MSG :: Volume #6

#527: One the word does not gather the conflict escalation

Was too wide? I also thought so.” Faced complexion raw and cold somewhat shy Magneto, on the face of team leader has been revealing bitterly and astringently, but firm smiling face. If possible, I do not want to manage is so wide. However Mister Lehnsherr, this is my responsibility. I have the duty to protect human not to receive any dangerous threat. But you appear here, have been equal to a potential danger. Therefore I hope that you can coordinate us, most at least makes me know, we are the enemy are the friends!” “太宽了吗?我也是这么觉得。”面对着脸色生冷的有些怕人的万磁王,队长的脸上露出了苦涩但坚定的笑容。“如果可以的话,我也不想管的这么宽。但是兰谢尔先生,这是我的职责。我有义务保护人类不受到任何危险的威胁。而你出现在这里,就已经等同于一个潜在的危险。所以我希望你能配合我们,最起码让我知道,我们到底是敌是友!” Ahem!” Heard the words of team leader, Magneto has sneered immediately. But along with his sneering, the entire aerospace depot ship starts the high-frequency to tremble. As long as is the thing of metal structure, starts is similar to the water surface of flood dimple same operates. All avengers on the scene start to change color with amazement, had one type to place the misconception in difficult situation. “哼哼!”听到队长的话,万磁王立刻冷笑了起来。而随着他的冷笑,整个空天母舰都开始高频率地震颤起来。但凡是金属构造的东西,都开始如同泛起波纹的水面一样运作起来。以至于在场的所有复仇者都开始骇然变色,有了一种身处于惊涛骇浪之中的错觉。 Next quarter they are possible to fight with Magneto this established powerhouse relative, attacks brutally. But spoke the sentence honest remark, they simply do not have what the confidence of win. The Mutants sister and brother are unable to depend upon, after all Magneto is their fathers. Was counting on they and Magneto fight radically are not a realistic issue. 下一刻他们就可能和万磁王这个老牌强者争锋相对,大打出手。而说句实在话,他们根本没有什么取胜的信心。变种人姐弟无法依靠,毕竟万磁王是他们的父亲。指望着他们和万磁王交手根本就是一个不现实的问题。 But Tony does not have the strength to hit back in front of Magneto. Even said that sentence impolite words, the words that must hit really he is also very likely to become a burden. So long as the Magneto bottom line lowly, Tony completely possibly directly became the hostage on his hand, becomes he forces to threaten the sharp weapon of avenger. 托尼更是在万磁王面前毫无还手之力。甚至说句不客气的话,真要打起来的话他还很可能成为一个累赘。只要万磁王底线低一点,托尼就完全可能直接成为了他手上的人质,成为他逼迫威胁复仇者的利器。 Even if Magneto in line with a dignity of powerhouse, disdains in using this small method wins. They do not have what means to resist him. In this steel great shipboard, occupies Magneto that completely has benefitted to be invincible. Most at least regarding them, is this appearance. 就算是万磁王本着一个强者的尊严,不屑于用这种小手段获胜。他们也没有什么办法对抗他。在这艘钢铁巨舰上,占尽了地利的万磁王是不可战胜的。最起码对于他们来说,是这个样子的。 Is the war is, all in Magneto in an instant. But the next quarter, all regained the tranquil condition of ancient well without ripples. That difficult situation general scene that just presented as if completely is an misconception. Without a trace that suddenly, all vanishes. 是战是和,全都在万磁王一念之间。而下一刻,一切又都恢复到了古井无波的平静状态。刚刚出现的那惊涛骇浪一般的景象似乎完全是一个错觉。只是眨眼间,所有的一切都消失的无影无踪。 I do not want any connection with you. Chief Rogers. I do not imagine a criminal to be the same, told anything to you knows. I can only tell you, I come to here to have the reason, but this thing happen to came into my view, settled on by me. All are such simple. We are not the enemies, possibly is not the friend. Believes as for you, was decided by you completely.” “我并不想和你们有任何的瓜葛。罗杰斯队长。我也不想像一个犯人一样,把什么都告诉给你知道。我只能告诉你,我来这里是有原因的,而这个东西正好走进了我的视线中,被我看中了。一切都是这么简单。我们不是敌人,也不可能是朋友。至于你信不信,那么完全由你自己来决定。” The explanation of Magneto is the matter outside expectation, Quicksilver Wanda this to the sister and brother or team leader, has not thought that in this type of opposite party occupies completely in the superior situation, performance that unexpectedly will have this being similar in admitting defeat. Especially Quicksilver they. They have not thought that the strong father, unexpectedly will always say this words. 