MSG :: Volume #6

#532: Nameless fire secretly person

This issue said that immediately inevitably makes the avengers silent. Their complete silence, is not because cannot accept the view of Magneto, because in them, indeed some people have such idea. 这个问题一说出来,立刻不可避免地让复仇者们变得沉默了起来。他们鸦雀无声,不是因为不能接受万磁王的这个说法,而是因为在他们中,的确有人有着这样的想法。 Hulk crazy and is not steerable, making some of them always fill with the vigilance to him. If can discard Hulk this burden at this time, regarding some people, is not the unacceptable matter. 浩克的疯狂和不可控制,让他们中的一些人对他总是满怀戒心。如果能在这个时候抛掉浩克这个包袱的话,对于一些人来说,也不是什么不能接受的事情。 However this matter cannot say frankly and uprightly, particularly when they are the teammate. Therefore, the silence became they expressed the one way of oneself manner. 不过这种事情可不能光明正大地说出来,尤其是在他们还是队友的时候。所以,沉默就成了他们表达自己态度的一种方式。 Some people think that like this, however some people absolutely do not have this idea. But these, response most intense is Tony. 有的人是这样想的,但是有的人则是完全没有这种想法。而这其中,反应最激烈的则是托尼 Listening, Team leader. Do not listen to his nonsense. We cannot throw Bruce there , no matter, prevents him, even if and he makes war must prevent him. This relates to our reputation also to have and also a more important thing. You cannot make his plot prevail absolutely, do you understand my meaning?” “听着,队长。不要听他的胡说。我们不能把布鲁斯扔在那里不管,阻止他,就算是和他开战也要阻止他。这关系到我们的名誉还有更多、也更加重要的东西。你绝对不能让他的阴谋得逞,你明白我的意思吗?” The Tony anxious words make the team leader knit the brows, the meaning that but he expressed actually and were consistent. The avengers cannot abandon oneself teammate, if they did this, then their organizations also leave the collapse not to be far. But did not have the avenger, who can resist the unceasing corrosion of Hydra, resists these unknown, fearful super enemy! 托尼急切的话语让队长皱了皱眉,不过他所表达的意思倒是和自己是一致的。复仇者不能抛弃自己的队友,如果他们这样做了的话,那么他们的这个组织也就离崩溃不远了。而没有了复仇者,谁又能对抗九头蛇的不断侵蚀,对抗那些未知的、可怕的超级敌人呢! Therefore, he had decided in a flash. 所以,他在转瞬间就已经打定了主意。 Listening, Magneto. Lets loose Hulk, delivers him. Otherwise, among us only then a war. What even if you represent is Brotherhood of Mutants, even is all Mutants, we also refuse to balk!” “听着,万磁王。放开浩克,把他送回来。不然,我们之间就只有一战。哪怕你代表的是变种人兄弟会,甚至是所有的变种人,我们也在所不惜!” Roar roar roar!” Narrowed the eye of oneself somewhat bluing, on the Magneto face immediately has shown the smiling face of teasing. „Is this your replies? Really moving. However, perhaps Chief Rogers, I must with you say that sorry. Because all were too late, he was sent into exile in the outer space by me, and was far from Earth, perhaps was I changed the mind, not greatly possibly again brought to return to front of you him.” “吼吼吼!”眯了眯自己有些发蓝的眼睛,万磁王脸上顿时露出了戏谑的笑容。“这就是你们的回答吗?真是让人感动啊。不过,罗杰斯队长,我恐怕要和你说一声对不起了。因为一切都已经太迟了,他已经被我放逐到了外太空之中,并且已经离地球越来越远,恐怕就是我改变了主意,也不大可能再把他带回到你们面前了。” Magneto, you......” hear this saying, the team leader stares in a big way own both eyes immediately, is incredible by one type, and indignant has bellowed to him to the extreme expression. But has not waited for him saying that he ruthlessly has actually closed oneself mouth. 万磁王,你……”听到这话,队长立刻就瞪大了自己的双眼,以一种不可置信,并且气愤到了极点的表情冲着他大吼了起来。而还没有等他说完,他却又狠狠地闭上了自己的嘴巴。 This time he, very clear depending on borrowing the spoken language was already the fact that is unable to change them to face. Magneto is not can with the role that spoken language convinced, the virulent ruthless words are unable to have any benefit to the present situation. Therefore these idle talk, then might as well did not say, might as well expressed their having made up mind with the most real motion. 