MSG :: Volume #6

#539: The imitation evolution is in charge of the aegis

Mutants 134 th both hands firmly according to the body of sentry robot. But along with the use of his ability, entire sentry robot turned into nearly insightful luster. Similar to the scarlet flame fine gold gold/metal, is more like the human form lava. 变种人134号的双手牢牢地按在了哨兵机器人的身上。而随着他的能力的使用,整个哨兵机器人都已经变成了一个近乎通透的色泽。如同赤炎鎏金,更像是人形的熔岩。 If before several minutes, Congressman Ross may think that the sentry robot was finished. It must be able to melt the metal Mutants to turn into beach molten iron by this thoroughly. However now, he has not really grasped makes all imagine according to him the occurrence, therefore he can only stare at the situation under field steadily, was waiting for the result appears in his front truly. 如果是在几分钟前,罗斯议员或许会认为哨兵机器人完蛋了。它要被这个能够融化金属的变种人彻底地变成一滩铁水。但是现在,他实在没有把握让一切按照他想象中的发生,所以他只能目不转睛地盯着场下的情况,等待着结局真正出现在他的面前。 But with is the same, the situation that he thinks had the huge reversal quickly. 而就和他想的一样,情况很快就发生了巨大的逆转。 Originally also because of the temperature of superelevation, but paralyzed the sentry robot of body function also to have the new strength thoroughly suddenly, saw only its big hand to wield, sticking, in oneself Mutants 134 th like was pats the fly to pat. When it has stood, its burnt passed the red body to cool at the naked eye obvious speed. 原本还因为超高的温度而彻底地瘫痪了机体功能的哨兵机器人突然间又有了新的力量,只见它大手一挥,就把黏在自己身上的变种人134号像是拍苍蝇一样拍了出去。而当它站了起来的时候,它那被烧的透红的身体已经以肉眼可见的速度冷却了下来。 Ice-cold metallic color presented above its body surface once again, after these scaled metal once again ripple fluctuating of its body surface, little scarlet-red radiance started to disclose from slit of its scale. 冰冷的金属色再度出现到了它的体表之上,而当它体表的那些鳞片状金属再度波纹般起伏之后,一点点赤红的光华开始从它鳞片的缝隙里透露了出来。 That luster is very mysterious, making the person seem can feel that its body had the indescribable change. But actually this changes is anything, quick once again has made known. 那种色泽很神奇,让人一看上去就能感觉到它的身上已经发生了不可名状的变化。而这个变化究竟是什么,很快就再度揭晓了下来。 Because of this time, the 241 st strong corrosion acid fog has blotted out the sky, like was the mist that filled has been welling up to the sentry robot. 因为这个时候,241号的强腐蚀酸雾已经铺天盖地,像是弥漫的雾气一样对着哨兵机器人涌了过来。 This corrosion intensity incomparably fearful acid fog is only a appearance, starts to cause the astonishing destruction without distinction. The floor of metal, is the body of sentry robot, starts to present the dissolved in this acid fog the condition. But what is most fearful, this dissolution is unable to reverse. 这腐蚀强度无比可怕的酸雾只是一出现,就开始无差别地造成着惊人的破坏。不论是金属的地板,还是哨兵机器人的身躯,都开始在这酸雾中出现溶解的状况。而最可怕的是,这种溶解是无法逆转的。 With was just destroyed the body also to reply differently, the sentry robot corroded place turned into the pus yellow liquid, is unable to restore the original appearance again. But looks according to such situation, perhaps soon, this sentry robot will thoroughly turn into a beach wealth. 和刚刚被破坏了身躯还能回复不同,哨兵机器人被腐蚀的地方已经变成了脓黄的液体,根本无法再重新修复成原来的样子。而按照这样的情况看,恐怕用不了多久,这个哨兵机器人就会彻底地变成一滩脓水。 But when sentry robot entire semblance conductive sea already destroyed looking awful, it actually suddenly acted. 而就在哨兵机器人整个外表金属层都已经被破坏的不成样子的时候,它却是突然动作了起来。 A terrifying high temperature suddenly already under dissolved outer layer conductive sea erupted from its, is similar to these maggot of common mist tarsal bone entirely gives to push out instantaneously. 一层恐怖的高温突然从它那已经被溶解的外层金属层下面爆发了出来,然后瞬间就把那些如同跗骨之蛆一般的雾气统统给推了出去。 This regarding 241 st naturally is not the issue, so long as he has been maintaining this condition, can definitely break through the stop of this high temperature. However this regarding the sentry robot, is actually an opportunity. 