MSG :: Volume #6

#536: National intent in peril is cold

Gentlemen, ladies. You saw have been placed in front fact. Our tolerations and make concessions unable to maintain this false peace. We are exercising forbearance, they are actually pressing on step by step. Has a look now, that most menacing fellow already and these dangerous terrorists jointly in one. If we also such remain silent, perhaps next step he must place oneself armed forces to the front of White House. But to that time, I wanted to ask that everybody present, do you have any means to prevent him?” “先生们,女士们。你们已经看到了摆在面前的事实了。我们的纵容和退让并不能维持这个虚假的和平。我们在忍让,他们却在步步紧逼。看看现在吧,那个最具有威胁性的家伙已经和那些危险的恐怖分子联合在了一起。如果我们还这么保持沉默的话,下一步他说不定就要把自己的武装力量摆放到白宫的面前了。而到了那个时候,我想问在座的各位,你们还有任何的办法能够阻止他吗?” General Ross, no, Congressman Ross. You such affirmed that person can be our enemies? Said, you thought we are capable of resisting that fearful existence directly?” 罗斯将军,不,罗斯议员。你就这么肯定,那个人会是我们的敌人吗?还是说,你觉得我们有能力正面对抗那个可怕的存在?” Fervent Congressman Ross thinks oneself can earn some official support, can obtain support in some surfaces again badly. However in fact, his spoken language has not brought in the resonances of too many person. Even when he just said these words, immediately some people vaguely have sent out such ridicule to him. 慷慨激昂的罗斯议员以为自己能够获得一些正式的支持,再不济也能获得一些表面上的声援。但是实际上,他的这番言语并没有引来太多人的共鸣。甚至在他刚刚说完那些话的时候,就立刻有人对他隐晦地发出了这样的嘲笑。 This represents in the decision-making strata of federal government to have too the fellows of too many having ulterior motives. Wants purely closes right up against the patriotism these to stand own this side, is really an unlikely matter. But this point, just stepped into Congress, in addition maintains serviceman habitual Congressman Ross of apparently was not having a understanding of sufficiently clear. 这个代表着联邦政府的决策层内有着太多太多的心怀鬼胎的家伙。想要单纯的靠着爱国主义来让这些人站到自己这一边,实在是一件不大可能的事情。而这一点,刚刚踏进国会,尚且还保持着军人习性的罗斯议员显然还没有一个足够清楚的认识。 He purely and was insisting tenaciously oneself opinion, on the scene was saying to all people in nearly resounding tone. 他只是单纯而固执地坚持着自己的意见,以一种近乎高亢的语气对着在场的所有人说道。 Why is impossible to resist him directly? We are in the world the most formidable country, we have in the world the sharpest army. We have the department that the avenger and SHIELD this resists the supernatural force specially. So long as these concentrations of efforts, why we won't have the possibility of victory? He is formidable. Also is a person and one group of motley crew. Also can with the will resistance of entire human?” “为什么不可能正面对抗他?我们是世界上最强大的国家,我们有着世界上最精锐的部队。我们还有着复仇者、神盾局这样专门对抗超自然力量的部门。只要把这些力量集中起来,我们为什么会没有胜利的可能?他再强大。也不过是一个人和一群乌合之众而已。难道还能和整个人类的意志对抗吗?” Congressman Ross. I think that something you are not quite possibly clear. In the front of that person. Great strength that strength you in our so-called country have not imagined actually. These that even if said you conform entirely in together, is not necessarily able becomes about the war strength.” 罗斯议员。我想有些事情你可能不大明白。在那个人的面前。我们所谓的国家的力量其实并没有你想象的那么强大。就算是把你说的那些统统整合在一起,也未必能够成为左右战局的实力。” Looks to be agitated, the whole person appears sporty Congressman Ross. On Pierce face has exhibited the gentle smiling face. 看着情绪激动,整个人都显得锐气十足的罗斯议员。皮尔斯脸上摆出了平和的笑容。 This point we were proven with the prices of two nuclear bombs. Also because of this type of certificate, we to that person so aloof. It is not we do not want to cope with him, but is we really does not have the ability to cope with him. We impossible to cope with him make the entire country fall to the enemy, this point, you must make clear!” “这一点我们已经用两颗核弹的代价得到了证明。