MSG :: Volume #6

#542: Rhode Neil infinite prestige energy

Is very good, is very good.” “很好,很好。” Hears the reply of Zhou Yi, Towle has put immediately down the heart big stone. Present he is shouldering and important mission, but this mission will be directly related with the entire Lancet Gia Duc's future. Therefore, he must have the support of Zhou Yi. 听到周易的回答,托尔立刻就放下了心底的大石。现在的他肩负着及其重要的使命,而这个使命更是直接关系到整个阿斯嘉德的未来。所以,他必须得到周易的支持。 But now, the answer of Zhou Yi was equal to told him explicitly the answer, this naturally was makes him be wild with joy. He is laughing immediately, was suggesting to Zhou Yi. 而现在,周易的答复等同于明确地告诉了他答案,这自然是让他欣喜若狂。以至于他立刻就大笑着,对着周易建议了起来。 Mate, don't you want to try Rhode Neil's might? Must know this divine tool, since comes out now, any had not belonged to the Spiritual God strength to pour into. It was still waiting for oneself master goes to awaken it. But now, is the most appropriate opportunity.” 伙计,你难道不想试试罗德尼尔的威力吗?要知道这件神器自从出来到现在,还没有被任何属于神灵的力量灌注过。它还在等待着自己的主人去把它唤醒过来。而现在,就是最合适的机会。” This matter did not need Towle saying that Zhou Yi will also do. Because this was called the eternal trial the divine tool indeed to pull up his itchy place. As a soldier, even if were once soldier, he has not been short on a point regarding the affection of weapon. When sees this divine tool, he produced naturally occupied his idea. 这种事情不用托尔说,周易也会去做的。因为这件叫做永恒审判的神器的确撩到了他心里的痒处。作为一个战士,哪怕是曾经的战士,他对于武器的喜爱也不曾少上一分。所以在看到这件神器的时候,他自然而然地就产生了占据他的想法。 Also, this divine tool already did not steal, did not snatch. But is others delivers. Reason that Zhou Yi completely has not rejected. Although said after accepting this gift, will let him and Lancet Gia Duc binds together, but this matter, who can say that is good to be bad? Most at least, looks like in Zhou Yi, with Lancet Gia Duc long-standing and deep-rooted friend, is not considered as that a misdemeanor. 再说,这件神器既不是偷来的,也不是抢来的。而是人家自己送过来的。周易完全没有拒绝的理由。虽然说收下这件礼物之后会让他和阿斯嘉德绑在一起,但是这种事情,谁又能说是好是坏呢?最起码,在周易看来,和阿斯嘉德深交,并不算是一件坏事。 Has thought of here, the hand of Zhou Yi has gripped Rhode Neil's pole. But along with him and Rhode Neil's first contact, the shining golden roaring flame gushes out from the God immediately, like was the clothes that the feather wove covers around the body of Zhou Yi. Meanwhile, flaminged the light beam that the flame agglutination became together like is the aurora the exceedingly high penetrating surface-to-surface has implemented. 想到了这里,周易的手已经握住了罗德尼尔的杆。而随着他和罗德尼尔的第一次接触,明晃晃的金色烈焰立刻从神之上喷薄而出,像是羽毛编织出来的衣服一样笼罩在了周易的身体四周。同时,一道炽炎凝集而成的光束像是极光一样通天彻地地贯彻了下来。 This blazing the flame light to fall on the body of Zhou Yi, immediately has the innumerable flame to gather on him. This made him the form in ray immediately heavy/thick, when the flame light of this exceedingly high penetrating place vanished in airborne, the Zhou Yi wear changed an appearance. 这道炽炎之光落在周易的身上,立刻就有无数的火焰在他身上聚集起来。这让他在光芒中的身影立刻变得厚重了起来,而当这道通天彻地的炎光消失在空中的时候,周易的穿着已经变了个模样。 Similar to platinum same luster heavy/thick armor dresses neatly on his body, rune/symbol writing who on the armor inscribes discloses the different golden ray under his strength. That is not the ordinary light, but the most perfect flame condenses the dazzling ray that in reveals together. 