MSG :: Volume #6

#540: Three spies know the secret

Hears to have the guest visit, Zhou Yi from is being rebuilt the steel satellite town to embark immediately, hurries back to own home. But enters to own study room, he saw with family/home to chat Natasha vigorously in that group of women. 听到有客人来访,周易立刻就从正在改建中的钢铁卫星城出发,赶回到了自己的家中。而一进到自己的书房,他就看见了正在和家里的那一群女人聊得非常起劲的娜塔莎 The visit of Natasha regarding him, is really somewhat unexpected. But most makes him think what is not clear, why she will have the courage to arrive in oneself home. 娜塔莎的来访对于他来说,实在是有些出乎意料。而最让他想不明白的是,为什么她会有勇气来到自己的家里。 He is very clear, Natasha is not has the big breadth of spirit fellow. oneself discredited today, in her ordinary circumstances will be will not take such big risk to come to own home absolutely, the exposition and will have the matter of friendship. Only if, the situation special enough to can make her neglect this greatly troublesome. 他很清楚,娜塔莎可不是什么有着大气魄的家伙。在自己声名狼藉的今天,她一般情况下是绝对不会冒着这么大的风险来自己的家里,暴露和自己有交情的这种事情。除非,情况特殊到能让她忽略这个大麻烦。 This cognition made Zhou Yi hit the spirit immediately, he also has shown simultaneously some looks of pondering on the face, was saying to Natasha. 这个认知让周易立刻打起了精神,同时他也在脸上露出了有些玩味的神色,对着娜塔莎说道。 Really is long time no see, Natasha. We just well had missed couple days ago, otherwise you did not use such troublesome, ran specially these!” “真是好久不见了,娜塔莎。前几天我们刚刚好错过了,不然你就不用这么麻烦,专门跑这一趟了!” It is not willing to provoke troublesome Zhou Yi to suspend that matter that the avenger and Magneto fight directly. But this view, makes the smiling face in Natasha surface restrain immediately. 不愿意招惹麻烦的周易直接把复仇者和万磁王交手的那件事情摆了出来。而这个说法,立刻让娜塔莎面上的笑容收敛了起来。 Her some hidden bitterness white Zhou Yi, was complaining to him. 她有些幽怨地白了周易一眼,然后才对着他抱怨了起来。 You have a face to mention that matter unexpectedly. What's wrong, subdued Magneto to make you very favorite?” “你居然还有脸提那件事。怎么,收服了万磁王让你很得意吗?” Can make Magneto that fellow join to my influence, indeed is one can make me feel the self-satisfied matter. This point I did not deny!” Disregarded the complaint of Natasha, Zhou Yi hehe has smiled has taken up an apple from the table of study room, put the mouth to nip one. What's wrong, what you are replace the avenger to submit to sue the document to me also to have the medical service to reimburse single?” “能让万磁王那种家伙加入到我的势力里,的确是一件能让我感到得意的事情。这一点我不否认!”无视了娜塔莎的抱怨,周易呵呵一笑就从书房的桌子上拿起了一个苹果,放到嘴里咬了一口。“怎么,你是来代替复仇者向我递交什么投诉文件还有医疗报销单的吗?” Resulted in!” Disdains to curl the lip, Natasha has indicated own purpose in coming. I do not come with your slapping in the face weaponry. I have the proper business to want with you to chat!” “得了吧!”不屑得撇了撇嘴,娜塔莎就表明了自己的来意。“我可不是来和你打嘴仗的。我是有正事想要和你们谈谈!” Proper business? I?” Hears here, Zhou Yi swings immediately began. Has exhibited very explicitly the manner of not cooperating. Natasha, I think that you made a mistake. I am not your teammates, is not your partners. Asks me to discuss the proper business, you did not think that some are inappropriate?” “正事?我?”听到这里,周易立刻摇起了头。摆出了非常明确的不合作的态度。“娜塔莎,我想你是不是搞错了。我可不是你们的队友,更不是你们的伙伴。找我谈正事,你不觉得有些不合适吗?” Hears the reply of Zhou Yi, Natasha looked saw a play same Ida immediately to oneself side, then full is the tone of doubts was saying to her by one type. 听到周易的回答,娜塔莎立刻看向了自己身边看戏一样的艾达,然后以一种满是疑惑的语气对着她说道。 „Are you up to mischief? What's wrong, do you also not among the relations us and he talk clearly?” “你们到底在搞什么鬼?怎么,你还没有把我们之间的关系和他说清楚吗?” Too was recently busy, I had not found an appropriate opportunity to tell him!” The side crossed the face by Natasha brilliant threatening vision gaze some not comfortable Ida immediately, with did not have the words of energy to give itself to argue. “最近太忙了,我没有找到一个合适的机会告诉他!”