MSG :: Volume #6

#524: Destroys Yellow Dragon to use diversionary tactics

Altogether three, you think how was good to assign?” “一共有三艘,你想好怎么分配了吗?” Lifted the mask on oneself face, Tony Stark has been directing to outside aerospace aircraft carrier. Aircraft carrier that three taken off starts to leave the range of dock gradually, it is estimated that has dozen minutes again, they can enter to the cruising condition. 掀开自己脸上的面罩,托尼.史塔克就对着外面的空天航母指指点点了起来。那三艘已经起飞的航母开始渐渐脱出船坞的范围,估计再有个十几分钟,它们就能进入到巡航状态中。 But to that time, makes them start according to oneself to plan the start work, does from the space them, will lead to the huge trouble. Therefore does not make anything while the present, then really must leave the important matter. 而到了那个时候,不论是让它们开始按照自己计划中的开始工作,还是把它们从天上搞下来,都会酿成巨大的麻烦。所以不趁着现在做点什么,那么就真的要出大事了。 The team leader also understands this point, he is also clear the present is really not the hesitant time. Therefore he promptly has issued oneself order. 队长也明白这一点,他也清楚现在实在不是犹豫的时候。所以他当机立断地下达了自己的命令。 Quicksilver, Wanda. You two are responsible for solving one. Stark, you handle one. Jennifer, remaining are solved by our two. Listening, the movement is quick. If some people stop you, does not need to show mercy. The primary goal / target is to ruin the above autonomous weapon, that is the key of this plan. If not good, direct lane sinks these depot ships. We cannot make it the boosts of enemy, therefore is ruins it unable to make it leave from here, yes?” 快银,旺达。你们两个负责解决一个。史塔克,你自己搞定一个。詹妮弗,剩下的一个由我们两个来解决。听着,动作要快。所以如果有人阻拦你们的话,不用手下留情。优先目标是毁掉上面的自主式武器,那是这个计划的关键。如果不行,就直接弄沉这些母舰。我们不能让它成为敌人的助力,所以就算是毁掉它也不能让它从这里离开,明白吗?” Was appointed the avengers of duty to nod immediately, then turns around to start to take action. But had not knit only the brows by Natasha of allocating task, asks. 被指派了任务的复仇者们立刻点了点头,然后转身开始行动起来。而唯一没有被分配任务的娜塔莎则是皱了皱眉,问道。 Team leader, what should I do?” “队长,我该干些什么?” Natasha, you are responsible for outside aiding. Also, relates Bruce, found the way to find Zola with him. If could not find him, even if were we attacks and sinks these depot ships not to have any significance actually. Gives them the time, they can make as before again come out. Therefore. Must find him!” 娜塔莎,你负责场外接应。还有,联系布鲁斯,和他一起想办法找到左拉。如果找不到他,就算是我们击沉了这些母舰其实也是没有任何意义的。给他们时间,他们依旧可以再造出更多出来。所以。一定要找到他!” The team leader assigned to the Natasha duty cannot say that was simple. Although this can let Natasha avoid the danger of upfront conflict. However her work actually possibly with ease does not get up. Found an electronic spirit. This matter light thinks that is nearly is impossible. However Natasha simply nodded, replied. 队长分配给娜塔莎的任务不能说是简单的。虽然这可以让娜塔莎免于正面冲突的危险。但是她的工作却一点也不可能轻松地起来。找到一个电子幽灵。这种事情光是想一想都是近乎不可能的。但是娜塔莎还是干脆地点了点头,回答道。 Relax, I will seize with every effort his!” “放心,我会尽力捉住他的!” The team leader wants is also such reply, but after obtaining such reply he to is waiting for oneself Jennifer to nod immediately, then supported the shield the latter cabin door place that opened from the Kunming type fighter aircraft to jump directly. 队长要的也就是这样的回答,而在得到了这样的回答之后他立刻就对着等着自己的詹妮弗点了点头,然后挺着盾牌直接就从昆式战机打开的后舱门处跳了下去。 Aircraft carrier that closes right up against the elder brother fighter aircraft of total information camouflage paint concealment in midair under is taken off. Therefore the team leader such jumps, immediately lets him like is the blue black sharp sword grips above the deck of aircraft carrier together. 