MSG :: Volume #6

#530: The unreasonable demand is in a dilemma

Boils to me! The monster, you gave up any idea of that approaches me!” “给我滚开!怪物,你休想靠近我!” The low roar of Magneto is hoarse and low and deep, but is actually similar to the prestige energy that the verbal command of King same is full of unable to imagine. His shouted angrily, immediately makes his side protect own these metals to protect the shield to be ready to make trouble, toward moved forward to meet somebody to Hulk that oneself flushed again. 万磁王的低吼沙哑而低沉,但是却又如同王者的号令一样充满无法想象的威能。他一声怒喝,立刻就让他身边保护着自己的那些金属护盾蠢蠢欲动,向着直直对自己重冲来的浩克就迎了上去。 These valve same metals are overlapping, is preventing alternately in Hulk front. Although the fist of Hulk has to disrupt all destruction strengths, but strikes can let keep off in oneself front metal turns into the splash the fragment, gold/metal mud of melting. The speed that however he destroys cannot compare the speed of Magneto creation regeneration. 那些瓣膜一样的金属层层叠叠,一层交互着一层阻挡在浩克的前面。虽然浩克的拳头有着破坏一切的毁灭力量,只是一击就能让挡在自己面前的金属变成飞溅的碎片,融化的金泥。但是他破坏的速度根本比不上万磁王创造再生的速度。 The destroyed metal once again gathers in front of him in a flash, and also adhered to stick cohere his body in a quick inconceivable way, the armor same gave to wrap him one after another. 被破坏的金属转瞬间就再度重新汇聚到他面前,并且还以一种快的不可思议的方式附着到了他的身上,盔甲一样一层接着一层地把他给包裹了起来。 The heavy/thick metal is only one has 110 tons load-bearing quality, when its numerous pressed on Hulk, are how impossible to make him feel that is comfortable and relaxed. Because of loading by far more than one metal on him, but is overlapping, is almost unable to distinguish the clear terrifying number by the naked eye. Such number is representing a terrifying weight, but under such weight. The Hulk movement also unavoidably becomes slow. 厚重的金属光是一层就有着110吨的承重质量,而当它重重地压在浩克身上的时候,怎么都不可能让他感觉到舒服和轻松。因为加载在他身上的远远不止一层金属,而是层层叠叠,几乎无法靠肉眼来分辨清楚的恐怖数目。这样的数目代表着一个恐怖的重量,而在这样的重量下。浩克的动作也难免变得迟钝起来。 Earth's attraction makes him start to fall toward the surface inevitably. If before, he can also close right up against the formidable explosive force to get rid of the attraction of earth gravity temporarily, with being equal to launches the attack in the jump posture of soaring toward Magneto. Then present he, decidedly is before impossible to achieve, these matters that he handles. 地球本身的引力让他不可避免地向着地表开始下坠。如果说之前,他还能靠着自己强大的爆发力暂时摆脱地球引力的吸引,用等同于飞翔的跳跃姿势向着万磁王发动进攻的话。那么现在的他,就决然不可能做到之前他所做的那些事情。 He is tenesmusing, has crashed toward their sea at an absolute vertical angle. Although Hulk is roaring is erupting strength continually. How however he erupts again is impossible to disobey the most basic physical principle. 他在下坠,以一个绝对的垂直角度向着他们脚下的大海坠落了下去。尽管浩克在怒吼着持续爆发着自己身上的力量。但是他再怎么爆发也不可能违逆最基本的物理法则。 In him situation that in Magneto does not provide immediately standpoint, on him put on the number after ten thousand tons heavy shackles, he is unable again to make any effective revolt. 万磁王不给他提供立刻的立足点的情况下,在他身上被套上了数以万吨的沉重枷锁之后,他根本就无法再做出任何有效的反抗。 He can only , whatever layer upon layer were being wrapped by a metal, drags to entrain, crashes into to the deep sea. 他只能任由着自己被一层层的金属包裹着,拖拽着,直直地坠入到深海之中。 When the tsunami fearsome spray surges from own under foot, Magneto long vented anger finally. Hulk has become to other party the huge pressure, just that flash, he also really had the misconception that have possibly been defeated. However fortunately, all also in own during grasps. 当海啸般可怖的浪花从自己的脚下激荡出来的时候,万磁王终于长出了一口气。浩克给他造成了巨大的精神压力,刚刚那一瞬间,他还真的有了一种自己可能落败的错觉。不过还好,一切都还在自己的掌握之中。 