如同白金一样色泽的厚重铠甲整齐地穿戴在他的身上,铠甲上铭刻的符文在他的力量下透露出不一样的金色光芒。那不是普通的光,而是最为极致的火焰凝聚在一起才显露出来的耀眼光芒。 This made his whole person look like has been full of an inconceivable mystery view. 这让他整个人看起来都充满了一种不可思议的神秘感观。 But regarding this change, Zhou Yi is only some are not familiar with trace oneself head that modeling elegant helmet, then the revolutions is excessive, with helmet slit, like is the eye golden flame light is asking to his Towle. 而对于这种变化,周易只是有些不习惯地摸了摸自己头上那个造型典雅的头盔,然后才转过了头,用头盔缝隙里露出来的,像是眼睛一样的金色焰光对着他身边的托尔问道。 „The light of justice? What's all this about? How it will appear on me in this manner!” “正义之光?这是怎么回事?它怎么会以这种方式出现在我身上!” This was the ancient times magic such as the strength of Nepali writing, friend of mine. In that moment that Rhode Neil was made, my father invited the God artisans this divine tool and light of justice in one. They became a whole, when you have taken over Rhode Neil, the light of justice naturally also in the same fashion becomes your goods. They are inseparable, looking like justice will certainly bring the trial to be the same.” “这就是远古魔法如尼文字的力量,我的朋友。在罗德尼尔被造出来的那一刻,我父亲就请神匠们把这件神器和正义之光在了一起。它们已经成为了一个整体,当你接手了罗德尼尔的时候,正义之光自然也会以同样的方式成为你的物品。它们是不可分离的,就像是正义必将带来审判一样。” Towle was explaining, simultaneously said Rhode Neil's some functions. This is Lancet Gia Duc Spiritual God secret, if the owner is not Lancet Gia Duc's friend, wants to close right up against itself to understand mystery, only meets the futile effort to waste the time. This point, even if the formidable person is also no exception. 托尔解释着,同时把罗德尼尔的一些功用说了出来。这是属于阿斯嘉德神灵的秘密,如果拥有者不是阿斯嘉德的朋友,想要靠着自己了解其中的奥秘,只会徒劳地浪费时间而已。这一点,就算是再强大的人也不会例外。 But under Towle's explanation, Zhou Yi understands Rhode Neil's some wondrous uses quickly. 而在托尔的解释之下,周易很快就了解到罗德尼尔的一些妙用。 First, simply is also the function of most foundation, summons the ability. Similar to Towle can summon wonderful Ernier anytime and anywhere, but wonderful Ernier will also respond to his summon, in changes to the thunder to arrive instantaneously to his hand is same. Rhode Neil has a such function similarly, after it had recognized Zhou Yi takes the master, so long as Zhou Yi has to need, it immediately arrives to his side. 首先,最简单也是最基础的一项功能,就是召唤能力。就如同托尔可以随时随地召唤妙尔尼尔,而妙尔尼尔也会回应他的召唤,于瞬间化作雷霆降临到他的手上一样。罗德尼尔同样有这样的一个功能,在它认定了周易作为主人之后,只要周易有所需要,它就会立刻降临到他的身边。 However and wonderful Ernier incarnation lightning is different, by Rhode Neil who the Zhou Yi strength attribute infects, once were summoned baseless, will only turn into the fire of Sun to arrive. Naturally, this difference regarding Zhou Yi completely is not the issue. 不过和妙尔尼尔化身闪电不同,被周易的力量属性所感染的罗德尼尔一旦被凭空召唤,只会变成太阳之火降临过来。当然,这点区别对于周易来说完全不是问题。 Next, then recognizes main function. With wonderful Ernier only recognized that Towle as well as the honest person are the same as own user. Rhode Neil has such limit similarly . Moreover the condition is harsher. 其次,则是认主功能。和妙尔尼尔只认定托尔以及正直之人作为自己的使用者一样。罗德尼尔同样有着这样的限制,而且条件更加苛刻。 