MSG :: Volume #6

#525: Without a trace unmanned depot ship

Uses diversionary tactics, this is the most ancient scheme, actually also one of the most useful scheme. If no one has thought, enemy spent three aerospace depot ships that the large amount of money built is only a pretence, was used to attract their baits. But genuine executor who sees clearly the plan, is actually while they were tempted swallows the bait by the bait, outside this country the big city of another end, rose the sky quietly, has completed oneself all preparatory work. 声东击西,这是最古老的计谋,却也最有用的计谋之一。任是谁都没有想到,敌人斥巨资打造的三艘空天母舰只是个幌子,是用来吸引他们的诱饵。而洞察计划的真正实施者,却是在他们被诱饵引诱上钩的同时,在这个国家的另一端的一个大城市外,悄然地升上了天空,完成了自己所有的准备工作。 At this time, the team leader even without enough time complained the information that Nick Fury supplies is errors how, complained without enough time oneself are careless, actually has not thought of the possibility of this using diversionary tactics. His all mind have put another big city of this country, on Los Angeles. 在这个时候,队长甚至来不及抱怨尼克.弗瑞提供的信息是多么的错漏,来不及埋怨自己到底是有多么粗心大意,竟然没有想到这种声东击西的可能性。他所有的心神都放到了这个国家的另一个大城市,洛杉矶身上。 As the city of cauldron cauldron famous angel, Los Angeles naturally is not no need to say in the development level of this country. Even if did not discuss that its economy and political significance, is only the 1 million residents in this city, sufficiently makes anybody be cautious about harming evildoers lest the innocent be hurt. It is difficult to imagine, once this hides in the aerospace aircraft carrier of hidden place enters to the sky of Los Angeles, after all residents in this city integrate to oneself firing distance, can be what kind of scene. 作为鼎鼎有名的天使之城,洛杉矶在这个国家的重要程度自然是不必多说的。就算是不谈它的经济和政治意义,光是这个城市里的1000000居民,就足以让任何人投鼠忌器。很难想象,一旦这艘隐藏在暗处的空天航母进入到洛杉矶的上空,把这个城市里的所有居民都纳入到自己的射程内之后,会是一个怎么样的景象。 However the team leader can guess, perhaps to that time, the light is the tumult that initiates can be a fearful disaster. The US lost New York, in any event cannot lose Los Angeles again. Therefore, no matter how does, prevents this aerospace aircraft carrier is they must handle the matter that. 但是队长可以猜测到,恐怕到了那个时候,光是引发起来的骚动都会是一场可怕的灾难。美国已经失去了纽约,无论如何都不能再失去洛杉矶了。所以,不管怎么做,阻止这艘空天航母才是他们必须去做的事情。 Natasha, lets Bruce. At the maximum speed rushes to there. Quicksilver, you bring Wanda to walk first, must before that depot ship arrives at the Los Angeles sky prevents it. Tony, you also......” 娜塔莎,让布鲁斯出发。以最快的速度赶往那里。快银,你带着旺达先走,必须要在那艘母舰到达洛杉矶上空之前阻止它。托尼,你也……” Did not need the team leader saying that Tony insistently rushed over in the direction of Los Angeles, not only he, all people started to take action. No one wants to see Los Angeles to return to the New York road. Therefore everyone has put out the quickest speed. 不用队长说完,托尼就一马当先地向着洛杉矶的方向冲了过去,不只是他,所有的人都开始行动了起来。谁也不想看到洛杉矶重蹈纽约的覆辙。所以每个人都拿出了自己最快的速度。 However this really with enough time? 但是这真的来得及吗? Returns the team leader on fighter aircraft, although on face as before calm, but in the innermost feelings actually already deeply worried could not withstand. The aerospace aircraft carrier that lifted off wants enters the recent city to consume many time. Their these people a thousand-mile away want rushes to there to need many time. This is he wants unable to think, compared with issue that does not dare to compare. 重新回到战机上的队长虽然脸上依旧镇定,但是内心里却早已焦灼不堪。已经升空的空天航母想要进入自己最近的城市能耗费多少的时间。他们这些远在千里之外的人想要赶到那里又需要多少的时间。这是一个他想都不敢想,比都不敢比的问题。 Because of answer, only then, but this answer is actually heavy to the situation that has made him almost not dare to ponder. 因为答案只有一个,而这个答案却是沉重到了让他几乎不敢思考的地步。 