Shot a look at a deep sea of under foot subconsciously, Magneto conveniently has wielded, stops one to have the ice coldly from out of the blue sound, flew the shield that toward oneself raided to come. But after completing such movement, he by a look of disdaining looks that ground that to Captain America that are glowering, has sent out such ridicule. 下意识地瞥了一眼脚下的深海,万磁王就随手一挥,止住了一道带着凌冽破空声,向着自己飞袭而来的盾牌。而在做完了这样的动作之后,他就以一种不屑的眼神看着地上那个对着自己怒目而视的美国队长,发出了这样的嘲笑。 Chief Rogers. I remember that you as if achieved the union with Charles. Then you do have with his Logan hand/subordinate exchange, inquired clearly to him, did Eidman alloy receive the control of my ability?” “罗杰斯队长。我记得你们似乎已经和查尔斯达成了同盟。那么你有没有和他手下的罗根交流一下,向他询问清楚,艾德曼合金到底受不受到我能力的控制呢?” He was saying has shaken own finger, lets in this world unique, by inspiring Eidman alloy shield of gold/metal synthesis starts the high-frequency on his body trembled. Although this does not affect the stability of this shield in structure, but actually sufficiently showed, in the team leader hand the most advantageous weapon regarding him radically anything is not. Before him, the team leader including threatening his ability does not have. 他说着就抖了抖自己的手指,让这世界上独一无二,由振金合成的艾德曼合金盾牌在他的身上开始高频率的震颤了起来。虽然这并不影响这个盾牌在结构上的稳定性,但是却足以证明,队长手上最有利的武器对于他来说根本什么都不是。在他面前,队长连威胁他的能力都没有。 This situation naturally makes the team leader feel to be discouraged, but in his heart more actually angry. The anger in the Magneto words and deeds, anger in having made up mind that he and avenger oppose. 这个情况自然让队长感到气馁,但是他心中更多的却还是愤怒。愤怒于万磁王的言行,愤怒于他与复仇者作对的决意。 Magneto Erik. Lehnsherr! Why you must such do, tell me, the reason that you such make is anything!” 万磁王艾瑞克.兰谢尔!你为什么要这么做,告诉我,你这么做的理由到底是什么!” Reason?” Shook the head slightly, on the face of Magneto presents the look that ponders. If I said, all these are the coincidence and accident/surprise, you do believe?” “理由?”微微地摇了摇头,万磁王的脸上出现出玩味的神色。“如果我说,这一切都是巧合和意外,你相信吗?” Coincidence? Accident/Surprise?” Looks in front of oneself was suppressed Jennifer under metal mountain, looked at the sea level of Hulk crash position. Even if were the self-control good team leader also starts to become flushed the eye, has exuded the angry roaring sound. You think that can dodge with such excuse passes? Magneto, do not regard the fool me!” “巧合?意外?”看着自己面前被镇压在金属大山之下的詹妮弗,又看了看浩克坠落位置的海面。即便是涵养不错的队长也开始涨红了眼睛,发出了愤怒的咆哮声。“你认为用这样的借口能够搪塞地过去吗?万磁王,你不要把我当成傻子!” Why aren't you willing to believe these? Team leader mister!” Looks at the team leader angry appearance, Magneto is the cloud poor business conditions light and full is the apology shook the head. Must know that I from the beginning indeed not with the idea that you operate, was you found my body, then advanced in the matter this situation little. I have made a special decision in special time. If not your appearances, all these will not occur, not?” “为什么你不愿意相信这些呢?队长先生!”看着队长愤怒的样子,万磁王则是云淡风轻、满是歉意地摇了摇头。“要知道我一开始的确没有拿你们开刀的想法,是你们自己找到我的身上,然后把事情一点点推到这个地步上的。我只是在一个特殊的时间里做了一个特殊的决定而已。如果不是你们的出现,这一切都并不会发生,不是吗?” Although the words said that but wants to come carefully actually decidedly is not this truth. This struggle original protagonist actually only then the avenger and Hydra both sides, Magneto is the third party of sudden involvement. Is his appearance makes situation complex, is his appearance makes the avengers face the present region. 话虽然是这么说,但是细细想来却决然不是这个道理。这场斗争本来的主角其实只有复仇者和九头蛇双方,万磁王才是突然介入的第三者。是他的出现才让情况变得复杂起来,也是他的出现才让复仇者们面临着眼下的境地。 In a dilemma, this is the team leader realizes immediately. Enters, he is impossible to defeat such Magneto. But draws back, Jennifer was also controlled by him in the hand, Hulk is uncertain of one's fate, he is impossible to retreat in these circumstances. Therefore, in this difficult situation, he can only choose to negotiate, only method that this possibly solves the problem. 