也正是因为这种证明,我们才对那个人如此的无动于衷。不是我们不想对付他,而是我们实在没有能力去对付他。我们不可能为了对付他一个人而让整个国家沦陷,这一点,你必须要搞清楚了!” Then such makes him expand own influence unscrupulously, nibbles the body of this country little. Please I speak frankly. Mr. Alexander, if we are so silent, then dozens years later we are the criminal in this country. These older generations, are our future descendants, will point at our tombstone to revile, is our actions makes this great country disintegrate, is we make America not exist!” “那么就这么让他肆无忌惮地扩大自己的势力,一点点蚕食这个国家的身体。请恕我直言。亚历山大先生,如果我们这么沉默下去的话,那么几十年之后我们就是这个国家的罪人。不论是那些先辈们,还是我们未来的子孙,都会指着我们的墓碑唾骂,是我们的所作所为让这个伟大的国家分崩离析,是我们让美利坚不复存在!” Congressman Ross, sufficed. You know that what thing you were saying? You are fabricating a rumor, is using the dangerous opinion to vacillate the stability and peaceful of this country!” 罗斯议员,够了。你知道你在说什么东西吗?你这是在造谣,在用危险的言论动摇这个国家的稳定和和平!” Pierce. Alexander has not spoken, another sits the congressman in seat is almost pointing at the nose of Congressman Ross. Was shouting curses to him. 皮尔斯.亚历山大还没有发话,另一个坐在席位上的议员几乎是指着罗斯议员的鼻子。对着他就叫骂了起来。 It is not everyone is willing to listen to this idle talk, is not everyone can calmly maintain own style. Likely is this mister. Impatiently served as Pierce's foot soldier attendant, took the lead to start to denounce the extremely arrogant opinion of Congressman Ross generally. 不是每个人都愿意听这种废话的,也不是每个人都能心平气和地保持着自己的风范。像是这位先生。就迫不及待地充当起了皮尔斯的马前卒,打头阵一般地开始声讨起罗斯议员的狂妄言论。 But after him, was the bustling big piece of negative opinion has welled up immediately. 而在他之后,立刻就是熙熙攘攘一大片的负面言论涌了上来。 This is the White House decision-making conference, is not your operational control room. Do not put here one set of your serviceman.” “这是白宫决策会议,不是你的作战指挥室。不要把你那军人的一套放到这里来。” „The little statesmanship does not understand, I really am suspected how you earn the support of military, steps onto congressman position.” “连一点点的政治手腕都不懂,我真是怀疑你是怎么获得军方的支持,走上议员这个位置的。” Does not understand do not speak at a venture, now this situation, is not your this young congressman can about. Did you also really regard yourself a character? To attain the right to speak, after you won the election, said again!” “不懂就别乱说话,现在这个局势,不是你这个小小的议员能够左右的。你还真把自己当成个人物了?想拿到话语权,等你赢得大选之后再说吧!” Congressman Ross is only a serviceman, although also knows some political dirty matters, but knows and achieves mastery through a comprehensive study is two matters. When most at least he steps to this in truly, his some be only do not adapt. 罗斯议员原来只是一个军人,虽然也知道一些政治上的肮脏事情,但是知道和融会贯通是两码事。最起码当他真正涉足到这里面的时候,他有的只有不适应。 He does not understand that is anything makes these people look but not see the present danger, does not know that is any reason makes them such almost not have the proposition of selfishness in view of oneself. What he for is only the future of this country, even simply has not thought other things. Why however this group of people must manipulate strategically, leaks off the so ugly countenance to come resourcefully? 他不明白是什么让这些人对于眼前的危险视而不见,更不知道是什么原因让他们这么针对自己几乎没有私心的提议。他为的只是这个国家的未来,甚至根本没有想过其他的东西。但是这群人为什么就一定要勾心斗角,不择手段地漏出如此丑恶的嘴脸来呢? Has thought of here, Congressman Ross started immediately dejected. But at this time, Pierce started the summary -type speech. 想到了这里,罗斯议员顿时开始心灰意冷了起来。而就在这个时候,皮尔斯开始总结式的发言了。 Was good, everybody. Congressman Ross has not understood this middle custom. He just got rid of a disaster of imprisonment after all, present situation not understanding thoroughness of that. Therefore, we to him should many patient, many be tolerant and understanding. After all is the colleague, everybody does not need to make such stiffly the relations, not?” “好了,各位。