MSG :: Volume #6

#531: Universe exile steel meteor

When does not know from, early restored the tranquil sea to start becomes is similar to boils the soup caldron however to be the same, since the ocean waves ten thousand zhang (3.33 m), the mighty waves lean. White spray of layer upon layer tumbling surges from the deep place of sea, making the entire sea fill the inconceivable strangeness and hot tempered. 不知从什么时候起,早已经恢复了平静的大海开始变得如同沸然的汤锅一样,碧波万丈,波澜倾起。一层层翻滚的白色浪花从大海的深处涌动上来,让整个大海都充满了不可思议的诡异和暴躁。 This phenomenon emergence, has immediately brought to the attention of Magneto. When he arrives at himself the sea deep place to the sensation strength of magnetic field thoroughly, his complexion immediately became ugly. 这种异象一出现,立刻就引起了万磁王的注意。而当他把自己对磁场的感知力深入到大海深处的时候,他的脸色立刻变得难看了起来。 Really is one disgusting, cockroach that cannot kill!” “真是一个让人厌恶的,怎么也打不死的蟑螂!” When he such said these words, in the sea erupted grating thundering suddenly. Huge was similar to mountain range same steel fled from the sea level suddenly, above Magneto toward sky on the imposing manner of according to as powerful as a thunderbolt flew to shoot to go. 当他这么说出这句话的时候,大海中突然爆发一阵刺耳的轰鸣。巨大的如同山峦一样的钢铁突然从海平面之下窜了出来,向着天空之上的万磁王就以雷霆万钧的气势飞射而去。 However, even if this sudden attack momentum is so terrifying. However actually cannot play any effective role to Magneto. He beckons, the magnetic force control from instinct penetrated this giant steel, decides the body that it sped along immediately in the midair. 不过,即便这种突然的攻击声势是如此恐怖。但是却对万磁王起不到任何有效的作用。他只是一招手,来自本能之上的磁力操控就深入到了这个巨大的钢铁内部,把它飞驰的身躯顿时定在了半空之中。 Useless, idiot. Your attacks to me cannot have an effect.” “没用的,蠢货。你的这种攻击对我是起不了作用的。” Is controlling the giant steel fragment, at the same time Magneto has gotten hold of own finger to the sea deep place such was yelling fiercely. But along with his movement, the sea level mighty waves starts immediately becomes surging forward. 一手控制着巨大的钢铁碎片,一边对着大海深处这么叫喊着的万磁王猛地握紧了自己的手指。而随着他的动作,海面的波涛立刻开始变得更加汹涌澎湃了起来。 Rough sea waves layer upon layer extend toward the sea level from the sea deep place, the innumerable sea water were mixed to push aside, jumps in the sea level projects the deafening huge sound. For the first time seems, probably is the giant beast of any deep sea revives, must reveal that from the sea deep place own figure is the same. 层层的巨浪从大海深处向着海平面上延伸开来,无数的海水被搅动排挤着,于海平面上迸射出震耳欲聋的巨大声响。乍一看上去,就好像是什么深海的巨兽苏醒过来,要从大海深处显露出自己的身形一样。 However, this naturally possibly is not any deep sea monster. But just sank to the steel prison in deep sea by Magneto one. Just, these things turned into at sixes and sevens fragment now. 不过,这当然不可能是什么深海怪兽。而是刚刚被万磁王一手沉入深海中的钢铁囚牢。只不过,现在这些东西已经变成了乱七八糟的碎片。 The number turns into the hard armor that the captivity has used by ten thousand tons steel, deadlocked Hulk firmly in inside. Role that however it can play very limited. Not is only in the function, is in the time. 数以万吨的钢铁变成了囚禁用的坚硬铠甲,把浩克牢牢地锁死在了里面。但是它能起到的作用十分的有限。不仅仅是功用上的,更是时间上的。 Fitting together perfectly that even if Magneto makes this prison, has not given Hulk any space of catching up. However along with the Hulk angry enhancement, the eruption of his strength, this prison armor stiffly was pulled a slit by him. The appearance of this slit, makes the entire prison immediately full of holes, but had the prison of flaw, is naturally impossible again Hulk this monster imprisonment in inside. 即便万磁王把这身囚牢做的严丝合缝,没有给浩克任何发力的空间。但是随着浩克愤怒的增强,他的力量的爆发,这身囚牢般的铠甲还是被他硬生生地扯出了一个缝隙。这一个缝隙的出现,立刻就让整个囚牢变得破绽百出,而有了破绽的囚牢,自然也不可能再把浩克这种怪物禁锢在里面。 