MSG :: Volume #6

#535: The city flies to move to the restoration public opinion

The city of giant steel bit by bit ascends from the sea under the control of Magneto, and floated in the midair slowly. 巨大的钢铁之城在万磁王的操控下一点一点地从大海中升腾起来,并且慢慢地漂浮到了半空之中。 The King who even if controls the metal regarding Magneto this, this is controlling formidable Mutants of magnetic force, lifts up high a city, lays aside to the midair , is also a very strenuous matter. This like internal control aerospace depot ship, was not casual the matter that put out a hand to achieve. 即便是对于万磁王这个操控金属的王者,这个掌控着磁力的强大变种人来说,把一个城市高举起来,放置到半空中,也是一件非常吃力的事情。这不像刚刚控制空天母舰,是随随便便一伸手就能做到的事情。 This steel city is his painstaking care, is he most important property. Therefore controls it to come, naturally needs Magneto maintains 120% discretion. In addition the weight astonishing hugeness of this city, enough was just several hundred times of that aerospace depot ship. Even if he, must clench teeth to endure to continue to insist. 这个钢铁城市是他的心血,是他最为重要的财产。所以控制起它来,自然需要万磁王保持120的谨慎。再加上这个城市的重量惊人的巨大,足足是刚刚那艘空天母舰的数百倍。所以即便是他,也要咬牙挺住才能继续坚持下去。 But looks at this appearance Magneto, Zhou Yi actually shows a faint smile, shook the head quietly. 而看着这个样子的万磁王,周易却是微微一笑,悄悄地摇了摇头。 Regarding him, Magneto was old, already not the progressive space. But he now regarding the control of own strength, really regarding burying of his ability. The magnetic force, is most primitive as the universe on also the most basic strength, the ability that has not only absolutely operates the metal to be so simple. 对于他来说,万磁王已经老了,已经没有进步的空间了。而他现在对于自己力量的操控,实在是对于他那种能力的埋没。磁力,作为宇宙上最原始也最基本的力量,所拥有的能力绝对不只是操纵金属这么简单。 It can be more thorough, is more careful. Once it penetrates into the level of microcosm , the destructiveness of this strength will enlarge to an incomparable terrifying degree, one type is not inferior in any strength degree. However, on this path, Magneto has come to own end, his road ahead had been given to dig by him. 它能更深入,也更细致。而一旦它深入到微观世界的层面中,这种力量的破坏性将会放大到一种无比恐怖的程度,一种绝不逊色于任何力量的程度。但是,在这条道路上,万磁王已经走到了自己的尽头,他的前路已经被他自己给掘断了。 Did not say that he had not realized degree that own ability can be, but was he gave up this more thorough possibility. He satisfies oneself now to the utilization of this ability, although he also developed the utilization of part deeper level, but actually was also only the bamboo slip tastes stops. The time gave him to experience, but also made him train the custom that has been hard to change. Also because of these, his ideal forever can only under the stay in the thought that but cannot become the established reality. 不是说他没有认识到自己能力所能达到的程度,而是他已经放弃了这种更深入的可能。他满足于自己现在对这种能力的运用,虽然他也开发出了部分更深层次的运用,但是却也只是签尝即止而已。时间给了他经验,但是也让他培养出了难以改变的习惯。也正是因为这些,他的理想才永远只能停留下思想中,而不能成为既定的现实。 His strength halts, because does not have the support of more formidable strength, his dream can only be the empty talk, he can only draw back to ask next, all pins oneself on the body of Zhou Yi. 他的力量止步不前,而正是因为没有更加强大的力量的支持,他的梦想才只能是空谈,他才只能退而求其次,把自己所有的一切寄托在周易的身上。 This regarding Zhou Yi is a good deed, but regarding this world, is one matter that is worth rejoicing. Magneto is only Magneto, but has not turned into any more fearful fellow, no matter what, this is a luck. 这对于周易来说是一件好事,而对于这个世界来说,也是一件值得庆幸的事情。万磁王只是万磁王,而没有变成什么更可怕的家伙,不管怎么说,这都是一种运气。 Looks at somewhat strenuous Magneto, Zhou Yi put out a hand directly to take over control of the control of metal city by own attraction as before. Compared with the Magneto magnetic force, his attraction can also play the similar role. But regarding him, this degree of pressure also being insufficient makes him have any strenuous feeling. 