MSG :: Volume #6

#534: The city of frail friendship deep sea

Knew frightened Hulk was unable to continue to fight again. Because frightened existence keeps his anger again from maintaining a pure shape. But along with the angry change and discoloration, Hulk immediately changed own prototype, turns Bruce Banner that was unable to fight. 知道了恐惧的浩克已经无法再继续战斗下去了。因为恐惧的存在使得他心里的愤怒再也无法维持一个纯粹的形态。而随着愤怒的变化和褪色,浩克立刻变回了自己的原型,变成了那个无法战斗的布鲁斯.班纳 However this regarding both sides on the scene is actually a good deed. Angry Hulk does not have the reason, he impossible to change oneself behavior because of exchange of other people. However Bruce is different, he is a smart person. But the smart person can always learn the compromise. 不过这对于在场的双方来说却是一件好事。愤怒的浩克是没有理智的,他不可能因为其他人的交易而改变自己的行为。但是布鲁斯不一样,他是一个聪明人。而聪明人总是能学会妥协的。 Therefore the situation is quick immediately returned to normal. In Zhou Yi brings Magneto to vanish after the sea deep place, the avengers also dispatched the special plane, receives three people that was survivor of disaster. 所以局势立刻很快就恢复了平静。在周易带着万磁王消失在大海深处之后,复仇者们也派遣出了专机,来接收劫后余生的三人。 Today regarding the avengers, is really long a day. Hydra and Brotherhood of Mutants, even are Zhou Yi Radiance City, influence one after another exposes, gives them bring the tremendous blow that is hard to imagine. But, most fearful is actually Brotherhood of Mutants adds the Radiance City information. 今天对于复仇者们来说,实在是个漫长的一天。九头蛇变种人兄弟会、甚至是周易辉耀市,一个接着一个的势力暴露出来,给他们带来难以想象的巨大冲击。而其中,最为可怕的却是变种人兄弟会加入辉耀市的信息。 Although has not known specific detail, but light orally disclosed by Zhou Yi these things that have made the avengers have a fearful and apprehensive feeling. 虽然还不知道其中的具体细节,但是光是凭借周易口头上透露出来的那些东西,就已经让复仇者们有了一种胆战心惊的感觉。 Does he want to do? Forms such huge influence, gathers that fearful fellow to the subordinates, he wants to launch the war, rules the world? 他想要干什么?组建起这么庞大的势力,把那么可怕的家伙招揽到麾下来,难道他想要发动战争,统治世界吗? Has the fellow of strong capability regarding these, the people are always accustomed to using the most virulent thought guess their intentions. This is one type regarding own safe subconsciousness protectionist act. Has nothing to do in the natural disposition quality, but is only the response on pure instinct. But is such response, was really makes each of them sprout the huge shadow. 对于那些拥有强大能力的家伙,人们总是习惯于用最恶毒的思维来揣测他们的意图。这是一种对于自身安全的下意识的保护行为。无关于本性好坏,而只是单纯的本能上的反应。而就是这样的反应,确是让他们每一个人心里都萌生出了巨大的阴影。 If Zhou Yi is hitting such idea, they can prevent him? If he really becomes the enemy of oneself this group of people, their also having in the future? 如果周易真的打着这样的想法的话,他们能够阻止他吗?如果他真的成为自己这伙人的敌人的话,他们还有未来可言吗? This idea just sprouted immediately on own initiative pinches out by them. They have not been able to get down, the words that because wants to get down again perhaps, the final courage must lose. 这个想法刚刚萌生就立刻被他们自觉地掐灭了。他们已经不敢想下去,因为再想下去的话,恐怕就连最后的勇气也要丧失掉了。 The matter cannot develop in any event that step, if developed that then really and judgment day did not have what difference. But in the justice and that sense of crisis in line with heart, at this time, Tony Stark issues one to have made up mind immediately. 事情无论如何都不能发展到那一步,如果发展到了那一步的话,那么就真的和世界末日没有什么区别了。而本着心中的正义和那种忧患意识,在这个时候,托尼.史塔克立刻下达了一个决意。 „It is not good, I must ask him to ascertain. I must know he hits what idea is!” “不行,我要去找他问清楚了。