MSG :: Volume #6

#529: Anger such as bitter edible plant sea collapse Qing

All over the sky steel detritus in airborne is dancing in the air recklessly, the rainstorm pouring sprinkles in this float above the airborne platform. Similar to the poisonous dragon python common steel mighty current is interrupted around the middle, is incapable, but weakly crouches/submits inverted/fall after the Hulk huge body. Although it quick melted in the floor, changed makes part that in innumerable steel Magneto has controlled. However it in a special way, had still proven the great strength of Hulk. 满天的钢铁碎屑在空中肆意飞舞着,暴雨般倾盆洒落在这个漂浮在空中的平台之上。如同毒龙巨蟒一般的钢铁洪流被拦腰截断,无力而软弱地伏倒在了浩克的庞大身躯之后。尽管它很快就消融在了地板之中,重新变化作了万磁王所掌控的无数钢铁中的一部分。但是它仍然以一种特殊的方式,证明了浩克的强大。 Has surrendered the monster common steel giant beast with the fist, strong mighty current. This matter puts the ignorant primitive time, simply is similar to the myth epic same magnificent feat. Even if today, still lets one that the person shocks to dread. 用拳头降服了怪兽一般的钢铁巨兽,铁铸洪流。这种事情放到蒙昧的原始时期,简直就是如同神话史诗一样的壮举。就算是在今天来看,也依然是让人震撼而畏惧的一幕。 Even if as Magneto of instigator also has to acknowledge that the great strength of Hulk, acknowledged he has the qualifications to take oneself match. Only then defeats such match, can show own value. 即便是作为始作俑者的万磁王也不得不承认浩克的强大,承认他有资格作为自己的对手。而只有打败这样的对手,才更能彰显自己的价值。 Looks at Hulk to lead thunder racing treads, dashes about wildly form that comes. On the Magneto face has shown a self-confident and extremely arrogant smiling face suddenly, was making an effort to extend an own hand before to body Hulk. 看着浩克带着雷霆般的奔踏,狂奔而来的身影。万磁王脸上骤然露出了一丝自信而狂妄的笑容,然后对着自己身前的浩克用力地伸出了自己的一只手。 Immediately, he behind is standing erect is similar to the great curtain same steel starts to act vastly. 顿时,他身后屹立着的如同巨幕一样的钢铁汪洋开始动作起来。 The endless steel changed to giant overwhelming power, is similar to the monster same steed, recoiled the past by the similarly wild posture toward Hulk. This steed then, quick gathered has been similar to myriad speeding horse collective charge terrifying momentum. 无尽的钢铁化作了巨大威猛,如同怪兽一样的骏马,向着浩克以同样狂暴的姿势反冲了过去。这骏马一匹接着一匹,很快就汇聚成了如同万千奔马集体冲锋般的恐怖声势。 They compare the ordinary steed to be bigger and heavily also be more terrifying. Oppression of the people are similar to the sword junction calls the noise, sonorous long hiss also disclosed one metal unique sharpness and sincerity. Said that they are the warhorses, rather is the tank of collective charge. Stands in their opposite only, faces directly their charges, made the person have one type to tread the mountains and rivers, invincible misconception. 它们比普通的骏马更高大、更沉重也更恐怖。铁蹄声声如同刀剑交鸣般喧嚣,铿锵的长嘶中也透露出一种金属特有的锋锐和厚重。说它们是战马,不如说是集体冲锋的坦克。单就是站在它们的对面,直面它们的冲锋,都让人有了一种踏碎山河,所向无敌的错觉。 However this is only the misconception, in the Hulk front. Such charge is unable to play the role. 但是这只是错觉,在浩克的面前。这样的冲锋根本就无法起到作用。 When the steel warhorse rushed to front of Hulk, he hides is disinclined many, such is toughing it out the body, like was the attacking a city hammer has hit directly. With resists hardly hardly, resists the strength with strength. Finally only in an instant saw the result. 