看着依旧有些吃力的万磁王,周易伸出了手就直接以自己的引力接管了金属城市的控制权。和万磁王的磁力相比,他的引力也能起到同样的作用。而对于他本人来说,这种程度的压力也不至于让他有什么吃力的感觉。 Sir?” “先生?” Feels oneself pressure suddenly one lightly, Magneto looks with the surprised look immediately to oneself Zhou Yi. Appearance when he sees Zhou Yi that lifting a heavy weight as if light, on his face reveals the awe that was startled as well as did not talk clearly immediately. 感受到自己身上的压力骤然一轻,万磁王立刻用吃惊的眼神看向了自己身边的周易。而当他看到周易那副举重若轻的模样的时候,他的脸上立刻就露出了吃惊以及说不清的敬畏。 The great strength that regarding him, Zhou Yi has the strength that is he is unable to imagine. But can such strength let his dream closer success? This point his complete had not suspected. But for this, he even can bet own all. Loyal, dignity, even is other things. In order to vainly hope, these things is actually no longer important existences. 对于他来说,周易拥有的力量是他所无法想象的强大。而这样的力量能让他的梦想更接近成功吗?这一点他完全的没有怀疑。而为了这个,他甚至能赌上自己的一切。忠诚,尊严,甚至是其他的东西。为了梦想,这些东西其实都是不再重要的存在。 This was a sacrifice, one type only belonged to his sacrifice. But regarding consciousness of this sacrifice, the meaning that Zhou Yi has not actually inquired into. 这是一种牺牲,一种只属于他自己的牺牲。而对于这种牺牲的觉悟,周易却只是一点也没有探究的意思。 Everyone will make own choice, but regarding own choice, they must withstand the price of its bringing. This is everyone is no exception the matter, is Zhou Yi is also same. But after passing through was so long, Zhou Yi has learned, how to make the correct choice. 每个人都会做出自己的选择,而对于自己的选择,他们也必须去承受其所带来的代价。这是谁都不能例外的事情,就是周易自己也一样。而经过了这么久之后,周易已经学会了,如何做正确的选择。 He does not have the qualifications to help others withstand their prices, does not need to pay for others' choice. So long as he completed himself to be good, so long as also completed itself to be enough. 他没有资格去帮助别人承受他们的代价,也没有必要为别人的选择买单。他只要做好自己就行了,也只要做好自己就足够了。 Controlled the city of steel, Zhou Yi has been tearing endless void with own thought. Is towing a city free passes through from the entire world, without doubt is not a very sane matter. Also is one can challenge others nerve very much the matter. Temporarily also wants to maintain this stable situation Zhou Yi not to make this foolish matter to come at present, because is he cannot affirm that these by the fellow who he stimulates, can unable to bear entirely throw the destructive weapons in own. 控制着钢铁之城,周易已经用自己的意念撕裂开了无尽的虚空。拖着一个城市招摇的从整个世界面前经过,无疑是一件非常不理智的事情。也是一个很能挑战别人神经的事情。暂时还想维持着目前这个安定局面的周易可不想做出这种蠢事来,因为就算是他也不能肯定那些被他刺激到的家伙,会不会一个忍不住就把自己手上的杀伤性武器统统扔过来。 The stupid battle of human did not have the relations with him, but that does not mean that he is willing to become the beginning and of human struggle. Troublesome, leaves the far point to be quite good. Therefore, through transported this steel city void is reasonably chooses. 人类的愚蠢争斗已经和他没有了关系,但是那也不意味着他愿意成为人类斗争的开端和。麻烦,还是离自己远一点比较好。所以,通过虚空转运这个钢铁城市就是一个最为合理的选择了。 Is the flash, the city of entire steel vanishes together with Zhou Yi and Magneto above the sea area together. But the next quarter, they emerged out of thin air near the Radiance City suburb sky, in giant open area that early was opened. 仅仅是一瞬间,整个钢铁之城就连同着周易万磁王一起消失在海域之上。而下一刻,他们就凭空出现在了辉耀市郊区附近的上空,一个早已经被开辟出来的巨大空地上。 As the Radiance City satellite town, the city of steel is naturally impossible to leave Radiance City to be too far. However for does not cause oversized tumult , not the suitable placement to leave Radiance City to be too near. Therefore, maintains an appropriate distance is the only choice. 作为辉耀市的卫星城市,钢铁之城自然不可能离辉耀市太远。不过为了不引起过大的骚动,也不适合安置地离辉耀市太近。所以,保持一个合适距离的就是唯一的选择。 