我必须要知道他打的到底是什么样的主意!” He was saying, has discovered own spare armor from airplane, fast equips toward oneself on. But has not waited for him to put on own that cover thoroughly, Natasha blocks this to be equal to the rash action. 他说着,就从飞机上找出了自己的备用装甲,飞快地往自己身上装备起来。而还没有等他彻底地套上自己的那身外皮,娜塔莎就拦住了他这等同于莽撞的举动。 Do not act sloppily, Stark. If you such rashly look for him, with walking into a trap to have anything to distinguish.” “不要胡来,史塔克。如果你这么莽撞地去找他的话,和自投罗网有什么区别。” Has sufficed, Natasha. I and he are friends, has changed the friend of life. Do not go to guess him with your thought casually, he is different from you.” “够了,娜塔莎。我和他是朋友,是换过命的朋友。不要用你的思想去随便地揣测他,他和你不一样。” The stop of Natasha let the Tony violent anger naturally. However his angry reason actually not because of his stop, but is regarding Zhou Yi that she said a word discloses did not trust, as well as he possibly to the damage that oneself caused. 娜塔莎的阻拦理所当然地让托尼暴怒了起来。不过他愤怒的原因却不是因为他的阻拦,而是她言语中透露的对于周易的不信任,以及他可能对自己所造成的伤害。 This regarding Tony is really an insult, is not only to Zhou Yi, is the friendship among them. 这对于托尼来说实在是一种侮辱,不仅仅是对周易的,更是对他们之间的友谊的。 However faces his anger, Natasha is displaying actually calmly. She thinks so angry Tony, what in the charming green eye reveals is meant strange look that is difficult to be bright. But starts to control own mood until Tony time, she was saying to him. 不过面对着他的愤怒,娜塔莎倒是表现得非常的冷静。她就这么看着愤怒的托尼,迷人的绿色眼睛里流露出的是意味难明的怪异神色。而直到托尼开始控制自己的情绪的时候,她才对着他说道。 I acknowledged, I with him indeed am the different person. However, Tony Stark. We are a kind of person. If you want to be clear, if you believe him, how also to be worried matter that he will possibly handle, for even this fabricated guess, but is thinking interrogated him?” “我承认,我和他的确是不一样的人。但是,托尼.史塔克。我们是一类人。你要想清楚了,如果你真的相信他的话,又怎么会担心他可能会做出来的事情,甚至为了这种莫须有的揣测而想着去质问他呢?” These words said that immediately makes Tony be shocked. The expression on his face solidified/coagulated stiff stunned completely, in the eye also started to present the vacant look. He has not thought that Natasha said such words unexpectedly. Or he simply has not thought that in own innermost feelings really like Natasha said that has the suspicion to Zhou Yi and does not trust. 这句话一说出来,立刻就让托尼愣住了。他脸上的表情完全凝固成了一片僵硬的愕然,就连眼睛里也开始出现茫然的神色。他根本就没有想到娜塔莎居然说出这样的话。或者说,他根本没有想到自己的内心里真的像娜塔莎说的一样,对周易是有着怀疑和不信任的。 Faced with the severe fact, the test that their friendship as if do not undergo. Properly speaking, he should support Zhou Yi unconditionally, when this insider was worried he will have the idea of unification world, how he said again should also stand in his standpoint, declared support for on several to him. 在严酷的事实面前,他们的友谊似乎并不怎么经受的起考验。按理来说,他应该是无条件地支持着周易,在这种知情者都担心他会有统一世界的想法的时候,他再怎么说也应该站到他的立场上,对他声援上几句。 However he does not have, he in angry, was worried. Resembles these matters no longer to guess, but has been placed in their front realities is the same. He thinks, only then interrogated, in the name of friend. However has not actually thought that if are really a qualified friend, now he should do is anything. 但是他没有,他只是在愤怒、在担心。就好像这些事情不再是猜测,而是已经摆在他们面前的现实一样。他想到的只有质问,以朋友的名义。但是却没有想到,如果自己真的是一个合格的朋友的话,他现在应该做的到底是什么。 One inexplicable mood starts in Tony multiplies at heart, lamented likely, but more is actually shames angry. This made him walk up immediately, makes an effort to hold down the shoulder of Natasha, was asking to her fierce. 一种莫名的情绪开始在托尼的心里滋生出来,像是悔恨,但是更多的却是羞恼。这让他立刻走上前去,用力地按住了娜塔莎的肩膀,对着她厉声问道。 