罗斯议员只是还不明白这中间的规矩。他毕竟刚刚摆脱一场牢狱之灾,对于现在的局势没有各位了解的那么透彻。所以,我们对他应该多一点耐心,多一点宽容和理解。毕竟是同僚,大家也没有必要把关系闹得这么僵,不是吗?” As controlling was presenting most people destiny great person, Pierce's words has naturally brought in the innumerable flatteries. But looks at flattery of these person of one pattern after anothers, Congressman Ross has almost the impulsion that one type reckless has laughed loudly. 作为掌控着在座大部分人命运的大人物,皮尔斯的话自然是引来了无数的奉承。而看着这些人花样百出的溜须拍马,罗斯议员几乎产生了一种不顾一切放声大笑的冲动。 Let such one group of fellows preside over all business of this country, making them decide the future of this country. Really is a laughable and pitiful matter. He already regarding this juéàng, to destiny juéàng of this country. If in the hand has the spear/gun, he wants to go all out really independently, made a hope by own sacrifice to this country. However he does not have, therefore his two eyes air-to-air look at all these, was waiting for this makes his disgusting farce drop the curtain. 让这样的一群家伙来主持这个国家的一切事务,让他们来决定这个国家的未来。实在是一件可笑而且可悲的事情。他已经对此juéàng了,对这个国家的命运juéàng了。如果手里有枪的话,他真的想放手大干一场,以自己的牺牲给这个国家多挣来一丝希望。但是他没有,所以他两眼空空地看着这一切,等待着这场让他恶心的闹剧落下帷幕。 Congressman Ross performance fell in Pierce's eyes entirely. But he was also quick has clarified his idea. This is one fellow who is incompatible with here, but his spirit and militant spirit regarding Pierce, are really one type have the thing of use value. 罗斯议员的表现统统地落在了皮尔斯的眼中。而他也很快就弄清楚了他心里的想法。这是一个和这里格格不入的家伙,而他的锐气和战斗精神对于皮尔斯来说,实在是一种非常有利用价值的东西。 Most at least compared with here most people, this Congressman Ross must appear has value some. He has the won over capital, but wins over him? Pierce who silent did not speak has considered as finished in oneself heart central disk. 最起码和这里的大部分人相比,这个罗斯议员要显得更有价值一些。他有被拉拢的资本,而怎么拉拢他呢?默然不语的皮尔斯已经在自己的心中盘算了起来。 Did not have like the fellow who Congressman Ross does not flow together. The so-called policy-making conference nature announced in insignificant inquiring after the well being of quickly ended. But the conference just ended, Congressman Ross at the maximum speed left the conference scene. 没有了像罗斯议员这样不合流的家伙。所谓的决策会议自然很快就在一阵无意义的嘘寒问暖中宣告结束。而会议刚一结束,罗斯议员就以最快的速度离开了会议现场。 Regarding him, breathed air with this person together is an enough disgusting matter. Therefore he including is not willing to wait, left the scene directly, seeks one piece to be able the free breathing place. 对于他来说,和这种人共同呼吸一片空气都已经是一件足够恶心的事情了。所以他连一刻都不愿意等,直接就离开了现场,去寻找一片能够自由呼吸的地方。 However he leaves, although quick, but actually cannot compare the speeds of some people with high aspirations. Arrives at the parking lot in him, opens own vehicle preparation to go by car to leave. A black Rolls-Royce stopped his side, simultaneously Pierce's voice also passed from the vehicle. 不过他离开的虽然很快,但是却比不上一些有心人的速度。在他来到停车场,打开自己的车子准备驱车离开的时候。一辆黑色的劳斯莱斯就停到了他的身边,同时皮尔斯的声音也从车子后面传了出来。 Mr. Ross, we can discuss that?” 罗斯先生,我们能谈一谈吗?” Mr. Alexander, I thinks that we do not have what to talk about. We are not a kind of person, this point I affirmed very much!” “亚历山大先生,我想我们没有什么好谈的。我们不是一类人,这一点我很肯定!” On the face hangs stiff smiling face, Congressman Ross reply is not giving a wee bit face. However such response actually within Pierce's anticipation. He shook the head, with a smile said to him. 脸上挂着僵硬的笑容,罗斯议员的回答却是不留一丁点的情面。不过这样的反应却是在皮尔斯的意料之内。他只是摇了摇头,就笑着对他说道。 Mr. Ross, you were too arbitrary. Some matters I undoable am too obvious, but I can tell you, I and you is a camp. Especially on resisting these threat national securities special figures, we are absolutely consistent.” 罗斯先生,你太武断了。有些事情我不能做的太明显,但是我可以告诉你,我和你是一个阵营的。