 看着眼前的世界树,以及不远处的那个静静地依靠在湖水边的小小草庐。周易立刻就想到了他们要拜访的那三位女神的真实身份。而看到周易眼中的了然,奥丁捋了捋自己灰色的胡须,就对着他回答道。 Is this appearance right, friend of mine. The destiny had the change, but actually how to change actually also needs these to stand erect in the side of destiny goddess related, can by us be understood. Also only then through them, we can know how should counter-attack our destinies. Where should start, where should also finish!” “是这个样子的没错,我的朋友。命运已经发生了改变,但是究竟会怎么样变化却还需要这些屹立在命运之侧的女神的诉说,才能被我们所了解。也只有通过她们,我们才能知道该怎么样去反击我们的命运。该从哪里开始,又该从哪里结束!” Regarding Odin's view, Zhou Yi nodded directly. Disobeys destiny matter, the Zhou Yi first time. How therefore should do, should or listens to the opinion of litigant. He is only the outcomer who was hired the help, does not need to express too many own opinions in this above. But in this regard, Odin also thinks obviously. 对于奥丁的这个说法,周易直接就点了点头。违逆命运这种事情,周易还是第一次。所以该怎么做,最好还是听听当事人的意见。他只是一个被雇佣过来帮忙的外来者,并不需要在这上面发表太多自己的意见。而在这一点上,奥丁显然也是这么认为的。 It is not continue explain anything, or is thinks oneself have given the enough sufficient explanation. Odin started to walk the step, turned toward the thatched house of that lakeside to walk. 不在继续解释着什么,或者是认为自己已经做出了足够充足的解释。奥丁迈开了步子,就向着那个湖边的草庐走了过去。 This snuggles the thatched house by lake water to abut the world tree to construct, therefore around thatched house one revolution, can find them the goal that wants to seek. 这个依偎在湖水旁的草庐是紧靠着世界树建造起来的,所以绕着草庐一转,就可以找到他们想要寻找的目标。 Woman who three are weaving the gauze. Or goddess! 三个正在织纱的女人。或者说,女神! From the image, these three goddesses look like are various. In a leftmost wear black women's clothing, facial features, although is as before beautiful, the wrinkle that but on the corner of the eye vaguely has showed she no longer young fact. 从形象上来说,这三个女神看起来是各不相同的。在最左边的一个穿着一身黑色的衣裙,面容虽然依旧美丽,但是眼角上依稀存在的皱纹却已经说明了她不再年轻的事实。 She discovered that first has goddess that guest comes visiting, when she noticed that Odin and Zhou Yi appear in front of oneself, toward time that they walk step by step. She has shown affable smiling face, while wash the yarn on hand, simultaneously was saying to Odin unhurriedly. 她是最先发现有客人来访的女神,而当她看到奥丁和周易出现在自己面前,向着她们一步步走来的时候。她一边露出了和蔼可亲的笑容,一边不慌不忙地浣着手上的纱线,同时对着奥丁就说道。 „Did Odin, you observe the destiny the path?” “奥丁陛下,你又来窥测命运的轨迹了吗?” High-rising, this is my responsibility. The destiny that Lancet Gia Duc is going to face is what kind, you should very clearly be. I am their kings, I have the duty to protect them, will guard the future of this kingdom. Therefore, but also asked you to extend the aid, tells my future trend. Helps me reverse this fearful destiny.” “兀尔德,这是我的职责。阿斯嘉德将要面对的命运是怎么样的,你应该很清楚才是。我是他们的国王,我有义务去保护他们,守卫这个王国的未来。所以,还请你们能够伸出援手,告诉我未来的走向。帮助我扭转这可怕的命运。” You have been doing, your majesty!” “你已经在做了,陛下!” What speech is located in middle goddess. High-rising of his appearance and black clothes has ** minute of proximity, but is younger, is more gorgeous. The golden long hair is similar to the wave throws over sprinkles in her shoulder, is joined to deep blue her is similar to the self-confident ray in gem eye, making her whole person have a brilliant threatening self-confidence and holiness. 说话的是位于中间的女神。他的容貌和一身黑衣的兀尔德有**分的接近,但是却更加年轻,也更加艳丽。金色的长发如同波浪般披洒在她的肩膀中,配上她蔚蓝的如同宝石般眼睛中的自信光芒,让她整个人都有了一种灼灼逼人的自信和圣洁。 She has pulled up the white women's clothing gently, boldly and shifted the body of Zhou Yi the vision directly, then said in a confident tone. 她轻轻地撩了撩自己洁白的衣裙,大胆而直接地把眼光转移到了周易的身上,然后以一种自信十足的语气说道。 This person changes existence of Lancet Gia Duc destiny, your majesty. Since you had found him, is actually pacing back and forth with is hesitating anything!” “这个人就是改变阿斯嘉德命运的存在,陛下。你既然已经找到了他,却又在彷徨和犹豫着什么呢!” I know that the friend of mine has regarding our destinies how importantly, Dundee. However I need more confidence, is not only I, Lancet Gia Duc's all people are so. We hope that can hear the news from your here, how to reverse the destiny the good news, only then your hand network of destiny can tell us the method of reverse destiny.” “我知道我的朋友对于我们的命运来说是有多么的重要,贝露丹迪。但是我需要更多的信心,不仅仅是我,阿斯嘉德的所有人都是如此。我们希望能从你们这里听到好消息,如何扭转命运的好消息,也只有你们手中的命运之网才能把扭转命运的方法告诉我们。” Odin was still relating, but at this time, some people had not borne have broken him. 奥丁还在诉说着,但是这个时候,已经有人不耐地打断了他。 Your majesty, you were too greedy. Since the destiny were changed by you, then wants to know that the destiny the trend is not a realistic matter. You want to fortify at every step, occupy the situation. How however can actually determine, oneself is not the destiny that repeates that to be doomed or destined to be destroyed!”(.) “陛下,你太贪心了。命运既然已经被你们改变了,那么想要知道命运的走向就是一件不现实的事情。你想步步为营,占据先机。但是却又怎么能确定,自己不是在重蹈那注定灭亡的命运呢!”(。)
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