MSG :: Volume #6

#541: The God territory guest tries the God spear/gun

Natasha lived in Radiance City temporarily. She has the duty to come, is naturally impossible to come also in a hurry, goes also in a hurry. That easy makes her avenger companions discover some clue very much. 娜塔莎暂时在辉耀市住了下来。她是带着任务过来的,自然不可能来也匆匆,去也匆匆。那很容易让她的复仇者同伴们发现一些端倪。 But Ida after obtaining such information, starts to arrange some preparations and deals with the work. At this matter, she is the character of expert rank, therefore she naturally not responsibly won the power. 艾达则在得到了这样的情报之后,开始着手布置一些准备和应对工作。在这种事情上,她是专家级别的人物,所以她自然是当仁不让地包揽起了大权。 But in this case, Zhou Yi immediately becomes idle. The matter that can handle almost completed by his side these competent women. But they undoable matter, for example attacks Hydra and so on, now is actually not the time. 而在这种情况下,周易顿时又变得无所事事起来。能做的事情几乎都被他身边这些能干的女人们做完了。而她们不能做的事情,比如说打击九头蛇之类的,现在却又不是时候。 Although has shown something that gives one away, but Hydra still ambushes extremely deeply. For does not alert the enemy, Zhou Yi also can only wait dry/does, waits for them to have a bigger movement the time. This is not a matter of meeting half meeting, because regarding Hydra, they always does not lack the patience. 虽然露出了一下马脚,但是九头蛇依然潜伏极深。而为了不打草惊蛇,周易也只能干等着,等着他们有着更大动作的时候。这不是一会半会的事情,因为对于九头蛇来说,他们从来都不缺少耐心。 From the second war to the present, they have ambushed for more than 70 years. Has this patient them, naturally impossible becomes close to the time of their peak in this rash. Therefore, this turned into competion in a patience, who looks cannot endure this tone first. 从二战到现在,他们都已经潜伏了70多年了。有着这种耐性的他们,自然也不可能在这个临近他们顶峰的时刻变得毛躁起来。所以,这就变成了一种耐性上的比拼,看得就是谁先耐不住这口气。 But bears own patience in Zhou Yi, was waiting for drills on Hydra. A special guest arrived in his home. 而就在周易忍住自己的耐性,等待着就九头蛇钻出来的时候。一个特殊的客人来到了他的家中。 This is guest who came from Lancet Gia Duc, is a Zhou Yi very familiar fellow, god of thunder Towle. 这是来自阿斯嘉德的客人,也是周易非常熟悉的一个家伙,雷神托尔。 With first several times meet is different, the present god of thunder became has restrained, was more silent. Most at least he hurries along, is not that thunder did to send rampantly. Therefore, when he is quietly arrived in Zhou Yi home, Zhou Yi nearly thinks that this is the illusion that Lokey disguises as. 和前几次见面不一样,现在的雷神变得收敛了很多,也沉默了很多。最起码他赶路的时候,已经不是那种电闪雷鸣的嚣张做派了。所以,当他悄无声息地来到了周易家中的时候,周易险些以为这是洛基假扮出来的幻象。 However, god of thunder Towle has proven oneself real status with oneself divine tool wonderful Ernier, because of this, he received Zhou Yi warm hospitality. 不过,雷神托尔用自己的神器妙尔尼尔证明了自己的真实身份,也正是因为这个,他受到了周易热情的款待。 Previous time in may be called the peerless grand banquet that Lancet Gia Duc receives also makes Zhou Yi have a vivid memory now. Therefore pays a man back in his own coin became inevitable choice. Although Radiance City cannot with Lancet Gia Duc, but cannot in be extremely inferior. 上一次在阿斯嘉德受到的堪称绝世的盛大宴会现在还让周易记忆犹新。所以礼尚往来就成为了必然的选择。虽然辉耀市不能和阿斯嘉德比,但是也不能太过于逊色了。 Therefore the influence on use, Zhou Yi has simply conducted an unprecedented entire city revelry, the human in Radiance City, these Mutants were invited in the way of this holiday by Zhou Yi, plants with them warm and cheers, entertains the guest who came from far away. 所以利用手上的势力,周易干脆就举办了一场规模空前的全城狂欢,不论是辉耀市里的人类,还是那些变种人都被周易以这种节日的方式邀请了过来,用他们种热情和欢呼,来招待远道而来的客人。 Has saying that this special entertainment way also indeed played the role. Even if on the face has been suspending gloomy look Towle, has to put down the haze in oneself heart under this warm entertainment, joined in the revelry team. 不得不说,这种特殊的招待方式也的确起到了作用。