MSG :: Volume #6

#533: Road of Hulk nightmare crack emptying

Gives up the enmity in heart, revenge that never changes course after making a vow. This is the difficult problem that the team leader faces at this moment. But be careful nameless fire crazy combustion time, the team leader actually immediately set firm resolve. 放弃心中的仇怨,还是矢志不渝的复仇。这是队长这一刻所面临的难题。而当心中的无名之火疯狂燃烧的时候,队长却是立刻下定了决心。 Possibly how such to give up! If such gave up, they calculate what is on? Cannot report including the enmity of oneself partner, they have any face to be called the avenger, they have any qualifications to continue to protect this world. 怎么可能就这么放弃!如果就这么放弃了,他们算的上是什么?连自己伙伴的仇都报不了,他们还有什么脸面叫做复仇者,他们还有什么资格去继续保护这个世界。 Therefore almost must clench teeth, team leader has been putting out such words to Zhou Yi. 所以几乎是要咬着牙,队长就对着周易吐出了这样的话。 I did not agree! This matter cannot end absolutely on such easily! Among us the account has not settled, therefore is you, cannot prevent all these.” “我不同意!这件事绝对不能就这么轻易地结束掉!我们之间的帐还没有了清,所以就算是你,也不能阻止这一切。” Un?” Knit the brows slightly, Zhou Yi makes a somewhat low and deep sound from the nasal cavity immediately. Team leader, had you been hit silly? The present situation may be beyond control you to agree. If not I meddles, you died now! My this decision to hello, you be clear?” “嗯?”微微地皱了皱眉,周易立刻就从鼻腔里发出一个有些低沉的声音。“队长,你难道已经被打傻了吗?现在的情况可由不得你同意不同意。如果不是我插手的话,你们现在已经死了!我这个决定是为了你们好,你难道不明白吗?” Understood, I thanked you to save me very much. However!” The team leader was replying like this, fiercely has actually gotten hold of own fist, raised the head with being similar to the flame combustion same look looked that to has stood there Magneto. We lost a partner because of this person, if such gives up, perhaps I for a lifetime will not forgive my. Therefore, I can only be unfair to your good intention!” “明白,我很感谢你救了我。但是!”队长这样回答着,却是猛地握紧了自己的拳头,抬起头用如同火焰燃烧一样的眼神看向了站在那里的万磁王。“我们因为这个人而失去了一个伙伴,如果就这么善罢甘休的话,我恐怕一辈子都不会原谅自己的。所以,我只能对不起你的好意了!” Right?” Understands clearly nodded, Zhou Yi actually lifted to look to that sky on oneself top of the head. The partner who you said is Bruce Banner. What's wrong, have you now also been regarded as him the partner? As far as I know, you and his relations, most also mutually use.” “是吗?”了然地点了点头,周易却是抬起了头看向了自己头顶上的那片天空。“你说的伙伴是布鲁斯.班纳吧。怎么,你们现在也把他当做是了伙伴吗?据我所知,你们和他的关系,最多也不过是相互利用而已吧。” „, Among us relations are not indeed good, even because of he completely uncontrolled reason. We also dreaded to him. However, he has saved us, he is we have fought side-by-side together the ally. Depending on this point, he is our partners, is worth taking revenge for him!” “的确,我们之间的关系并不好,甚至因为他完全不受控制的原因。我们还对他非常忌惮。但是,他救过我们,他是和我们一起并肩作战过的战友。就凭这一点,他就是我们的伙伴,就值得我们为他去复仇!” Here, the team leader extended own hand, has aimed at Zhou Yi and his behind Magneto. 说到这里,队长就伸出了自己的手,直直地指向了周易和他身后的万磁王 War started, even if has your involvement, the situation will not have any change. We and he, are doomed only become enemies. Is doomed only then life and death result!” “战争已经开启了,即便是有你的介入,情况也不会有任何的改变。我们和他,注定只会成为敌人。注定只有你死我活的结局!” What the firm spoken language displays is firmer innermost feelings. In this moment, the will of team leader reveals completely with nothing left. But his will is whether consistent with the will of avenger, this is actually an unknown issue. However no matter they are consistent, regarding Magneto, this is a provocation. Although he has joined in the Zhou Yi subordinates now, but this does not mean that he did not have oneself dignity. 坚定的言语表现出来的是更加坚决的内心。在这一刻,队长的意志完全地表露无遗。而他的意志是否和复仇者的意志一致,这却是一个不为人知的问题。不过不管他们一不一致,对于万磁王来说,这都是一个挑衅。虽然他现在已经投身在了周易的麾下,但是这并不意味着他就没有了自己的尊严。 He is a powerhouse, but the dignity of powerhouse absolutely does not allow others light shame. Especially in him is in the situation of victor. 