You know that what you were saying?” “你知道你到底在说些什么吗?” I know certainly, I am exposing a man ugly essence.” “我当然知道,我在揭露一个男人丑陋的本质而已。” Although the Tony action was considered as is the threat, but Natasha still coolly to him also by lips and tongue. Regarding her, a man, if at heart does not have the courage to acknowledge including oneself idea , was too rather pitiful. Therefore, regarding the threat of Tony, she not only has not dreaded, instead continues to provoke his state of mind. Even does not conceal pitying and sympathy on oneself face. 尽管托尼的举动已经算得上是威胁,但是娜塔莎依然面不改色地对他还以唇舌。对于她来说,一个男人如果连自己心里的想法都没有勇气承认的话,未免也太可悲了一些。所以,对于托尼的威胁,她不仅仅没有畏惧,反而继续撩拨着他的心绪。甚至毫不掩饰自己脸上的怜悯和同情。 Tony could not certainly endure this silent ridicule, but when he wanted to continue to vent the evil fire in oneself heart. The team leader has actually stood, has broken him in the icy spoken language. 托尼当然忍不了这种无声的嘲弄,而就在他想要继续发泄自己心中的邪火的时候。队长却是站了出来,用冷冰冰的言语打断了他。 Has sufficed, Stark. Now does not deliberately create trouble to you. You give me calmly!” “够了,史塔克。现在不是给你胡闹的时候。你给我冷静一点!” Words many a little deterrent of team leader. Let alone present Tony does not have what energy actually at heart, after the team leader makes noise stopped, his also taking advantage of opportunity downhill stopped own movement. 队长的话多少还是有点威慑性的。更何况现在的托尼其实心里也没有什么底气,所以在队长出声阻拦了之后,他也顺势下坡停下了自己的动作。 However his actions have also given him all companions to make an impression. The avengers are not such unity that such as the bystander imagines, their interior also has the difference actually. But regarding this point, anybody is helpless. The team leader is also! 不过他的所作所为也已经给他所有的同伴们留下了一个印象。复仇者并不是如外人想象的那样团结,他们内部其实也是有着分歧的。而对于这一点,任何人都无能为力。队长也是! He can see avenger does not trust. However he does not have any means to change this present situation. Therefore he can only handle the matter that can achieve with every effort, for example makes the motion of avenger be insufficient to deviate beyond the path. 他能看到复仇者内部彼此之间的不信任。但是他却没有任何办法来改变这种现状。所以他只能尽力去做着自己能做到的事情,比如说让复仇者的行动不至于偏离出轨迹之外。 They are the protectors, is the protector of world. However actually must have enough reason. But now looks like, most of them lack this point. If the ordinary matter is good, their strengths let them, even if not that sanely can also guarantee that they solve the trouble that oneself face. 他们是守护者,是世界的保护者。但是却也必须有着足够的理智。而现在看来,他们中大部分人都缺乏这一点。如果是普通的事情还好,他们的力量让他们即便是不那么理智也能保证他们解决自己所面临的麻烦。 However, in Zhou Yi and issue of Radiance City influence, not sane is fatal. Therefore, has lingered in the heart, the team leader had having made up mind. 但是,在周易辉耀市势力的问题上,不理智可是致命的。所以,在心中盘桓了一番,队长已经有了决意。 Natasha, this matter gave you. After going back, you prepare, leaves Radiance City. Does not need you to make anything specially, so long as displays your special skill, seeks for some useful information to be good. Remember, the first important matter of this duty is you can the whole body draw back, and is insufficient to enrage that fellow. Understood?” 娜塔莎,这件事就交给你了。回去之后你准备一下,就动身去一趟辉耀市吧。不需要你特意去做些什么,只要发挥你的特长,寻找到一些有用的信息就好。记住,这个任务的第一要务是你能全身而退,并且不至于触怒那个家伙。明白吗?” Naturally, I am not stupid.” “当然,我没有那么愚蠢。” Heard team leader's order, in the Natasha eye has flashed through a complex look, then tranquilly accepted. 听到了队长的命令,娜塔莎眼里闪过一丝复杂的神色,然后就平静地应承了下来。 