It only recognizes existence of Zhou Yi this master, only if in other words permits after Zhou Yi, it is impossible becomes the sharp weapon in any person hand. Meanwhile, even if was Zhou Yi agreed that it will also choose oneself user. But the condition that it chooses is, justice and trial. 它只认定周易这一个主人的存在,也就是说除非经过周易允许,它不可能成为任何人手中的利器。同时,就算是周易同意了,它也会挑选自己的使用者。而它挑选的条件则是,正义和审判。 Must have the justice heart to touch its existence, must have the courage and determination of trial, can show its point and might. 必须要有正义的心才能触摸到它的存在,同时也必须要有审判的勇气和决心,才能施展出它的锋芒和威力。 In addition, anybody is unable to urge it. Cherishes the person of evil thought that so long as approaches it, is fired the ashes by Divine Sun Fire that on it will adhere to stick cohere. Even if underwent the test of fire of Sun, these not possibly cannot achieve the person who Rhode Neil requests with lifting it. 除此之外,任何人都无法驱使它。心怀邪念之人只要一靠近它,就会被它身上附着的太阳神火烧成灰烬。而即便是经过了太阳之火的考验,那些达不到罗德尼尔要求的人也不可能把它拿举起来。 The core of dead star adds on the world tree trunk and branches again the weight, is far from the average person can imagine. If were not the supernatural power has limited it, light closes right up against own fearful weight, Rhode Neil can make the mountain peak collapse, making the earth tremble, and with hands down. 死星的核心再加上世界树枝干的重量,绝非一般人能够想象的。如果不是神力把它限制了起来,光是靠着自身可怕的重量,罗德尼尔就能让山峰坍塌,让大地震颤,并且不费吹灰之力。 Naturally, these two effects said that mysterious but actually indeed is mysterious. However in the Spiritual God eye actually is also such, particularly regarding the Lancet Gia Duc Gods who it comes out, these two abilities are ordinary. 当然,这两个功效说神奇倒的确是神奇。不过在神灵的眼中其实也就是那样,尤其是对于它出来的阿斯嘉德众神来说,这两个能力更是普普通通。 Did not say Odin's grid Neil, even if Towle's wonderful Ernier also similarly has similar ability. These two abilities to a certain extent, some too have been popular. But as the Lancet Gia Duc most precious gift, Rhode Neil is naturally impossible merely only then such functions of two populace. 不说奥丁的冈格尼尔,就算是托尔的妙尔尼尔也同样有着类似的能力。这两个能力从某种程度上来说,已经有些太大众化了。而作为阿斯嘉德最为珍贵的礼物,罗德尼尔自然不可能仅仅只有这么两个大众的功能。 Not is only unfair to the pains of Lancet Gia Duc God, is unfair to the precious material of consumption on it. Therefore, it has a more mysterious strength naturally. 那不仅对不起阿斯嘉德众神的一片苦心,更对不起耗费在它身上的珍贵材料。所以,它理所当然地有着更加神奇的力量。 But this more mysterious strength generally speaking can split up is three types. 而这更神奇的力量总体来说可以分化为三个类型。 The first ability saves. Because the world sets up that section of trunk and branches of Uicker Tela Hill to take the foundation, in addition God's blessings with the mysterious law incantation of Warner God clan. Rhode Neil can save nearly infinite strength in oneself pole. Any holds its person to be able through to instill into the strength, increases its internal energy the memory value. The strength that this type stores up not only can strengthen Rhode Neil's prestige energy, meanwhile can for support in his user energy. 第一个能力就是存储。因为世界树尤克特拉希尔的那截枝干来作为基础,再加上众神的祝福和华纳神族的神秘法咒。罗德尼尔可以在自己的杆之中存储近乎无限的力量。任何握有它的人都能通过把力量灌输进去,来增加其内部能量的存储值。这种储存起来的力量不仅仅可以增强罗德尼尔本身的威能,同时还能为他的使用者能量上的支持。 