他还是一个强者,而强者的尊严就是绝对不容许别人轻辱的。尤其是在他还是胜利者的情况下。 When he hears having made up mind of team leader, he cloudy has smiled immediately. 所以当他听到队长的决意的时候,他立刻就阴沉沉地笑了起来。 Chief Rogers, you have forgotten anything. The strength, is capital of speech. You thought that what strength you did have to come to me to speak the life and death this words?” “罗杰斯队长,你是不是忘了一些什么。实力,才是说话的资本。你觉得你有什么实力来对我说你死我活这种话吗?” The team leader has not replied his words, but shot a look at his one eyes with the cold look lightly. This is similar to gives up on the person general look, is only this look, sufficiently indicated that actually the team leader harbors what kind of killing intent regarding him. But regarding the look of this nearly provocation, Magneto had the movement meaning immediately. 队长没有回答他的话,只是用冷冽的眼神淡淡的瞥了他一眼。这是如同看死人一般的眼神,只是这种眼神,就足以表明队长对于他究竟怀着怎么样的杀意。而对于这种近乎挑衅的眼神,万磁王立刻就有了动作的意思。 Prevents to threaten the best method, before the threat produces thoroughly annihilates it. To prevent Captain America uses the strength arrange/cloth of own wisdom and under avenger in view of own killing bureau, here eliminates him is the best way. 防止威胁最好的方法,就是在威胁产生之前就把它彻底地消灭掉。而为了防止美国队长利用自己的智慧和复仇者的力量布下针对自己的杀局,在这里消灭他才是最好的方式。 This point Magneto thinks very is clear. Although this possibly enrages Zhou Yi, however for the later security, made the little sacrifice, matter that fully was actually worth. 这一点万磁王想的非常明白。虽然这可能触怒周易,但是为了以后的安全,做出一点点牺牲,却是完全值得的事情。 Has thought of here, he starts to start some petty actions to get up in secret. However he just started to act, actually suddenly discovered, one invisible strength loaded suddenly on own body. 想到了这里,他开始暗中做起一些小动作起来。但是他刚刚开始动作,却突然发现,一种无形的力量骤然加载在了自己的身上。 The gearing cannot move, including breathing almost soon is unable to carry on. Body heavy like has filled the steel simply, even there is an misconception that one type must be crushed to collapse. But all these, actually because of a Zhou Yi look. 连动都不能动,连呼吸就几乎快要无法进行。身子沉重的简直像是灌了钢铁一样,甚至有了一种要被压碎挤扁的错觉。而这一切,却统统都是因为周易的一个眼神。 Although he has not said any spoken language, but Magneto through his look, saw a severest warning. If he dares to act rashly, waited for that his is the most terrifying matter. This point, Magneto in the situation, in having realized has made immediately the wisest choice. 虽然他并没有说出任何的言语,但是万磁王还是通过他的眼神,看出了一种最为严厉的警告。如果他敢妄动的话,等待他的就是最恐怖的事情。这一点,万磁王在有所体会的情况下立刻就做出了最明智的选择。 He stopped oneself all movements, and is shrinking toward Zhou Yi emitted has begged for mercy the look. But saw his begging for mercy, Zhou Yi silently has moved back the line of sight to the body of team leader, such was saying to him. 他停下了自己所有的动作,并且畏缩着向着周易放出了求饶般的眼神。而看到了他的求饶,周易才默默把视线移回到队长的身上,对着他这么说道。 I understood your meaning, Team leader. However he after all is my subordinate, moreover I not with your avenger mutual hatred meaning. Therefore, respectively how we draw back one!” “我明白你的意思了,队长。但是他毕竟是我的手下,而且我也没有和你们复仇者交恶的意思。所以,我们各退一步如何!” Here, he did not wait for team leader to take a stand directly said oneself condition. 说到这里,他不等队长表态就直接说出了自己的条件。 I help you retrieve Bruce Banner. However as exchange, you and Erik gratitude and grudges also writes off, how!” “我帮你们救回布鲁斯.班纳。但是作为交易,你们和艾瑞克的恩怨也一笔勾销,如何!” „Can you rescue Hulk?” Hears the request of Zhou Yi, the team leader has called out in alarm immediately. But afterward, on his face, actually has revealed fiercely the bitterness and astringency of difficult word. Was right, the fellow like you can certainly lead from the outer space him. I almost forgot!” “你能把浩克救回来?”听到周易的要求,队长立刻惊呼了起来。而随后,他脸上猛地一顿,却是露出了难言的苦涩。“对了,像你这样的家伙当然可以把他从外太空里带回来。