MSG :: Volume #6

#528: The steel becomes the sea pressure audience

Wild! Unequalled wildness! Facing fight that present this letting person incomparably shocks, all eyewitness on the scene have had this feelings in oneself innermost feelings. 狂野!无与伦比的狂野!面对眼下这种让人无比震撼的战斗,所有在场的目击者都在自己的内心中产生了这种感触。 When the body of Hulk is similar to the day great axe, rips the fragmentation all metals stiffly, the present all pound the smashing time, everyone by his barbaric and direct fighting hand-to-hand exciting one's blood bubbles up to the brim of type to fighting, cannot. 浩克的身体如同开天的巨斧,把所有的金属硬生生地撕裂成碎片,把自己眼前的一切都砸得粉碎的时候,每个人都被他那种野蛮而直接的肉搏式对战刺激的热血沸腾,不能自己。 Especially when Magneto is similar to stands erect the Spiritual God above sky, waves to make the innumerable steel change to forest Jianyu to wield punctures, making a lot of tons metallization make the mighty current to be billowing, is similar to soars to the heavens the big dragon same to turn toward Hulk circles to strangle to death to go to the time, the observers had one type to place oneself the feeling in myth. 尤其是当万磁王如同屹立于天空之上的神灵,挥手间就让无数钢铁化作林剑雨挥刺而下,让千百吨的金属化作洪流滚滚,如同冲天巨龙一样向着浩克盘旋绞杀而去的时候,旁观者们更是产生了一种置身于神话中的感觉。 It looks like Olympus Gods in the Greek mythology resists Titan giant to be the same, that type most primitive and wild strength feeling makes the mortal feel sufficiently suffocates terrifying, as well as own that not worthy of mentioning tiny. 就像是希腊神话里的奥林匹斯众神对抗泰坦巨人一样,那种最原始和蛮荒的力量感足以让凡人感到窒息般的恐怖,以及自身那微不足道的渺小。 The team leader they naturally are not the mortals, but compared at present these two fellows of battles. They compared with the mortal also were really many. Hulk that holds up the day to shake the place the great strength and Magneto operates the metal magnetic force the prestige to be able mixed in the same place, is the leeway that makes them meddle does not have unexpectedly. The little complementary waves spread, made them have one type unable own misconception. 队长他们当然不是凡人,但是和眼前这两个交战的家伙相比。他们比起凡人也实在是强不了多少。浩克那擎天撼地的巨力和万磁王操纵金属磁力的威能交杂在一起,竟是让他们连插手的余地都没有。只是一点点余波蔓延过来,都让他们有了一种无法自己的错觉。 This feeling will certainly not make them feel comfortable, but psychologically is uncomfortable can change this brutal reality. In the present battlefield, in this patrols the steel above sky great shipboard, they became the burdens. Implicates the Hulk burden. 这种感觉当然不会让他们感到舒服,但是心理上再不舒服也不能改变这种残酷的现实。在眼下的战场上,在这个游弋于天空之上的钢铁巨舰上,他们已经成为了累赘。拖累浩克的累赘。 But after discovering this point, when the team leader the machine establishes, has issued the order. 而在发现了这一点之后,队长当机立下,就下达了命令。 Quicksilver and Wanda, you are bringing Stark and Natasha leave here first. Starts the airplane, prepares for momentarily aids our!” 快银旺达,你们带着史塔克娜塔莎先离开这里。启动飞机,做好随时接应我们的准备!” What?” Just was dug up Tony Stark that pulled to hear such words by Jennifer from own Iron Suit, immediately stares. Then immediately opposes to say. Wait/Etc., we cannot such leave here. Bruce is still fighting, we should find the way to help him are!” “什么?”刚刚被詹妮弗从自己的钢铁战衣里扒扯出来的托尼.史塔克听到这样的话,立刻就是一愣。然后就立马反对道。“等等,我们不能就这么离开这里。布鲁斯还在战斗,我们应该想办法帮助他才是!” We do not have the ability to help him, do you understand? Stark!” Almost scolds is saying such words, the team leader reveals the strong manner immediately with nothing left. You and I, even is other people does not have what ability to meddle in this fight. Lets Hulk with it because of our existences, but the hands tied feet tied, might as well leaves here first. Can occasionally not have any scruples battlefield to Hulk one. You understand!” “我们没有能力帮助他,你明白吗?史塔克!”