MSG :: Volume #6

#526: The king of steel guessed the negotiation

What Hydra aerospace depot ship structurally with SHIELD is touches is the same. Therefore did not need the guide, the team leader they directly touches the aircraft carrier internal bridge command post. But entered the bridge, the team leader they have discovered the most inconceivable matter. 九头蛇的空天母舰在构造上和神盾局的是一摸一样的。所以不需要向导,队长他们就直接摸到了航母内部的舰桥指挥室。而一进舰桥,队长他们就发现了最不可思议的事情。 In the entire bridge the nobody left, besides the stained bloodstain, any suspicious place does not have. Moreover what most sounds queer is here person does not have obviously, the entire aerospace depot ship actually can also maintain a stable cruising condition in the sky. This somewhat is simply inconceivable in normal person opinion. 整个舰桥里空无一人,除了斑斑的血迹外,什么可疑的地方都没有。而且最让人奇怪的是明明这里一个人都没有,整艘空天母舰却还能在天空中维持着一个稳定的巡航状态。这在正常人看来简直有些不可思议。 Looks at the team leader to tie tight the face, searches in the bridge unceasingly is possibly hiding the place of suspicious person. Wanda sighed, was saying to him. 看着队长紧绷脸,不断地在舰桥内搜索着可能藏匿着可疑人物的地方。旺达叹了口气,就对着他说道。 Team leader, I think that I possibly know was who is helping us secretly!” “队长,我想我可能知道是谁在暗地里帮助我们了!” „Are you are joking with me? Wanda, you think unexpectedly is that person is helping us secretly. This absolutely has no reason!” “你是在和我开玩笑嘛?旺达,你居然认为是那个人在暗地里帮助我们。这完全没有理由!” Who not only Wanda guessed correctly has made all these in the hidden place, Stark also has guessed correctly the result. However regarding this guess, Stark is 10,000 does not believe. In his impression, that is capable of achieving the motive that all these people have not done this absolutely, necessity that also has not done this. Must make him believe that is that person is helping them secretly, does not make him believe that Hydra is willing to abandon throws clear(ly) secretly, easy that the members come out to surrender. 不只是旺达猜出了到底是谁在暗处做了这一切,就连史塔克也猜到了结果。不过对于这个猜测,史塔克是10000个不相信。在他的印象里,那个有能力做到这一切的人绝对没有这样做的动机,也没有这样做的必要。要让他相信是那个人在暗地里帮助他们,不比让他相信九头蛇愿意弃暗投明,全体成员出来投降来的容易 „Is he impossible gets better? Tony Stark, do not think that all people do not change, in this world any person likely has the change, so long as you are willing to give him the opportunity!” “难道他就不可能变得好一点吗?托尼.史塔克,不要以为所有人都是不会变的,这个世界上任何一个人都可能发生改变,只要你肯给他那个机会!” Gives him the opportunity?” Hears words that Quicksilver said that Tony has twisted the mouth sidewise the mouth directly, has revealed in obviously ridicule. I naturally do not have the issue, but you can ask, these average person are willing to forgive him by he has injured.! Right, you should ask Paris the opinion of person first!” “给他机会?”听到快银说出的话,托尼直接咧开了嘴,露出了在明显不过的嘲笑。“我当然是没有问题的,不过你可以问问,那些被他伤害过的普通人愿不愿意原谅他。哦!对了,你最好先问问巴黎的人的意见!” You!” No matter how to say again that person is also their fresh body fathers. Therefore immediately had Quicksilver that an indirect insult felt to rub to have the sleeve by a Tony such saying immediately, had one type to punch a he impulsion. “你!”不管再怎么说,那个人也是他们的生身父亲。所以被托尼这么一说顿时有了一种指桑骂槐感觉的快银立刻撸起了袖子,有了一种上去揍他一顿的冲动。 But has not waited for him to begin, the team leader used own authority to oppress this small conflict forcefully. 而还没有等他动手,队长就用自己的权威把这个小小的争端强行压迫了下去。 Has sufficed, now does not quarrel to you. That person who you just said is Erik. Lehnsherr?” “够了,现在不是给你们争吵的时候。你们刚刚说的那个人是艾瑞克.兰谢尔?” Except for him. Will not have others!” Similarly thinks that Natasha of clear joint should with one, answer. Perhaps in this world is capable of solving the person of this aerospace depot ship to be many, but can eliminate cleanly all personnel like the present, without anybody controlling also causes this depot ship normal flight. Except for Erik. Beside perhaps Lehnsherr also few personally had this ability! In addition before us, these things that sees, his suspicion absolutely is biggest!” “除了他。