Made them go out regarding dreading of Zhou Yi this step. But is calculating in the avengers, wants to understand which step time the Radiance City influence has developed. Zhou Yi and Magneto arrived at one piece to be far away from the sea area of this mortal world. 对于周易的忌惮让他们还是走出了这一步。而就在复仇者们盘算着,想要了解到辉耀市的势力已经发展到了哪一步的时候。周易万磁王已经来到了一片远离尘世的海域中。 This place regarding human, absolutely is bleak continually region that settles down unable to endure. However regarding Mutants, this is actually an excellent sanctuary, can let the place that they rest and build up strength. 这个地方对于人类来说,绝对是荒凉的连驻足都无法忍受的地域。但是对于变种人来说,这却是一片绝佳的庇护所,一个能让他们休养生息的地方。 Magneto city in this place. Using own magnetostriction, Magneto gathers the innumerable metals from the deep place of sea, built this mysterious marine city little. But this city also naturally became these not for the world acknowledgment Mutants survival place. 万磁王的城市就在这个地方。利用自己的磁力控制,万磁王从大海的深处汇聚出无数的金属,一点点打造出了这个神奇的海上之城。而这个城市也自然地成为了那些不为世界承认的变种人生存的地方。 Establishes this city from Magneto to the present, in this city resident has gotten down Mutants of several tens of thousands numerous. But these Mutants, immediately soon become a Radiance City member, becomes under Zhou Yi asylum. But this, is Zhou Yi and Magneto exchange content. 万磁王建立这个城市到现在,这个城市里已经常驻下了数万之众的变种人。而这些变种人,马上就即将成为辉耀市的一份子,成为周易庇护之下的一员。而这,也就是周易万磁王交易的内容。 If not because these soon will become oneself people existences of Mutants, Zhou Yi will not forgive just still absolutely was provoking troublesome Magneto for his city. His actions touched the Radiance City benefit, touched his benefit. If for these Mutants, Zhou Yi in just will directly not tidy up him, then hands over in the hand of avenger. 如果不是因为这些即将成为自己子民的变种人的存在,周易绝对不会原谅刚刚还在为他的城市招惹麻烦的万磁王。他的所作所为已经触动了辉耀市的利益,触动了他的利益。如果不是为了这些变种人,周易在刚刚就会直接把他收拾一顿,然后交到复仇者的手上。 Just, looks in the situation that in these Mutants also need him to comfort, he has let off him temporarily. Warned to him. 只不过,看在那些变种人还需要他安抚的情况下,他暂时地放过了他。只是对他警告道。 Erik, today's matter I treat as have not occurred. However, if you casually are Radiance City provoke the enemy again, do not blame me not being impolite to you. The matter that you can achieve, Jean can also achieve. Even compared with you, she is one is more appropriate, more formidable leader. Do you understand?” 艾瑞克,今天的事情我就当做没有发生过。但是,如果你再随便地为辉耀市招惹敌人的话,就不要怪我对你不客气了。你能做到的事情,也能够做到。甚至和你相比,她是一个更合适,也更强大的首领。你明白吗?” The warning of Zhou Yi makes the Erik cold sweat dripping. He knows, own poor life the dangerous strategic place walked before the hell back and forth. He knows that oneself action is somewhat harebrained, to let others knows that relations of Mutants and Zhou Yi, he does overstepped the limit, too take risked. However, is good does not have the exceeds control because of the situation, in range that still also in can be controlled. 周易的警告让艾瑞克冷汗淋漓。他知道,自己的小命已经险险地在地狱之前走了个来回。他知道自己的举动有些冒失,为了让别人知道变种人周易的关系,他做的太出格了,也太冒险了。不过,好在情况没有超出掌控,依然还在能被控制的范围之内。 Therefore is facing the Zhou Yi diplomatic note, he acknowledges immediately again and again. But regarding this, Zhou Yi patiently did not wave. 所以面对着周易的通牒,他立刻连连应诺起来。而对此,周易只是不耐烦地挥了挥手。 Was good, can start. Do not waste the time. This matter is as soon as possible good!” “好了,可以开始了。不要浪费时间了。这种事情还是尽快才好!” Nodded, Magneto was extending own hand to the city immediately. But along with his movement, the entire steel city starts to operate immediately.( ~^~) 点了点头,万磁王立刻对着自己脚下的城市伸出了自己的手。而随着他的动作,整个钢铁城市立刻开始运作了起来。(~^~)
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