MSG :: Volume #6

#538: Sentry machine variant experiment

Solves Mutants? Indeed can achieve these matters that you said. However, is this robot capable of coping with these Mutants really? Although I do not have specifically to be responsible for the Mutants issue, but I am very clear, the strengths of these people have how fearfully. These things, reliable?” “解决掉变种人?的确可以做到你说的那些事情。但是,这个机器人真的有能力对付那些变种人吗?虽然我没有专门负责过变种人的问题,但是我很清楚,那些人的力量到底有多么的可怕。这些东西,可靠吗?” Although agreed with Pierce's view in the viewpoint, but in line with rigorous principle. Congressman Ross actually must clarify that function that this thing did have him to say. If not, that pleasure may be big. Does not need that fellow to make a move, the light is these Mutants is capable of ripping the smashing them. Therefore, has not clarified this issue, he is how impossible to be relieved with Pierce discusses the issue of cooperation. 虽然在观点上同意了皮尔斯的说法,但是本着严谨的原则。罗斯议员却必须要弄清楚这个东西到底有没有他所说的那个作用。如果没有,那乐子可就大了。不用那个家伙出手,光是那些变种人都有能力把他们撕成粉碎。所以,不把这个问题弄清楚了,他怎么都不可能安下心来和皮尔斯谈合作的问题。 This issue, I think that you asked developer Dr. Trask of this project is more appropriate. He came!” At the same time was saying such words, Pierce is recommending Dr. Trask who walked to Congressman Ross. “这个问题,我想你去问一下这个项目的开发者特拉斯克博士更为合适一些。哦,他已经来了!”一边说着这样的话,皮尔斯就把正在走过来的特拉斯克博士引荐给了罗斯议员。 This is Bolivar. Dr. Trask. Doctor, this is Congressman Ross, our partners!” “这位就是玻利瓦尔.特拉斯克博士。博士,这位就是罗斯议员,我们的合作伙伴!” Narrows the eye to look at this big scientist of undistinguished appearance, before Congressman Ross walks, on two steps, grasped his hand, was saying to his sinking sound. 眯着眼睛看着这个其貌不扬的大科学家,罗斯议员走前上两步,一把握住了他的手,然后对着他沉声说道。 „Is your excellency Dr. Trask? Really has heard so much about you! Please forgive directly, Doctor who I asked that can this robot cope with these strange Mutants really?” “阁下就是特拉斯克博士吗?真是久仰大名!请原谅我问的直接一点,博士,这个机器人真的能对付那些奇奇怪怪的变种人吗?” Congressman Ross has not made Dr. Trask feel directly surprised. Experiences countless people him to see the person of all forms, likely is Congressman Ross such is also not infrequent. When he thinks directly inquired, he has also given the reply on the according to direct similarly way. 罗斯议员的直接并没有让特拉斯克博士感到惊讶。阅人无数的他见过形形色色的人,像是罗斯议员这样的也不在少数。所以在他这么直接想自己询问的时候,他也就以同样直接的方式给出了回答。 Naturally, Mr. Ross. Must know you see highest achievement that but I study in these years. The sentry robot, can get it over and done to solve the Mutants problem the technology product.” “当然,罗斯先生。要知道你看到的可是我这几十年来研究的最高成果。哨兵机器人,一个能一劳永逸解决变种人问题的科技产品。” This thing many scientists have said. Even including my once colleague. However said, can truly achieve this point did not have. Dr. Trask. Is anything makes you have like this self-confidently, your product can play the effect that the research results of other scientists cannot achieve.” “这种东西很多科学家都说过。甚至包括我曾经的一个同事。但是说真的,能真正做到这一点的还一个都没有。特拉斯克博士。是什么让你有这样的自信,你的产品能起到其他科学家的研究成果所达不到的功效。” Naturally studies and experiment. Adopted innumerable confirmations, I had such energy saying that my work had such effect. Mr. Ross, Mr. Alexander. Please come with me, happen, our experiment is also conducted.” “当然是研究和实验。正是通过了无数次的验证,我才有这样的底气说我的作品有这样的功效。罗斯先生,还有亚历山大先生。请跟我来,正好,我们还有一项实验正在进行着。” Facing Congressman Ross question, Dr. Trask shows a faint smile, has been sending out the invitation to these two people. 面对罗斯议员的质疑,特拉斯克博士只是微微一笑,就对着这两个人发出了邀请。 Can find out the details of sentry robot, Congressman Ross naturally cannot step back again at this time. He looks form that Dr. Trask takes the lead, followed without hesitation. 能摸清楚哨兵机器人的底细,罗斯议员自然不会再这个时候却步。他看着特拉斯克博士走在前面的身影,毫不犹豫就跟了上去。 