In situation that in the entire city was controlled by sunglow, this matter said that easy, said that difficult is not too difficult. Most at least, in the preparation full situation, this matter solves rapidly actually. Believes that had been discovered that also will not cause the too big stir. 而在整个城市都被日冕控制的情况下,这件事情说容易容易,说难也不是太难。最起码,在准备充分的情况下,这件事情解决起来倒是非常的迅速。相信就是被人发现了,也不会引起太大的轰动。 From beginning to end, Zhou Yi has not been thinking can hide the truth from the eyes of some residence people this matter. Some person of discoveries are the affirmations, so long as not noisy extremely, actually is also acceptable. 从始至终,周易都没有想着能把这件事情瞒住所有人的眼睛。有人发现是肯定的,但是只要不闹的太过,其实也是可以接受的。 In is situated to arrive in the suburb mountain valley the entire steel city, after letting the preparation for a long time sunglow staff and Mutants has taken over. Zhou Yi immediately calmly withdraws, gave all issues hand/subordinate has solved. The most difficult matter he has completed, then remaining is these hand/subordinate play the role the time. 所以在把整个钢铁城市坐落到郊区的山谷之中,让准备已久的日冕员工和变种人接手了之后。周易就立刻从容脱身,把一切的问题都交给了手下去解决。最难的事情他已经做完了,那么剩下的就是这些手下发挥作用的时候了。 As the subordinate, they must do right by oneself asylum, does right by soaring wages that oneself pay. Therefore solves these slightly to trouble is their bounden matters. 作为手下,他们必须对得起自己的庇护,对得起自己开的高昂工资。所以解决这些小麻烦就是他们义不容辞的事情。 However Zhou Yi runs actually free and easy, he completely has not actually thought that these that oneself think slightly trouble in the city, how startled day monstrous waves in the eyes of these people with high aspirations. 然而周易跑的倒是洒脱,他却是全然没有想到,自己认为的这些小麻烦到底在城市里,在那些有心人的眼中到底是怎么样的惊天巨浪。 All when fathers and sons of pair of hobby hunting pat oneself send online, entire Radiance City was most Earth is even alarmed. 当一对爱好狩猎的父子把自己拍到的一切发到网上的时候,整个辉耀市甚至是大半个地球都被惊动了起来。 Although Radiance City stated clearly, they have constructed a new satellite town. However no one has thought, their so-called satellite towns unexpectedly are the steel cities that lands. Had the event of alien before, many people unavoidably start to suspect the origin of this city. 虽然辉耀市已经明说,他们已经建造出了一个新的卫星城。但是谁也没有想到,他们所谓的卫星城居然是一个空降下来的钢铁城市。有了外星人的事件在前,很多人都难免开始猜想起这个城市的来历。 But in guess that has wide divided opinions, the alien most has the view of market. The hobby of western world to alien after experiencing the New York event became dominates immediately, although most people have regarded the alien evilly, but this does not hinder them to add any matter on the body of alien. 而在那众说纷纭的猜测中,外星人却是最有市场的一个说法。西方世界对外星人的爱好在经历了纽约事件后立刻变得大行其道,尽管大部分人都把外星人当成了邪恶的,但是这不妨碍他们把什么事情都加在外星人的身上。 Therefore, when they get up the city and the alien steel. Entire Radiance City, as well as in the majority general publics heart in world unavoidably has had a somewhat strange idea. 所以,当他们把钢铁之城和外星人起来的时候。整个辉耀市,以及世界上的大部分普通民众心中都难免产生了一个有些怪异的想法。 Can Radiance City be controlled by the alien in secret. Was sunglow big group and alien achieved any secretive evil exchange. In front of the steel city of conclusive evidence, this view has the market very much, but this situation is makes the staff of sunglow be busy at muddleheadedly rising, the foot is not well-grounded. 辉耀市会不会已经暗中被外星人控制了。或者,日冕这个大集团是不是和外星人达成了什么不可告人的邪恶交易。在铁证如山的钢铁城市面前,这个说法很有市场,而这个情况却是让日冕的工作人员忙得头昏脑涨,脚不着地。 