我差点都忘了!” Here, although on the team long face also had bitter and astringent remaining, but the whole person actually became energetic. Because of the change of result, enabling him long to vent anger, was answering to Zhou Yi earnestly. 说到这里,队长脸上虽然还有苦涩余留,但是整个人却变得精神了许多。因为结果的变化,使得他长出了一口气,然后才认真地对着周易答复了起来。 This exchange I can agree, if you can bring Hulk. We naturally have no reason to continue with him for the enemy. However, I need to remind you, this fellow relieved does not become your dependency. He absolutely is not that simple person!” “这个交易我可以同意,如果你能把浩克带回来的话。我们自然也没有理由继续和他为敌。不过,我需要提醒你,这个家伙不会安心地成为你的附庸的。他绝对不是那么简单的人!” That did not need you to be worried. Since you agreed that then such settled!” “那就不需要你担心了。既然你已经同意了,那么就这么说定了吧!” Here, Zhou Yi extended two hands, previous inserted toward own. Immediately his five fingers look like insert are the same to any thing, vanished in the team leader in baseless their line of sight. But along with his arm divides to expand outward, the jet black crevice appeared from his front together immediately. 说到这,周易伸出了两只手,向着自己身前一插。顿时他的五指就像是插到什么东西里一样,凭空消失在了队长他们的视线里。而随着他手臂的向外分扩,一道漆黑的裂隙顿时从他的面前浮现了出来。 That crevice team leader is very familiar, because sky over New York, had presented such thing, but is such thing, has begun New York war. Regarding the team leader, this absolutely is not the good recollection. Even if he knows that this is the Zhou Yi behavior, but he could not bear hit the spirit, has made the gesture of defense. 那道裂隙队长无比熟悉,因为在曾经的纽约上空,就曾经出现过这样的东西,而就是这样的东西,拉开了纽约大战的序幕。对于队长来说,这绝对不是什么好的回忆。所以即便他知道这是周易的所为,但是他还是忍不住打起了精神,做出了防御的姿态。 Naturally, this is only a not studious performance. Even cannot bring to the attention of Zhou Yi. He is maintaining oneself movement, makes an effort a point, becomes the space crevice that in the hand pulls broader. When this crevice becomes is hard enough greatly, the body also remains some metal wreckage Hulk like is being a giant balloon, has passed through this crevice by a stance of float, then in one bang in the loud sound, layer on layer/heavily falls on the piece of metal floor that in they have based. 当然,这只是一种无用功的表现。甚至都不能引起周易的注意。他只是维持着自己的动作,用力一分,就把手上拉扯出来的空间裂隙变得更加宽阔。而当这道裂隙变得难以足够巨大的时候,身上还残留着一些金属残骸的浩克则像是一个巨大的气球一样,以一种漂浮的姿态穿过了这道裂隙,然后在一声轰隆巨响中,重重地落在了他们所立足的这片金属地板上。 Returned to Earth, was fettered by the attraction of Earth once again, regarding Hulk is really the matter that some are not familiar with. Although he is maintaining sobriety in the will, however this time he was unavoidable somewhat blurry. 回到了地球,再度被地球的引力所束缚,对于浩克来说实在是有些不习惯的事情。虽然他一直保持着自己意志上的清醒,但是这个时候的他还是难免的有些迷迷糊糊。 Climate change was really too big, he suddenly simply has not recovered. 环境变化的实在是太大了一些,以至于他一时间根本没有回过神来。 When he sees clearly the present person's shadow, he fiercely has actually given out thunder wild angry roaring. Magneto form before him, but this lets in his heart immediately the anger spout, kills intent to thrive. 而当他重新看清楚自己眼前的人影的时候,他却是猛地发出了一声雷霆般的狂暴怒吼。万磁王的身影就在他面前,而这立刻就让他心中怒火喷涌,杀意勃发。 Therefore does not have any hesitation, does not have any fear. Hulk is roaring, dashing, was turning toward Magneto to wield own fist once again. Destroys he 10,000 times fists sufficiently. 所以没有任何的犹豫,也没有任何的畏惧。浩克怒吼着,飞奔着,就向着万磁王再度挥出了自己的拳头。足以毁灭他10000次的拳头。 This situation makes team leader complexion crazily change immediately, stood there Magneto cannot bear on the face present look with amazement. Resists Hulk without any preparation directly, actually and makes not any difference. If before, perhaps he will not have dreaded such attack. However now, his all prepared to stay in the outer space, he really did not have any means to deal with such attack. 这个情形立刻让队长脸色狂变,就连站在那里的万磁王也忍不住脸上出现了骇然的神色。在没有任何准备的情况下正面对抗浩克,其实和作死没有任何的区别。如果是之前,他或许还不会畏惧这样的攻击。但是现在,他的所有准备都留在了太空中,他实在是没有任何的办法来应对这样的攻击。 