But along with their thorough. Quick they arrived at one to be similar to the place of control and monitor console. 而随着他们的深入。很快他们就来到了一个类似于监控台的地方。 At this time, one group of busy research workers are controlling the instrument that is hard to count in this control and monitor console. Even if entry of Dr. Trask, cannot interrupt work in their hand. However, Trask has not cared about these details, before he is guiding Congressman Ross and Pierce arrive at the huge landing glass of control and monitor console, points at the following scene to them to say. 此时,一群忙忙碌碌的科研工作者正在这个监控台里操控着难以计数的器械。即便是特拉斯克博士的进入,也没有能打断他们手里的工作。不过,特拉斯克并没有在意这些细节,他只是引导着罗斯议员和皮尔斯走到监控台的巨大落地玻璃前,指着下面的景象对着他们说道。 Please look that this is the thing that we will soon test. Although we experimented many times. However we do not mind again many previous time!” “请看吧,这就是我们即将实验的东西。虽然我们已经试验了很多次了。但是我们并不介意再多上一次!” Heard him saying that Congressman Ross turns toward under of control and monitor console to look immediately. 听到他这么说,罗斯议员立刻就向着监控台的下方看去。 That is a huge testing field, all around has sealed with the steel completely, has not stayed behind including the little slit. Besides 1-2 likely is the thing of lift table, Congressman Ross had not discovered that any method that can escape from that. Also in because of such situation, makes that three describe Mutants that varies like closes the fly in jar does not have to proceed along no particular course, actually could not find one means that can run away from that. 那是一个巨大的试验场地,四周全部用钢铁密封了起来,连一点点的缝隙都没有留下。除了一两个像是升降台的东西外,罗斯议员并没有发现任何能从那里面逃脱出去的手段。也正是因为这样的情况,才让里面那三个形容各异的变种人像是关在罐子里的苍蝇一样没头乱撞,却根本找不到一个能从那里面逃出来的办法。 Looked at that several to lather. Mood extremely unstable Mutants. Congressman Ross cannot bear frown, asks. 看了看那几个焦躁不安。情绪极度不稳定的变种人罗斯议员就忍不住皱起了眉头,问道。 Dr. Trask. Is this experiment that you said?” “特拉斯克博士。这就是你所说的实验?” They are only the test pieces, experiment formally has not started. Please allow me to introduce, Mr. Ross.” Congressman Ross on the face smiles strangely, looked for a remote control, a Mutants appearance put on the glass before oneself body. “他们只是试验品而已,实验还没有正式开始。请容我介绍一下,罗斯先生。”罗斯议员脸上怪异地一笑,就找来了一个遥控器,把其中一个变种人的模样投放到了自己身前的玻璃上。 This is Mutants experiment body 134 th, the ability through the side high temperature that the hand contact has. According to our current observations, his ability can have probably about 4000 degrees temperatures, sufficiently melted majority of steel. Naturally, please feel relieved, this inside metal is specially-made, he cannot melt, naturally impossible to run away from inside.” “这是变种人实验体134号,能力是通过手部接触而产生的极高温度。根据我们目前的观测,他的这个能力能产生大概4000度左右的温度,足以融化大部分钢铁。当然,请放心,这里面的金属都是特制的,他融化不了,自然也不可能从里面逃出来。” Looks Mutants that on the screen presents is whipping under the wall of test facility unceasingly, turns into the entire steel wall passes the red melt golden color that burns, Congressman Ross curled the lip, has not made any statement. 看着屏幕上出现的变种人不断地拍打着底下试验场的墙壁,把整面钢铁墙壁变成烧的透红的熔金色,罗斯议员撇了撇嘴,没有做出任何的表态。 But Trask has not listened to the meaning that he took a stand, he pressed started on button, immediately changed into another goal Mutants in picture. 而特拉斯克也没有听他表态的意思,他按动了一下手上的按钮,立刻就把画面里的变种人换成了另外一个目标。 The fellow who looks like the whole body felt strange white exoskeleton wraps. 一个看起来全身都被奇怪的白色外骨骼包裹住的家伙。 This is Mutants experiment body 165 th. The ability after exoskeleton of super strengthening, his skeleton intensity can strengthen to 40 times of ordinary alloy, even achieves to surmount the degree of majority of war industry and aerospace alloy. But while completing strengthening, he can also from the growth and distortion of master control endoskeleton.” “这是变种人实验体165号。