这对于241号来说自然不是什么问题,只要他一直维持着这个状况,就肯定能突破这层高温的阻拦。但是这对于哨兵机器人来说,却是个机会。 The high temperature has prevented the corrosion of acid fog, but while this free time, on sentry robot that matter already dissolved bumpy, even full was the metal shell of pus yellow liquid actually turns has melted gold/metal -like the molten iron, fast has flowed from its body. Merely several breath, sentry robot thoroughly has separated damage part, and turned into the perfect appearance. 高温阻挡了酸雾的侵蚀,而趁着这个空闲,哨兵机器人身上那层已经被溶解的坑坑洼洼,甚至满是脓黄液体的金属外壳却是变成了熔金般的铁水,飞快地从它的身上流淌了下来。仅仅几个呼吸,哨兵机器人就彻底分离了身上的受损部分,并且重新变成了完好无损的样子。 Reduced part besides the build, you cannot even see it to have any other obvious changes. 除了体型缩小了一部分之外,你甚至看不到它有任何其他明显的变化。 However, it had change. 但是,它已经有了变化。 The acid fog is still surging, however regarding the present sentry robot, this has not actually been able to threaten its slightest again. It is rotating oneself head, the lock-on target on the 241 st body, in big strides has then turned toward him to walk. 酸雾还在涌动,然而对于现在的哨兵机器人来说,这却已经无法再威胁到它分毫了。它转动着自己的头颅,把目标锁定在了241号的身上,然后大踏步地就向着他走了过去。 The high temperature dissipated, the acid fog heads on once again. However this time sentry robot as if simply had not actually been affected by the acid fog. Its scale fluctuated, made it adapt to this special strong acid circumstances. But no longer receives it that the strong acid corrodes, became the 241 st nightmare. 高温已经消散,酸雾再度扑面而来。但是此时的哨兵机器人却似乎根本没有受到酸雾的影响。它身上的鳞片只是起伏了一下,就让它适应了这种特殊的强酸环境。而不再受强酸侵蚀的它,已经成为了241号的梦魇。 Although crazily is still stimulating to movement own ability on the 241 st, but this already the action of useless futile effort. The sentry robot is light, but Yi (easy) lifted has arrived at his front, has stressed his one, then like was a crumb persimmon, pinched to explode his head directly. 尽管241号还在疯狂地催动着自己的能力,但是这已经是没有用的徒劳之举了。哨兵机器人轻而举地就走到了他的面前,把他一手抓了起来,然后像是捏碎一个柿子一样,直接捏爆了他的头颅。 No. 241 perishes instantaneously, but in field remaining also only had one 134 th. This regarding as 134 th of only survivor, really has the greatest pressure. 241号瞬间殒命,而场上剩下的也只有一个134号而已了。这对于身为唯一幸存者的134号来说,实在有着莫大的心理压力。 Looks that the fearful form that walks step by step from the acid fog, looks around oneself does not have the dead end scene of any outlet. No. 134 heart next one horizontal, reckless rushed over toward the sentry robot. 看着那个从酸雾中一步步走出来的可怕身影,看着自己四周没有任何出路的绝路情景。134号心下一横,就不顾一切地向着哨兵机器人冲了过去。 He wants to wrestle furiously, makes a way out with own ability to oneself. When his hits the bosom of sentry robot, the time of both hands of own superelevation temperature according to arriving on it, it discovered that oneself think is really too naive, was too stupid. 他想要奋力一搏,用自己的能力给自己挣出一条生路。但是当他一头撞进哨兵机器人的怀里,把自己超高温度的双手按到它身上的时候,它才发现,自己想的实在是太天真,太愚蠢了。 Can melt the metal 4000 degrees high temperature unable to the sentry robot to cause any damage, even cannot make on it that matter silver-gray metal have any change. But conversely, the sentry robot to him is actually absolutely fatal. 能够融化金属的4000度高温根本无法对哨兵机器人造成任何的伤害,甚至都不能让它身上那层银灰色的金属有任何的变化。而相反的,哨兵机器人对他却是绝对致命的。 Does not need to begin, the terrifying temperature directly erupted from the body of sentry robot. That is compared with a 134 th superhigh temperature more fearful temperature, was the flash turned into a torch him merely, terrifying hard coke. 都不需要动手,恐怖的温度就直接从哨兵机器人的身上爆发了出来。那是比134号的超高温更可怕的温度,仅仅是一瞬间就把他变成了一个火炬,一个恐怖的焦炭。 