当钢铁战马冲到了浩克面前的时候,他连躲都懒得多,就这么硬挺着身子,像是攻城锤一样直接撞了上去。用坚硬对抗坚硬,用力量对抗力量。结果只在刹那间就见出了分晓。 Threatening steel warhorse like is water makes, just a contact was hit myriad fragments and wreckage by the Hulk huge body. One is so, one crowd is so. Hulk is still unprecedented, goes toward the Magneto charge. 来势汹汹的钢铁战马像是水做的一样,刚一接触就被浩克巨大的身躯撞成了万千的的碎片和残骸。一个是如此,一群还是如此。浩克依然一往无前,向着万磁王冲锋而去。 In this situation and Magneto imagination obviously some differences. He thinks Hulk will make a movement of dodging, but has not actually thought that Hulk so will be unexpectedly simple, is so direct. His laying down unexpectedly became the vase same ornaments. However, leeway of saving. 这个情形和万磁王想象中的显然有些出入。他本来以为浩克会做出一点闪避的动作,但是却没有想到浩克居然会这么干脆,这么直接。以至于他的铺设居然成为了花瓶一样的摆设。不过,还有挽救的余地。 Turns conveniently, the steel warhorse turns into the mercury same liquid immediately, rushed to well up toward Hulk once again. They have inundated the knee of Hulk, pestered his footsteps, was similar to him draws in the mire to be the same, making his movement inevitably slow. 顺手一翻,钢铁战马立刻变成水银一样的液体,向着浩克再度奔涌了过来。它们漫过了浩克的膝盖,纠缠住了他的脚步,把他如同拖入了泥潭一样,让他的动作不可避免地变得迟缓了起来。 This situation makes the Hulk violent anger bellow immediately, he wields the fist, a fist fettered own mercury liquid metal to pound toward own under foot that. However except for letting these liquid metals scatters to fly to shoot, then gathers beside his, simply has not played any role. 这种情况立刻让浩克暴怒地大吼起来,他挥起拳头,一拳就向着自己脚下那束缚着自己的水银般的液体金属砸了过去。但是除了让这些液体金属四溅飞射,然后又重新汇聚到他脚下之外,根本没有起到任何的作用。 However Hulk as if has not realized this point, he is still duplicating this process in a fist another fist, was venting anger in the heart time and time again. This futile effort action makes Magneto stare, obviously has realized anything. Then he sneers immediately has been voicing such a feeling. 不过浩克似乎没有意识到这一点,他依然在一拳又一拳地重复着这个过程,一次又一次地发泄着自己心中的怒火。这种徒劳地举动让万磁王一愣,显然意识到了什么。然后他立刻就冷笑着发出了这么个感慨。 Is a foolhardy boorish fellow, I really somewhat overestimated you evidently.” “不过是个有勇无谋的莽夫而已,看样子我实在是有些高估你了。” His words make howling of Hulk more resounding, no matter how he howled, does not have any help regarding his present situation. The mercury metal layer upon layer fettered his body, has fettered him in a special way firmly. The suppleness can win just, this philosophy idea in the incisiveness that this moment appears. 他的话语让浩克的吼叫更加响亮,但是不管他怎么吼叫,对于他现在的处境来说都没有任何的帮助。水银般的金属层层地束缚住了他的身躯,以一种特殊的方式把他牢牢地束缚了起来。柔能胜刚,这种哲学理念在这一刻显现的淋漓尽致。 The Hulk strength has not played any role in front of this water delicate metal generally. Besides letting him consumes own strength, absolutely does not have any other functions. But looks that Hulk is not good at resisting this form the strength. Magneto is intense immediately, turned into the tide oneself behind metal, the mighty waves has swept across toward Hulk turbulently. 浩克的力量在这种水一般柔弱的金属面前没有起到任何的作用。除了让他耗费自己的力量之外,完全没有任何其他的作用。而看着浩克根本不善于对抗这种形式的力量。