MSG :: Volume #6

#523: The death gunshot fortune and misfortune was unpredictable

The road between forests is in -line near the mountain road, but in the below of mountain road said that together was steep, says the slow not slow hillside. The rapid running water is flowing rapidly under the hillside, the sound that sends out has racing Leiban boundless unexpectedly. 林间的公路是直插在山道边上的,而在山道的下面却是一道说陡不陡,说缓也不缓的山坡。湍急的流水在山坡下奔流着,发出的响动竟是有一种奔雷般的磅礴。 This was days before the merit under that several rainstorm, because of this, Nick Fury was having the confidence of escaping. Although the following running water is rapid, once ** went to say that did not permit is the aspect of a narrow escape. However a narrow escape also compared with ten dies not fresh good. 这是前几日下的那几场暴雨的功劳,而正因为这样,尼克.弗瑞才有了逃跑的信心。虽然下面的流水湍急,一旦**进去说不准就是个九死一生的局面。但是九死一生也比十死无生的好。 The matter is compares, but Nick Fury naturally knows which plan oneself should choose at this time. However although this idea is quite strange, but these pursuit are not the fools. When his vehicle starts to have consciousness toward by the mountain road closes up, two armored jeeps have walloped, one on the left and other on the right directly clamped the Nick Fury vehicle in center. Then closes right up against the aggressive horsepower, has held under duress the Nick Fury private car stiffly. 事情都是比较出来的,而尼克.弗瑞自然知道自己在这个时候应该选择哪一个方案。不过虽然他这个想法比较离奇,但是那些追击者们也不是傻子。在他的车子开始有意识地向着山道两边靠拢的时候,两辆装甲吉普就猛冲了上来,一左一右地把尼克.弗瑞的车子直接夹在了正中里。然后靠着自己凶悍的马力,硬生生地把尼克.弗瑞的座驾挟持了起来。 Although Nick Fury went all out to step on accelerator fiercely, crazy revolutions steering wheel. However his private car eventually is not the heavy tank. With two military armored jeeps compared with the strength, really cannot have any superiority. Therefore his wishful thinking could be said as falls the vacancy completely. 尽管尼克.弗瑞拼了命地猛踩油门,狂转方向盘。但是他的座驾终究不是什么重型坦克。和两辆军用装甲吉普比力气,实在是占不到什么优势。所以他的如意算盘可以说是完全落到了空处。 But this is also not most awfully. What most awfully is after his vehicle had been controlled by the enemy, these enemies have revealed the vicious fang to him immediately. 而这还不是最要命的。最要命的是在他的车子被敌人控制了之后,那些敌人立刻就对他露出了凶狠的獠牙。 The glass falls, two sides the enemy who vice- harnesses has pulled out the weapon in hand, was inclining crazily to Nick Fury in the hand. The military heavy-caliber warhead falls on the body of vehicle, immediately sends out one to hit the Japanese banana also crowded sound compared with the rain, this sound careful suo suo, quick has swept Nick Fury whole body all parts. 车窗一降,两边的副驾上的敌人就掏出了手里的武器,对着尼克.弗瑞疯狂地倾斜起了手中的。军用的大口径弹头落在车子的身上,立刻发出一阵比雨打芭蕉还密集声响,这声响细细索索,很快就把尼克.弗瑞周身所有的部件扫了个遍。 However the good and evil is the private car of Chief SHIELD, in the face of the massed fire, this vehicle actually stiffly withstood all injuries like this. Falls on its body, although ejection left innumerable the pit mark, but does not have any to break through its defense line, injures to its master. 不过好歹是神盾局局长的座驾,在这样的密集射击面前,这辆车子却是硬生生地承受住了所有的伤害。落在它的身上虽然弹射出了无数个浅浅的坑痕,但是却没有任何一颗突破它的防线,伤害到它的主人。 But this became Nick Fury now the only gratified matter. This vehicle as if can also insist some time evidently, but actually can insist how long, he was unsure. 而这就成为了尼克.弗瑞现在唯一欣慰的事情了。这辆车子看样子似乎还能坚持一段时间,但是究竟能坚持多久,他心里就没谱了。 The space also has an airplane. No one knows that above can have any heavy weapons. If puts out an aircraft machine gun from there, his vehicle basic anti- two. Therefore immediately idea, discovers a way out as soon as possible is. 天上还有一家飞机。