几乎是呵斥着说出这样的话,队长立刻就把自己强硬的态度表露无遗。“不论是你和我,甚至是其他人都没有什么能力插手到这种战斗中。与其让浩克因为我们的存在而束手束脚,还不如先离开这里。给浩克一个能偶没有任何顾忌的战场。你懂吗!” Talking nonsense of mouthful.” Heard the team leader to say unexpectedly like this, the Stark complexion also became fierce. We have Jennifer, Wanda chaos magic. Possibly how unable to meddle such fight!” “满嘴的胡说八道。”听到队长居然这样说,史塔克的脸色也变得狰狞了起来。“我们还有詹妮弗,还有旺达的混沌魔法。怎么可能会插手不了这样的战斗!” Although the words said that when he saw the face darken, after motionless Quicksilver sister and brother, he understood immediately why the team leader will say. 话虽是这么说,但是当他看到了脸色阴沉,一动不动的快银姐弟之后,他立刻就明白了为什么队长会这么说。 No matter no matter what, between these two sister and brother and Magneto have the big contradiction. The fathers and children of their eventually blood is thicker than water. In this world, where also has the truth that helps others and father opposes, can stay out already the limit of being they can achieve. 不管怎么说,不管这两姐弟和万磁王之间有着再大的矛盾。他们终究还是血浓于水的父亲和儿女。这个世界上,又哪里有帮助别人和自己父亲作对的道理,能置身事外已经是他们所能做到的极限了。 Damn!” “该死!” To understand this, Stark wickedly scolded one. However this also makes him set firm resolve, he not in hesitant, was not arguing with the team leader. But looked for Natasha directly, next first evacuated toward outside in the protection of Mutants sister and brother. 想明白了这点,史塔克就恶狠狠地骂了一句。不过这一声也让他下定了决心,他不在犹豫,也不在和队长争辩。而是直接找上了娜塔莎,在变种人姐弟的保护下第一时间向着场外撤离了出去。 Looks at departures of these teammates, the team leader long vented anger. Then is taking own shield, has traced toward Magneto carefully. 看着这几个队友的离开,队长长出了一口气。然后就拿着自己的盾牌,小心地向着万磁王摸了过去。 He has issued the instruction of evacuation to oneself several teammates, but he actually not in the range of this instruction. As the actual leader of this team, he must set an example, but must set an example, must first achieve protects own teammate. Even if his strength tiny not helping matters, but this does not mean that he can give up Hulk they, they evacuates here with Tony directly. To the forefront, removes in the rear. This is he as the duty of team leader, when the final moment, he will not make to abandon other people's decision. Even if to Hulk is also same. 他是对自己的几个队友下达了撤离的指令,但是他自己却不在这个指令的范围之内。作为这个队伍的实际领导者,他必须以身作则,而要以身作则,首先要做到的就是保护自己的队友。就算是他的力量渺小的无济于事,但是这并不意味着他可以放弃浩克他们,直接和托尼他们撤离这里。冲在最前面,撤在最后面。这是他身为队长的义务,在不到最后关头的时候,他是不会做出抛弃他人的决定的。就算是对浩克也是一样。 The fight intensely is still conducted. Departure of teammate cannot have any influence to Hulk, because has made really hot Hulk early to neglect their existence, has put the body of oneself present enemy Magneto wholeheartedly. 战斗依然在激烈地进行着。队友的离开并不能对浩克有任何的影响,因为已经打出了真火的浩克早已经忽视了他们的存在,一心一意地放到了自己眼前的敌人万磁王的身上。 His giant fist high and low is fluttering, like is the giant drop hammer in work site falls time and time again being similar to the crazy dragon python, above steel mighty current that winds to walk randomly. 他巨大的拳头上下翻飞着,像是工地里的巨大打桩机一样一次又一次地落在如同狂龙巨蟒一样,蜿蜒游走的钢铁洪流之上。 Each fist makes a lot of tons steel mighty currents send out startled day thundering, each makes in the entire bridge emanation let the person of tooth acid the trembling sound. Under the strength of his terrifying, the steel mighty current starts the twist deformation, the hard metal becomes is similar to the spate is equally soft. Almost is Hulk each movement, the steel before his body by one type full is way turbulent of ripples. Innumerable sparks/Mars under his fist ****, making in the air fill one strange smell. 每一拳都让着千百吨的钢铁洪流发出惊天的轰鸣,每一吉都让整个舰桥里发出让人牙酸的震颤声音。在他恐怖的力量之下,钢铁洪流开始扭曲变形,坚硬的金属变得如同泥水一样柔软。几乎是浩克每动作一下,他身前的钢铁就以一种满是涟漪的方式动荡一下。