His strength eruption, collapses the entire prison has been split up. This helped him gain the short freedom, but in obtaining this free flash, he has taken immediately up the steel of disruption, above Magneto toward sky projected the past. 他的力量一爆发,就把整个囚牢崩的四分五裂了开来。这让他获得了短暂的自由,而在得到这自由的一瞬间,他立刻就拿起了碎裂的钢铁,向着天空之上的万磁王投射了过去。 Magneto gives his shame is he is impossible to forget. As long as is one day has not defeated this archenemy, has not ripped the fragment him thoroughly, Hulk is impossible to obtain the peace in heart. He must continue to seek battle, knows till a side drops down thoroughly. But situation that this, all people are actually not willing to see. 万磁王给他的羞辱是他不可能忘记的。但凡是一日没有击败这个大敌,没有把他彻底地撕成碎片,浩克就不可能得到心中的安宁。他要继续求战,知道一方彻底倒下为止。而这,却正是所有人都不愿意看到的情况。 If, the team leader hopes really Hulk birth day later at-large, can covertly run away to a safe place. Does not want to run and Magneto such ability terrifying fellow opposes. This to their any side, does not have any advantage. Instead also becomes the matter more awful. 如果可以,队长真的希望浩克在逃出生天之后,能够偷偷摸摸地逃到一个安全的地方去。不要在跑出来和万磁王这样能力恐怖的家伙作对。这对他们任何一方来说,都没有任何的好处。反而还会把事情变得更加糟糕。 But in this regard, Magneto and their opinions are the same. He does not want to continue not only unable to kill with Hulk this type actually, instead fiercely competes and successfully competes, more a war stronger fellow continues to clutch to pull. Because such gets down, he cannot guarantee that among them can also continue to maintain this type the condition of not having the casualties. 而在这一点上,万磁王和他们的意见是相同的。他其实也并不想继续和浩克这种不仅仅打不死,反而越战越勇,越战越强的家伙继续揪扯下去。因为那样下去,就连他都不能保证他们之间还能继续维持着这种没有伤亡的状况。 Once the Hulk strength grows to a fearful region, he was impossible such to show mercy. He has not wanted dead under the fist of Hulk, if Hulk continues to have any to threaten his life again the action, he definitely will not hesitate all, cuts to kill him here. 一旦浩克的力量增长到一种可怕的境地,他就不可能在这么手下留情了。他还不想死在浩克的拳头之下,所以如果浩克再继续有任何威胁到他生命的举动的话,他必然会不惜一切,把他斩杀在这里。 Can grow regarding this type infinitely, but also does not have sane the enough enemy. How Magneto is very clear to deal. But now, the choice of Hulk has actually compelled in the dead angle Magneto. 对于这种能够无限成长,但是却又没有足够理智的敌人。万磁王很清楚自己该怎么应对。而现在,浩克的选择却是已经把万磁王逼到了死角之中。 When Magneto summons the steel fragments in these ten thousand tons from the deep sea, placed Hulk in deep sea to rely on the Beast instinct social climbing immediately to these fragments above. Then by these things, was returning above the sea level. 万磁王从深海中召出那些万吨之中的钢铁碎片的时候,本来还身处于深海中的浩克立刻凭借着自己野兽般的本能攀附到了那些碎片之上。然后借由着这些东西,重新回到了海平面之上。 But returns to there, he above Magneto to sky has sent out crazy and terrifying roaring immediately, was scarlet both eyes to turn toward Magneto to throw once again. 而一回到那里,他立刻就冲着天空之上的万磁王发出了疯狂而恐怖的咆哮,然后猩红着双眼就向着万磁王再度扑了过去。 The wind sound/rumor howls, roar like thunder. This moment Hulk is similar to Evil Demon that hell deep place crawls is simply same, the whole body sends out is selecting the crazy aura that the person bites, making the person look cannot bear fearful and apprehensive, the heart lives to dread. But looks at such Hulk, Magneto knows, oneself cannot keep the hand to him. 风声呼啸,吼声如雷。这一刻的浩克简直如同地狱深处爬出来的恶魔一样,全身都散发着择人而噬的疯狂气息,让人一看都忍不住胆战心惊,心生畏惧。而看着这样的浩克,万磁王知道,自己再也不能对他留手了。 His both hands gather fiercely, pulled out own whole body all steel, then changed steel poisonous dragon common appearances it, welcomes the figure that Hulk was throwing to rush over. 他猛地双手一合,就把自己周身所有的钢铁抽离了出来,然后将其变化成一条条钢铁毒龙一般的样子,迎着浩克扑过来的身形就冲了过去。 