For example, after Zhou Yi own strength irrigation to Rhode Neil body, pays it to one again by the hand of average person in he and Rhode Neil simultaneously approves, this person can close right up against Rhode Neil, erupts terrifying power that Zhou Yi can display. Again for example, when Zhou Yi grasps Rhode Neil to fall into to the protracted war, and but therefore the strength dries up. Rhode Neil can be the Zhou Yi second source of strength, for strength that he battles continually. 比如说,当周易把自己的力量灌注到罗德尼尔身上之后,再把它交付到一个被他和罗德尼尔同时认可的普通人的手里,这个人就能靠着罗德尼尔,爆发出周易才能施展出来的恐怖力量。再比如说,当周易手持罗德尼尔陷入到持久战中,并且因此而力量枯竭的时候。罗德尼尔就能作为周易的第二个力量之源,为他持续作战的力量。 This is first, is set up the ability that Uicker Tela Hill grows by the world. But the second ability, then by the derivation of eternal fire. 这是第一个,由世界树尤克特拉希尔衍生出来的能力。而第二个能力,则是由永恒之火的衍生出来的。 About the eternal fire, almost nobody can say its origin. Even if his owner, the Lancet Gia Duc's Gods are also same not the clear this issue. However this does not hinder them to realize the eternal fire the value. As can be collected the divine object in treasure house by Odin, the prestige of eternal fire can naturally be known by these Spiritual God. 关于永恒之火,几乎没有人能说出它的来历。就算是他的拥有者,阿斯嘉德的众神们也一样不清楚这个问题。但是这不妨碍他们认识到永恒之火的价值。作为能够被奥丁收藏在宝库中的神物,永恒之火的威能自然是被这些神灵们所知晓的。 As the flame, the eternal fire naturally has the flame the inherent attribute, that destroys. But in this regard, the eternal fire is the incomparable great strength. Any exists, concrete material, is unable with abstract existence of reality indication, for example the magic and energy and so on. Will be destroyed by it entirely. Even in having enough formidable energy as the premise of fuel , the eternal fire even can destroy the world most basic constitution frame. Is the time and space, will be destroyed by it. 作为火焰,永恒之火自然是有着火焰所固有的属性,那就是破坏。而在这点上,永恒之火更是无比的强大。任何存在,不论是具体的物质,还是无法用现实表述的抽象存在,比如说魔法、能量之类的。统统都会被它所毁灭。甚至在有足够强大的能量作为燃料的前提下,永恒之火甚至能够破坏世界最基本的构成框架。就是时间和空间,也会被它所破坏掉。 Except that such as Nepali rune/symbol writing constructs in the mysterious magic by Lancet Gia Duc, consecrates outside this group of Divine Fire altar specially, it almost does not receive the hindrance of anything. This is why it in that way will also be laid aside in the circular arc under Rhode Neil blade. Because that full is such as Nepali rune/symbol writing circular arc, is consecrates the eternal fire the altar. Also only then that thing, can make the eternal fire stay relieved in Rhode Neil. 除了由阿斯嘉德以自己神奇魔法如尼符文构建出来的,专门供奉这团神火的祭坛外,它几乎不受到任何东西的阻碍。这也就是为什么它会被以那种方式放置在罗德尼尔刃之下的圆弧之中。因为那个满是如尼符文的圆弧,就是供奉永恒之火的祭坛。也只有那个东西,才能让永恒之火安心地栖身在罗德尼尔之中。 But had existence of eternal fire, Rhode Neil naturally also inherited the prestige energy of that destruction from its body. Do not despise these inscribe on blade such as Nepali rune/symbol writing, their bodies overflow are the strengths of eternal fire disperses. Is the most perfect destruction and destruction, can all the mysterious mighty force of being reduced to ashes. 而有了永恒之火的存在,罗德尼尔自然也从它的身上继承了那种破坏的威能。不要小看那些铭刻在刃上的如尼符文,它们身上溢散的就是永恒之火的力量。是最为极致的破坏和毁灭,是能把一切化为灰烬的神奇伟力。 Had this ability, Rhode Neil himself blade should not be too sharp, had the destroying the hardest defenses sabotage force. But this is also only second. 