即便是一直脸上摆着阴郁神色的托尔,在这种热情的招待下也不得不放下自己心中的阴霾,加入到了狂欢的队伍中。 But this holiday -type revelry also played other role, that was it silent strengthened in this city among each residents. 而这种节日式的狂欢还起到了另外的作用,那就是它无声地加强了这个城市里各个市民之间的。 Mutants or human, have taken off own camouflage in the holiday of this revelry, exposes the real personality side. But once the person intersects honestly, naturally also will have the favorable impression. This point, even if race different both sides , is the same. 不论是变种人还是人类,在这种狂欢的节日中都脱下了自己的伪装,展露出自己真性情的一面。而人一旦坦诚相交,自然也就会生出好感来。这一点,即便是种族不同的双方,也是一样的。 Therefore, after revelry, many human on many several Mutants friends. But many Mutants while this opportunity, were joining the association of human. 所以,狂欢过后,许多人类都多上了几个变种人朋友。而不少变种人在趁着这个机会,加入到了人类的团体当中。 This is Zhou Yi has not thought from the beginning, since is the good deed, Zhou Yi is also happy. Even has also made a plan, simply regards the Radiance City repertoire this holiday, every year comes on such one to try. 这是周易一开始没有想到的,但是既然是好事,周易也乐见其成。甚至还制定了一个计划,干脆就把这个节日当成辉耀市的保留节目,每年都来上这么一趟试试。 Naturally, this is something to be talked about later, now has not worried this time. Now most critical the matter regarding Zhou Yi, was entertains the guest. 当然,这是后话,现在还不是着急这个的时候。现在对于周易来说最紧要的事情,莫过于招待客人了。 After using the good wine of human various countries filled to be dead drunk Towle, Zhou Yi saw the changed beyond recognition god of thunder until the next day. Has saying that this time Towle compared with he just came the time on attractive many, most at least the look on his face seemed like not crushed with grief. However, his concern exists as before, because on his face has not shown too many smiling faces throughout. 在用人类各国的美酒把托尔灌了个酩酊大醉之后,周易直到第二天才重新看到焕然一新的雷神。不得不说,此时的托尔要比他刚来的时候好看上不少,最起码他脸上的神色看起来不是那么郁郁寡欢了。不过,他的心事依旧存在着,因为他的脸上始终没有露出太多的笑容。 What's wrong, friend of mine. Is I calls insufficient thorough? Is used together such way, can't make you expose the smiling face?” “怎么,我的朋友。难道是我招呼的不够周到吗?连用这样的方式,都不能让你展露笑颜吗?” Looks on Towle face that still to exist, the dreariness that slightly cannot be observed, Zhou Yi smiled to take a seat his opposite. 看着托尔脸上那仍旧存在的,微不可察的阴郁,周易笑了笑就坐到了他的对面。 Said, what opinion you do have to me?” “还是说,你对我有什么意见呢?” Naturally is not!” Hears words that Zhou Yi this feigning is angry, although Towle understands his meaning, but immediately swings began, answered earnestly. I am only some concerns. Has nothing to do with you, friend of mine. In fact your entertainment is thorough, I very long have not come across the banquet of this specification!” “当然不是!”听到周易这种佯装生气的话语,托尔虽然明白他的意思,但是还是立刻摇起了头,认真地解释道。“我只是有些心事而已。和你无关,我的朋友。事实上你的招待非常周到,我已经很久没有遇到过这种规格的宴会了!” Next time you can lead your parental brothers, your small ** together. Although they are only one group of mortals, but I can guarantee, their enthusiasms do not lose in anybody.” “下一次你可以带着你的父母兄弟,还有你的小**一起来。虽然他们只是一群凡人,但是我可以保证,他们的热情是不输于任何人的。” Heard Towle's reply, Zhou Yi immediately has actually smiled. However he has discovered quickly, when he said that on Towle's face starts to show the bitter and astringent look. 听到托尔的回答,周易却是立刻笑了起来。但是他很快就发现了,在他这么说的时候,托尔的脸上开始露出苦涩的神色。 This situation makes Zhou Yi move at heart, he has calculated, then has three points to suspect, three points of assured tone, was saying to Towle. 这个情况让周易心里一动,他盘算了一下,然后就带着三分怀疑,三分笃定的语气,对着托尔说道。 You indeed have very heavy concern evidently, making me guess, about you and Lokey's issue, right?” “看样子你的确有着很重的心事,让我猜一猜,是关于你和洛基的问题,对吗?” Right!” Has smiled bitterly, Towle also calmly acknowledged. My father issued to Lokey has imprisoned the millenniums punishments. Although I asked favor to the father repeatedly, but he has rejected me. Even he also announced that wrests away me **** the status, forbidding me to mention again any with the Lokey related matter.” “没错!”