进退两难,这已经是队长当下最真实的体会了。进,他不可能战胜这样的万磁王。而退,詹妮弗还被他控制在手上,浩克更是生死未卜,他怎么也不可能在这样的情况下退走。所以,在这种艰辛的情况下,他只能选择谈判,这个唯一可能解决问题的手段。 Said that you want anything, is willing to stop your behavior. Puts us to leave!” “说吧,你到底想要什么,才愿意停止你的行为。放我们离开!” I want anything, some meanings that this issue asked. Chief Rogers, you have made a mistake anything. Must know, but you launch the attack to me. I have not threatened and extorted you. Is you do not know good from bad in first, what's wrong, now you know that was afraid? Wanted to compromise to beg for mercy?” “我想要什么,这个问题可是问的有些意思。罗杰斯队长,你是不是弄错了什么。要知道,可是你们率先对我发动攻击的。我可从来没有威胁、勒索过你们。是你们自己不知好歹在先,怎么,现在你们知道害怕了吗?想要妥协求饶了吗?” Do not speak these idle talk, Magneto. This time we admit defeat, tell me you to need what kind of price to put them to leave!” “不要说这些废话了,万磁王。这一次我们认输,告诉我你需要怎么样的代价才能放他们离开!” Is listening to the Magneto that confusing right and wrong some words, the team leader knits the brows immediately, waved ruthlessly, has broken his words. To wrong is one did not have the matter of significance with this wily old fox's fellow argument. The team leader naturally does not want to waste the time in this above. Therefore he has torn immediately these things, was placed practical exchange in his front. 听着万磁王那有些混淆黑白的话,队长立刻就是一皱眉,狠狠地挥了挥手,打断了他的话语。和这种老奸巨猾的家伙争论对错本来就是一件没有意义的事情。队长自然也不想在这上面白费功夫。所以他立刻就扯开了这些东西,把切实的交易摆在了他的面前。 But looks at the having made up mind of team leader, Magneto shows a faint smile, has had a lion big opens the mouth idea at heart. 而看着队长的这种决意,万磁王微微一笑,心里产生了一种狮子大开口的想法。 Wish makes me bleed off this giant girl, is not the issue. Even I can also help you fishing the green giant in deep sea. However, I have the condition. Does not know, you are willing to accept my condition!” “想要让我放掉这个巨人女孩,不是什么问题。甚至我还可以帮你们把深海里的绿巨人给捞出来。但是,我是有条件的。只是不知道,你们愿不愿意答应我的这个条件!” Condition?” These words made all avengers blast out the pot, particularly Tony, chirp chirp how shouted in confusion in the ear of team leader through the ear wheat. However this shouting in confusion and has value, because he makes the team leader make up mind quickly. Said to look, what is your condition? Money? Technology? What political giving favored treatment is?” “条件?”这句话让所有的复仇者都炸开了锅,尤其是托尼,更是通过耳麦在队长的耳朵里叽叽咋咋地吵嚷了起来。不过这种吵嚷并不是没有价值的,因为他很快就让队长拿定了主意。“说说看,你的条件到底是什么?钱?还是技术?或者是什么政治上的优待?” This issue is having the typical Stark style. Almost the team leader says, Magneto had guessed correctly these have the support of Tony Stark inevitably. Also only then his such person, can so unscrupulously ask for such pricetag. 这种问题带着典型的史塔克风格。几乎队长一说出口,万磁王就猜到了这其中必然有着托尼.史塔克的支持。也只有他这样的人,才能如此肆无忌惮地开出这样的价码。 However, this is not Magneto wants. He shook the head, was saying to the team leader. 不过,这并不是万磁王想要的。他只是摇了摇头,就对着队长说道。 With that type the way of treating the average person treats me, Chief Rogers also has Mr. Stark, these that you said are impossible to arouse my interest. My condition and these completely irrelevant!” “不要用那种对待普通人的方式来对待我,罗杰斯队长还有史塔克先生,你们说的这些一点都不可能引起我的兴趣。我的条件和这些完全无关!” You want anything! Said!” “那你到底想要什么!说!” Has not wanted to hit the team leader of any riddle to ask to him again immediately categorically. But looks at this indignant appearance, Magneto shows a faint smile, exposed own pricetag. 已经不想再打什么哑谜的队长立刻斩钉截铁地向他问道。而看着他这幅气愤的样子,万磁王则是微微一笑,就曝出了自己的价码。 I want you to release all Mutants, these detain the Mutants prison specially, is any so-called research agency and medical institution. Entirely complete, gives to release!” “我要你们释放所有的变种人,不论是那些专门关押有变种人的监狱,还是什么所谓的研究机构、医疗机构。