万磁王的解释是预料之外的事情,不论是快银旺达这对姐弟还是队长本人,都没有想到在这种对方占尽优势的情况下,居然会有这种类似于服软的表现。尤其是快银他们。他们根本就没有想到一向强势的父亲,居然会说出这种话来。 I think that I present certainly the illusion, was this fellow really he?” “我想我一定是出现幻觉了,这个家伙真的是他吗?” Muttering of Quicksilver makes doubts on Wanda face graver. She looked own father's look, clenched teeth, has stood, was asking to him. 快银的喃喃自语让身边的旺达脸上的疑惑变得更加深重。她看了看自己父亲的神色,咬了咬牙,就站了出来,对着他问道。 Erik, do you want to do? Do not deceive us with this nonsense. We are not the fools, you must make up the excuse, arranged one to be able the persuasive reason to say again!” 艾瑞克,你到底想要干什么?别用这种鬼话来糊弄我们。我们不是傻子,你就是要编理由,也编一个能让人信服的理由再说!” Wanda!” Face to face was such identified by own daughter, the Magneto complexion ugly somewhat cannot hang immediately. He coldly immediately has scolded one, then the look said unexpectedly. Do not forget your status, you had any qualifications to speak this words to me!” 旺达!”被自己的女儿这么当面指证,万磁王的脸色立刻就难看地有些挂不住了。他立刻冷冷地呵斥了一句,然后神色不虞地说道。“别忘了你的身份,你有什么资格对我说这种话!” Really is funny, you also had any status to come with us to speak this words!” His voice just fell. Quicksilver cannot bear make noise the satire to say. But heard his words. The Magneto beard and hair all opens, full is in the face of wrinkle also starts to reappear the angry flushed. “真是好笑,你又有什么身份来跟我们说这种话!”他话音刚落。快银就忍不住出声讽刺道。而听到了他的话。万磁王须发皆张,满是皱纹的面孔上也开始浮现出愤怒的潮红。 Depends on me is your fathers!” “就凭我是你们的父亲!” Father. You thought that you do have qualifications to hang this sacred phrase on your body really? Comedy, Erik. Has a look these matters that you handle, does for me and Wanda? Also, do not think that I do not know, you had made during the stay in Canada what kind of choice. Starting from that day, you should know, among us was impossible again is any fathers and children's relations. Since you have abandoned us, should have this consciousness and came to understand!” “父亲。你觉得你真的有资格把这个神圣的字眼挂在自己的身上吗?别搞笑了,艾瑞克。看看你做的那些事情吧,有一件是为了我和旺达做的吗?还有,别以为我不知道,在加拿大的时候,你到底做出了一个怎么样的选择。从那一天开始,你就应该知道,我们之间已经不可能再是什么父亲和儿女的关系了。你既然抛弃了我们,就应该有这个意识和觉悟!” The Magneto words stimulated the Quicksilver sensitive innermost feelings obviously. Does not have the birth parents as one since childhood, orphan who adopted. Quicksilver and Wanda sister and brother have held the different kind expectation to father role. When their fathers appear by a role of Mutants hero in their life, they once had special satisfaction. 万磁王的话显然刺激到了快银敏感的内心。作为一个从小就没有亲生父母,被人收养的孤儿。快银旺达姐弟一直对父亲这个角色抱有别样的憧憬。而当他们的父亲以一个变种人英雄的角色出现在他们生命中的时候,他们曾经一度有了一种特殊的满足。 However this satisfaction quick vanished, moreover in quick on deterioration for huge disaffection. Without a doubt, the Magneto lifetime actions by a Mutants vision, are honourable. However as a father, he made a person of not shame. He has not performed to a father's responsibility, status that even he never has the children. Compared with his ideal, Quicksilver and Wanda are always insignificant. Compared with their status, what he cares is their ability. 但是这种满足很快就消失了,而且在很快就变质为了巨大的不满。毫无疑问,万磁王一生的所作所为以一个变种人的眼光来看,是值得尊敬的。但是作为一个父亲,他却是令人不耻的。他从来没有尽到一个父亲的责任,甚至他心里从来就没有儿女的地位。和他的理想相比,快银旺达从来都是无足轻重的。比起他们的身份,他更在乎的是他们的能力。 Quicksilver and Wanda are not the idiots who does not see clearly, regarding these, they are clear. However the instinct makes it so, although in the heart has discontentedly, but how they cannot hate regarding oneself father. 快银旺达不是什么都看不清楚的白痴,对于这些,他们都非常清楚。但是天性使然,虽然心中有着不满,但是他们对于自己的父亲怎么都恨不起来。 