这个时候的他,很清楚光凭借言语是已经无法改变他们所面对的这个事实的。万磁王不是什么能用言语说服的角色,再恶毒的狠话也无法对现在的情况有任何的补益。所以与其说这些废话,那么还不如不说,还不如用最真实的行动来表示他们的决意。 Although the team long-distance telephone has not said entire, but from his look, from his movement, Magneto actually saw ** minute of profound and abstruse principles. both sides become enemies in light of this, this is the matter that he is not willing to see. But if the matter comes one again, perhaps he will make choice so. 队长话虽然没有说全,但是从他的眼神,从他的动作,万磁王却已经看出了**分的玄机。双方就此结仇,这是他也并不愿意看到的事情。但是如果事情再来一遍的话,他恐怕还是会做出这般的选择。 Sacrificed others always compared with being better that sacrificing oneself came, just situation was not he is not willing to drop, but was Hulk entangles painstakingly continuous. In that case, sends into exile he became to the outer space in he chooses actually only. But regarding consequence that this choice can cause, he also can only clench teeth to accept. 牺牲别人总比牺牲自己来的要好,刚刚的情况不是他不愿意放手,而是浩克苦缠不休。在那种情况下,放逐他到外太空中其实已经成为了他仅有的选择。而对于这个选择会造成的后果,他也只能咬着牙接受下来。 Hostilely became the inevitable matter with the avenger, then can while the opportunity of present, weaken one its strength again? Had clearly recognized Magneto of reality looks at present as before were glowering at that fell into the female green giant in stupor to the team leader and that. In the eye the cold light flashes, actually quietly lived several points of killing intent. 和复仇者敌对已经成为了必然的事情,那么是不是要趁着现在的这个机会,再把它的实力削弱一番呢?已经认清楚了现实的万磁王看着眼前依旧对着自己怒目而视的队长和那个已经那个陷入了昏迷中的女绿巨人。眼中寒光一闪,却是悄然地生起了几分杀机。 Such character keeps in the avenger only becomes his future trusted aide big trouble. Lived was so long, saved Magneto of enough many story and life experience is clear, necessity that the serious results of leaving trouble for the future as well as stamped out the source of trouble. Therefore he in the heart gives birth kills intent, in the hand started to act. 这样的人物留在复仇者里只会成为他未来的心腹大患。活了这么久,积攒了足够多的阅历和人生经验的万磁王非常清楚,放虎归山的严重后果以及斩草除根的必要性。所以他在心中生出杀意的时候,手上就已经开始动作了起来。 Lifted own brow gently, immediately is makes several sharp, the wonderful long incomparable metal thin thorn has extended from the back of team leader little, then rises fiercely, toward the back of the body of team leader on direct burr in the past. 轻轻地抬了抬自己的眉头,立刻便是让几根尖锐的,奇长无比的金属细刺从队长的背后一点点地延伸了出来,然后猛地一涨,向着队长的后心就直接飞刺了过去。 This movement hiding and does not have any sound, the average man at all not possibly to make to respond to this attack. However the team leader of sudden when good luck comes the wits are sharpened actually fiercely forward rolls, has avoided this fatal attack stiffly. 这个动作隐蔽而且没有任何的声响,常人根本不可能对这种攻击做出反应来。但是突然福至心灵的队长却猛地向前一滚,硬生生地躲开了这致命的攻击。 But also not the action that waits for him to make any dealing, on the steel floor that he bases then one after another reveals a big piece of sharp blade edge immediately, like was the meat grinder is flying to roll to him. 而还不等他做出任何应对的举动,他立足的钢铁地板上立刻便是接二连三地露出一大片锋锐的刀锋,像是绞肉机一样对着他就飞滚了过去。 Since had been discovered by him, Magneto is naturally impossible to stop the hand in light of this. He does to embrittle secretly to clearly, frankly and uprightly under the killer toward the team leader pain gets up directly. When he such does, the team leader becomes is surrounded by perils immediately. 既然已经被他发现了,万磁王自然也不可能就此停下手来。他干脆化暗为明,直接就光明正大地向着队长痛下杀手起来。而当他这么做的时候,队长立刻就变得险象环生。 As one of the avenger, team leader is actually one of the individual battle efficiency weakest members. If said earnestly, perhaps his battle efficiency also can only arrange at Natasha above. Other, Spidey or Tony, battle efficiency steadily situated in him above. Do not say the Mutants sister and brother and giant brother and sister. 