MSG :: Volume #6

#537: The joint consistent sentry reveals true colors

Looks at as if all toward oneself honest Pierce, Congressman Ross stares at him for a long time, loosened on oneself face the serious look, has been getting down this evaluation to him. 看着似乎把一切都向着自己坦白的皮尔斯,罗斯议员凝视了他许久,才松开了自己脸上严肃的神色,对着他下了这个一个评语。 Coward!” “懦夫!” But heard him saying that Pierce has smiled immediately. 而听到他这么说,皮尔斯立刻就笑了起来。 Right, I am a coward. Preparation that especially now, I have not brought death.” “没错,我是个懦夫。尤其是现在,我可是一点也没有送死的准备。” You at the matter that frightened does not have. Even if Hydra this terrorist organization, impossible you to be what kind. Your is the Security Council, is entire SHIELD. Had them, can injure without many people have resulted in you. In the final analysis, you were actually too timid.” “你这是在恐惧不存在的事情。就算是九头蛇这个恐怖组织,也不可能把你怎么样。你的身后是安全理事会,是整个神盾局。有他们在,没有多少人能够伤害得了你。说到底,你其实还是太胆小了一些。” Perhaps, but there is a matter you possibly not to know.” “或许吧,但是有件事情你可能还不知道。” The statement of Ross somewhat offends somebody, but Pierce has the self-control endured. He has shown a bitter and astringent expression, was sighing to sigh to Congressman Ross. 罗斯的陈述有些伤人,但是皮尔斯却非常有涵养的忍受了下来。他只是摆出了一副苦涩的表情,然后对着罗斯议员就喟叹了起来。 Before soon, me received a secret message. The chief Nick Fury bitter experience assassination of SHIELD, died. But assassinates his person also to confirm, is terrorist Hydra of your mouth!” “就在不久之前,我收到了一个机密消息。神盾局的局长尼克.弗瑞遭遇刺杀,已经罹难了。而刺杀他的人也已经可以确认,就是你嘴里的恐怖分子九头蛇!” Hears this news suddenly, cannot help but had a shocking feeling by the city mansion and heart of Congressman Ross. His complexion goes through the change, but has not borne oneself surprised at heart until him finally, was interrogating to Pierce. 骤然听到这个消息,就是以罗斯议员的城府和心胸都不由得有了一种震惊的感觉。他的脸色几经变化,但是直到最后他还是没有忍住自己心里的惊疑,对着皮尔斯质问了起来。 This is how possible, your this news has certainly the issue.” “这怎么可能,你这个消息一定有问题。” No wonder he feels to be startled, and SHIELD had the person of intimate contact as one, had realized as one by oneself SHIELD strength victim, Congressman Ross was clear, how fearful strength SHIELD has. Said unrestrained/no trace of politeness, is two department F that the US government relies on forces a draw with CIA, is not the match of SHIELD this successor. If it thinks, it completely has the ability in evening's time, disintegrates a political power of small country, or makes a great nation fall into the huge turbulence. 无怪乎他感到吃惊,作为一个曾经和神盾局有过亲密接触的人,作为一个亲身体会过神盾局力量的受害者,罗斯议员非常清楚,神盾局到底有着怎么可怕的力量。毫不客气的说,就是美国政府最依赖的两个部门f逼和cia,都不是神盾局这个后来者的对手。如果它想,它完全有能力在一个晚上的时间里,瓦解掉一个小国的政权,或者让一个大国陷入巨大的动荡。 But is this kind of fearful intelligence report organization, his head like this was assassinated unexpectedly! This news regarding Congressman Ross, forces a draw with the CIA leader compared with F simply, was captured by the so-called Jihad Group members in the same time was laughable. Therefore, his first response is this news certainly is false, Pierce made certainly a mistake. 而就是这样一个可怕的谍报组织,他的首脑居然就这样被刺杀了!这个消息对于罗斯议员来说,简直比f逼和cia的头头,在同一个时间里被所谓的圣战组织成员俘虏了还要可笑。所以,他的第一反应就是这个消息一定是假的,皮尔斯一定弄错了。 Although I also very much hope that this news is false, but this is a confirmed matter. SHIELD now a group of people without a leader, a confusion. Was I also can only close right up against my past energy to stabilize reluctantly it. The situation be more awful, Mr. Ross who you imagine. This point, hopes that you can believe me! „ “虽然我也很希望这个消息是假的,但是这已经是一件被证实的事情了。神盾局现在群龙无首,一片混乱。就是我也只能靠着我以往的能量把它勉强稳定住而已。情况要比你想象的还要糟糕,罗斯先生。这一点,希望你能相信我!