能力是经过超级强化的外骨骼,他的骨骼强度能够强化到普通合金的40倍,甚至达到超越大部分军工和航天合金的程度。而在完成强化的同时,他还能自主控制自己体内骨骼的生长和变形。” Possibly you cannot imagine, to arrest him, we had sacrificed more than 20 experts. He has even ripped open an outer covering of tank with the skeleton sharp claws that oneself were long, ripped the fragment inside fellow.” “可能你都想象不到,为了抓捕他,我们牺牲了20多名好手。他甚至用自己长出来的骨骼利爪撕开了一个坦克的外壳,把里面的家伙撕成了碎片。” Looks that Mutants with is long on the 165 th from own arm like is the lance spear/gun skeleton on the floor of steel pokes a large cave/hole, the brow wrinkle of Congressman Ross was also deeper. Meanwhile, he could not bear to this looks like the somewhat scary fellow has issued a such appraisal. 看着变种人165号用从自己手臂上长出来的像是矛枪一样的骨骼在钢铁的地板上一戳一个大洞,罗斯议员的眉头也越皱越深了起来。同时,他也忍不住给这个看起来就有些骇人的家伙下达了一个这样的评价。 Monster!” “怪物!” Said right, they are the monsters. However has the monster of use value to us.” As if approved the viewpoint of Congressman Ross, Trask cannot bear nod, then continues own introduction work. “说的没错,他们就是怪物。不过是对我们有利用价值的怪物。”似乎是认同了罗斯议员的这个观点,特拉斯克忍不住点了点头,然后继续自己的介绍工作。 Last, Mutants 241 st. The ability is the corrosion. He can make a high-strength acid fog, metal or textile fiber. Even is living life. Will be perished by this fearful acidic material. But according to our current results, as if did not have anything to avoid the emergence of this situation. Therefore is the test facility of present. We also can only bar up him less than six hours. After six hours, he was capable of enough walking from here.” “最后一个,变种人241号。能力是腐蚀。他能制造出一种高强度酸雾,不论是金属还是纤维。甚至是活着的生命。都会被这种可怕的酸性物质所腐蚀掉。而根据我们目前的结果来看,似乎还没有什么能够避免这种情况的出现。所以就算是现在的这个试验场。我们也只能关住他不到六个小时。六个小时后,他就有足够的能力从这里走出去了。” Very mysterious not? Said, congressman. You should rejoice that really his ability is controllable. The person who otherwise, the light because of contacting him had died can be an astonishing number.” “很神奇不是吗?说真的,议员阁下。你真的应该庆幸他的这种能力是可控的。不然,光是因为接触过他而死去的人都会是一个惊人的数目。” Looks that under that approaches wall, makes the wall change to intermittent fierce white fog, fellow who then turns into the pus yellow liquid little. Congressman Ross could not bear again, was saying to Dr. Trask. 看着底下那个只是靠近墙壁,就让墙壁化作一阵阵剧烈的白雾,然后一点点变成脓黄色液体的家伙。罗斯议员再也忍不住了,对着特拉斯克博士就说道。 „The experiment that you said what is, is these monsters that makes me have a look at you to catch?” “你说的实验到底是什么,就是让我看看你们抓到的这些怪物吗?” Naturally is not, is a little patient. Mr. Ross, the experiment just started now!” Hears such question. Tela Kaess was not continue keep guessing. But was greeting to own subordinate, took up microphone use test facility Mutants of loudspeaker in toward field to issue the notice. “当然不是,有点耐心。罗斯先生,实验现在才刚刚开始!”听到这样的问话。特拉克斯也不在继续卖关子了。而是对着自己的手下打了个招呼,就拿起了一个麦克风利用试验场内的扩音器向着场内的变种人下达了通知。 I am Tela Kaess, the head in this place. I think that you should also know your significances here. I reiterated again, wants to live is exiting? Very simple, so long as is defeated any appears in your front matches on the line. But this your match only has one. Your lives grasp in your hands, therefore, grasps it well!” “我是特拉克斯,这个地方的负责人。我想你们也应该知道你们在这里的意义了。我再重申一遍,想活着出去吗?很简单,只要打败任何出现在你们面前的对手就行。而这一次你们的对手只有一个。你们的生命就掌握在你们的手中,所以,好好把握它吧!” His saying just said. The lift table immediately starts to operate. Meanwhile, just also in the sentry robot that in front of Congressman Ross has presented along with the start of lift table, reveals little from the test facility. 他这话刚说完。升降台就立刻开始运作了起来。同时,一个刚刚还在罗斯议员面前亮过相的哨兵机器人随着升降台的启动,一点点地从试验场下方显露出来。 But looks that this suddenly appears in the line of sight, somewhat fierce sentry robot. Inside that three Mutants moved immediately. 