靠着全息迷彩隐匿在半空中的昆式战机正下方正好是一艘正在起飞的航母。所以队长这么一跳,立刻就让他像是一道蓝黑色的利剑一样一头扎到了航母的甲板之上。 The kinetic energy absorption of star shield makes him disregard the impulse that the upper air has crashed to have, took advantage of opportunity sways back and forth he vigorously to pass one pile regarding the line of sight of this suicidal behavior as before dumbfounded enemy, then flew a foot to trample one to leave on the calf of his recent enemy. 星盾的动能吸收让他无视了高空坠落所产生的冲击力,顺势一打滚他就矫健地晃过了一堆对于他这种自杀行为依旧目瞪口呆的敌人的视线,然后飞起一脚就踹到了一个离他最近的敌人的小腿上。 As the peak representative in normal human. Although the foot of team leader useless big strength, but also is the rudely, the limit that far ultra average person can endure. That was trampled to fly high to fly to the bad luck fellow of calf by him immediately, first threw to turn toward the team leader to fall. 作为正常人类中的巅峰代表。队长的这一脚虽然没用多大的力气,但是也是势大力沉,远超一般人能忍受的极限。那个被他踹到小腿的倒霉家伙当即就凌空飞起,前扑着就向着队长摔了过来。 But the team leader naturally cannot be polite to him, very had the shield to pound on his profile. The hardness of star shield is not the skull of human can compare, in this clashing, the bad luck fellow whole piece face the twist deformation, the swollen had Boss' one immediately. If he also has the consciousness, he definitely miserably will shout one now. However in that flash of hit, his all consciousness swings along with intense zhèn is extinguished thoroughly to not have thing. Except that can see a broken tooth of his mouth along with the breath that intensifies suddenly from, because the swollen distorts in the mouth seam that cannot gather to be spurted outside. His teammate could not see he also has any living performance. 而队长自然不会对他客气,挺起盾牌就直直地砸到了他的侧脸上。星盾的坚硬不是人类的颅骨能够比拟的,在这种的对撞中,倒霉的家伙整张脸立刻扭曲变形,浮肿起了老大的一块。如果他还有意识的话,他现在肯定会惨呼一声。但是在撞击的那一瞬间,他所有的意识都随着强烈的zhèn荡彻底地被消弭为了无物。除了能看见他的一嘴的碎牙随着骤然加剧的呼吸从因为浮肿变形而合不住的嘴缝里被喷出来外。他的队友根本看不出他还有任何活着的表现。 Just a contact, in a flash lost a teammate. This Hydra soldier who guards regarding the surroundings somewhat is also an impact. However they have gotten quickly back one's composure. Directly was ready with the rifle firing to strafe to the position of team leader. As for their bad luck teammates, sorry, at this time nobody can attend to him. 刚一接触,就在转瞬之间失去了一个队友。这对于周围驻守的九头蛇士兵来说多多少少也算是个冲击。不过他们很快就回过了神来。对着队长的位置就直接端枪扫射了起来。至于他们的那个倒霉的队友,对不起,这个时候没有人能顾得了他。 Enemies cruel and merciless in expected of team leader. He raises up oneself star shield, the reluctant structure leaves a simple defense line, then rolled the belt to flee to hide behind a not far away fighter aircraft. 敌人的心狠手辣在队长的意料之中。他竖起自己的星盾,勉强构架出一道简单的防线,然后就连滚带窜地躲到了不远处的一架战机后面。 The crowded bullet sweeps to the fighter aircraft on, immediately splutters a crowded spark. Even if accidentally 12 rounds of bullets has penetrated the support of fighter aircraft, had kept off by the star shield of team leader. How to protect itself in the battlefield, this became an instinct response regarding the team leader. Soldier who can walk from the Second World War that terrifying battlefield, naturally cannot easily fall down in this Xiaoshuigou. 密集的子弹扫到战机上,顿时溅射起一阵密集的火花。就算是偶然有12发子弹透过了战机的支架,也被队长的星盾挡了下来。