作为复仇者的一员,队长其实是个人战斗力最为薄弱的成员之一。要是认真说起来的话,他的战斗力恐怕也只能排在娜塔莎的上面。其他的,不论是小蜘蛛还是托尼,战斗力都稳稳地位居他之上。更不要说变种人姐弟和巨人兄妹了。 However, he value in avenger is not the battle efficiency as manifesting. Compared with battle efficiency, what all people attach great importance to is his wisdom, as well as his direction operational capacity. However, all these did not have the use the present. In the face of the absolute strength, only then own strength that he can depend upon, but his strength actually so frailly collapses at the first blow. Therefore, without the support too long time, he had been stabbed by a metal cutting edge own thigh, was losing the ability of movement instantaneously. 不过,他在复仇者中的价值并不是战斗力作为体现的。和战斗力相比,所有人更重视的是他的智慧,以及他的指挥作战能力。然而,这一切在现在都没有了用途。在绝对的力量面前,他能依靠的只有自己的力量,而他的力量却又是如此的脆弱而不堪一击。所以,没有支撑太久的时间,他就被一根金属锋刃刺中了自己的大腿,然后在瞬间丧失了移动的能力。 Is blade edge dense hoop, at this time lost the displacing force to mean anything, is actually a very transparent matter. But faced such situation, the team leader can only close the eye, awaited calmly oncoming of death. 身后就是刀锋森然的滚轮,这个时候丧失移动力意味着什么,其实已经是一件非常明了的事情了。而面对着这样的情况,队长只能闭上了眼睛,静待死亡的来临。 Although dies is not very here willingly, but he really did not have any means. The great strength of Magneto has been above his imagination, even is he radically unmatchable degree. Therefore, he dies besides closes/obsctructs Mudai, what can also make? 虽然死在这里很不甘心,但是他实在是没有任何的办法了。万磁王的强大超乎了他的想象,甚至是他根本无法对抗的程度。所以,他除了闭目待死外,还能做些什么呢? Saw that the team leader is dying in own subordinate, the so-called avenger soon will lose because of shortly seriously. In Magneto most formidable roles as the past world has cannot help but shown the self-satisfied smiling face. 眼看着队长就在死在自己的手下,眼看着所谓的复仇者即将因为自己而损失惨重。作为过去世界上最强大的角色之一的万磁王不由得露出了得意的笑容。 His magnificence did not have to elapse thoroughly, even if today, he also is still the powerhouse in this world. But the powerhouse, rules other people's destiny naturally is a natural matter. Harbors such idea, he has waved immediately oneself arm, issued toward the team leader ended his destiny the instruction. 他的辉煌还没有彻底地逝去,即便是在今天,他也依然是这个世界上的强者。而强者,裁定他人的命运自然是一件理所应当的事情。怀着这样的想法,他立刻就挥动了自己的手臂,向着队长下达了终结他命运的指令。 But at this time, a grating sound was actually suddenly has resounded through from the side of team leader. 而就在这个时候,一阵刺耳的声音却是突然从队长的身边响彻了起来。 That is sound of metal twist deformation, is a metal layer upon layer under the invisible heavy pressure little by the sound of extrusion and fracture. Because the flash crushed metal was really too many, this sound was really noisily somewhat grating. Even to has made the person unable to bear knit the brows ** situation. 那是金属扭曲变形的声音,是一层层的金属在无形重压下一点点被挤压破碎的声音。因为一瞬间被压碎的金属实在是太多了,以至于这声音实在是嘈杂地有些刺耳。甚至到了让人忍不住皱眉**的地步。 However regarding the grating sound that this makes suddenly, Magneto has not shown the look that any does not bear. Or his all did not bear is substituted by another mood. That is terrified, but his terrified goal is that stands in team leader front man, that had once defeated him, now is existence that to need him looks up. 然而对于这突然发出的刺耳声音,万磁王没有露出任何不耐的神色。或者说他所有的不耐都已经被另一种心情所取代了。那就是惶恐,而他惶恐的目标则是那个站在队长面前的男人,那个曾经打败了他,现在更是需要他仰望的存在。 