尤其是在对抗那些威胁国家安全的特殊人物上面,我们绝对是一致的。” This saying just said that Congressman Ross changed the complexion. He is gloomy the face, before having arrived at the glass, interrogated to Pierce who is poking head in icily. 这话刚说出来,罗斯议员就变了脸色。他阴沉着脸,走到了车窗前,对着探头出来的皮尔斯冷冰冰地质问了起来。 If likely is such that you said. Then, Mr. Alexander, you can tell me, why aren't you willing to support to me? Do not think that I do not know, you are the leader of this conference, many people look at your meaningful glance conduct. If you are willing to support me, today's situation completely will be different, not?” “如果像是你说的那样。那么,亚历山大先生,你能告诉我,为什么你不愿意给我支持呢?别以为我不知道,你是这个会议的主导者,很多人都看着你的眼色行事。如果你肯支持我的话,今天的情况就会完全不同,不是吗?” You as if have very big misunderstanding to me evidently, Mr. Ross.” Is facing the interrogation, Pierce knit the brows, shook the head slightly. But the matter does not see like you are so simple. Although in the surface I indeed most have one of the power and influence that people, but in fact I have many matters to worry. This water imagine compared with you must deeply. I impossible casual to indicate my meaning.” “看样子你似乎对我有着很大的误解啊,罗斯先生。”面对着质问,皮尔斯皱了皱眉,微微地摇了摇头。“但是事情不像你看到的那么简单。虽然表面上我的确是最有权势的那个人之一,但是实际上我还有很多的事情要顾虑。这趟水要比你想象的还要更深一些。我也不可能随随便便就表明自己的意思。” I spoke frankly, I do not understand your meaning.” “恕我直言,我不明白你的意思。” Has interrupted Pierce's words raw and cold, in the words and deeds of Congressman Ross full is the firmness of serviceman. But this is Pierce most appreciates his place. 生冷地打断了皮尔斯的话,罗斯议员的言行中满是军人的刚硬。而这就是皮尔斯最欣赏他的地方。 I think that we can chat carefully, Mr. Ross. I to you will explain that understands. Naturally, the premise is you are willing to believe me.” “我想我们可以仔细地聊一聊,罗斯先生。我会把一切都向你解释明白的。当然,前提是你愿意相信我。” Here, Pierce turned toward him to open oneself vehicle door, has been sending out own invitation to him. 说到了这里,皮尔斯就向着他打开了自己的车门,对着他发出了自己的邀请。 This is a probe. But regarding this probe, regarding Pierce's invitation, Congressman Ross hesitant , is less than two seconds, resolutely sat. 这是一种试探。而对于这种试探,对于皮尔斯的邀请,罗斯议员犹豫了只有不到两秒钟,就毅然决然的坐了进去。 The automobile has driven away, but with Congressman Ross face-to-face sat together Pierce happily has smiled. 汽车开走了,而已经和罗斯议员面对面坐在一起的皮尔斯则是得意地笑了起来。 Was very happy that you are willing to believe me, Mr. Ross. Said, your resolute makes the person acclaim. Several times compelled into the general of blind alley Hulk worthily.” “很高兴你愿意相信我,罗斯先生。说真的,你的果决让人赞叹。不愧是曾经几度把浩克逼入死路的将军。” But I failed!” By this simple flattery influence, Congressman Ross had not been fixing the eyes on Pierce with the sharp look, was asking to him. Now I such as you have been willing, to sit your front. I think that you can also the thing that you must say, told me entirely!” “但是我还是失败了!”没有被这种简单的奉承影响,罗斯议员只是用自己锐利的眼神紧盯着皮尔斯,对着他问道。“现在我已经如你所愿,坐到了你的面前。我想你也可以把你要说的东西,统统告诉我了吧!” Naturally, this is I invites your original intention!” Nodded, Pierce is narrowing the eye, has covered own all expressions with the smiling face. First, I need to tell you am I cannot support your reason in the conference. Because, our interior are unsafe. The Hydra person ambushes in our sides, even including Congress is their lackeys. I cannot take a stand at will, because is very possible my statement to be used by them, becomes a blasting fuse. But that also will make me be unable to defend oneself. Do you understand?”( To be continued.) “当然,这就是我邀请你的本意!”点了点头,皮尔斯眯着眼睛,用笑容把自己的一切表情都掩盖了起来。“首先,我需要告诉你的是我不能在会议上支持你的原因。因为,我们的内部并不安全。九头蛇的人就潜伏在我们的身边,甚至连国会里都是他们的爪牙。我不能随意表态,因为很可能我的表态就会被他们所利用,成为一个导火索。而那,也会让我自己自身难保。你明白吗?”(未完待续。)
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