被娜塔莎灼灼逼人的眼光注视地有些不自在的艾达立刻侧过了脸,用非常没有底气的话语给自己辩解了起来。 But looks that the situation starts becomes awkward, was never good at dealing with this situation Serena immediately to say I prepared to make tea!”, Hurriedly ran. But she walks, in the entire study room on only remaining Zhou Yi and these two is dallying with the woman of any profound and abstruse principles to be dumbfounded obviously. 而看着情况开始变得尴尬,从来不善于应付这种情况的瑟拉娜立刻说了一句“我去准备点茶点!”,就急急忙忙地跑了出来。而她一走,整个书房里就只剩下周易和这两个明显在玩什么玄机的女人大眼瞪小眼。 Can tell me is a matter? Why I felt that you have any thing to hide the truth from me to be the same probably!” “能告诉我是怎么一回事吗?为什么我感觉你们好像有什么东西在瞒着我一样!” Did not have to Zhou Yi of that degree silly, when sees their responses, has guessed correctly a possibility. To confirm own guess, he has gotten down the face on sinking immediately, was inquiring to these two women. 还没有傻到那种程度的周易在看到她们的反应的时候,就已经猜到了一种可能。而为了证实自己的猜测,他立刻就沉下了脸,对着这两个女人询问了起来。 Heard Zhou Yi to speak, Ida was not naturally good to conceal again. She has selected the eyebrow, points at the side to hold the chest to stand, highlights a beautiful body Natasha to answer to Zhou Yi. 听到周易发话了,艾达自然也不好再隐瞒下去。她挑了挑眉毛,就指着自己身边抱胸而立,凸显出一副美好身材的娜塔莎对着周易解释道。 Like such that you think, this pest while for the avenger and SHIELD work, for our some special and critical news. In other words, she and we are one side!” “就像你想的那样,这个讨厌鬼在为复仇者和神盾局工作的同时,也为我们一些特殊而且紧要的消息。换句话说,她和我们是一边的!” What ghost?” “什么鬼?” Although was prepared at heart, but heard Ida to say suddenly, Zhou Yi thought that they were some that played are too really big. 尽管心里已经有了准备,但是骤然听到艾达这么说,周易还是觉得,她们实在是玩的有些太大了。 Since Ida can give Natasha this duty, then naturally also explained that this has established the good relations to the enemy same woman. Under this prerequisite, making Natasha brave the danger to give itself this group of people to give the message, was really some extremely take risks. 既然艾达能把这个任务交给娜塔莎,那么自然也说明这对冤家一样的女人已经建立了不错的关系。在这个前提下,让娜塔莎冒着危险来给自己这伙人传递消息,实在是有些太过冒险了。 Other did not say, has regarding own present status Zhou Yi certainly on own initiative. He is the top dangerous elements in entire America. His every action and every movement can make the hierarchs in this country fearful and apprehensive. Also because of this, each person of his side was monitored in the varying degrees. 别的不说,对于自己现在的身份周易还是有着一定的自觉地。他是整个美利坚的头号危险分子。他的一举一动都能让这个国家里的掌权者们心惊肉跳。也正是因为这样,他身边的每一个人都在不同程度地受到监控。 Person who any and he has the connection will be recognized by this country for the potential threat goal. But under this prerequisite, once the Natasha spy status has exposed, she will incur the thunder attack of this country inevitably. 任何和他有关联的人都会被这个国家认定为潜在的威胁目标。而在这个前提下,一旦娜塔莎的间谍身份曝光了,她必然将招致这个国家的雷霆打击。 Present US government, even is SHIELD absolutely does not allow own side to have this kind of rebel. Therefore to that time, Natasha only had the dead end. In addition, perhaps the disaster of imprisonment can only be an expectation. 现在的美国政府,甚至是神盾局都绝对不允许自己的身边存在着这样一个叛徒。所以到了那个时候,娜塔莎就只有死路一条。除此之外,恐怕就连牢狱之灾都只会是一种奢望。 This is huge, moreover unnecessary risk. Therefore Zhou Yi swings to begin immediately, expresses own meaning. 这是巨大的,而且不必要的风险。所以周易立刻摇起了头,表达出了自己的意思。 You have acted sloppily, once Natasha has exposed, she died. You do not need to handle this matter really!” “你们太胡来了,一旦娜塔莎曝光了,她就死定了。你们真的没有必要做这种事情!” Do not visit me, this is not I requests! This is the request that this pest found me to put forward. I have handled a matter of pushing the boat along!” “别看我,这又不是我要求的!