When does not know from, Zhou Yi appeared in the front of team leader, and invisible released own strength. Lost the Spiritual God status, his strength power degenerates for the attraction control once again. However the degeneration in rank does not mean that the degeneration of destructive power, in the destructive power, the attraction as before astonishing fearfulness that he controls. Is only a slight thought that the situation that made Magneto control the metal that directly is destroyed to twist unable to look straight ahead. 不知从什么时候起,周易就出现在了队长的面前,并且无形地释放出了自己的力量。失去了神灵的身份,他的力量权能再度退化为了引力控制。但是等级上的退化并不意味着破坏力的退化,在破坏力上,他所操控的引力依旧惊人的可怕。以至于只是一个轻微的念头,就让万磁王控制的金属直接被破坏扭曲到了无法直视的地步。 Although Magneto can also control these crushed metal fragment, recovers the original appearance them. However he does not have what courage to do this, because he cannot affirm, if he has done this, actually to bring in a how fearful consequence. 虽然万磁王还能在重新控制这些被压碎的金属碎片,把他们复原成原来的样子。但是他却没有什么勇气去这样做,因为他不能肯定,如果他这样做了,究竟会引来一个怎样可怕的后果。 Therefore he stopped oneself all movements wisely, is controlling the float metal, was fallen by oneself to the Zhou Yi front, was saying to him respectfully. 所以他非常明智地停下了自己所有的动作,转而操控着自己脚下的悬浮金属,让自己落到周易的面前,然后对着他恭敬地说道。 You came, Sir! Sorry, lets scene that you see cannot withstand like this.” “你来了,先生!真是抱歉,让你看到这样不堪的景象。” Has sufficed, Erik. This matter stops!” Was waving to Magneto at will, Zhou Yi looked at a team leader and Jennifer in an extremely difficult situation. Then the expression was saying to them lightly. Makes them leave, works as this is my order!” “够了,艾瑞克。这件事情到此为止吧!”随意地对着万磁王挥了挥手,周易看了一眼狼狈不堪的队长和詹妮弗。然后表情平淡地对着他们说道。“让他们离开,就当这是我的命令!” Naturally, if this is your order, I naturally can comply with!” “当然,如果这是你的命令的话,我自然会遵从的!” Understood oneself and Magneto of Zhou Yi disparity naturally complied. Could not see just aggression from his body completely, some were respectful and submissive, respectful and submissive that letting the person is unable to believe. 了解自己和周易差距的万磁王自然地答应了下来。从他的身上完全看不到刚刚的霸气,有的只是恭顺,让人无法置信的恭顺。 But regarding his respectful and submissive, team leader stares in a big way the eye immediately, cannot believe looks to Zhou Yi. 而对于他的恭顺,队长立刻就瞪大了眼睛,不可置信地看向了周易 Zhou Yi, you? This what's the matter?” 周易,你们?这到底是怎么回事?” „Similar to such that you see, present Magneto, as well as his these influences, have given loyalty to me. They now is a Radiance City member, one of the people also by me being sheltered!” “就如同你所看到的那样,现在的万磁王,以及他手下的那些势力,都已经向我效忠了。他们现在是辉耀市的一份子,也是受我庇护的那些人之一!” Faced team leader's interrogation, Zhou Yi has been sweeping his one eyes by the split vision of corner of the eye, like this was answering to him. But heard his explanation, the team leader understood the meaning in his words immediately. 面对着队长的质问,周易以眼角的余光扫了他一眼,就对着他这样解释道。而听到了他的解释,队长立刻就明白了他话语里的含义。 Zhou Yi is telling him, Magneto is his subordinate, is one of that crowd of people receives him to protect. If they plan and Magneto really make war, even makes anything to him, is equal to declares war to him. But the consequence that such can cause, needed them to consider clearly. 周易是在告诉他,万磁王已经是他的手下了,是受到他保护的那群人之一。所以如果他们真的打算和万磁王开战,甚至对他做些什么的话,就等同于对他本人宣战。而那样会造成的后果,就需要他们自己考虑清楚了。 Cleared off meaning, team leader has felt immediately one bitter and astringent taste. Opposes to mean anything with Zhou Yi, was really a clear matter. That brings about own destruction simply. However. Can give up really like this? Treats as all has not occurred? 理清了这其中的含义,队长立刻就感受到了一种苦涩的滋味。和周易作对意味着什么,实在是一件再清楚不过的事情了。那简直就是自寻死路。但是。真的就要这样放弃吗?把一切都当做没有发生过吗? Looks at Zhou Yi behind Magneto with a smile, the team leader actually has not come to be angry at heart a nameless fire.( To be continued.) 看着周易身后含笑的万磁王,队长却是没有来在心里生气一阵无名之火。(未完待续。)
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