苦笑了一下,托尔也从容地承认了下来。“我的父亲对洛基下达了囚禁千年的处罚。虽然我一再向父亲求情,但是他还是拒绝了我。甚至他还宣布褫夺我****的地位,禁止我再提及任何和洛基有关的事情。” What's wrong, do you have the resentment to this matter?” “怎么,你对这种事情有怨气?” No!” Shook the head once more, forced smile on Towle face became heavier. I thought, I disappointed my father more and more.” “不!”再次摇了摇头,托尔脸上的苦笑变得更加沉重了。“我只是觉得,我让我的父亲越来越失望了。” Said, Mate. You is a good Elder Brother, good brothers. Also is a heroic soldier. However, you are actually not a good king, this point, even if my this outsider can look. You do not have that boldness of king and came to understand, but reason that this is your father is perhaps disappointed to you.” “说真的,伙计。你是一个好哥哥,一个好兄弟。也是一个英勇的战士。但是,你却不是一个好的国王,这一点即便是我这个局外人都能看得出来。你没有国王的那种魄力和觉悟,而这恐怕才是你父亲对你失望的原因。” Perhaps, but something, I cannot achieve really!” Was listening to the Zhou Yi words, worry and sad wells up Towle who was careful to open five fingers once again, made an effort to tear own hair. This makes him seem like the resentful woman is the same. However is such real personality, makes him appeared vivid. “也许吧,但是有些事情,我真的做不到啊!”听着周易的话,烦恼和忧愁再度涌上心来的托尔张开了自己的五指,用力地撕扯起了自己的头发。这让他看起来像是怨妇一样。但是就是这样的真性情,才让他这个人显得有血有肉起来。 So far, Zhou Yi has seen Spiritual God are many. But only the present fellow, makes Zhou Yi most feel pleasing to the eyes. Although he has the Spiritual God inherent arrogance similarly, but more is actually the newborn baby general real personality. This regarding this person, is some are really precious. 到目前为止,周易见过的神灵不少。但是只有眼前的这个家伙,才是让周易最感觉顺眼的。他虽然同样有着神灵固有的狂妄,但是更多的却是赤子一般的真性情。这对于他这种人来说,实在是有些弥足珍贵。 Naturally, this regarding his father, was a disaster. 当然,这对于他的父亲来说,就是个灾难了。 Completes you to be good, Mate. After this matter, will improve slowly. You is a God, time to us absolutely does not have the significance. In 1000, waited also on the past.” “做好你自己就行,伙计。这种事情以后会慢慢变好的。你可是一个神,时间对我们来说完全没有意义。1000年而已,等等也就过去了。” Comforted several casually, Zhou Yi could not bear ask. 随便安慰了几句,周易就忍不住问道。 Was right, I have not asked you. The friend of mine, do you come to here are for what? Lancet Gia Duc has been ready to summon me!” “对了,我还没有问过你。我的朋友,你来这里是为了什么?难道说阿斯嘉德已经做好准备召唤我了!” I come to here to have two matters!” Speaking of the proper business, Towle also tidied up oneself mood, was not continue repent. “我来这里是有两件事!”说到了正事,托尔也收拾起了自己的心情,不在继续自怨自艾了。 „The first matter gives you these two gifts. The light of justice you had seen, but this divine tool that is built by the eternal fire, perhaps you have not experienced.” “第一件事是把这两个礼物送给你。正义之光你已经见过了,而这个由永恒之火打造出来的神器,恐怕你还没有见识过。” Towle was saying, directly has arrived at outside. As he is lifting up high wonderful Ernier, to the thunder send the signal after Lancet Gia Duc together. Incomparably radiant seven colors of the spectrum flowing light has torn to pieces the vault of heaven together instantaneously, by the potential drop of exceedingly high penetrating place. 托尔说着,就径直走到了外面。而随着他高举着妙尔尼尔,以一道雷霆向着阿斯嘉德发出讯号后。一道无比璀璨的七色流光瞬间撕破了天穹,以通天彻地之势降落了下来。 Lancet Gia Duc's Rainbow Bridge, regardless of looks at several magnificently times that. However saw Zhou Yi naturally will not have any surprised mood because of this. In fact, he all mind, are wrapped that mysterious weapon in rainbow flowing light to attract now. 阿斯嘉德的彩虹桥,不论看几次都是那么的壮观。不过已经见多了的周易自然也不会因为这个而有什么惊讶的情绪。事实上,他现在所有的心神,都被包裹在彩虹流光中的那一件神奇的武器所吸引了。 That is one shining, is sending out the blazing God light golden color of all over the body. 