The imagination of human will be too rich will always bring too many troubles, view nobody who the sunglow will arrange beforehand is willing to believe radically. This is also the poor true character of human. With suspending compared with front truth, most people are actually willing to accept these rumourmongers to spend the so-called fact that 35 minutes arrange. Once this fact slightly a little basis time, many people are willing to wave the flag and shout for it reckless. Even does not care about itself to have the contact excessively so-called truth. 人类的想象太丰富总是会带来太多的麻烦,以至于日冕事先安排好的说法根本就没人愿意相信。这也算是人类的劣性根吧。和摆在面前的真相相比,大部分人却更愿意接受那些造谣者花个35分钟编出来的所谓的事实。而一旦这个事实稍微有点根据的时候,很多人都愿意不顾一切地为它摇旗呐喊。甚至根本不在乎自己到底有没有接触过所谓的真相。 Therefore, after actually still could not solve the problem on public opinion diligently for a long time. The manager of sunglow cover department, reveals the Yi (easy) silk. Barbara has dialed the telephone of oneself immediate superior as a last resort. 所以,在努力了许久却依然解决不了舆论上的问题之后。日冕新闻发布部门的主管,露丝.芭芭拉万不得已地拨通了自己顶头上司的电话。 President, is I! Reveals the Yi (easy) silk!” “总裁,是我!露丝!” What's wrong, this issue haven't you solved?” Is cold regarding the consistent method, thought clear Ida, reveals the reason that the Yi (easy) silk telephones is anything, she does not need to guess that can know a general idea. Therefore does not wait to reveal the Yi (easy) silk to say the purpose in coming, she coldly to interrogate immediately. “怎么,这个问题你们还没有解决掉吗?”对于一贯手段冷冽,思维清晰的艾达来说,露丝打电话来的理由是什么,她不用猜就能知道个大概。所以不等露丝说出来意,她立刻就冷冷地质问了起来。 Matter is very troublesome, these news that we arrange beforehand cannot earn the support in the public opinion. Therefore I think, can blow out some truth limitedly.” “事情很麻烦,我们事先布置的那些消息根本不能在舆论上获得支持。所以我想,能不能有限的爆出一些真相。” Facing the interrogation, reveals the Yi (easy) silk orderliness still to be actually clear. She was replying unhurriedly, simultaneously gave own comment. 面对质问,露丝倒是条理依然清晰。她不慌不忙地回答着,同时提出了自己的意见。 What news do you want to let out?” “你想把什么消息放出去?” Listens to reveal the Yi (easy) silk the meaning, Ida sends to ask immediately. But early has the dew Yi (easy) silk of preparation to want not to think that has given the answer. 听出了露丝的意思,艾达立刻就发问道。而早有准备的露丝想都不想地就给出了答复。 My opinion is, told all person this is the Dawn Knight writing skill. Believes if he, most people can accept this view. Moreover, if he, Radiance City will also greet a number of new immigrations. After all, this world is willing to support him, is willing by the person who he protects to be many.” “我的意见是,告诉所有人这是黎明骑士的手笔。相信如果是他的话,大部分人都能接受这个说法的。而且,如果是他的话,辉耀市也会迎接来一批新的移民。毕竟,这个世界愿意支持他,愿意被他保护的人还是很多的。” Harbors own selfishness, revealed the Yi (easy) silk to give this comment. But regarding this opinion, Ida was actually silent. After knowing for a long time, she has given an accurate answer. 怀着自己的一点私心,露丝提出了这个意见。而对于这个意见,艾达却是沉默了下来。知道许久之后,她才给出了一个准确的答复。 On cannot use this message outwardly. Said that is Mutants unites efforts to lay aside this city. Secretly, you can come according to your meaning, hiding that but should make. I do not want to know that has the shadow of sunglow, yes?” “明面上不能使用这个消息。就说是变种人协力把这个城市放置下来的。暗地里,你可以按照你的意思来,但是最好做的隐蔽一点。我不想让人知道这其中有日冕的影子,明白吗?” Naturally, President. Then did not disturb you!” The goal achieved, reveals the Yi (easy) silk to hang up the telephone immediately, fast has bustled about. “当然,总裁。那么不打扰你了!”目的达成,露丝立刻就挂上了电话,飞快地忙碌了起来。 But when he starts for the new public opinion prepares, in the small policy-making conference of federal government, a congressman also fervently representor anything. But from the expression on surrounding audience face, the situation is very serious, the situation is very urgent.( To be continued.) 而就在他开始为了新的舆论而准备的时候,在联邦政府的小型决策会议上,一个议员也在慷慨激昂地陈述者什么。而从周围的听众脸上的表情来看,情况很严重,事态很紧急。(未完待续。)
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