After Canadian Mutants exterminates the event erupts, when Magneto to save the race is willing to give up them. This disaffection deteriorated. The nature, their relations also deteriorated. Turns into the stranger from the fathers and children, this is a best situation. 而当加拿大变种人灭绝事件爆发之后,当万磁王为了拯救种族而甘愿放弃他们的时候。这种不满就变质了。自然的,他们的关系也变质了。从父亲和子女变成陌生人,这已经是一种最好的情况了。 However Magneto has not realized this point obviously, when he said with this point, immediately looked like lights one barrel of blasting explosive to be the same, has brought in the most intense response. 不过万磁王显然没有意识到这一点,所以当他拿这一点说项的时候,立刻就像是点燃了一桶炸药一样,引来了最激烈的反应。 This response is Magneto has not thought decidedly. He heard these words, the first response is angry, almost submerged his all sane angers to make his ability start to lose control. The innumerable metals start to move restlessly, even before comparing it, that difficult situation momentum fearsomer. If insists to describe, does not have what difference with the volcano of rebellion simply. 这个反应是万磁王决然没有想到的。他听到了这些话,第一个反应就是愤怒,几乎淹没了他所有理智的愤怒让他的能力都开始失控起来。无数的金属开始躁动起来,甚至比之之前那种惊涛骇浪般的声势更加可怖。如果硬要形容的话,简直就和暴动的火山没有什么区别。 Entire steel great ship started to send out the moan of pain at this time, the avengers even can feel the floor of own under foot was twisting, was distorting, was cracking the innumerable fragments. This situation makes them be flustered, but feelings most obvious was Tony Stark. 整个钢铁巨舰都开始在这个时候发出痛苦的呻吟,复仇者们甚至能感到自己脚下的地板在扭曲,在变形,在崩裂成无数的碎片。这种情况让他们心慌不已,而其中感触最为明显的莫过于托尼.史塔克了。 In instance that the Magneto strength moves restlessly, the system in his steel armor starts to warn crazily. The skeleton of metal is unable to maintain a stable shape, they during twist deformation nearly injured inside riding. Such Tony frightens the soul to leave the hole simply. He wishes one could to give to take off armor now immediately, but his thing already completely not by his control. Let alone escapes, his gearing one is unlikely. 万磁王力量躁动的瞬间,他钢铁铠甲里的系统就开始疯狂地示警起来。金属的骨架根本无法维持一个稳定的形态,他们在扭曲变形的同时险些伤到了里面的乘坐者。这样托尼吓得简直灵魂出窍。他现在恨不得立刻就把身上的铠甲给脱下来,但是他身上的东西已经完全不受他的控制了。别说脱,他连动一下都不大可能。 This made his heart neutrality inscribe a deep sorrow, do want such vexed dead in oneself invention? Naturally, the self-help psychology of human instinct keeps him from totally giving up the fresh hope. Therefore he calls for help immediately loudly. 这让他心中立刻有了一种深沉的悲哀,难道自己就要这么窝囊地死在自己的发明里面了吗?当然,人类本能的自救心理让他还无法彻底地放弃生的希望。所以他立刻大声呼救起来。 Help, saves quickly me. Damn, I soon by this steel crushing!” “救命,快把我救出来。该死的,我快要被这身钢铁给压碎了!” His calling for help makes in the heart of avengers more restless. At this time, the team leader clenched teeth, said to Bruce and Jennifer. 他的呼救让复仇者们的心中更加不安起来。在这个时候,队长一咬牙,就对着自己身边的布鲁斯詹妮弗说道。 Help, rescues Stark. Also, finding the way to stop him!” “帮忙,把史塔克救出来。还有,想办法制止他!” These words said that actually means that they made war with Magneto. No matter they do want, for the Tony Stark poor life, they must make this choice. easy of this choice not regarding avenger, but is not unacceptable. 这句话一说出来,其实就意味着他们已经和万磁王开战了。不管他们愿不愿意,为了托尼.史塔克的小命,他们也必须做出这个选择。这个选择对于复仇者来说并不容易,但是却也不是不能接受。 Least, Jennifer or Hulk in Bruce heart, has not been willing to receive this bewildered threat again and again. 最少,不论是詹妮弗还是布鲁斯心中的浩克,都已经不愿意一而再,再而三地受到这种莫名其妙的威胁了。 Must fight then fights, whom looks at to fear who! The bloodlines culmination of green giant is born with the stubbornness that has militant and is insufferably arrogant. Magneto regarding them, any invincible archenemy. After the team leader has issued the order, Jennifer or Bruce, have shown a smiling face. 要战便战,看谁怕谁!绿巨人的血脉中天生就有着好战和不可一世的桀骜。万磁王对于他们来说,也绝非什么不可战胜的大敌。