These poisonous dragon prestige are fierce and fierce, the scale claw makes widely known, flaminged the bright electric light like is the ripple leapt on their bodies. This phenomenon means that Magneto increased certain limit own magnetostriction, the static electricity that in the nature had starts to come under the influences of these magnetic forces, was absorbed the bodies of these metals. 这一条条毒龙威猛而狰狞,鳞爪张扬间,一道道炽亮的电光像是水纹一样就在它们的身上跃动了起来。这种异象意味着万磁王已经把自己的磁力控制加大到了一定的限度,以至于自然界中本来就存在的静电都开始受到这些磁力的影响,被吸附到了这些金属的身上。 This made these metallic poison dragons increase several points of might baseless, but actually also was still not Hulk enemy of the gathering. 这让这些金属毒龙凭空增添了几分威力,但是却也依然不是浩克的一合之敌。 Has only used a fist, Hulk a head of steel poisonous dragon, when to/clashes first has pounded a pulp. The electric light of surging volleyed shot his body, lets his pain called out at the same time, actually also stimulated ominous in his innermost feelings. The anger such as he of bitter edible plant grabs also in twitch the body of steel poisonous dragon, takes advantage of somebody's authority turns, is stepping on its back, continued in Magneto toward sky to charge. 只用了一拳,浩克就把当先冲来的一条钢铁毒龙的脑袋砸了个稀烂。激荡的电光抽射到了他的身上,让他痛苦嚎叫的同时,却也是更加激发了他内心中的凶性。怒火如荼的他抓着还在抽动的钢铁毒龙的身躯,借势一翻,就踩踏着它的背脊,继续向着天空上的万磁王冲锋了起来。 Has eaten a moat, grew a wisdom. Was played several Hulk back and forth to use a brain by the Magneto method finally, is not pestering own operated steel in control these, but turned toward Magneto this genuine enemy to kill directly. 吃了一堑,长了一智。被万磁王的手段耍了几个来回的浩克终于动了点脑子,不在去管那些纠缠着自己的被操纵的钢铁,而是直接向着万磁王这个真正的敌人杀了过去。 However he just stepped on the body of poisonous dragon, actually discovered that was rumbled to break to pieces the steel poisonous dragon body reverse of head by him, changed to a semi-hardened half soft viscous shape, has twined his body. 但是他刚刚踩上毒龙的身躯,却是发现,那条被他轰碎了脑袋的钢铁毒龙身体一个扭转,就化作了一种半硬半软的粘稠形态,把他的身躯都缠绕了起来。 This situation makes him fly into a rage naturally, the strength almost grew to pull that metal body before body to infinite him directly, has divulged own infinite brute force. 这种情况让他理所当然地勃然大怒,力量几乎已经增长至无穷的他直接拉扯住身前的那一块金属躯壳,把自己的无穷蛮力宣泄了上去。 Immediately, entire steel poisonous dragon was torn scattered about, is hard to preserve including a complete shape. However this is not useful, because in this small free time, other poisonous dragons one after another has pestered. 顿时,整条钢铁毒龙都被撕扯地七零八落,连一个完整的形态都难以保存。但是这还是没有什么用,因为就在这小小的空闲里,其余的毒龙已经一条接着一条地纠缠了上来。 Almost with just same method, the innumerable metals once again layer upon layer had wrapped Hulk. Fits together perfectly, has not stayed behind to him including a place of respite. Even this time, the extremely high voltage is walking randomly in the metal, brushes crazily on the body of Hulk, brings the most perfect painful experience to him. 几乎是和刚刚一样的手段,无数的金属再度层层把浩克包裹了起来。严丝合缝,连一个喘息的地方都没有给他留下。甚至这一次,还有极高的电压在金属之中游走着,疯狂地抽打在浩克的身上,给他带来最为极致的痛苦体验。 However, this pain cannot make Hulk submit. But this captivity possibly is not forever. Just example before, even if these time had the improvement , is winning time. 不过,这种痛苦并不能让浩克屈服。而这种囚禁也不可能是永远的。刚刚的例子在前,即便这一次有了改进,也不过是在多争取一点时间而已。 But Magneto wants is this time. He has seen clearly the Hulk weakness, naturally also knows that changes to what kind of way to cope with him. 万磁王要的就是这点时间。他已经洞察了浩克的弱点,自然也知道改用怎么样的方式来对付他。 This is the fellow who will only use the brute force, besides strength, was his full of vigor and vitality has troubled a point. Several attempts have not made Hulk receive the obvious injury Magneto to give up this impractical idea wisely, then chose another type to cope with his method, the captivity. 