Saw that Hulk must rush to own front, to approach/insult very cold the fist wind has even made Magneto feel a torn pain. But at this time, a person actually kept off in his front. 眼看着浩克就要冲到了自己的面前,凌冽的拳风甚至让万磁王感到一种被撕裂的痛楚。而就在这个时候,一个人却是挡在了他的前面。 The fist of Hulk stopped. Not because of his wish, because of others' stop. In his front, Zhou Yi extended a hand, has held down firmly his giant fist, lets his body, his offensive stopped completely. But such situation, is actually makes Hulk after short stunned, immediately the violent anger gets up. 浩克的拳头停止了下来。不是因为他本人的意愿,而是因为别人的阻拦。在他的面前,周易伸出了一只手,牢牢地按住了他那巨大的拳头,让他的身体,他的攻势全部都停止了下来。而这样的情况,却是让浩克在短暂的愕然之后,立刻就更加暴怒起来。 Regarding him, the life and death archenemy who Magneto must eliminate absolutely. Therefore any keeps off in front of him, preventing him to attack the Magneto person, is his enemy. Own attack had been blocked by the enemy unexpectedly, this is in itself to his one insult, but facing the insult, the Hulk most direct resolution format thoroughly pounds the smashing this enemy. 对于他来说,万磁王绝对是必须消灭的生死大敌。所以任何挡在他前面,阻止他攻击万磁王的人,都是他的敌人。自己的攻击竟然被敌人挡住了,这本身就是对他的一种侮辱,而面对侮辱,浩克最直接的解决方式就是把这个敌人彻底地砸成粉碎。 Therefore under the anger increases irritably, strength really three points of Hulk continually slight hesitant did not have, to wield another fist, was falling to Zhou Yi. 所以怒火暴增之下,力量更甚三分的浩克连丝毫的犹豫都没有,挥起了另一个拳头,对着周易就落了下去。 What momentum scary fist brings is the terrifying fulmination and astonishing might, but passes through the air, makes in the entire air transmit is similar to the explosion fierce sound. However is such fist, falls on palm that in Zhou Yi extends, actually is also silent, clay ox entering the sea silence. 声势骇人的拳头带来的是恐怖的爆鸣和惊人的威力,只是穿过空气,就让整个空气中传来如同爆炸般的剧烈声响。但是就是这样的拳头,落在周易伸出来的手掌上,却也是无声无息,泥牛入海般的寂静。 In big sound without any imagination, even shivering of faint trace does not have continually. That huge contrast light looks, makes the person have a whole body uncomfortable feeling. But compares this feeling, fear in more will of the people giving birth. 没有任何想象中的大动静,甚至连一丝丝的颤抖都没有。那种巨大的反差光是看着,都让人有一种浑身难受的感觉。而相比这种感觉,更多人心里生出的还是畏惧。 At this time, nobody can say that Hulk was not attentive, did not make an effort. Only looks the blue vein that on him sticks out suddenly, looks the tooth that him who his dragon dragon -like blows up was nipped ka-beng make noise the muscle and by, can look that he had put forth at this time absolutely fully. 这个时候,没有人能说浩克不用心,不用力。光是看着他身上暴起的青筋,看着他那虬龙般鼓起的肌肉和被他咬的嘎嘣作响的牙齿,就能看出来他这个时候绝对是使出了全力的。 However, the enemy who he deals with is actually existence that he is unable to compare. Is one formidable enables his mighty force only xing however to become invalid the fellow. Before such enemy, Hulk and a delicate child really do not have any difference. 但是,他对付的敌人却是一个他根本无法比较的存在。是一个强大的让他一身伟力都只能悻然作废的家伙。在这样的敌人面前,浩克和一个柔弱的孩子实在是没有任何的区别。 Coming out that all people can look, he is making the effort of making a futile effort. However Hulk did not know, he lowly was still roaring, squeezes a more formidable strength from own body unceasingly. This situation has been continuing, was saying such one until Zhou Yi to him in a low voice. 所有人都能看的出来,他只是在做着徒劳无功的努力而已。但是浩克仍不自知,他仍然在低吼着,不断从自己的身体内部压榨出更加强大的力量。这个情况一直在继续着,直到周易对着他低声地说了这么一句。 Hulk, didn't you remember me?” 浩克,你不记得我了吗?” This sound is the impression is really profound regarding Hulk, he hears this saying time, the entire eye pupil fiercely has contracted. On the face also starts to reappear the strange look. Dreads likely, likely is scared. But this condition, is makes the teams leader scared. 这个声音对于浩克来说实在是印象深刻,以至于他听到这话的时候,整个眼瞳都是猛地收缩了起来。脸上也开始浮现出怪异的神色。像是畏惧,又像是恐慌。而这种状况,却是让队长都傻了眼。 Will Hulk know the fear unexpectedly? I am certainly having a dream!( ~^~) 浩克居然会知道害怕?我一定是在做梦吧!(~^~)
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