“ Looks at sincerity on Pierce face, Congressman Ross actually fell into during the difficult choice. 看着皮尔斯脸上的诚挚,罗斯议员却陷入了艰难的抉择之中。 Should believe him? Although is not willing to believe this news at heart very much the authenticity, but Congressman Ross understands, does not need to lie at this matter to oneself as Pierce. Let alone this news so long as is willing to try to prove, inevitably can obtain the types of some rumors. 到底该不该相信他呢?虽然心里很不愿意相信这个消息的真实性,但是罗斯议员自己心里明白,以皮尔斯的身份是没有必要在这个事情上对自己说谎的。更何况这个消息还是只要愿意去求证,就必然能得到些许风声的类型。 Therefore quick, his complexion quiet. And violated a bitterness and astringency quietly. 所以很快,他的脸色就沉寂了下来。并且也悄然地犯出了一丝苦涩。 Situation already awful to this degree? That Hydra, can a terrorist organization, threaten the security of this country?” “情况已经糟糕到了这个程度吗?那个九头蛇,一个恐怖组织,就已经能够威胁到这个国家的安全了吗?” As a serviceman, discovered that own motherland in the unceasing feebleness, was nibbled little, by these past was humiliated in the small roles recklessly, but oneself actually helpless. This has saying that is a hurtful matter. 作为一个军人,发现自己的祖国在不断的衰弱,在一点点地被蚕食,在被那些昔日里的小角色肆意欺凌,而自己却无能为力。这不得不说是一件让人痛心的事情。 That is almost is complaining his incompetent, is complaining the laughable result that his half a lifetime army horse trades. Looked back in the past, discovered that own effort complete not helping matters, the struggle of lifetime motherland oneself behavior reduced unexpectedly this degree. This regarding a patriot, simply is the greatest sorrow. 那几乎是在控诉他的无能,是在控诉他那半生戎马所换来的可笑的结果。回首往昔,发现自己的努力完全的无济于事,自己所为之奋斗一生的祖国竟然已经沦落到了这种程度。这对于一个爱国者来说,简直是莫大的哀痛。 In this sorrowful, some people of meetings **. But some people will erupt the strength, looks like present Congressman Ross, he is the person who rather die than must resist. 在这哀痛中,有人会**。而有的人则会爆发出力量,就像是现在的罗斯议员,他就是一个宁死也要抗争的人。 What need has I to do? Mr. Alexander.” “有什么需要我做的吗?亚历山大先生。” Knows that own strength cannot Congressman Ross who is in peril the country to play any role turn toward Pierce to inquire to this immediately like this. 知道自己一个人的力量并不能对这个处于危亡中的国家起到任何作用的罗斯议员立刻向着皮尔斯这样询问道。 One of people who most has the power and influence as this country, as the director of world security council. Pierce is having huge energy without a doubt, but this energy is necessary regarding the restore of this country. Therefore Congressman Ross such has done unquestioning, although this means that he will join to Pierce's camp, becomes for one that he works. So long as can make this country be saved, he said that he has no complain and regret. 作为这个国家里最有权势的人之一,作为世界安全理事会的理事长。皮尔斯毫无疑问拥有着巨大的能量,而这能量对于这个国家的修复来说是必备的。所以罗斯议员毫不迟疑地这么做了,虽然这意味着他会加入到皮尔斯的阵营之中,成为为他效力的一员。但是只要能让这个国家得到拯救,他表示自己无怨无悔。 Said that many, has performed that many. Pierce is the present at this moment. But looks that Congressman Ross such to go out of this that conceives after oneself, he cannot bear show the self-satisfied smiling face. 说了那么多,表演了那么多。皮尔斯为的就是现在这一刻。而看着罗斯议员按照自己所设想的那样走出这一步之后,他忍不住露出了得意的笑容。 Naturally, Mr. Ross. The capable person like you, naturally is worth entrusting the heavy responsibility. However before then, I want to listen to your idea, you planned how to save this country?” “当然,罗斯先生。像你这样的能人,自然是值得托付重任的。不过在这之前,我想听听你的想法,你打算怎么来拯救这个国家?” Domestic strength keeps away foreign aggression!” Without any hesitation, Congressman Ross such categorically replied. This country cannot allow anything to be dirty, mouse and maggot parasitic that must not exposed to the sunlight in inside. First eliminates Hydra of these ambushes in high level, then all concentrations of efforts, copes with that formidable fellow. So long as we unite, America definitely will return to his past prosperous time, even goes a step further!” “攘外必先安内!”