They can only prevent it now with every effort. But made contribution this word to explain actually. They really do not have any assurance. All these were really too sudden, made one be caught off guard. With planning for dozens years, has deliberated compared with the detail of plan innumerable Hydra, their all deals with the plan extremely to be crude. Also was extremely paler. 他们现在只能尽力去阻止它。而尽力这个词其实已经说明了。他们实在是没有什么把握。这一切实在是太突然了,太令人措手不及了。和谋划了数十年,已经把计划的细节推敲了无数遍的九头蛇相比,他们所有的应对方案都太过简陋。也太过苍白了一些。 In this case, they led by the nose by this group of people, is impossible to have the second situation. 在这种情况下,他们除了被这伙人牵着鼻子走之外,根本不可能有第二种情况。 This cognition makes the team leader feel that one is incapable intermittently, one shames intermittently angry. He now besides pray, the appearance of pray miracle. Simply does not have any other means. 这个认知让队长感到一阵阵无力,一阵阵羞恼。他现在除了祈祷,祈祷奇迹的出现外。根本没有没有任何其他的办法。 However will the miracle appear? From some perspective, naturally is the meeting. 但是奇迹会出现吗?从某种角度上来说,当然是会的。 After dozens minutes, the avengers of urgent matter rushed to Los Angeles finally. But those who make them be startled, simply does not have the so-called aerospace depot ship. Here peaceful harmonious inconceivable, let alone any Hydra, ordinary criminal few. 数十分钟后,火烧屁股的一众复仇者们终于赶到了洛杉矶。而让他们吃惊的是,根本没有所谓的空天母舰。这里安静和谐的不可思议,别说什么九头蛇了,就连普通的罪犯都没有几个。 The avengers present naturally does not have what mood to care about these to close right up against the criminals who the ordinary police can solve. 复仇者们现在当然没有什么心情去顾及那些靠着普通警察就能解决掉的罪犯们。 They used various methods to take a fast look around, after any discovery, had not been interrogating to Natasha. 他们用各种方法扫视了一圈,在没有任何的发现后,就对着娜塔莎质问了起来。 The fourth aerospace depot ship that Natasha, you said? Why our anything cannot see!” 娜塔莎,你说的第四艘空天母舰呢?为什么我们什么都看不到!” I investigated the satellite photo!” Has Natasha of similar question to be too busy answers for oneself. This is the 30 minutes ago scenes, that time aerospace aircraft carrier just lifted off. Was caught by our satellites. Looking from his flight direction, it indeed goes forward toward Los Angeles. However before ten minutes, it vanished suddenly. We know that this thing affirmation has disposed the total information camouflage paint function, therefore I suspected that it had possibly discovered our surveillance, hidden went to own shape temporarily, makes a false appearance of disappearance to confuse our lines of sight.” “我调查了卫星影像!”有着同样疑问的娜塔莎忙不迭地为自己解释道。“这是30分钟前的景象,那个时候的空天航母刚刚升空。被我们的卫星捕捉到了。从他的飞行航向看,它的确是向着洛杉矶前进的。但是在十分钟之前,它突然消失了。我们都知道这种东西肯定配置了全息迷彩功能,所以我怀疑它可能发现了我们的监视,把自己的形态暂时隐去了,制造一个消失的假象来迷惑我们的视线。” Is impossible! This is absolutely impossible! Even if there is a total information camouflage paint not possible!” Be responsible for the technical work Tony waving, has interrupted the speech of Natasha directly. „The radar on elder brother fighter aircraft is passes through me to transform, even if the total information camouflage paint is impossible to evade the scanning of radar. I widened the city peripheral 200 kilometers the swath range now, has not discovered its existence. This only then an explanation, that was it thoroughly has been separated from the monitor area of radar. Arrived place that we did not know.” “不可能!这绝对不可能!就算有全息迷彩也不可能!”负责技术工作的托尼一挥手,直接打断了娜塔莎的发言。“昆式战机上的雷达是经过我改造的,就算是全息迷彩也不可能躲过雷达的扫描。我现在已经把扫描范围扩大到了城市周边200公里,还是没有发现它的存在。这只有一种解释,那就是它彻底地脱离了雷达的监控范围。到了一个我们不知道的地方。” „Such short time, can it go?” “就这么短的时间,它能去哪?” The situation suddenly becomes confusing, avengers become are also confused. Their hot sharp fire singed rushed to here, to save the resident in this city. However has not thought that their people came, the match actually ran without a trace. 情况骤然变得扑朔迷离,复仇者们也跟着变得一头雾水起来。他们火急火燎地跑到了这里,本来是为了拯救这个城市的居民。但是却怎么也没有想到他们人来了,对手却跑了个无影无踪。 This let them some toward the feeling in the air shaking the fist, the whole body cannot say did not suit. 