如何在战场上保护自己,这对于队长来说已经成为了一种本能性的反应。能从第二次世界大战那种恐怖的战场走过来的战士,自然不会轻易地栽倒在这种小水沟里。 Therefore freely all around is the hail of bullets, but he is actually happy motionless, sends without the wound, even can also find time to find an opportunity, pulls out in own matching spear/gun counter-attack several, can say calm makes people unable to imagine simply. But when he starts with enemy encounters, other avengers also start to act. 所以尽管四周是枪林弹雨,但是他却是怡然不动,毫发无伤,甚至还能抽空找点机会,掏出自己的配枪回击上几下,可以说从容的简直让人无法想象。而就在他开始和敌人交锋的时候,其他的复仇者也开始动作了。 First has an action to perform naturally is the fellow who Tony this love shows off. He does not have the choice to come straight to the point, takes the procedure of hostile camp. But arrives at the maximum power own propulsion device, changes makes by oneself a gorgeous yellowish red flame, like is the hurricane in the deck of his responsible that aircraft carrier circles high-speed. 最先有所动作的自然是托尼这个爱炫耀的家伙。他没有选择单刀直入,直取敌营的做法。而是把自己的推进装置开到最大功率,让自己变作一道绚丽的金红火光,像是飓风一样在他负责的那艘航母的甲板上高速盘旋起来。 He circles every time, several exquisite missiles fly to shoot from his Iron Suit. The goals of these missiles are not these on deck take the militant of spear/gun, but anchors various fighter aircraft and types of vehicles in deck. Hits the target, these exquisite missiles explode immediately project the terrifying flame, instantaneously their goals thorough has embezzled. 他每绕一圈,就有十几枚精巧的导弹从他的钢铁战衣上飞射出去。这些导弹的目标不是甲板上的那些拿枪的武装分子,而是停靠在甲板上的战斗机和各种载具。一击中目标,这些精巧的导弹立刻就爆射出恐怖的火光,瞬间就把它们的目标彻底的吞没了下去。 On the useless two minutes, in the deck of this aircraft carrier turned into a sea of fire. The missile has detonated other airplanes and things, has caused a bigger destruction on the aircraft carrier. But in this case, these take the militants of spear/gun become immaterial. With preventing compared with Tony, finding way to escape from this sea of fire is they immediately the most important issue. 没用上两分钟,这艘航母的甲板上已经变成了一片火海。导弹引爆了飞机和其他东西,在航母上造成了更大的破坏。而在这种情况下,那些拿枪的武装人员就变得无关紧要的。和阻止托尼相比,想办法从这片火海中逃生才是他们当下最重要的问题。 But looks an numerous Hydra militant who dashes pell-mell, Tony selects the eyebrow, dived toward the deck the past. Two high-energy lasers like are sharp blade the concentrated fire from his arm armor exit, cut a neat gap in the deck instantaneously. Tony followed this margin to clash without hesitation, but following close on. The heartless fire also spread along with this gap the interior of depot ship. Let it from inside to outside fall into during the encirclement of flame. 而看着狼奔豕突的一众九头蛇的武装分子,托尼一挑眉,就直直地向着甲板俯冲了过去。两道高能激光像是利刃一样从他的臂甲上攒射出去,瞬间就在甲板上切出了一个整齐的缺口。托尼毫不犹豫地就顺着这个切口冲了进去,而紧跟着。无情的大火也随着这个缺口蔓延到了母舰的内部。让它从里到外都陷入到了火焰的包围之中。 This situation made the people on entire depot ship crazy. Fire fighting of fire fighting. Escaping of escaping. Big of sound, even Hydra members on other two depot ships also look clearly. Tony inborn is a performer, fellow who is good at concentrating all person lines of sight. But with this type free, making all people have to pay attention to compared with his behavior. Mutants sister and brother's processing method on relatively speaking ground temperature and many, simple many. 这种情况让整个母舰上的人都疯狂了起来。救火的救火。逃生的逃生。动静之大,甚至就连其他两艘母舰上的九头蛇成员也看得清清楚楚。托尼天生就是一个表演家,一个善于集中所有人视线的家伙。而和他这种招摇的,让所有人都不得不关注他的行为相比。变种人姐弟的处理手段就相对而言地温和的多,也简单的多。 