不会有别人!”同样想清楚其中关节的娜塔莎应和了一句,解释道。“也许这个世界上有能力解决这艘空天母舰的人不少,但是能像现在这样把所有的人员清除干净,在没有任何人控制的情况下还使得这艘母舰正常飞行。除了艾瑞克.兰谢尔之外恐怕也没有几个人有这个能力了!再加上我们之前看到的那些东西,他的嫌疑绝对是最大的!” Erik. Lehnsherr? Who is that? What you said is a name of person super hero? What Mutants?” 艾瑞克.兰谢尔?那是谁?你们说的是一个人超级英雄的名字吗?还是什么变种人的?” Some people understand, also some people are naturally muddled. For example Bruce Banner and Jennifer brother and sister, do not know they said where is sacred. Erik. Although Lehnsherr this name the cauldron cauldron in the high-level institution is famous, but regarding most average people is actually obscure. His another name that they only know. The name that makes a city be almost destroyed in a moment. 有人明白,自然也有人糊涂。比如说布鲁斯.班纳詹妮弗兄妹,就不知道他们说的到底是何方神圣。艾瑞克.兰谢尔这个名字虽然在高层机关里鼎鼎有名,但是对于大多数的普通人来说却是默默无闻。他们只知道的他的另一个称呼。一个让一个城市差一点毁于一旦的名字。 Magneto, believes that this name you will not be strange!” 万磁王,相信这个名字你们不会陌生吧!” Spoke thoughtlessly to say his nickname, Bruce or Jennifer revealed are this appearance color/look suddenly. But, Bruce turns toward says the team leader of this nickname to ask. 随口说出他的外号,不论是布鲁斯还是詹妮弗都露出了原来是这个样子的恍然之色。而紧接着,布鲁斯就向着说出这个外号的队长问道。 But, isn't this fellow a terrorist? Although I am not very clear reason, but I remember that he has almost destroyed the chief criminal in Paris. If no mistake, he should also issue a warrant for arrest by the entire world government now. Such person is how possible to help us, were some things makes a mistake!” “可是,这个家伙不是个恐怖分子吗?虽然我不是很清楚其中的原因,但是我记得他可是差一点毁了巴黎的罪魁祸首。而且如果没有错误的话,他现在应该还被全世界政府通缉着。这样的人怎么可能来帮助我们,这其中是不是有些东西搞错了!” This issue not only exists in the heart of Bruce, exists in the hearts of other avengers similarly. Even the Magneto biological children, Quicksilver and Wanda cannot understand. Why their fathers will extend the aid at this time to them. 这个问题不仅仅存在于布鲁斯的心中,也同样存在于其他的复仇者的心中。甚至就连万磁王的亲生儿女,快银旺达都不能明白。他们的父亲为什么会在这个时候对他们伸出援手。 They are very clear, with resisting compared with Hydra, their fathers are glad to notice that among human struggles mutually, mutually wounded. Only then this can provide the survival for his ideal the soil. For he own ideal has struggled for dozens years, had sacrificed the innumerable things. Naturally cannot at this time say that gives up giving up. By them understanding of their fathers, he should find the way to add fuel to the flames at this time , to promote more intense the avenger and Hydra struggle is good. 他们很清楚,和对抗九头蛇相比,他们的父亲更乐意看到人类之间相互斗争,两败俱伤。只有这样才能为他的理想提供生存的土壤。他为了自己的理想奋斗了几十年,牺牲了无数的东西。自然不会在这个时候说放弃就放弃。以他们对他们父亲的了解,这个时候他应该想办法推波助澜,把复仇者和九头蛇的斗争推动得更激烈一些才好。 But is not likely now this appearance, jumps and Hydra frankly and uprightly opposes. This does not serve his benefit, is his ideal has conflicted. It looks like such that Tony Stark said that reason and motive that he has not done this completely. But this is also their sister and brother being puzzling place. 而不是像现在这个样子,光明正大地跳出来和九头蛇作对。这不符合他的利益,更是和他的理想有所冲突。就像是托尼.史塔克说的那样,他完全没有这样做的理由和动机。而这也正是他们姐弟连个百思不得其解的地方。 Their fathers. Magneto Erik. Lehnsherr is always not a good person, is always not. He will do such, certainly has the plot. 他们的父亲。万磁王艾瑞克.兰谢尔从来都不是一个好人,从来都不是。他会这么做,一定有阴谋。 Thinks own father, although some treason and heresy, but is actually they now at heart the most real idea. They too understood oneself father. Understood that was impossible to have the second idea the degree. However, is in front of these many people, they do not have what courage to say this matter visibly, after all no matter what, that is their fathers. If said that actually buckle is also their face countenances. Therefore. Quicksilver can only say with a somewhat tactful way guess. 