有了这种能力,罗德尼尔本身刃都不要太锋利,就已经拥有了无坚不摧的破坏力量。而这还只是第二个。 But the third ability, is came from the dead star the strength. 而第三个能力,则是来自死星的力量。 Builds blade metal choice the final wreckage of death star, this dead star refers to is not the shatter planet, but is star Sun of annihilation. In the universe 12 stars will always move toward to perish in some special ways. This type of demise majority are the pinnacle destructions, is impossible to leave behind a faint trace the wreckage. However actually would such 1-2 accidents/surprises preserving. But Lancet Gia Duc is having this accidental/surprised product, and they also this rare built the mysterious Rhode Neil's blade to nearly rare treasure. 打造刃的金属选择的死星的最终残骸,这个死星指的不是破碎的行星,而是湮灭的恒星太阳。宇宙中总有12颗恒星会以一些特殊的方式而走向灭亡。这种灭亡大多数是极致的毁灭,不可能留下一丝丝的残骸的。但是却总会有那么一两个意外存留下来。而阿斯嘉德就拥有着这种意外的产物,并且他们还把这罕见到近乎稀世的宝物打造成了神奇罗德尼尔的刃。 The dead star, as the inconceivable star wreckage, is the huge incomparable quality of first having, this is also the Rhode Neil himself incomparably serious reason. Naturally, this is not the key point, the key point is on it is checking the memory, from star destruction instantaneous memory. 死星,作为不可思议的恒星残骸,首先拥有的就是巨大无比的质量,这也就是罗德尼尔本身无比沉重的原因。当然,这不是重点,重点是它身上寄存着的记忆,来自恒星毁灭瞬间的记忆。 When Rhode Neil's strength strengthens the pinnacle, the death star memory on blade will regain consciousness, takes the strength of master to reappear that flash of star destruction as the source. This flash is in itself representative the most terrifying destruction and destruction, but under the attribute of Zhou Yi Sun supernatural power, its reappearing will be only closer to the reality. 当罗德尼尔的力量加强到极致的时候,刃上的死星记忆就会苏醒,以主人的力量为源泉重现出恒星毁灭的那一瞬间。这一瞬间本身就代表着最为恐怖的破坏和毁灭,而在周易太阳神力的属性之下,它的重现只会更加接近于现实。 Reappears a star destruction means anything instantaneously, naturally is the self-evident matter. But has the so fearful prestige to be able Rhode Neil becomes in Towle mouth strongest mysterious, was a conceivable matter. 重现一个恒星毁灭的瞬间意味着什么,自然是不言而喻的事情。而有着如此可怕威能的罗德尼尔会成为托尔口中的最强神奇,也是一件可以想象的事情了。 Such ability, will be called naturally strongly. Especially in Zhou Yi this has in solar strength the hand of person, it will be only more terrorist. But can also see from this, Rhode Neil indeed for a divine tool that Zhou Yi is tailor. Lancet Gia Duc's thinking through a matter henceforth can be inferred. 这样的能力,理所当然会被称之为最强。尤其是在周易这个有着太阳力量的人的手中,它只会更加恐怖。而从这也就能看出,罗德尼尔的确是为了周易量身打造出的一件神器。阿斯嘉德的用心良苦从此可见一斑。 But will they who so thinks through a matter do the losing proposition? That absolutely is impossible. 而如此用心良苦的他们会做亏本生意吗?那绝对是不可能的。 Therefore Zhou Yi of very clear this point with a smile changes to the golden flame light oneself armor, then but is actually raising Rhode Neil, was asking to Towle. 所以很清楚这一点的周易只是笑着把自己身上的铠甲重新化作金色的炎光,然后倒提着罗德尼尔,对着托尔问道。 My very satisfied this divine tool. However, Mate. You came here second matter to tell me. The words that you did not speak, I may on really some it is too much!”( To be continued.) “我很满意这件神器。不过,伙计。你来这里的第二件事情可以告诉我了吧。你再不说的话,我可就实在有些受之有愧了!”(未完待续。)
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