无数的火星在他的拳头下****着,让空气里都充满了一种古怪的气味。 Pure resists own ability by the mortal body, and achieves this step. This is the matter that Magneto has not thought of decidedly, in his memory, can achieve this step person one not to have. Although some people could achieve this situation, but is impossible to achieve such barbarically, such wild degree. This lets him cannot help but again to Hulk, this illustrious destroyer sets up a new impression. 单纯的以肉身对抗自己的能力,并且做到这一步。这是万磁王决然没有想到的事情,在他的记忆里,能做到这一步的人还真的一个没有。虽然有人或许能做到这种地步,但是却绝不可能做到这么野蛮,这么狂暴的程度。这让他不由得重新对浩克,这个赫赫有名的破坏者树立出一个新的印象。 However also merely is this. He does not believe, solely relies on ** on brute force, Hulk can defeat itself, if he does not have what new method, then the victory of this fight, he must accept. 但是也仅仅就是这样而已。他并不认为,单单凭借**上的蛮力,浩克就能战胜自己,如果他没有什么新的手段的话,那么这场战斗的胜利,他就要收下了。 In the brain the thought moves, Magneto on gaze Hulk by the form that the steel mighty current delays, has gotten hold of own both hands quietly. He started whole-heartedly! 脑中念头一动,万磁王就注视浩克被钢铁洪流拖延住的身影,悄然地握紧了自己的双手。他开始全力以赴了! Entire steel great ship started to shiver, the number from the body of aerospace depot ship dissociated under his thought by ten thousand tons steel, then gathered in together, turned into the tide tsunami same steel tide, neatly arrange/cloth Lie in Magneto. 整个钢铁巨舰都开始颤抖了起来,数以万吨的钢铁在他的念头下纷纷从空天母舰的身躯上解离下来,然后汇聚在一起,变成了潮汐海啸一样的钢铁大潮,整齐地布列在了万磁王的身后。 But such movement makes the structure of entire steel great ship start to disintegrate naturally. 而这样的动作理所当然地让整个钢铁巨舰的构造开始土崩瓦解。 This time aerospace depot ship even lost actually its original shape, when all metallic elements pulled out by oneself ability by Magneto after came out, the entire depot ship is equal to baseless is changed the shape. The things of these nonmetallic structures or by the metal mighty current twist deformation of surging, were twisted the waste residue, during gathered Magneto that sea tide metal to be after death vast. Or directly lost relying on, falls directly from the sky, under falls into the vast expanse of water. 此时的空天母舰甚至已经失却了它原来的形态,当所有的金属元素被万磁王以自己的能力抽离了出来以后,整艘母舰都等同于被凭空改变了形态。那些非金属构造的东西要不就是被涌动的金属洪流扭曲变形,绞成废渣,汇聚到了万磁王身后那大海潮汐般的金属汪洋之中。要不就是直接失去了依凭,直接从天空之上掉落下去,落入底下的一片汪洋之中。 After movement conclusion of Magneto, this aircraft carrier remaining only has foothold. A piece surface that is constituted by the metal, above carrying/sustaining is Hulk this dares to provoke the dignified fellow. Naturally, his two teammates. As for other, rides airplane to escape from a fellow of safe distance, not within the consideration of Magneto. 而当万磁王的动作结束之后,这艘航母剩下的只有一片立足之地而已。一片由金属构成的地表,上面承载的则是浩克这个敢于挑衅自己威严的家伙。当然,还有他的两个队友。至于其他的,已经坐着飞机逃出了一个安全距离的家伙,则就不在万磁王的考虑之内了。 Having made up mind of Magneto is very simple. Is he must defeat the so-called avenger in most direct and thoroughest way, making the common people witness own strength once more, own terrifying. 万磁王的决意很简单。就是他要以最直接、最彻底的方式击败所谓的复仇者,让世人再次见证自己的力量,自己的恐怖。 This becomes his chip, becomes his future relying on. He is more formidable, can have the right to speak on more. Even if in the subordinate of that person, is this appearance. 这会成为他的筹码,成为他未来的依凭。他越强大,就越能拥有话语权。就算是在那个人的手下,也是这个样子的。 Although the matter goes through the transformation, even once presented some unexpected matters. However regarding Magneto, does not have what influence regarding his plan. Although has made up mind to teach the avenger temporarily, but this decision actually compared with before him the matter that handles has effect some. 虽然事情几经变换,甚至一度出现了一些意料之外的事情。但是对于万磁王来说,却对于他的计划并没有什么影响。