这么想自己的父亲虽然有些大逆不道,但是却是他们现在心里最真实的想法。他们太了解自己的父亲了。了解到了根本不可能产生第二种想法的程度。不过,当着这么多人的面,他们却没有什么勇气把这种事情明着说出来,毕竟不管怎么说,那都是他们的父亲。如果那么说的话,其实折损的也是他们自己的颜面。所以。快银只能用一种有些委婉的方式猜测道。 Perhaps I want he to abandon throw secretly understand, naturally I said perhaps!” “我想也许他已经弃暗投明了,当然我只是说也许!” Spoke these words, including him thought that is really some are not reasonable. Only can show a face smiling face embarrasedly to conceal own awkwardness immediately. 说完这句话,连他自己都觉得实在是有些不靠谱。只能立刻露出一脸讪讪的笑容来掩饰自己的尴尬。 But listened to him saying that the team leader actually knit the brows. 而听着他这么说,队长却皱了皱眉。 This has any possibility. However I think, is best he to explain personally. If he is willing with the human reconciliation, this time he should not to walk away is really right!” “这不是没有什么可能性。不过我想,最好他能亲自解释一下。如果他真的愿意和人类和解的话,这个时候的他应该不会走远才对!” Here, he added to oneself volume immediately, shouts in the entire bridge loudly greatly. 说到了这里,他立刻就加到了自己的音量,在整个舰桥里放声大喊道。 Mister Lehnsherr, you here? If, us can chat face to face?” 兰谢尔先生,你在这里吗?如果在的话,我们能当面聊一聊吗?” Team leader, are you are joking with me? How that gloomy fellow possibly treats here, do not forget us to search for here!” “队长,你是在和我开玩笑嘛?那种阴暗的家伙怎么可能待在这里,别忘了我们已经把这里搜过了一遍!” The team leader just shouted, Stark immediately impatiently satirized. On his face is having that thinking oneself infallible the smiling face of smart person, how long but this smiling face has not continued, a sound passed from the metal wall in corner. 队长刚喊完,史塔克就立刻迫不及待地讽刺了起来。他脸上带着那种自以为是的聪明人的笑容,但是这笑容还没有持续多久,一个声音从角落里的金属墙壁内传了出来。 Mr. Stark. You said that I am a gloomy fellow. What has to act according to?” 史塔克先生。你说我是一个阴暗的家伙。是有什么根据吗?” Along with the emergence of this sound, the bridge metal wall at the same time entire is similar to the ripple of diffusion is the same, to two sides movements. Can accommodate one person through cave entrance appeared above the wall, but in this cave entrance. An old person ridicules wear a look, walked step by step. 随着这个声音的出现,舰桥一面的金属墙壁整个地如同漫射的波纹一样,向两边运动了起来。一个能容纳一人通过的洞口出现在了墙壁之上,而在这个洞口之中。一个老人面带讥笑,一步步地走了出来。 His appearance naturally is lets Tony awkwardly, but he does not have the meaning that anything admits defeat. Instead is hard the neck argue obstinately to say. 他的出现自然是让托尼尴尬不已,但是他却没有什么认输的意思。反而硬着脖子强辩道。 Naturally is well-founded, for example your present action. Hides in the corner stealthily listens secretly, then suddenly kills. This is not considered as that at heart the gloomy words. What also has to be the psychology is gloomy?” “当然有根据,比如说你现在的举动。鬼鬼祟祟地躲在角落里偷听,然后突然杀出来。这不算是心里阴暗的话。还有什么能算是心理阴暗呢?” „The Stark family is really consistent glibly, the spirit tooth is glib. However don't forget, were you are speaking with whom? You thought that on you that iron-covered canned food can make you have the qualifications before me dissolute?” 史塔克家族真是一贯的能说会道,灵牙利嘴。但是别忘了,你是在和谁说话?你觉得你身上的那一身铁皮罐头能让你有资格在我面前放肆吗?” Faces argue obstinately that Tony Stark was admitting defeat unwillingly, Magneto coldly smiles, threatened instead punctured one. But heard him saying that the Tony complexion was ugly immediately. 面对着托尼.史塔克不甘服软的强辩,万磁王只是冷冷一笑,就不无威胁地反刺了一句。而听到他这么说,托尼的脸色顿时难看了起来。 Although has used more advanced nano-metal, but he has not actually made anything to degauss processing. If had the upfront conflict with Magneto at this time, he was unable to affirm on really own the armor can be resists the weapon of enemy, buries own coffin directly. 虽然已经采用了更先进的纳米金属,但是他却没有对其做什么消磁处理。如果这个时候跟万磁王发生了正面冲突,他还真不能肯定自己身上的这一声铠甲会是自己对抗敌人的武器,还是直接埋葬自己的棺材。 Rampant must look at the object, in this time opposite Magneto this modern sci-tech difficult adversary. Tony wisely chose shut up the option of this smart person. 