Silver light flash moves together, Quicksilver is leading his elder sister, in the situation that in all people are unable to detect arrives at the interior of aircraft carrier they have been responsible for directly, the independent weapon control center of most core is. 只是一道银光闪动,快银就带着他的姐姐,在所有人都无法发觉的情况下直接来到了他们所负责的航母的内部,最核心的自主武器控制中枢所在。 Here must get down the large army by the arrange/cloth naturally. However regarding can with Quicksilver of time race, the so-called large army guard radically be only a joke truly. Has copied a sturdy and healthy fellow casually, comes up on toward the head of everyone, made all guard guards here lie down entirely on the ground. The time of a blink, here guard anything could not achieve besides gasping for breath. 这里理所当然得被布下了重兵。但是对于真正能和时间赛跑的快银来说,所谓的重兵把守根本就只是个笑话。随随便便抄了个硬实的家伙,往每个人的脑袋上来上一下,就让所有把守在这里的守卫统统躺倒在了地上。只是一眨眼的时间,这里的卫兵除了喘气外什么都做不到了。 But after solving these guards, Quicksilver stopped own movement immediately, to own elder sister grinning, was saying. 而在解决了这些守卫之后,快银立刻就停下了自己的动作,对着自己的姐姐咧了咧嘴,说道。 Handles the issue, remaining looked your, Wanda!” “搞定问题,剩下的就看你的了,旺达!” Small gift!” Showing a faint smile. Wanda gave the difficulty of this work to issue the evaluation. Saw only her to open the five fingers to front control node superficially, then made an effort slightly. The entire control node seems like pinched the mud group in palm to be the same by the giant, starts to twist, distorts. “小意思!”微微一笑。旺达就给这次工作的难度下达了评语。只见她轻描淡写地对着自己面前的控制中枢张开了五指,然后微微一用力。整个控制中枢就像是一个被巨人捏在手心里的泥巴团一样,开始扭曲,变形起来。 Metal, glass and steel frame, even is the armor of depot ship gradually loses the original shape along with the posture that the Wanda five fingers close up. They start to lose the original nature, looked like one group of genuine muck same has filled mold. Quick, control node of this under core region situated in the aircraft carrier turned into giant globe. 金属、玻璃、钢铁框架,甚至是母舰的装甲都随着旺达五指合拢的姿势而渐渐失去自己原来的形态。它们开始失去自己原有的性质,就像是一团真正的软泥一样充满了可塑造性。很快,这个位于航母下方核心区域的控制中枢就变成了一个巨大的球状物。 The full round and firm, the quality is huge. When Wanda puts out a hand it entire forces in the belly of depot ship, the entire depot ship slightly sinks, is not nearly able to maintain this flight the condition. But such thing, wants to complete the so-called seeing clearly plan, is an absolutely impossible matter. This point does not even need to inspect, with the eye looked that can judge this result. 饱满圆实,质量巨大。当旺达一伸手把它整个塞进母舰的肚子里的时候,整个母舰都是微微一沉,险些无法维持这种飞行的状态。而这样的东西,想要完成所谓的洞察计划,已经是一件绝无可能的事情了。这一点甚至都不需要检查,用眼睛看一下就能判断出来这个结果。 But looks at own masterpiece, Wanda shows a faint smile, was nodding to own younger brother. 而看着自己的杰作,旺达微微一笑,就对着自己的弟弟点了点头。 Duty is accomplished, Pietro. I think that we can receive this depot ship!” “任务完成,皮特。我想我们可以接收这艘母舰了!” Does not have the issue!” Was laughing and playing was replying, Quicksilver turned into the lightning immediately, sped along the entire depot ship once again. This his goal is this above Hydra member, captures alive to capture alive a person of entire aerospace depot ship regarding others perhaps is an unimaginable issue, but regarding him is actually the piece of cake. “没问题!”嬉笑着回答了一句,快银立刻就变成了闪电,再度在整艘母舰上飞驰了起来。这一次他的目标是这上面的九头蛇成员,生擒活捉一整艘空天母舰的人对于别人来说或许是个不可想象的问题,但是对于他来说却是小菜一碟。 