没有任何的犹豫,罗斯议员就这么斩钉截铁地回答了起来。“这个国家容不得什么肮脏的,见不得阳光的老鼠和蛆虫寄生在里面。先清除掉那些潜伏在高层里的九头蛇,再把所有的力量集中起来,对付那个强大的家伙。只要我们团结一心,美利坚就必然会回到他以往的鼎盛时期,甚至更进一步!” Was stating own plan, in the eyes of Congressman Ross starts to reappear some burning hots flame. But the frantic aura that on him reveals also makes Pierce somewhat exclaim in surprise. Has such consciousness fellow, even if cannot accomplish, can mix to turn the wind and rain inevitably. Then regarding him, absolutely is a good deed. 陈述着自己的计划,罗斯议员的眼中开始浮现出有些炙热的火焰。而他身上流露出来的狂热气息也让皮尔斯有些惊叹。有着这样的觉悟的家伙,就算是不能成事,也必然能搅动起一翻风雨。而那对于他来说,绝对是一件好事。 However, his plan some issues. Therefore Pierce naturally cannot let him according to his plan conduct, he can only make him defer to oneself plan conduct. Therefore he has admonished to him immediately. 不过,他的计划有些问题。所以皮尔斯自然不能让他按照他的计划行事,他只能让他按照自己的计划行事。所以他立刻对他规劝了起来。 Congressman Ross, your idea is good. However I have to remind you, your procedure has very big loophole. Most at least, by present situation, is absolutely invalid.” 罗斯议员,你的想法是好的。但是我不得不提醒你,你的这种做法有很大的漏洞。最起码,以现在的情况来看,是绝对行不通的。” Invalid? Why?” “行不通?为什么?” Is looking straight ahead Pierce's eyes, Congressman Ross asking without hesitation. In his opinion, they are person on a ship. Then a lot also almost can have a frank and sincere talk. 直视着皮尔斯的眼睛,罗斯议员不假思索的问道。在他看来,他们已经是一条船上的人了。那么很多事情也差不多可以开诚布公了。 Pierce has not disappointed him, he explained oneself reason quickly. 皮尔斯没有让他失望,他很快就把自己的理由解释了出来。 First, you want to be clear your present status. You are only a congressman, even if has my support, you cannot have the too great achievement. Especially you want the benefits of other Congress members time. They do not care about all that you make to uncover these Hydra vermin, they only think that you are waging a war for your benefit. But to that time, once they start the collective to catch up to you. Even if I, is impossible to preserve you!” “首先,你要清楚你现在的地位。你只是个议员,就算是有着我的支持,你也不能有太大的作为。尤其是你想要动其他国会成员的利益的时候。他们可不在乎你所做的一切只是为了揪出那些九头蛇的蛀虫,他们只会认为你是在为了自己的利益而大动干戈。而到了那个时候,一旦他们开始集体向你发力。就算是我,也不可能保得住你!” Dirty politics!” “肮脏的政治!” Right, the politics is very indeed dirty. However you must learn the custom! Especially you currently had in struggle the situation of goal. You must be familiar with these.” “没错,政治的确很肮脏。但是你必须学会习惯!尤其是你现在有了奋斗的目标的情况下。你就更加要习惯这些了。” Then you do want to make me do? Is free to these vermin ignores?” “那么你想让我怎么做?对这些蛀虫放任自由吗?” Such asked icily, Congressman Ross has been ready, the fellow who wants to listen to Pierce this wily old fox can have any respected opinion. 冷冰冰地这么问了一句,罗斯议员已经做好了准备,想要听一听皮尔斯这个老奸巨猾的家伙能有什么高见了。 My meaning is, temporarily ignores these irrelevant weights fellows. You must know, regarding our countries, so-called Hydra is a small terrorist organization, the trouble of not worthy of mentioning tinea. So long as we concentrate our strength, can definitely in the shortest time the cleanness that he exterminates. But compared with Hydra, that talented person is our trusted aide big troubles.” “我的意思是,暂时放任这些无关轻重的家伙。你要知道,对于我们这个国家来说,所谓的九头蛇不过是一个小小的恐怖组织,微不足道的癣疥之患而已。只要我们集中自己的力量,完全可以在最短的时间里把他剿灭的干干净净。而和九头蛇相比,那个人才是我们的心腹大患。” Because of him, our countries lost the prestige, lost the axiom and justice, lost the faith of people. Also because of him, our countries step by step ** to the situation of present. These materials of today are you take, I think it should be able to let your some feelings. When our country step by step **, he step by step is actually expanding oneself influence. If then we ignore to him again, the situation will be what kind. You should me clearly is more right than!” “因为他,我们的国家失去了威信,失去了公理和正义,失去了人民的信赖。