那是一杆金灿灿的,通体散发着炽热神光的金色。 Has the zhang (3.33 m) middle fully is the goose egg thick or thin pole. Non- gold/metal Feitong , the pole of non- wooden is straight and strong, indistinct is sending out a clear and insightful ray. Innumerable mysterious rune/symbol writing inscribes above the pole, is arranging by a spiral-shaped posture neatly, making the person look has a feeling of having a dizzy spell. 足有丈许的中间是鹅卵粗细的杆。非金非铜,又非木质的杆笔直而坚挺,隐约中散发着一种晶莹而通透的光芒。无数的神奇符文铭刻在杆之上,以一种螺旋状的姿势整齐排列着,让人一看就有一种头晕目眩的感觉。 Obviously, this rune/symbol writing is not the thing that the mortal can spy on, what it represents is only the mysticalness of Spiritual God. 显然,这种符文并非是凡人能够窥探的东西,它代表的是只属于神灵的神秘。 But following pole upward, is the somewhat special bright as snow blade. The sharp blade was two stiff knife edges back to back posts likely in one, above the blade has with Towle's wonderful Ernier similar engraved inscription, but the blade bottom was a semicircle of arc, two compound, happen to have formed a circular cavity. One group of blazing Divine Fire flaming are burning in this ring, direct-viewing under has one type to face Sun unexpectedly, facing feeling of trial. 而顺着杆往上,则是有些特殊的雪亮刃。锋锐的刃像是两把挺直的刀刃背对背地并列在了一起,刀刃之上有着和托尔的妙尔尼尔类似的铭文,而刀刃的底部则是一个弧形的半圆,两相并列,正好形成了一个圆形的空洞。一团炽热的神火在这个圆环中熊熊燃烧着,让人直观之下竟是有一种面对太阳,面对审判的感觉。 As for bottom, is the standard six corner modeling. The shining six corner coccygeal vertebrae seem with Zhou Yi original that absolutely do not have the difference the weapon. But from this point, Zhou Yi can see, Lancet Gia Duc has indeed used many thoughts. 至于的底部,则是标准的六棱造型。金灿灿的六棱尾椎看上去和周易原来的那把武器完全没有差别。而从这一点上,周易就可以看出,阿斯嘉德的确用了不少心思。 Regarding this weapon, has saying that Zhou Yi is very satisfied. 对于这个武器,不得不说,周易很是满意。 But seems realized that Zhou Yi mood at this moment, Towle was also smiles to illustrate. 而似乎是察觉到了周易此刻的心情,托尔也是满脸笑容地解说了起来。 This tries Rhode Neil eternal. Its body sets up section of trunk and branches of Uicker Tela Hill to make with the world, above attached the blessing of Lancet Gia Duc Lord God, as well as the magic incantation of Warner God clan. This can make it harder, richer prestige energy.” “这是永恒审判罗德尼尔。它的身是用世界树尤克特拉希尔的一截枝干制成的,上面附加了阿斯嘉德主神的祝福,以及华纳神族的魔法咒文。这能让它更坚硬,也更加富有威能。” However its blade builds with the essence of dead star, only then this can let eternal fire resident. As for above rune/symbol writing, is our Lancet Gia Duc such as Nepali writing, language of the most ancient magic. It can construct inconceivable with you, sublimates itself by your strength, looks like I am same as wonderful Ernier.” “而它的刃则是用死星的内核打造出来的,也只有这样才能让永恒之火常驻其中。至于上面的符文,是我们阿斯嘉德的如尼文字,最古老的魔法之语。它能与你构建不可思议的,借由你的力量升华自己,就像是我和妙尔尼尔一样。” Said, friend of mine. This divine tool perhaps is our Lancet Gia Duc most formidable weapon. Once it were grasped by you in hand, it will exceed my wonderful Ernier inevitably, father's grid Neil, becomes most great strength in divine tool. But gives you him, has represented our Lancet Gia Duc's wish. We hope that our friendship can live forever, hopes us forever dear like the brothers!” “说真的,我的朋友。这件神器恐怕是我们阿斯嘉德所出来的最强大的武器了。一旦它被你握在手中,它必然将超越我的妙尔尼尔,父王的冈格尼尔,成为神器中的最强大者。而把他交给你,也代表了我们阿斯嘉德的心愿。希望我们的友谊能够永世长存,希望我们永远亲爱如兄弟!” You do not lose me, I must not lose and others!” “你不负我,我必不负尔等!” Looks at serious look on Towle face, the Zhou Yi facial features one austere, immediately said this pledge. This is his guarantee, is he, for these pay the given price. Lancet Gia Duc, is worth such repayment.( To be continued.) 看着托尔脸上的严肃神色,周易面容一肃,立刻就说出了这个誓言。这是他的保证,也是他为了这些付出所给予的代价。阿斯嘉德,值得这样的回报。(未完待续。)
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