万磁王立刻变本加厉,把自己身后的金属变成浪潮,波涛汹涌地向着浩克席卷了过去。 This situation makes the Hulk green pupil shrink, immediately starts to make an effort to struggle. But what has saying that his struggling also really played the role, was most minimum has inundated his body, bound the liquid metal of his body also really to be worked loose by him. 这种情况让浩克绿色的瞳孔一缩,立刻开始用力地挣扎了起来。而不得不说的是,他的挣扎还真是起到了作用,最起码一些漫过了他的身子,绑住了他身体的液态金属还真就被他挣脱了开来。 However, this already without enough time. Because the dreadful metal tide has swept across, and entire submerged the Hulk body. Hulk is very formidable, formidable looks like a into the sea|nautical mile great white shark is same, is domineering and tyrannical sufficiently, degree of stopping at nothing. 但是,这已经来不及了。因为滔天的金属大潮已经席卷了过来,并且把浩克的身躯整个淹没了起来。浩克是很强大,强大的就像是海里的大白鲨一样,足以横行霸道,无所顾忌的程度。 However the overbearing shark is impossible to control the sea itself, they cannot change the environment, actually must change for the environment. 但是再霸道的鲨鱼也不可能控制大海本身,他们改变不了环境,却要为环境而改变。 When the liquid metal submerged the Hulk body, even if is wild with rage nearly unapproachable Hulk, feels the pain and being incapable unavoidably. Suffocation is felt by the metal is wrapping, was drilled into the pain in body hole by the liquid metal, makes him even more manic, even more violent anger, even more is incapable. 所以当液态的金属淹没了浩克的身躯的时候,即便是狂怒起来近乎无可匹敌的浩克,也难免感受到痛苦和无力。不论是被金属包裹着的窒息感觉,还是被液态的金属钻入身体孔窍里的痛苦,都让他越发狂躁,越发暴怒,也越发地无力起来。 Hulk is not obviously invincible, so long as holds his weakness, must cope with him not quite to be actually difficult. Most at least on the present situation, Magneto does not think the green fatty who this only closes right up against the brute force can be own match. The fight had ended, but thinks oneself obtained fight victory Magneto to show a faint smile, to is also standing the team leader there said. 浩克显然不是无敌的,只要抓住他的弱点,要对付他其实并不太难。最起码就现在的情况而言,万磁王并不认为这个只靠着蛮力的绿胖子会是自己的对手。战斗已经结束了,而认为自己已经获得了战斗胜利的万磁王微微一笑,就对着还站在那里的队长说道。 Had finished, avengers. Your all cards in a hand have not affected evidently!” “结束了,复仇者们。看样子你们所有的底牌都已经没有作用了!” Bruce, bastard!” 布鲁斯,混蛋!” At the same time his complacency stimulates Jennifer that observes obviously, when she sees the pain on Hulk face. She cannot control oneself anger immediately, has swooped toward Magneto. 他的洋洋得意显然刺激一边观战的詹妮弗,而当她看到浩克脸上的痛苦的时候。她立刻就控制不住自己的愤怒,向着万磁王就飞扑了上去。 Jennifer, does not want!” 詹妮弗,不要!” The yawp of team leader has not fallen, Jennifer welcomed Magneto hitting hard of directly. He waves baseless, makes metal monstrous waves raise suddenly, is having grating howling and as powerful as a thunderbolt terrifying momentum, ruthlessly turned toward Jennifer to whip. 队长的叫喊声还没有落下,詹妮弗就迎来了万磁王的迎头重击。他凭空一挥手,就让一道金属巨浪骤然升起,然后带着刺耳的呼啸和雷霆万钧的恐怖声势,狠狠的就向着詹妮弗拍打了过去。 Although Jennifer inherited the same bloodlines with Hulk, however she does not have Hulk to be like that formidable in the strength. She is far from being the degree of that destroying the hardest defenses, because of this, Magneto strikes makes her be similar to immediately the bird of flap is the same, fell to fall from the midair directly. 