Was the time shows the true technology. Quicksilver of natural disposition bracelet whispered at heart, started to take action. 是时候展现真正的技术了。生性跳脱的快银心里嘀咕了一句,就开始行动了起来。 Looks that two aerospace depot ship flames are steaming, lively incomparable. A spiritlessness, sounds of people do not have. The team leader knows, own teammates should go well. Then remains also only then. Has thought of here, the team leader has built the star shield, shouted loudly one. 看着两艘空天母舰一艘火光腾腾,热闹无比。一艘死气沉沉,连个人声都没有。队长就知道,自己的队友们应该已经得手了。那么剩下来的也就只有自己脚下的这一艘了。想到了这里,队长架起了星盾,就高喊了一声。 Jennifer!” 詹妮弗!” Immediately, a green form like was the shell has bombed. The serious potential energy divulged in deck, immediately makes the deck of aircraft carrier be rumbled a giant pothole. Billowing air wave ****, like was being the kite blows to fly the surrounding militant. 顿时,一个绿色的身影像是炮弹一样轰炸了下来。沉重的势能宣泄到了甲板上,立刻就让航母的甲板被轰出了一个巨大的坑洞。滚滚的气浪****着,更是把周围的武装分子像是风筝一样吹飞了出去。 But in this pothole, Jennifer that just descended lifts up high the iron hammer common fist directly, even/including Hongdai is pounding to turn toward the deck of own under foot to release the terrifying destructive power. 而在这个坑洞里,刚刚降落下来的詹妮弗直接高举着铁锤一般的拳头,连轰带砸就向着自己脚下的甲板释放出自己恐怖的破坏力。 Also could withstand the destruction of this violence on badly-damaged deck where, several pound, a giant pothole artificially has been made immediately. But meaning that Jennifer has not called a halt, the big body like is green storm is advancing, straight insertion the core deep place of depot ship. 本来就残破不堪的甲板哪里还经得起这种暴力的破坏,几下一砸,一个巨大的坑洞立刻就被人为地制造了出来。而詹妮弗一点也没有停手的意思,高大的身躯像是一道绿色的暴风一样突进着,直接插入到了母舰的核心深处。 Jennifer is responsible for advancing, the team leader is responsible for making up the blade. Two people acted in harmony to sweep clean on the road all barriers, killed the front of control node directly. But looks own present control node, Jennifer was without delay, threw directly. 詹妮弗负责突进,队长则负责补刀。两个人配合默契地扫清了路上所有的障碍,直接就杀到了控制中枢的面前。而看着自己眼前的控制中枢,詹妮弗更是二话不说,直接就扑了上去。 Is the control node of fine structure could not block devastation of destructive power astonishing giant. After several next, here all electronic instruments artificially had been opened in a way of most violence. 本来就是精细构造的控制中枢怎么也挡不住一个破坏力惊人的巨人的摧残。几下之后,这里所有的电子器械都被人为地以一种最暴力的方式拆了下来。 But team leader to insure, but also has abandoned two plastic explosives, exploded stretch of ruins here directly. 而队长为了保险,还扔下了两颗塑胶炸弹,直接把这里炸成了一片废墟。 So-called seeing clearly plan such in their hands announced ended, process simple to nearly inconceivable situation. But is listening to the report from oneself teammates, how the team leader does not know, at heart always not steadfast feelings. He always felt oneself omitted anything, even has possibly missed any essential thing. 所谓的洞察计划就这么在他们的手中宣告终结了,过程简单到近乎不可思议的地步。而听着来自自己队友们的汇报,队长不知道怎么的,心里总是有一种不踏实的感觉。他总感觉自己遗漏了什么,甚至可能错过了什么关键的东西。 But when he ponders bitter rope, the Natasha sound has made suddenly a sound in their ears. 而就在他冥思苦索的时候,娜塔莎的声音突然在他们的耳边响了起来。 Our fell into a trap, this was only a pretence. Aerospace aircraft carrier that nearby Los Angeles presented one lift off, now is turning toward the urban district to approach. We already without enough time!”( To be continued.) “我们中计了,这只是一个幌子。洛杉矶附近出现了一个已经升空的空天航母,现在正向着市区逼近着。我们已经来不及了!”(未完待续。)
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