而看着这个突然出现在视线里的,有些狰狞的哨兵机器人。里面的那三个变种人立刻行动了起来。 First what rushes to front of the sentry robot is Mutants 165 th, his exoskeleton strengthening has given his strong physical ability, but this also lets him before the sentry robot starts, own in bone lance of that shape with lance spear/gun holds in the body of sentry robot. 最先冲到哨兵机器人面前的是变种人165号,他的外骨骼强化给与了他超强的体能,而这也让他在哨兵机器人启动之前,就把自己手上那形同矛枪的骨矛捅进了哨兵机器人的身体里。 Although the sentry robot about three meters height had big build superiority. However the build superiority cannot represent the defensive power to be also preponderant. In front of 165 th bone lance. His that matter metal shell is almost same as the tin foil, holds breaks. 虽然哨兵机器人三米左右的身高占据了很大的体型优势。但是体型优势并不能代表防御力也具有优势。在165号的骨矛面前。他身上的那层金属外壳几乎和锡纸一样,一捅就破。 But after holding to put on the sentry robot. Follows up a victory with hot pursuit on the 165 th, changed to bring the shaving cutter of sawtooth the bone lance on hand, has torn from the body of sentry robot his exoskeleton ruthlessly. 而捅穿了哨兵机器人之后。165号更是乘胜追击,把手上的骨矛变化成了带着锯齿的剃刀,狠狠地就把他的外骨骼从哨兵机器人的身躯内撕扯了出来。 This tears, immediately makes on the sentry robot present the huge breakage. But at this time, just started, in the eye emits the red ray the sentry robot seems like extremely pitiful, after appearance of abandonment. 这一撕扯,立刻就让哨兵机器人身上出现了巨大的破损。而这个时候,刚刚启动过来,眼里才放射出红色光芒的哨兵机器人看起来已经是极为凄惨,几经报废的模样了。 This is your work, was too disappointing.” “这就是你的作品,是不是太让人失望了一些。” Congressman Ross taunt just said spur, had been broken by Dr. Trask. 罗斯议员的嘲讽刚刚说出嘴,就被特拉斯克博士打断了下来。 Do not worry, all just started!” “别着急,一切才刚刚开始而已!” Along with his these words, the sentry robot that just started had the inconceivable change immediately. Although its physique already destroyed looking awful, but these destroyed place truly fiercely turned into the strange liquid organization, then in a short time restored injured the beforehand appearance. 随着他的这句话,刚刚启动的哨兵机器人立刻发生了不可思议的变化。它的形体虽然已经被破坏的不成样子,但是那些被破坏的地方确实猛地变成了奇怪的液态组织,然后在极短的时间内就重新恢复到了受伤之前的样子。 Meanwhile, on sentry robot that fierce was similar to the scale same additional metal fiercely like is the ripples vibrated. After several breath, gradually returned to normal. But at this time, 165 th attack approached once again. 同时,哨兵机器人身上那身狰狞的如同鳞片一样的外附金属猛地像是涟漪一样抖动了开来。几个呼吸之后,才渐渐恢复了平静。而这个时候,165号的攻击已经再度来临了。 This time, the situation was entirely different. 这一次,情况已经大不相同。 Can tear the alloy steel the bone to encounter the greatest setback in the face of the body of sentry robot, the 165 th osteotome just chopped in the body of sentry robot, by his strange scale fiercely twisting detritus. But the sentry robot also extended own hand, turned into a giant lance spear/gun this arm in No. 165 inconceivable look, then passed through in his body ruthlessly. 能够撕裂合金钢铁的骨头在哨兵机器人的身躯面前遭遇到了莫大的挫折,165号的骨刀刚刚砍在哨兵机器人的身躯上,就被他那身怪异的鳞片猛地给绞成了碎屑。而哨兵机器人也伸出了自己的手,在165号不可思议的眼神中把这只手臂变成了一个巨大的矛枪,然后狠狠地贯穿进了他的身体里。 The so-called high-strength exoskeleton simply is similar to nominal, cannot achieve including a stop of faint trace, entire was passed through the innumerable fragments by the sentry robot giant arm. But 165 th body, natural tore in half. 所谓的高强度外骨骼简直如同虚设,连一丝丝的阻拦都做不到,就被哨兵机器人巨大的手臂整个地贯穿成了无数的碎片。而165号的身体,也理所当然的被撕成了两半。 Suddenly, the scene is very bloody. However regarding the remaining two people, actually cannot become the reason that they flinch. They want to go on living, only has a road to choose. 一时间,场面很是血腥。但是对于剩下的两个人来说,却不能成为他们退缩的理由。他们想要活下去,就只有一条路可以选择。 Therefore, the fight is continuing as before.( To be continued.) 所以,战斗依旧在继续着。(未完待续。)
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