谁都不知道上面会不会有什么重型武器。如果从那里拿出一架航空机炮的话,他的这辆车子根本抗不住两下。所以当下之计,还是尽快找出一条生路才是。 Has thought of here, Nick Fury has gotten hold of the weapon in oneself hand. Starts way that takes a look at to go forward. 想到了这里,尼克.弗瑞就握紧了自己手里的武器。开始打量起自己前进的路径。 Not far away front is a giant curve, but can make any article with it, was the only opportunity that he can maintain a livelihood. 不远处的前方就是一个巨大的弯道,而能不能用它做出什么文章,就是他能不能活命的唯一机会了。 How long the horsepower of vehicle could not continue, especially this type by the situations of two-sided converging attack. Once the vehicle is forced to burn out, that really anything played. Therefore the life and death can only one wrestle in this. 车子的马力持续不了多久,尤其还是这种被双面夹击的情况下。一旦车子被迫熄火,那就真的什么都玩了。所以生死只能在此一搏。 Nick Fury eventually the role that crawls little from the dead crowd. He does not have any flustered in the crucial moment, some, only then absolute calmness. Saw that the front curve is getting more and more near, the horsepower of vehicle is getting more and more weak. He found an opportunity, was beginning to the driving position of flank armored vehicle on the direct buckle the trigger. 尼克.弗瑞终究是从死人堆里一点点爬出来的角色。在生死关头他没有任何的慌张,有的只有绝对的冷静。眼看着前方的弯道越来越近,车子的马力越来越弱。他找准了一个机会,对着自己外侧装甲车的驾驶位就直接扣动了手里的扳机。 The broken chest cavity of silvery bright, has torn instantaneously to pieces Chief SHIELD private car that hard incomparable outer covering, then has ripped open the armor of outside armored vehicle by nearly tyrannical stance, from driving position right in the middle pierced not a little large cave/hole, then made scarlet blood fog shoot on whirlwind following the pothole. 银亮的破膛而出,瞬间就撕破了神盾局局长座驾那坚硬无比的外壳,然后以一种近乎暴虐的姿态撕开了外侧装甲车的装甲,从驾驶位的正当中洞穿出了一个不小的大洞,然后让一阵猩红的血雾顺着坑洞就飚射了出来。 The ultra-large caliber Adamantium Alloy warhead of imitation has this might, Nick Fury is not surprised. Even said, this is he plans all. 仿制的超大口径爱德曼合金弹头有这种威力,尼克.弗瑞一点也不吃惊。甚至说,这就是他计划中的一切。 The pilot of outside vehicle dies. From outside pressure immediately small. But while this moment, Nick Fury one dozen of steering wheels, pushed to resist the outside armored vehicle to run out of the mountain road immediately, turned toward the rapid rivers tumbling to go following the hillside. 外侧车子的驾驶员一死。来自外侧的压力顿时就小了下来。而趁着这个关头,尼克.弗瑞顿时一打方向盘,推攘着外侧的装甲车就冲出了山道,顺着山坡一路向着湍急的河流翻滚而去。 Not is only he, another side vehicle with enough time had not responded, followed close on behind together to turn in them. 不仅是他,就连另一侧的车子都没来得及反应,紧跟在他们身后就一起翻了下来。 But at this time, firm of vehicle appeared the advantage. Although Nick Fury was made seven meat eight elements by the huge tumbling, dizzy. However turns with another two to half because slams into compared with the person in distortion shatter vehicle, he actually wanted on luck. Most at least, he can also live in oneself poor life in the vehicle head of this tumbling. 而在这个时候,车子的坚固就显现出了好处。虽然尼克.弗瑞被巨大的翻滚弄得七荤八素,晕晕乎乎。但是和另外两个翻到一半就因为猛烈撞击而变形破碎的车子里的人相比,他却是要幸运上了很多。最起码,他还能在这翻滚的车子里保住自己的小命。 Does not have what fragment glass to stab his strategic point. Does not have what the body frame of twist deformation to twist his neck bone. If danger, that only then threat from outside enemy. 没有什么碎片玻璃刺中他的要害。更没有什么扭曲变形的车身骨架绞断他的颈骨。如果说危险,那就只有来自外面敌人的威胁。 The helicopter of space is chasing after and never giving up throughout, even if the vehicle turned this appearance, it does not have a point to let off his meaning. Obviously. It is estimated that only then saw the Nick Fury corpse to make them end own motion. However Nick Fury is not willing to use own poor life to go to the achievement their duty. 