这让他们所有人都有了往空气里挥拳的感觉,浑身都是说不出的不对劲。 If were the common enemy ran away, but this enemy was not common. Carries specifically is aiming at innocent person the aerospace depot ship full world of special independent weapon to fly randomly, this matter is how impossible to ignore, lays aside to. A day had not found its trail. The avengers take a day of tight spirit, to prevent the eruption of accident/surprise. 如果是一般的敌人跑掉了也就算了,但是这个敌人可不一般。一艘载着专门针对无辜者的特殊自主武器的空天母舰满世界乱飞,这种事情怎么都不可能置之不理,放置到一边去。一天没有找到它的踪迹。复仇者们都要一天绷紧精神,以防止意外的爆发。 However always only then the truth of thousand day being a thief, where has thousand day against clever view. Such has been hung walking by this aerospace depot ship, the entire avenger alliance may burn out. The time is long, the body that the iron hits cannot withstand. Also, who knows that this is another clever trick of enemy? 但是从来只有千日做贼的道理,哪里有千日防贼的说法。这么一直被这艘空天母舰吊着走,整个复仇者联盟都有可能被拖垮掉。时间一长,铁打的身子都不能承受的了。再说了,谁知道这是不是敌人的又一个诡计呢? Was surmising this thoughts, started to have the trauma team leader they to start to argue. To discuss that a practical plan comes out. 怀揣着这种心思,已经开始有心理阴影的队长他们开始争论起来。想要商讨出一个切实的计划出来。 Can transfer the SHIELD satellite, look can have more clues?” “要不要调动一下神盾局的卫星,看看能不能有更多的线索?” This is plan that Natasha puts forward. However an exit|to speak by Tony overruling. 这是娜塔莎提出来的方案。但是一出口就被托尼给否决了。 Wants do not think, has a look at the side of that one-eyed person, everywhere is the Hydra people. Who knows that except for these that he discovers, many such fellow hides in SHIELD. I do not want because again 1-2 false news the enticed full world runs all over the place!” “想都不要想,看看那个独眼龙的身边,到处都是九头蛇的人。谁知道除了他发现的那些,还有多少这样的家伙隐藏在神盾局里面。我可不想再因为一两个假消息而被勾引的满世界乱跑!” „Are you what kind of?” “那你想怎么样?” Asks for the government to chat, can look have their support!” “找政府谈谈,看看能不能得到他们的支持!” The idea of Tony just said that by team leader overruling. But his reason is very simple. 托尼的这个想法刚说出来,就被队长给否决了。而他的理由很简单。 Government is unlikely to believe matter that we said that moreover they have no reason the threat that for possibly has mobilizes own strength., The situation of government was not also better than SHIELD on many, even may be more awful.” “政府不大可能相信我们说的事情,而且他们也没有理由为了一个可能存在的威胁调动自己的力量。再说了,政府的情况不比神盾局好上多少,甚至可能还要更糟糕一些。” „Are you what kind of?” “那你想怎么样?” The similar issue, the rubber ball was kicked to return to the under foot of team leader. But has thought a moment later. The team leader already had having made up mind. 同样的问题,皮球又被踢回到了队长的脚下。而思索了片刻之后。队长已然有了决意。 Finds the way to relate Professor Charles, look can obtain some help from his there. Since we are the unions, at coping with Hydra this matter, he naturally also wants output air/Qi.” “想办法联系查尔斯教授,看看能不能从他那里得到一些帮助。我们既然是同盟,那么在对付九头蛇这件事情上,他自然也是要出点力气的。” Regarding this plan. The Mutants sister and brother nodded, expressed approval. But Natasha and Jennifer show neither approval nor disapproval, silent did not say. Only then Tony curled the lip, wanted to say anything. However he has not opened the mouth, a voice has made a sound. That is alone motion the sound of Bruce. 对于这个方案。变种人姐弟点了点头,表示了认同。而娜塔莎詹妮弗则是不置可否,沉默不言。只有托尼撇了撇嘴,想要说些什么。但是他还没有开口,一个话音就响了起来。那是独自行动的布鲁斯的声音。 Mates. I think that I found the goal. However you must quickly come, I felt that situation some do not suit!” 伙计们。我想我找到目标了。不过你们要赶快过来,我感觉情况有些不对劲!” The Bruce words made the avengers put down all differences, at the maximum speed turned toward the direction that he instructed to overtake. When they rushed to that piece after coast Los Angeles open sea, really saw an aerospace depot ship at a standard cruising speed, flies toward the sea deep place. Even can see from their positions, an elder brother fighter aircraft is stopping in the deck of aircraft carrier, but Bruce stands near the fighter aircraft, is waving the hand to them. 