詹妮弗虽然和浩克继承了同样的血脉,但是在力量上她却没有浩克那般强大。她远远没有达到那种无坚不摧的程度,也正因为这样,万磁王的一击立刻就让她如同折翼的飞鸟一样,从半空中直接摔落了下来。 But seemed worried that she will also look like Hulk like that to trouble, Magneto did not dislike one to press that metal monstrous waves troublesome. It looks like the Buddha in myth suppresses that lawless monkey to be only same, a palm of the hand her stubbornly according to above floor. Let her lose the ability of revolt thoroughly. 而似乎担心她还会像浩克那般麻烦,万磁王更是不嫌麻烦地一把把那道金属巨浪按了下去。就像是神话里的佛祖镇压那只无法无天的猴子一样,一巴掌把她死死地按在了地板之上。让她彻底地失去了反抗的能力。 Sees own younger sister to rescue oneself by unexpected calamity so, had been placed unexpectedly, in a piece of liquid metal wraps, very painful, cannot own Hulk stare in a big way own eye immediately, has grown up wickedly own mouth. 看着自己的妹妹为了营救自己居然遭来了这般的横祸,本来还身处在一片液态金属包裹中,痛苦不堪、不能自己的浩克立刻瞪大了自己的眼睛,恶狠狠地长大了自己的嘴巴。 The liquid metal flowed in his mouth, but has not actually been able to give him again any influence. Because fell into the he in endless crazy and violent anger thoroughly entered in a special condition. 液态的金属流淌进了他的嘴巴里,但是却已经不能再给他任何的影响。因为彻底陷入了无尽疯狂和暴怒中的他已经进入到了一种特殊的状态之中。 His body is becoming huge, the muscle also becomes inflates. The invisible energy overflows to disperse from his body, the metal that lets his whole body these liquid was forced to be separated from his body. 他的身躯在变得更加庞大,肌肉也变得更加膨胀。无形的能量从他的身躯上溢散出来,让他周身那些液态的金属都被迫地从他的身体脱离了出来。 Although Magneto controls own strength diligently, making these metals maintain as far as possible the control to Hulk. However this has not played any role, the strength that Hulk erupts suddenly has the terrifying of exceeds imagination, even if the strength of ten thousand tons metal is unable to fetter his slightest again. When he starts indignantly toward Magneto wields oneself fist, is above the sense of crisis of imagination immediately from the Magneto heart of hearts spread. 尽管万磁王努力地控制自己的力量,让那些金属尽量维持着对浩克的控制。但是这没有起到任何的作用,浩克突然爆发出的力量有着超出想象的恐怖,就算是万吨金属的力量也无法再束缚他分毫。而当他开始愤愤地向着万磁王挥动自己拳头的时候,一股超乎想象的危机感立刻从万磁王的内心深处蔓延了出来。 This feeling affected the Magneto instinct, making his strength unconsciousness emit, controlled the innumerable metals to construct the protecting shields layer by layer in his whole body. Had realized oneself made anything's Magneto also to think oneself were extremely careful, has made a foolish matter. All that however the next quarter, has made him thank oneself instinct. 这种感觉影响到了万磁王的本能,让他的力量无意识地放射了出来,控制着无数的金属在他的周身构建出了一层又一层的护盾。意识到了自己做了什么的万磁王还以为自己太过小心,做了件蠢事。但是下一刻,发生的一切却让他感谢起了自己的本能。 Because of along with that fist of Hulk, was similar to vast ocean same layer upon layer in addition holds entire to explode from the interior in his liquid metal. During looked like detonates an equally fearful sound to be vast to erupt from the metal same place, the flash made all metals lose the control, flew to shoot fully. 因为随着浩克的那一拳,如同汪洋大海一样层层加持在他身上的液体金属整个地从内部爆炸了开来。就像是原地引爆了一颗原一样可怕的动静从金属汪洋之中爆发了出来,一瞬间就让所有的金属都失去了控制,铺天盖地地飞射了出去。 