Solved the enemy silent, sentry robot. But the entire journey watched all Congressman Ross is at heart is actually turning the startled day monstrous waves. 解决完了敌人,哨兵机器人沉默了下来。而全程观看了一切的罗斯议员却是在心里翻起了惊天巨浪。 Three ability formidable Mutants entirely were eliminated in the several minutes, but completes all these sentry robots personally seems almost perfect. Such ability is really the astonishing fearfulness. But this fearful performance while letting Congressman Ross shocking, could not bear acclaim to Trask. 三个能力强大的变种人在短短几分钟内就被统统消灭,而亲手完成这一切的哨兵机器人看上去几乎完好无损。这样的能力实在是惊人的可怕。而这可怕的表现在让罗斯议员震惊的同时,也忍不住对特拉斯克赞叹了起来。 Really is the extraordinary invention, the doctor your work of can certainly become the sharp weapon of reformation of the world. My some are not clear, why the sentry robot can have such mysterious ability, they probably are these Mutants natural enemies are evidently same!” “真是了不起的发明,博士你的作品一定能成为改变世界的利器。只是我有些不明白,为什么哨兵机器人能有着这样神奇的能力,看样子他们就好像是这些变种人的天敌一样!” You said right, they indeed are the Mutants natural enemies!” Discarded the thing on hand, all following work confessed that has given own subordinate. Trask looked at Pierce one eyes, was answering to Congressman Ross. “你说的没错,他们的确是变种人的天敌!”扔掉了手上的东西,把所有的后续工作就交代给了自己的手下。特拉斯克看了皮尔斯一眼,就对着罗斯议员解释道。 I have studied the Mutants dozens years, can say that has broken the heredity sequence in Mutants gene successfully. Also because of this, I realized that an issue, wants to eliminate Mutants, can only start from Mutants. But has given my this inspiration and source material, is two and special Mutants.” “我研究了变种人几十年,可以说已经成功地破译出了变种人基因里的遗传序列。也正是因为这样,我才认识到一个问题,想要消灭变种人,就只能从变种人身上入手。而给了我这个灵感和素材的,就是两个及其特殊的变种人。” Darwin, can adapt to any circumstances, has the spontaneous change to any climate change Mutants. His ability has provided an attribute of most foundation for the sentry robot. But Magneto Mystique, her imitation change ability, is the second core attribute of sentry robot.” “达尔文,一个能够适应任何环境,对任何环境变化发生自发性改变的变种人。他的能力为哨兵机器人提供了一个最基础的属性。而万磁王手下的魔形女,她的模仿变化能力,则是哨兵机器人的第二个核心属性。” Adaptation and imitation, this is the sentry robot resists the Mutants key to be. I use the nano-metal that biological programming and SHIELD provide, has completed a special nano machine living thing. They can, when resists Mutants, the to learn adapts to these Mutants abilities, simultaneously imitates their abilities. With more many of Mutants battle, their abilities are also more, their strengths are also stronger. Mutants resists the sentry robot, is actually equal to is resisting nano machine Mutants that can constantly study and evolve unceasingly. In such a case, you think that they do have any hope of achievement?” “适应和模仿,这就是哨兵机器人对抗变种人的关键所在。我利用生物编程和神盾局提供的纳米金属,完成了一种特殊的纳米机器生物。它们能够在对抗变种人的时候,学会适应这些变种人的能力,同时模仿他们的能力。和变种人交战的越多,它们的能力也就越多,它们的力量也就越强大。变种人对抗哨兵机器人,其实等同于在对抗一个能不断学习、不断进化的纳米机器变种人。在这样的情况下,你认为他们有任何获胜的希望吗?” Although Trask's illustration is brief, but like was together the lighthouse has actually illuminated Congressman Ross the confused road ahead. At this moment he is not having any suspicion to the plan that Pierce narrated. But has gripped Trask's hand excitedly, exceptionally was saying to him sincerely. 特拉斯克的解说虽然简短,但是却像是一道灯塔一样照亮了罗斯议员迷茫的前路。这一刻他不在对皮尔斯讲述的计划有任何的怀疑了。而是激动地握住了特拉斯克的手,异常诚恳地对着他说道。 Doctor, your invention can change this world. This country will have a new lease of life because of you, I must show the heartfelt respect to you here. When we recovered this national past honor, I ensure certainly representative the medal of highest honor hangs on your chest.” “博士,你的发明会改变这个世界的。这个国家也会因为你而重获新生,在这里我要向你表示由衷的敬意。