所以当队长下达了命令之后,不论是詹妮弗还是布鲁斯,都露出了一个笑容。 Is stubborn and happy, is bitter and astringent and helpless. However the result is the same, because in the next quarter, two green forms changes from them, inflated little has been possible be called the huge degree. When is powerful, the vigorous big giant appears , in bridge, the situation changed not a steerable situation. 一个桀骜而欢喜,一个苦涩而无奈。但是结果是一样的,因为在下一刻,两个绿色的身影就从他们身上变化出来,一点点膨胀到了堪称巨大的程度。而当威武雄壮,矫健高大的巨人出现在了舰桥之中的时候,情况已经变化到了一个不可控制的地步。 Discussed in good conscience, Magneto indeed not with the meaning that they opposed. After all his present status was different from the past, even if for the future of oneself Mutants compatriot, he does not have what necessity to provoke the avenger, is Radiance City increases several powerful enemies baseless. When the unconsciousness in the great anger has released own strength, threatened the Tony Stark life time, his meaning was unimportant. 凭心而论,万磁王的确没有和他们作对的意思。毕竟他现在的身份已经和往日不同,就算是为了自己变种人同胞的未来,他也没有什么必要去招惹复仇者,凭空为辉耀市增添几个强敌。但是当在盛怒中无意识地释放了自己的力量,威胁到了托尼.史塔克的生命的时候,他的意思已经不重要了。 The avenger is an association, association received to injure other people naturally unable to be willing to give up. Let alone Magneto is in itself a discredited fellow, the member of avenger throughout is having certain vigilance regarding him. If all live in peace with each other fortunately, everybody has the stair to be able under. When the matter evolved this situation, a fight was inevitable. 复仇者是一个团体,团体的一员受到了伤害其他人自然不会甘休。更何况万磁王本身就是一个声名狼藉的家伙,复仇者的成员对于他始终都抱有着一定的戒心。如果一切相安无事还好,大家都有台阶可以下。但是当事情演变到了这种地步的时候,一场战斗已经不可避免了。 The avengers are not the soft persimmons, even if to rescue teammate, they definitely will also launch the attack to Magneto. But Magneto is not the lamp of province oil. Although he knows that the mistake leaves on oneself, however his status also had him as the dignity of powerhouse has limited him, making him impossible to make to admit defeat the matter of apology. Especially is impossible to threaten his person regarding one crowd. Since the opposite declared war to him, he naturally will not show mercy to them. 复仇者不是软柿子,就算是为了解救队友,他们也必然会对万磁王发动进攻。而万磁王也不是什么省油的灯。虽然他知道过错出在自己身上,但是他的身份还有他身为强者的尊严限制了他,让他根本就不可能做出服软道歉的事情。尤其还是对于一群不可能威胁到他的人。既然对面已经向他宣战了,他自然也不会对他们手下留情。 This fights is almost inevitable. But the fight from the beginning, directly entered **. 这一战几乎是不可避免的。而战斗一开始,就直接进入到了**之中。 Hulk is roaring, like the green shell, bringing racing Leiban the bang to tread the sound to turn toward Magneto to start the charge outrageously. But Magneto is the gearing is also motionless, is facing the charge of Hulk, his two lift, stretched out two from the floor of bridge greatly is similar to the supporting-heaven pillar same steel arm, then wields furiously, lets these two steel armbands the potential of illustrious wind sound/rumor and as powerful as a thunderbolt, has pulled out toward Hulk. 浩克怒吼着,像绿色的炮弹一样,带着奔雷般的轰踏声就向着万磁王悍然发动了冲锋。而万磁王却是连动也不动,面对着浩克的冲锋,他两手一抬,就从舰桥的地板之下伸出了两只巨大的如同擎天柱一样的钢铁手臂,然后奋力一挥,就让这两个钢铁手臂带着赫赫风声和雷霆万钧之势,向着浩克就抽了过去。 Although Hulk is a giant, however actually appears under this macrobrachia weak. However this cannot let courage outflow in his heart, instead aroused his wildness. Shouted angrily, his whole person hit above the steel macrobrachia. 浩克虽然是巨人,但是在这巨臂之下却显得孱弱不堪。不过这并不能让他心中的胆气流失,反而更激起了他的狂怒。一声怒喝,他整个人就撞在了钢铁巨臂之上。 Immediately, thunder loud sound shocks the audience, in the entire bridge is the storm wreaks havoc, a piece in confusion. The entire scene can only describe with a word, wild!( To be continued.) 顿时,雷霆巨响震撼全场,整个舰桥内都是风暴肆虐,一片狼藉。整个场面都只能用一个词来形容,狂野!(未完待续。)
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