This change has exceeded the imagination of Magneto, because he simply has not thought that Hulk can achieve this matter with own brute force unexpectedly. When he realized actually to have anything, Hulk turned left, but the beast of prey, is having the savage tyrannical destruction aura, at the quick inconceivable speed, flushed toward him. 这种变化超出了万磁王的想象,因为他根本没有想到浩克居然能用自己的蛮力做到这种事情。而当他意识到究竟发生了什么的时候,浩克已经变成了脱笼而出的猛兽,带着凶残暴虐的毁灭气息,以快的不可思议的速度,向着他就冲了过来。 You gave up any idea of that approaches me!” “你休想靠近我!” Has the strength scratch coat that just that fist erupted, Magneto how dares to let this terrifying fellow nearly to own side. Therefore he is shouting, while is controlling own ability fully. 有了刚刚那一拳爆发出来的力量打底,万磁王怎么敢让这种恐怖的家伙近到自己的身边来。所以他一边大喊着,一边全力操控着自己的能力。 Innumerable **** the metal that exits fiercely has still stopped in the midair, then gathered the Magneto front rapidly, integrated his whole body layer upon layer protected in the shield. The structure of metal constructs the thick wall by naked eye obvious high-speed again, hard protecting shield. Almost was suddenly, dozens meters thick metal round shells appears in his side together, like was an egg entire has wrapped Magneto. 无数****出去的金属还在半空中就猛地停顿了下来,然后飞速汇聚到了万磁王的面前,融入到了他周身的层层护盾之中。金属的构造再以肉眼可见的高速构造出厚实的墙壁,坚硬的护盾。几乎是眨眼间,一道足足有数十米之厚的金属圆壳就出现在了他的身边,像是一颗鸡蛋一样把万磁王整个地包裹了起来。 But at this time, Hulk also rushed to the front of this metal great egg, was wielding a oneself exceedingly indignant fist to him. 而这个时候,浩克也已经冲到了这枚金属巨蛋的面前,对着他就挥出了自己无比愤怒的一拳。 The giant fist falls on the metal great egg, immediately explodes projects dazzling luminously and incomparably grating sound. The spark that splutters looks like the lightning is equally striking, but the grating sound is by far is more grating than the thunder. 巨大的拳头落在金属巨蛋上,立刻就爆射出炫目的光亮和无比刺耳的声响。溅射出来的火花就像是闪电一样醒目,而刺耳的声响更是远远比雷霆更加刺耳。 Made with the fist has been similar to the prestige of natural mighty force can with the momentum, this naturally displays Hulk in present violent anger to have how formidable, how fearful. But under this destructive strength, the metal great egg has disrupted immediately. 用拳头打出了如同自然伟力的威能和声势,这自然表现了现在暴怒中的浩克到底有多么的强大,多么的可怕。而在他这毁灭性的力量之下,金属巨蛋立刻碎裂了开来。 The innumerable metals one layer upon layer bloomed, looks like a fresh flower of being in full bloom is the same. Is centered on Hulk the position in that boxing, puts the innumerable valves and faults, has dozens meters flower petal. 无数的金属一层层地绽放了开来,就像是一朵盛开的鲜花一样。以浩克的那一拳击中的位置为中心,盛放出来无数的瓣膜和断层,足足有数十米的花瓣。 But under valve that this is in full bloom, the Magneto form appears in the Hulk front immediately. Since this has been they fights closest one time , since has been they fights most bad risk one time. Not is only to Magneto, to Hulk. Because of this time, the control power of metal also on the body of Magneto.( To be continued.) 而在这盛开的瓣膜之下,万磁王的身影立刻出现在了浩克的面前。这是他们战斗以来最接近的一次,也是他们战斗以来最凶险的一次。不仅仅是对万磁王,也是对浩克。因为这个时候,金属的掌控权还在万磁王的身上。(未完待续。)
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