当我们光复了这个国家往日的荣光的时候,我保证一定会把代表最高荣誉的勋章挂在你的胸口上。” Ha?” Some surprise looked at Congressman Ross, looked at him again behind that old God in Pierce. Intelligence outstanding Trask has realized anything immediately, therefore he is perfunctory to say. „After this matter, said again, I am only a researcher, the matter of this seeking fame and fortune and I have not related. Sorry, two. The data of experiment also needs me to reorganize, I do not accompany for a long time!” “哈?”有些诧异的看了罗斯议员一眼,再看了看他身后那个老神在在的皮尔斯。智力超群的特拉斯克立刻意识到了什么,所以他敷衍道。“这种事情以后再说吧,我只是一个研究者,这种追名逐利的事情和我没有关系。对不起,两位。实验的数据还需要我整理一下,我就不久陪了!” Saying, he was too busy to walk. But at this time, Pierce was saying with a smile to Congressman Ross. 说着,他就忙不迭地走了出去。而这个时候,皮尔斯则对着罗斯议员笑道。 What kind, present you had enough confidence!” “怎么样,现在的你有足够的信心了吧!” Naturally, I have the abundant confidence now. When we can start our plans, Mr. Alexander. I could not wait!” “当然,现在我可是有着充沛的信心。我们什么时候能开始我们的计划,亚历山大先生。我已经等不及了!” No matter what who sees the sentry robot such mysterious thing, will be ambitious, is generously heroic. This is the unparalleled sharp weapon, is the capital of performing good deeds. Congressman Ross the vision is not bad, naturally can see very clearly. 任谁看到哨兵机器人这么神奇的东西,都会雄心万丈,慷慨豪迈起来。这是无双的利器,是建功立业的资本。罗斯议员眼光不差,自然能看得很清楚。 But looks Congressman Ross who excited gets up, Pierce has thrown a cold water with a smile suitably, fell the temperature to him. 而看着情绪高昂起来的罗斯议员,皮尔斯笑着适当地泼了点冷水,给他降了降温度。 Do not worry, Mr. Ross. This matter must come gradually, we must deal may not only be Mutants. This is only we plans part, therefore the gravity head discusses, the discrete conduct is the best choice.” “别太着急,罗斯先生。这种事情必须一步一步来,我们要应对的可不仅仅是变种人而已。这只是我们计划中的一部分,所以重头计议,谨慎行事才是最好的选择。” I am not clear, why we must such do. The sentry robot can definitely the spreading start immediately, before the influence of that person forms becomes the huge attack to other party. At this time was needing further consideration, won't miss this excellent opportunity?” “我不明白,为什么我们要这么做。哨兵机器人完全可以立刻铺展来开,在那个人的势力形成前就对他造成巨大的打击。这个时候在从长计议,难道不会错失这绝佳的时机吗?” Although Congressman Ross went to Pierce, but this does not represent him to always follow. He has oneself idea, has own opinion. But this opinion regarding Pierce, really somewhat inflated. 罗斯议员虽然投向了皮尔斯,但是这并不代表他就会言听计从。他有着自己的想法,有着自己的意见。而这个意见对于皮尔斯来说,实在是有些膨胀了。 You must remember, Congressman Ross. Mutants is not isolated and cuts off from help. That person, is an avenger, and Mutants has the complicated relations. The sentry plan can start, but must complete the upholstery and prelude, you do not want such important thing before start, thoroughly was destroyed by our enemies.” “你要记住,罗斯议员。变种人并不是孤立无援的。不论是那个人,还是复仇者,都和变种人有着千丝万缕的关系。哨兵计划会开始,但是一定要做好铺垫和前奏,你也不想这么重要的东西在开始之前,就被我们的敌人给彻底毁灭掉吧。” Was silent has been thinking deeply about the moment, Congressman Ross in the thought of having inflated sobered from oneself that immediately. He saw clearly the present situation, but present situation does not think like him is so optimistic. Therefore he shows the stance of modestly seeking for advice immediately, is consulting to say to Pierce. 沉默着思索了片刻,罗斯议员立刻从自己那已经有所膨胀的思维中清醒了过来。他看清楚了现状,而现状并不像他想的那么乐观。所以他立刻摆出了虚心求教的架势,对着皮尔斯请教道。 „, We plan where does first step start?” “那么,我们计划的第一步从哪里开始呢?” The first step of plan!” On Pierce face has shown the self-satisfied smiling face. I thought that can take over SHIELD to start from you, you said that Thaddeus .e. Chief Ross!”( ~^~) “计划的第一步!”皮尔斯脸上露出了得意的笑容。“我觉得可以从你接手神盾局开始,你说是不是,撒迪厄斯.e.罗斯局长!”(~^~)
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