天上的直升机始终在穷追不舍,即便车子已经翻成了这个样子,它也没有一点放过他的意思。显然。估计只有看见尼克.弗瑞的尸体才能让他们结束自己的行动。但是尼克.弗瑞可不愿意用自己的小命去成就他们的任务。 Although the vehicle is still jolting, but he actually started to disclose by the glass outside that scenery that appear and disappear from time to time starts to judge, oneself leave the river bank also far. Can connect the water naturally is best, if cannot, then if also wants the means to look for a shield, stops from the above sneak attack. 尽管车子还在颠簸,但是他却已经开始透过车窗外透露出来的那时隐时现的景色开始判断,自己到底离河岸还有多远。能直接入水自然是最好,如果不能,那么还要想办法找点掩护,阻拦一下来自上方的偷袭。 Nick Fury in care that very in this issue considers actually. However the matter has not actually developed in the direction that he imagines. Because of this time, startling thunderclap made a sound to pass from the sky suddenly, immediately then placed to feel the vehicle to transmit in vehicle protection him shook greatly. 尼克.弗瑞在这个问题上倒是思虑的很仔细。但是事情却没有向着他想象的方向发展。因为这个时候,一声惊雷般的响突然从上空传了过来,然后身处在车子保护中的他立刻就感受到了车子传来的巨震。 That not because of the vibration that rolling to have, sound that but causes because of the external hit. Can send out such big sound, in the Nick Fury brain moves, has guessed correctly the reason. 那不是因为滚动而产生的震动,而是因为外来撞击而导致的动静。能发出这么大的动静,尼克.弗瑞脑中一动,就猜到了原因。 Only then SHIELD just the developed top grade counter- equipment ambush had such might. Also only then that type to cope to exceed others in ability the kind the terrifying individual weapon of development to be able on own private car to create this sound. However luckily, this type of weapon is also not enough to pierce his private car, most at least light depends on a fire is impossible. 只有神盾局刚刚研制出来的特级反器材狙击才有这样的威力。也只有那种为了对付超人类而研制的恐怖单兵武器才能在自己的座驾上造成这种动静。不过幸好,这种武器还不足以洞穿他的座驾,最起码光靠一次射击是不可能的。 Knows regarding own thing very clear Nick Fury, his private car has how hardly, even if this type of new individual weapon, must hit a place two, can penetrate its protection thoroughly. But must achieve so accurate fire to be possible not easy. 对于自己的东西非常清楚的尼克.弗瑞知道,他的座驾到底有多么的坚硬,就算是这种新型的单兵武器,也要击中一个地方两次,才能彻底地击穿它的防护。而要做到这般精准的射击可并不容易 If he is going on the road, perhaps 1-2 elite soldiers can achieve this point. However during he is in now overturns a vehicle, non-stop the place that made the vehicle of spinning motion also to hit itself just to hit accurate facing one, cannot have the too big change the angle. Such law is not human should have. 如果说他还是在公路上行驶着,或许有一两个精锐士兵能做到这一点。但是他现在可是处于翻车之中,面对一辆不停做着自转运动的车子还能精准地击中自己刚刚击中的地方,连角度都不能有太大的变动。那样的法已经不是人类应该拥有的了。 Harbored this judgment, Nick Fury calmed down slightly own mind. However he did not have to be thoroughly calm, the second startling thunderclap common sound passed from the vehicle once more. 怀着这种判断,尼克.弗瑞稍稍的稳下了自己的心神。但是他还没有彻底地镇定下来,第二声惊雷一般的响动再次从车子上空传了上来。 This time, Nick Fury does not have any idea again. Because his all thought already by one round burning hot that when the chest passes through thorough seized. 这一次,尼克.弗瑞再也没有任何的想法。因为这一次他所有的思想都已经被一发当胸穿过的炙热的彻底夺走了。 Regarding him, the most unlikely matter occurred, vehicles of high-speed turn over by same person with same weapon, injected a same angle in the same place of vehicle. On that the wild kinetic energy just right hit in previous inlays, then has shot the goal it stiffly, is in his body. 对于他来说,最不可能发生的事情发生了,一辆高速翻转的车辆被同一个人用同一把武器,在车子的同一个地方射入了一颗同一角度的。的狂暴动能正好撞击在前一颗嵌进去的上,然后把它硬生生地射进了目标,也就是他自己的身体里。 By an a angle of serviceman and agent, such fire is really flawless, impregnable. But as a goal, this is really matter awfully. 