这是一个只会使用蛮力的家伙,除了力气之外,也就是他的旺盛生命力麻烦了一点。几番尝试都没有让浩克受到明显伤害的万磁王明智地放弃了这种不切实际的想法,转而选择了另一种对付他的手段,囚禁。 Imprisons in the sea deep place is his first attempt, but this attempt almost it can be said that ended in failure. Disregarded deep sea heavy pressure Hulk after working loose the prisoner's cage, was equal to sends in without the wound, even also became more formidable. 囚禁在大海深处是他的第一个尝试,而这个尝试差不多可以说是以失败告终了。无视了深海重压的浩克在挣脱了囚笼之后,等同于毫发无伤,甚至还变得更加强大了一些。 This regarding Magneto absolutely is a behavior of hitting the face. However actually does not mean that this method is invalid. In fact is just the opposite, this method is absolutely feasible. So long as can find a correct way. 这对于万磁王来说绝对是一种打脸的行为。但是却并不意味着这个方法是行不通的。事实上恰恰相反,这种方法绝对是可行的。只要能找到一个正确的途径。 But this way, Magneto had found. 而这个途径,万磁王已经找到了。 Looks that is only struggles can make reforger steel prison restless beat Hulk, in the Magneto eye the cold light dodge, high has been raising own both hands to the sky. But along with his movement, is wrapping the Hulk steel prison immediately at an inconceivable speed, flew to shoot toward the endless sky. 看着光是挣扎都能使新造的钢铁囚牢不安跳动的浩克,万磁王眼中冷光一闪,就对着天空高高举起了自己的双手。而随着他的动作,包裹着浩克的钢铁囚牢立刻以一个不可思议的速度,向着无尽的天空就飞射了出去。 This situation has daunted team leader immediately, he shouts hastily greatly. 这个情况立刻吓住了队长,他连忙大喊道。 Stops, Magneto. You want to do!” “停下,万磁王。你到底想要干什么!” Does? Can't you look?” Saw that the metal prison has ripped open cloud layer in a flash, rubs the dazzling red flame at the pinnacle speed in the sky, Magneto is sneering, such said. I am sending into exile this fellow. Since the sea cannot accommodate him, then makes me have a look, can the endless universe under containing his existence. Left Earth, I want to know actually, he also has any skill, looks for my trouble again!” “干什么?难道你看不出来吗?”眼看着金属囚牢在转瞬间撕开了云层,以极致的速度在天空中摩擦出刺眼的红色火光,万磁王冷笑着,就这么说道。“我在放逐这个家伙。既然大海容不下他,那么就让我看看,无尽的宇宙能不能包容下他的存在。离开了地球,我倒是想知道,他还有什么本事,再来找我的麻烦!” „Were you insane? Said that you do not plan to continue this exchange, but is the choice thorough and we for the enemy?” “你疯了吗?还是说你不打算继续这场交易,而是选择彻底和我们为敌吗?” Heard his explanation, team leader was saying to him with a threat -type tone immediately. At this time he could not control the fearfulness of Magneto, before not being able to control them having scruples. Once Hulk were such ejected Earth, then he really only had the dead end. 听到了他的解释,队长立刻用一种威胁式的语气对着他说道。这个时候他已经管不了万磁王的可怕,也管不了他们之前的顾忌了。一旦浩克被这么抛出地球,那么他就真的只有死路一条了。 Is no one can survive baseless in the universe. Hulk is formidable, does not have formidable to extinguishing the tyrant or Zhou Yi that degree, can the free activity in the endless universe vacuum. Once he entered the universe, can only turn into a large size the trash, in that deserted length and breadth, forever fluttered without the place of any vitality. But to that time, is really anything ends. 不是什么人都能凭空在宇宙中生存下来。浩克再强大,也没有强大到灭霸或者周易的那个程度,能够在无尽宇宙真空中自由活动。他一旦进入到了宇宙,就只能变成一个大号的垃圾,在那空寂广袤,没有任何生机的地方永远地飘荡下去。而到了那个时候,真是什么都完了。 The anxiety and threat of team leader cannot change the mind of Magneto, he was only grinning, said to him. 队长的焦急和威胁并没有能改变万磁王的主意,他只是咧了咧嘴,就对他说道。 Chief Rogers. You are willing really for this fellow, but with me, makes war with Brotherhood of Mutants truly? Don't forget, that fellow is only not sane crazy Beast, his existence regarding you are not any good deed. Thinks carefully, you need, for he does pay these many?”( ~^~) “罗杰斯队长。你真的愿意为了这个家伙而和我,和变种人兄弟会真正开战吗?别忘了,那个家伙只是一个没有理智的疯狂的野兽,他的存在对于你们来说也并非是什么好事。仔细想一想,你们真的有必要为了他付出这么多吗?”(~^~)
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