虽然是临时决意教训一下复仇者,但是这种决定却是要比他之前所做的事情更有效果一些。 After all, Hydra places on strength to be inferior to the avenger to be formidable outwardly, was inferior that the avenger can that to attach great importance . The same matter, the multi- to spend some hands and feet, can obtain a better effect, this regarding Magneto, naturally is matter why not. 毕竟,九头蛇放在明面上的力量可不如复仇者强大,也不如复仇者更能让那个人重视。同样的事情,多费些手脚,就能得到更好的效果,这对于万磁王来说,自然是何乐而不为的事情。 The avengers do not know the Magneto present thoughts. They at this moment, places arena the team leader and Jennifer on Magneto institute, removed safe distance Tony and the others, thoroughly is frightened by the strength that Magneto displayed. 复仇者们可不知道万磁王现在的心思。此刻的他们,不论是身处于万磁王所的擂台上的队长和詹妮弗,还是已经撤到了一个安全距离的托尼等人,都被万磁王所表现出来的力量彻底地震慑住了。 Perhaps they have experienced by a Magneto more formidable enemy. However the great strength of that enemy has surpassed their imagination, looks like extinguishes tyrant existence. In his front, they and ants do not have what difference. But at an angle of view of ants, can recognize the giant great? 他们或许经历过被万磁王更强大的敌人。但是那种敌人的强大是超过了他们的想象的,就像是灭霸这种存在。在他的面前,他们和蝼蚁都没有什么区别。而以一个蝼蚁的视角,又怎么能辨识出巨人的伟岸呢? They only know that extinguishes the tyrant unable to revolt to them formidable, knows that he has to wave to let Earth destruction the strength. Actually however this strength is one what kind, they actually lack a direct-viewing impression. Pure awareness and saw with one's own eyes and knew that is two decidedly different matters. Why this is also also many people with a manner of acting recklessly, the reason that can momentarily destroy the fellow who world opposes with Zhou Yi this. 他们只知道灭霸强大到他们无法反抗,知道他有挥手间让地球毁灭的力量。但是这个力量究竟是一个怎么样的,他们却缺乏一种直观的印象。单纯的知道和自己亲眼看到并认识是两种决然不同的事情。这也就是为什么还有很多人会以一种不知死活的态度,和周易这个能随时毁灭世界的家伙作对的原因。 Their understanding were too fuzzy, blurred a basis unable to see the truth the situation. 他们的认识太模糊了,模糊到了一种根本看不见真相的地步。 However the Magneto strength is different, his strength can be known through the naked eye intuitively. Also because just they can see his great strength with eye, they because this type formidable and shocks. 但是万磁王的力量不一样,他的力量是可以通过肉眼而被直观认识的。也正因为他们能用眼睛看到他的强大,他们才会因为这种强大而震撼。 Waves ten thousand tons great ship to change into invisible, changes the tide monstrous waves, becomes may by the tool that he has at one's command. This strength light looked, made the avengers have a feeling of suffocation. Such enemy, are they really the matches? 挥手间万吨巨舰化为无形,变化成潮汐巨浪,成为可被他如臂使指的工具。这种力量光是看,都让复仇者们有了一种窒息的感觉。这样的敌人,他们真的是对手吗? Some people are thinking this issue, but some people actually completely do not care about this issue. A Hulk great roar, continued to launch the attack to Magneto outrageously. 有人在想这个问题,但是有人却全然不在意这个问题。浩克一声巨吼,就继续悍然地对万磁王发动了进攻。 He did not care about himself to present anything at present, did not care about own enemy to have anything's strength. He believes that only then own fist, own strength. My front does not have to prevent, my opposite nobody can continue to stand. The anger is restless, the fight continues. War, war, war! 他不在乎自己眼前出现了什么,更不在乎自己的敌人拥有着什么的力量。他相信的只有自己的拳头,自己的力量。我的前方无可阻挡,我的对面无人能继续站立。怒火不息,战斗不止。战,战,战! In the heart does not have any hesitation, in the brain does not have any other ideas. A Hulk such fist has smashed to break oneself present steel mighty current, swims against the stream, is welcoming the sea tide of steel, unprecedented, is above mundane thoughts to go.(.) 心中没有任何的犹豫,脑子里也没有任何其他的想法。浩克就这么一拳砸断了自己眼前的钢铁洪流,逆流而上,迎着钢铁的大海潮汐,一往无前,绝尘而去。(。)
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