布鲁斯的话让复仇者们放下了所有的分歧,以最快的速度向着他指示的方向赶了过去。而当他们赶到了那片位于洛杉矶沿岸的外海之后,果然看到了一艘空天母舰正以一个标准的巡航速度,向着大海深处飞去。从他们的位置甚至可以看到,一架昆式战机正停在航母的甲板上,而布鲁斯则站在战机边上,对着他们直摇手。 The situation is really strange. If not recognize SHIELD that depot ship, the team leader they even thinks oneself have found fault the goal. This is the Hydra spatial mother, above most little has hundred and thousand of enemies. How Bruce Banner stands above with standing is the same in own main house gate. Some are freely unscientific! These Hydra people? 情况果然古怪。如果不是认得神盾局的那艘母舰,队长他们甚至以为自己找错了目标。这可是九头蛇的空母,上面最少有成百上千敌人。怎么布鲁斯.班纳站在上面跟站在自己家门口一样。自由地有些不科学!那些九头蛇的人呢? Harbored such doubts, the boldness because of one's skill avengers descends directly the airplane the Bruce nearby. But sees Bruce, the team leader opens mouth to ask. 怀着这样的疑惑,艺高人胆大的复仇者们直接把飞机降落到了布鲁斯的边上。而一看到布鲁斯,队长就张嘴问道。 What's the matter, Bruce. Here enemy?” “怎么回事,布鲁斯。这里的敌人呢?” I am not very clear, because I come time has not seen a person. Only saw these strange places.” Bruce smiles bitterly was shaking the head, is putting out a hand to some places. “我也不是很清楚,因为我来的时候就没有看到过一个人。只看到了这些奇怪的地方。”布鲁斯苦笑着就摇了摇头,然后对着一些地方一伸手。 Following his finger, the avengers saw immediately strange place that he said. Sees only in the deck, potholes have almost been found in the entire deck densely and numerously. These potholes are not big, but actually absolute many. Takes a broad view to look, most little has 110. In each pothole has steel bar and iron pole even is the armored fragment horizontally inserts in inside a successively. Simultaneously still some more or less bloodstains exist. Because the quantity was really too many, as for making an effort to smell can smell to fill not the loose smell of blood. 顺着他的手指,复仇者们立刻看到了他所说的奇怪的地方。只见在甲板上,一个又一个的坑洞密密麻麻地几乎遍布了整个甲板。这些坑洞不大,但是却绝对的多。放眼望去,最少有110个。每个坑洞里都有着一节节钢筋、铁柱甚至是装甲残片横插在里面。同时还或多或少的有一些血迹存在着。因为数量实在是太多了,至于用力一嗅都能闻到弥漫不散的血腥味。 This situation made the team leader realize anything. He can affirm, here Hydra member had certainly been cleaned. However he is some are indefinite, who this matter can be does? 这个情况让队长意识到了什么。他可以肯定,这里的九头蛇成员一定已经被人清洗过了。不过他还是有些不确定,这种事情到底会是谁干的呢? Has thought of here. He has put the body of Bruce the line of sight. But as if saw the question in his eyes, Bruce had beckoned with the hand hastily. 想到了这里。他就把视线放到了布鲁斯的身上。而似乎是看出了他眼里的疑问,布鲁斯连忙摆了摆手。 Do not visit me, my anything does not know. I also wandered in the deck, the thing that knows also and you are equally many. If you want to know that anything, best to look toward inside, perhaps will have any clue!” “别看我,我什么都不知道。我也只是在甲板上转悠了一圈,知道的东西也和你们一样多。如果你想知道什么的话,最好自己往里面找一找,说不定会有什么线索!” This is a very critical suggestion. The team leader thinks. Accepted. 这是一个挺中肯的建议。队长想了想。就采纳了下来。 Solved to see clearly the issue of plan bewilderedly, although the team leader relaxed. However in also raised the spirit. Because he really does not know, the person who this is attempting to pervert in secret is the enemy is a friend, what is his real status? What can his motive be? 莫名其妙地解决掉了洞察计划的问题,队长虽然松了一口气。但是在同时却又提起了精神。因为他实在不知道,这个在暗中做手脚的人到底是敌是友,他的真实身份到底是什么?他的动机又会是什么? Does not clarify these, he really sleeps on pins and needles. Therefore he must find plentier evidence to confirm the status of this person. However, when he takes the lead to enter the deep place of aircraft carrier, seeks more clues time. Had not actually discovered, in him behind, Quicksilver and Wanda each other has exchanged good time with the look, and in the eye is the inexplicable surprise.( ~^~) 不把这些弄清楚,他实在是寝食难安。所以他必须要找到更多的证据来确认这个人的身份。不过,当他带头走进航母的深处,去寻找更多的线索的时候。却是没有发现,在他身后,快银旺达彼此已经用眼神交流了好一阵时间,并且眼睛里全是莫名的诧异。(~^~)
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