这可是这个讨厌鬼自己找到我提出来的要求。我只是做了一件顺水推舟的事情而已!” Looks blame that in the Zhou Yi look not minces, Ida has shouldered the eyebrow immediately, argued for oneself. But heard her saying that Zhou Yi completely has put the body of Natasha the line of sight immediately, his meaning was very obvious, he needed an explanation. 看着周易眼神里毫不掩饰的责怪,艾达立刻挑起了眉,为自己辩解道。而听到她这么说,周易马上就把视线全部放到了娜塔莎的身上,他的意思很明显,他需要一个解释。 I look for an outlet for myself. This is very normal!” Had been cast aside the face by Zhou Yi some not normal Natasha of line of sight gaze hastily, had been avoided the line of sight of Zhou Yi by own eye. Meanwhile, she said for oneself behavior argument with every effort. Moreover, Sherry is your daughter. No matter among us the friendship, for her, I must close up to you. After I do not want waited for her to grow up, to regard as me am an enemy, therefore, you understood!” “我只是为自己多找一条出路而已。这很正常!”被周易的视线注视的有些不正常的娜塔莎连忙撇过了脸,让自己的眼睛避开了周易的视线。同时,她尽力地为自己的行为辩解道。“而且,雪莉是你的女儿。就算不管我们之间的交情,为了她,我也必须向你们这边靠拢一点。我可不想等她长大了之后把我看成是敌人,所以,你明白的!” I am not clear! Flipped the supercilious look, Zhou Yi took a stand to this farfetched explanation. However he is very clear, in this case, he is having no way makes this woman saying the truth. Therefore he can only say in an tone of warning. 我一点都不明白!翻了翻白眼,周易对这个牵强附会的解释表了个态。不过他很清楚,在这种情况下,他是没法让这个女人把实话给说出来的。所以他只能以一种警告的语气说道。 Has sufficed, Natasha. This reason was too rotten. I know you and we are a heart was good, does not need you to do this dangerous work again. I do not think, because you have exposed your behavior, but runs to rescue you specially from afar.” “够了,娜塔莎。这个理由太烂了。我知道你和我们是一条心的就行了,不需要你再干这种危险的工作。我可不想因为你暴露了自己的行为而专门千里迢迢地跑过去营救你。” Relax, I did not have time to that degree. Moreover, this payout has the repayment. I have brought very important news to you!” “放心吧,我还没有次到那种程度。而且,这种付出是有回报的。我可是给你们带来了很重要的消息!” Heard Zhou Yi saying that Natasha self-confidently has smiled immediately. But heard her saying that Zhou Yi had doubts. 听到周易这么说,娜塔莎立刻就自信地笑了起来。而听到她这么说,周易却疑惑了起来。 Important news, can you have the news that what I do not know at this time? „ “重要的消息,这个时候你们还能有什么我不知道的消息吗?“ This saying did not speak irresponsibly. Must know that present Zhou Yi influence hand/subordinate had already formed the scale, that ticket ability that the safety guard system or Magneto of sunglow bring varies, ambush extremely deep Mutants, has broad the enough informer. Under their united efforts, a lot no longer were secret regarding Zhou Yi. Even also includes the secret event that the government does not know. 这话可不是乱说的。要知道现在的周易手下的势力已然形成了规模,不论是日冕的安保系统还是万磁王带来的那一票能力各异,潜伏极深的变种人,都有着足够广阔的耳目。在他们的协力合作下,很多事情对于周易来说就已经不再是秘密了。这其中,甚至还包括很多连政府内部都不知道的机密事件。 When Natasha said that she did the vital information, Zhou Yi has not put on this news the heart. However next quarter, when Natasha said this news, Zhou Yi actually has to acknowledge, oneself was frightened. 所以当娜塔莎说她搞到了重要消息的时候,周易还真的没怎么把这个消息放到心上。不过下一刻,当娜塔莎说出这个消息的时候,周易却不得不承认,自己被吓到了。 Nick Fury died, died under the attack of Hydra. But present SHIELD, then by your old friend taking over. Thaddeus .e. Head who General Ross, the super soldier plans, present Chief SHIELD, I thinks that you should not be strange to him!” 尼克.弗瑞死了,死在了九头蛇的袭击下。而现在的神盾局,则是被你的一个老朋友给接手了。撒迪厄斯.e.罗斯将军,超级士兵计划的负责人,现在的神盾局局长,我想你对他应该不陌生吧!” General Ross?” 罗斯将军?” Has thought that once captured Hulk to ascend the sky roadless, enters the non- gate fellow, Zhou Yi knit the brows immediately. 想到了那个曾经追捕地浩克上天无路,入地无门的家伙,周易立刻就皱起了眉。 „Wasn't he entered the prison? How can also come out? Also, Nick Fury that one-eyed person died, you determined that what false message you didn't receive?” “他不是已经进了监狱吗?怎么还能出来?还有,尼克.弗瑞那个独眼龙死了,你确定你不是收到了什么假消息?” My also hope is this appearance, most at least my wages can on many!” Natasha shrugs the arm, used tone to give the Zhou Yi answer a reluctantly. But the fact is, he might die. SHIELD had discovered his attacked place, there situation is very bad, is conceivable he to be surrounded with large army lethal. Had also found his private car at the final accident site, inside has many internal organs fragments. Although had not found his corpse, but it is estimated that carried off by the Hydra person. In that case, he returns alive possibly approaches in zero infinitely!” “我也希望是这个样子,最起码我的工资可以多上一份!”娜塔莎耸了耸肩膀,就用一种无奈地语气给了周易答复。“但是事实是,他非常有可能死掉了。神盾局发现了他被袭击的地点,那里的情况很糟糕,可以想象他是被重兵围堵致死的。在最后的事发现场还找到了他的座驾,里面有不少内脏碎片。虽然没有找到他的尸体,但是估计是被九头蛇的人带走了。在那种情况下,他生还的可能无限接近于零!” Moreover, about General Ross. He was released on bail by the military. Regarding the present government, this ability prominent fellow clearly also has the value of use. But he was also quick to unite one with Alexander speaker of Security Council, under his support, he can so smoothly take over SHIELD.” “另外,关于罗斯将军。他是被军方保释出来的。对于现在的政府来说,这个能力突出的家伙显然还有利用的价值。而他也很快就和安全理事会的亚历山大议长联合到了一起,也就是在他的支持之下,他才能如此顺利地接手了神盾局。” Heard the Natasha words, Zhou Yi knits the brows immediately, falls into has thought deeply. 听到娜塔莎的话,周易立刻就皱着眉,陷入了深思中。 The situation suddenly becomes so complex, this is the matter that he has not thought of the beginning completely. Can affirm, Hydra in this has certainly played many special roles. However hides the extremely deep fellow regarding this, even if the Zhou Yi present strength, is unable to clutch from hidden place him. Even said that if not the appearance of Natasha, only need receive such message, he could wait for on time. But perhaps at that time, this group of people have made other movement. 局势一时间变得如此复杂,这是他一开始完全没有想到的事情。可以肯定,在这里面九头蛇一定扮演了不少特殊的角色。但是对于这个掩藏极深的家伙,即便是周易现在的力量,也无法把他从暗处个揪出来。甚至说,如果不是娜塔莎的出现,光是要收到这样的消息,他可能就要等上一阵时间。而那个时候,说不定这伙人已经做出了另外的动作。 Therefore has saying that Natasha the news is prompt. Most at least made him leave a lot of time to complete to deal with the work. But at this time, Zhou Yi also started the role that faced up to Natasha to play. This three spies, can indeed give people sometimes some unexpected pleasant surprises. 所以不得不说,娜塔莎的这个消息非常及时。最起码让他多出了不少时间来做好应对工作。而这个时候,周易也开始正视起娜塔莎能够起到的作用。这个三面间谍,在有些时候的确能给人一些出乎意料的惊喜。 Thank you, Natasha. This news is very useful, after I think us, possibly also need many exchange.” “谢谢你了,娜塔莎。这个消息很有用,我想我们以后可能还需要更多的交流一下。” Naturally, I am glad very much. „ Heard Zhou Yi saying that Natasha is bright incomparably to smile immediately.” This is my being honored. ” “当然,我很乐意。“听见周易这么说,娜塔莎立刻灿烂无比地笑了起来。”这是我的荣幸。” Is very good, then makes us wait, having a look at this SHIELD new chief to have any plot. Said, I somewhat was really impatient.” “很好,那么就让我们拭目以待,看看这个神盾局的新局长到底有什么阴谋吧。说真的,我真的有些迫不及待了。” Looks that Natasha response Zhou Yi has also smiled. Regarding him, this news not necessarily is not a good deed. The Hydra movement can only make the figure that they hide expose many spots to come out. Hides in the hidden place, they can also save oneself poor life. Once comes in public, they only have the dead end. 看着娜塔莎的反应周易也跟着笑了起来。对于他来说,这个消息未必不是一件好事。九头蛇的动作只能让他们隐藏起来的身形暴露出更多的部位出来。躲在暗处,他们还能保住自己的小命。而一旦现身明处,他们就只有死路一条。 Regarding Zhou Yi, among them also has many accounts, has not reckoned up!( To be continued.) 对于周易来说,他们之间还有很多的帐,没有算清楚呢!(未完待续。)
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