统统全部,都给释放出来!” That is impossible, I do not agree to release any criminal absolutely!” “那不可能,我是绝对不同意释放什么罪犯的!” Facing requests like this, the team leader wants not to want directly to shake the head to express the rejection. But his rejection makes the Magneto complexion gloomy and cold immediately. 面对这样要求,队长想也不想就直接摇头表示了拒绝。而他的拒绝却是立刻就让万磁王的脸色阴冷了起来。 Team leader mister, you should know, is not Mutants that each was detained is the criminals. My many compatriot with no reason at all was arrested by human, this point I think that you will not deny. If you think that is a just side, you can choose Mutants that does not release these to commit a crime. However, these by my compatriot who you grasp with no reason at all, you must release them!” “队长先生,你应该知道,不是每一个被关押起来的变种人都是罪犯。我的很多同胞都是被人类无缘无故抓捕起来的,这一点我想你也不会否认吧。如果你自认为是正义的一方,你可以选择不释放那些犯了罪的变种人。但是,那些被你们无缘无故抓起来的我的同胞,你们必须要把他们释放出来!” Is this request excessive? Naturally, particularly at the Magneto angle, this request is unreasonable. However regarding the avenger, this request is really unreasonably and extremely troublesome. 这个要求过分吗?当然不,尤其是以万磁王的角度来说,这个要求再合理不过了。但是对于复仇者来说,这个要求确是无理而且极其麻烦的。 They are not the governments, is only an independent super heroic organization. They do not have any claim of right government to make anything, does not have the right to put in these colossi in their hands the influences. Magneto to them proposed that this request, to a certain extent even can understand that to is feel embarrassed them completely. 他们不是政府,只是一个独立的超级英雄组织。他们没有任何权利要求政府去做什么,更没有权利把他们的手伸进那些庞然大物的势力中。万磁王对他们提出这个要求,从某种程度上甚至可以理解为完全是在为难他们。 Therefore the team leader speaks frankly immediately honestly. 所以队长立刻坦白直言道。 This matter we cannot achieve. We and governments do not have what relations, is more impossible to order other people to make anything. I know that has the unfair matter to exist. However we do not have the ability, has no reason to meddle this matter.” “这种事情我们做不到。我们和政府没有什么关系,更不可能命令其他人去做些什么。我知道这其中有很多不公的事情存在着。但是我们没有能力,也没有理由去插手这种事情。” No, you are certainly well-founded. I am not am providing such reason to you now!” “不,你们当然有理由。我现在不就是在给你们提供这样的理由吗!” cold snort/hum, Magneto is controlling in the hand the remaining these metals, under metal layer upon layer is wrapping the Jennifer of pressure, mentioned in the midair. 冷哼一声,万磁王就控制着自己手上剩下的那些金属,把压在金属之下的詹妮弗层层包裹着,提到了半空之中。 Do not forget, your teammates also in my hands. In order to save your teammates, does the matter that some you should not handle. Isn't this very good reason?” “别忘了,你们的队友还在我的手里。为了拯救你们的队友,去做一些你们本来不应该去做的事情。这不是一个很好的理由吗?” Hears this saying, the complexion of team leader immediately becomes the pale piece. His eye from the face of Magneto had not seen expression that a faint trace cracks a joke, then this also means that he indeed like this goes to think. But such idea, obviously is the team leader they unacceptable. 听到这话,队长的脸色立刻变得铁青一片。他的眼睛并没有从万磁王的脸上看到一丝丝开玩笑的表情,那么这也就意味着他的确是这样去想的。而这样的想法,显然是队长他们不能接受的。 The avengers are not organization of exploiting power, not because of own strength and status, but runs amuck. If set the precedent because of this now, then the later avenger can also maintain the present standpoint and status, was the matter that no one talked clearly. 复仇者不是什么以权谋私的组织,更不会因为自己的力量和身份而去胡作非为。如果现在因为这个而开创了先例,那么以后复仇者还能不能保持现在的立场和地位,就是一件谁也说不清楚的事情了。 The team leader is impossible to handle the matter of this getting rid of one's capable subordinates, but he cannot look that oneself teammate such was killed one held for ransom. Therefore, during he can only fall into one piece to be silent awkwardly. 队长不可能做这种自毁长城的事情,但是他也不能看着自己的队友就这么被人撕票掉。所以,他只能尴尬地陷入一片沉默之中。 But at this time, the mutation once again suddenly lived.( ~^~) 而就在这个时候,异变再度突生起来。(~^~)
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