以一个军人和一个特工的角度来说,这样的射击实在是天衣无缝,无懈可击。而作为一个目标来说,这实在是要命的事情。 Nick Fury worked as in the chest one, penetrated his chest, was bringing blood fog and broken bone decay meat gushes out, stuck viscous blood reds the former window of entire vehicle directly. But at this time, the Nick Fury private car just now just has rolled the hillside, has rolled into the billowing muddy stream. 尼克.弗瑞当胸中了一,击穿了他的胸膛,带着一蓬血雾和碎骨烂肉就喷薄而出,直接把整个车子的前窗糊成了一片粘稠的血红色。而这个时候,尼克.弗瑞的座驾才刚刚好滚过山坡,滚进了滚滚的浊流之中。 This is he estimated the situation, but situation actually by a huge difference change in his front. But this time, his anything could not do. Besides accepting and waiting, he completely helpless. 这本来是他预计中的情况,但是情况却又以一个巨大的出入变化在了他的面前。而这一次,他什么都做不了了。除了接受和等待之外,他完完全全地无能为力。 Accepts the failure, waited for the death. Perhaps this is one very much rarely experiences regarding Nick Fury. Naturally, does he currently have the sober consciousness cognition this point perhaps is an issue. But regarding another person, that stands the archer on airplane, this is actually only a case in his innumerable success. 接受失败,等待死亡。这对于尼克.弗瑞来说或许是一个很难得体验。当然,他现在有没有清醒的意识来认知这一点恐怕都是一个问题。而对于另一个人,那个站在飞机上的射手来说,这却只是他无数个成功中的一个案例而已。 Looks that the Nick Fury private car submerges little in the mighty current, and fast is going forward along with surging of mighty current. Looks that the scarlet bloody water fast has soaked the river surface, draws together the scarlet radical on the river surface. This is hoodwinking half face, revealed silvery bright a man of metal arm silently to sneak in the airplane, was saying to the pilot. 看着尼克.弗瑞的座驾一点点淹没在洪流之中,并且随着洪流的涌动飞快前进着。看着猩红的血水飞快地浸透了河面,在河面上画出一道猩红的笔划。这个蒙着半个脸,露出一只银亮的金属臂膀的男人就默默地钻进了飞机内部,对着驾驶员说道。 Duty is accomplished, can return!” “任务完成,可以返航了!” Perhaps was having the percentage hundred confidence to the man of this metal arm, the pilot has not said anything, drew the control handle, piloted the airplane to fly toward another of mountain road. But until airplane gradually good far, under several armored vehicles also pursue after the direction that the airplane departs. Under during the river surface, that piece is scarlet, quietly flood rumble blister. 也许是对着这个金属臂膀的男人有着百分百的信心,驾驶员没有多说什么,就一拉操纵杆,驾驶着飞机向着山路的另一头飞了过去。而直到飞机渐渐行远,底下的几个装甲车也朝着飞机离去的方向一路追过去之后。河面之下,那一片猩红之中,才悄然泛起了一个咕噜噜的水泡。 Nick Fury is dies lives, now also nobody knows. But regarding the avengers, they do not even know that Nick Fury has come across the matter of attack. Naturally, even if knew, they also not necessarily come back to rescue him. 尼克.弗瑞是死是活,现在还没有人知道。而对于复仇者们来说,他们甚至不知道尼克.弗瑞遇到了袭击的事情。当然,就算是知道了,他们也未必回来营救他。 With thousands, even compared with more innocent people, his life and death is naturally insignificant. In this regard, the team leader or Tony are actually the consistent ideas. 和数以万计,甚至更多的无辜者相比,他一个人的生死自然是无足轻重的。在这一点上,不论是队长还是托尼其实都是一致的想法。 Therefore, the avengers do not pay attention to any Nick Fury matter. Regarding present them, present these have flown the aerospace aircraft carrier of midair is more important, issue that also urgently solves. 所以,复仇者们根本就不关注什么尼克.弗瑞的事情。对于现在的他们来说,眼前的这几个已经飞到了半空的空天航母才是更重要,也更急需解决的问题。 However this solves? Looks colossus that tonnage most at least 10 thousand-ton is opening, Tony Stark, is Jennifer, or the Mutants sister and brother start to worry. This type of thing, is some are not really good to cope!( To be continued.) 但是该怎么解决呢?看着那一个个吨位最起码在万吨级开上的庞然大物,不论是托尼.史塔克,还是詹妮弗,亦或是变种人姐弟都开始犯难起来。这种东西,实在是有些不好对付啊!(未完待续。)
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