嚣张也要看对象,在这个时候对面万磁王这个现代科技克星。托尼还是明智地选择了闭嘴这个聪明人的选项。 Saw that Tony Stark does not speak, Magneto has not pressed on step by step, lets the meaning that he was difficult to make. This and his original intention is incompatible, therefore he changed Chief Rogers immediately, was asking to him. 看到托尼.史塔克不吭声了,万磁王也没有步步紧逼,让他难做的意思。这和他的本意不符,所以他立刻转向了罗杰斯队长,对着他问道。 Steve. Chief Rogers, I appear on your request in your front now. What do you want to chat with me?” “史蒂夫.罗杰斯队长,我现在应你的要求出现在你的面前了。你想要和我聊些什么?” As legendary Mutants, Magneto made the majority of avengers on the scene feel the heavy pressure. Especially when they stand in steel greatly shipboard, negotiated to need the huge courage. But fortunately, the team leader does not lack this. When Magneto so inquired, he has stood immediately. Asking. 作为一个传奇般的变种人,万磁王让在场的大部分复仇者都感受到了沉甸甸的压力。尤其当他们站在一艘钢铁巨舰上的时候,交涉起来更需要巨大的勇气。而幸运的是,队长并不缺这个。所以在万磁王如此询问的时候,他立刻站了出来。问道。 Mister Lehnsherr, I want to know why you can help us? Said that what you do have to attempt?” 兰谢尔先生,我想知道你为什么要帮助我们?还是说你另有什么企图?” What these words asked was coming straight to the point, points to the core. Absolutely does not have to return to the leeway of vast domain little. Even when heard him saying that stood cannot help but was worried in his nearby Natasha. If Magneto has other any attempts . Should they not know what to do? 这句话问的是单刀直入,直指核心。完全没有一点点回寰的余地。甚至在听到他这么说的时候,站在他边上的娜塔莎都不由得担心了起来。如果万磁王真的有什么其他的企图的话。他们该如何是好? And he makes war in this place, is not the great idea. Let alone, the avenger may not have what necessity to provoke such dangerous existence. 在这个地方和他开战,可不是什么好主意。更何况,复仇者可没有什么必要去招惹一个这么危险的存在。 Helps you?” However her worry is obviously unnecessary. Because of Magneto completely not with their hostile ideas. He smiled, uses a strange tone to say. I think that your some original work was too sentimental. I happen to saw such a steel fortress, for a while has one's interest in an old hobby revived upon seeing somebody else doing unable to bear begin. Was what gives you to be self-confident, thinks that I can be willing to help your human?” “帮助你们?”不过她的担心明显是多余的。因为万磁王完全没有和他们敌对的想法。他只是笑了笑,就用一种奇怪的语气说道。“我想你们有些太自作多情了吧。我不过只是正好看到了这么一座钢铁堡垒,一时见猎心喜忍不住动了手而已。是什么给了你们自信,认为我会愿意去帮助你们这些人类?” I know!” Hears the reply of Magneto. Quicksilver could not bear whisper. Such reply conforms to his heart obviously regarding the impression of Magneto. However regarding such reply, team leader actually cannot bear the knitting the brows head. “我就知道!”听到万磁王的回答。快银忍不住嘀咕了一句。这样的回答显然才符合他心中对于万磁王的印象。但是对于这样的回答,队长却是忍不住皱了皱眉头。 He does not believe that the answer can be such simple, is so optional. Compared with this complete principle answer as one desires, he is willing to believe has a more profound meaning. If Magneto did not acknowledge, then can only show that he is not willing to say the truth. This is his intuition, but he believes in firmly regarding oneself intuition. 他不相信答案会是这么简单,这么随意。和这种完全的随心主义答案相比,他更愿意相信其中有着更深刻的含义。如果万磁王不承认,那么就只能证明他不愿意把实话说出来。这是他的直觉,而他对于自己的直觉深信不疑。 That, why can tell me you here, happen to meets all these? You did not think that this was really too the coincidence?” “那么,能告诉我您为什么会在这里,正好遇见这一切吗?你不觉得这实在是太巧合了一些吗?” Heard the team leader to interrogate like this, Magneto the smiling face on face went into hiding gradually. Meanwhile, an expression of raw and cold sinister and vicious appeared on his face, making his look especially the to terrify person. 听到了队长这样的质问,万磁王的脸上的笑容渐渐隐匿了起来。同时,一种生冷阴鸷的表情浮现在了他的脸上,让他的神色变得格外瘆人。 Chief Rogers, you did not think you manage was too wider?”( ~^~) “罗杰斯队长,你不觉得你管的太宽了一些吗?”(~^~)
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