也是因为他,我们的国家才一步步**到了现在的这个地步。今天的那些资料是你拿出来的,我想它应该是能够让你有些感触的吧。在我们国家一步步**的时候,他却在一步步扩大自己的势力。那么如果我们再对他置之不理的话,情况会怎么样。你应该比我更清楚才对吧!” Pierce's explanation makes Congressman Ross somewhat surprised, he looks at around this displays the somewhat self-contradictory fellow, the look on face must strangely strange. 皮尔斯的解释让罗斯议员有些惊奇,他看着这个前后表现有些自相矛盾的家伙,脸上的神色要多古怪就有多古怪。 Mr. Alexander, you have made a mistake anything. This before you said seems different.” “亚历山大先生,你是不是搞错了什么。这和你之前说的似乎并不一样吧。” That is only the thing in surface, actually in secret. I approve of your view, cannot make him expand again, that will threaten our countries.” “那只是表面上的东西,其实私下里。我更赞同你的说法,不能再让他扩张下去了,那会威胁到我们这个国家的。” But, you also said. We do not have the ability to resist him, many strengths also insufficiently look in his front.” “可是,你自己也说了。我们没有能力去对抗他,再多的力量在他的面前也不够看啊。” I said!” Here, Pierce like was an old fox has smiled immediately slyly. But, how he again was don't forget formidable is also only a person. If we hand/subordinate disintegrate entirely his influence, what he can make?” “我是这么说的!”说到了这里,皮尔斯立刻像是一只老狐狸一样狡猾地笑了起来。“但是别忘了,他再怎么强大也不过只是一个人而已。如果我们把他手下的势力统统瓦解掉的话,他一个人又能做些什么呢?” You as if had evidently have planned!” “看样子你似乎已经有了计划了!” Although is the question, unusual affirmation that but Congressman Ross asked. Resembled him to see Pierce arranged all was the same. 虽然是疑问,但是罗斯议员却问的异常肯定。就好像他已经看到了皮尔斯布置的一切一样。 Naturally, please come with me. We arrived!” “当然,请跟我来吧。我们已经到了!” Here, the vehicle that they take immediately stopped. When Congressman Ross goes out of the vehicle with Pierce, he actually discovered oneself unknowingly were brought in huge under experiment Institute by Pierce. 说到了这里,他们乘坐的这个车子就立刻停止了下来。而当罗斯议员跟着皮尔斯走出车子的时候,他却发现自己已经不知不觉被皮尔斯带到了一个巨大的底下实验所内。 The researchers who all around comes and goes make him cannot help but sigh with emotion financially powerful of this experiment institute. Can gather these many researchers, is in itself a symbol of strength. But compared with the researchers, is actually the robot that in these assembly lines that he settles on produces unceasingly. 四周来来往往的研究人员让他不由得感慨这个这个实验所的资力雄厚。能招揽这么多研究人员,本身就是一种实力的象征。而和研究人员相比,他更看中的却是那些流水线上不断生产下来的机器人。 Different with the Stark steel armor that he is familiar with, these robots looked that is not considered as any exoskeleton armor, but is more like by the entire mechanical body weapon of computer control. Their fierce semblances, making Congressman Ross who this contacted the monster for a long time feel a chill in the air. He believes, these things certainly are not the simple weapon. Therefore he turns toward Pierce to ask immediately. 和他所熟悉的史塔克的钢铁铠甲不同,这些机器人一看就不算是什么外骨骼装甲,而更像是被电脑控制的全机械体武器。它们狰狞的外表,让这个长时间接触怪物的罗斯议员都感受到了一丝寒意。他相信,这些东西一定不是什么简单的武器。所以他立刻向着皮尔斯问道。 What is this?” “这是什么?” They to cope with Mutants specially, but developed special weapon. Its appearance can be the Mutants end, once Mutants thoroughly were eliminated, then continuously and Mutants hard to solve that fellow also definitely meets the strength to damage severely. When the time comes, obtained the victory and prestige we, has this situation to eliminate these vermin again, isn't the easy matter?” “它们是专门为了对付变种人而研制出来的特殊武器。它的出现会是变种人的末日,而一旦变种人被彻底地消灭了,那么一直和变种人纠缠不清的那个家伙也必然会实力大伤。到时候,获得了战争胜利和威名的我们,再带着这种大势去清除那些蛀虫,难道不是手到擒来的事情吗?” At this moment, Congressman Ross has to acknowledge, he was touched by Pierce's plan.( To be continued.) 这一刻,罗斯议员不得不承认,他被皮尔斯的计划打动了。(未完待续。)
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