MSG :: Volume #6

#522: strange enemy sneak attacks in secret fatally

Damn, really damn. Do this group of bastards dare in oneself buttocks underground these many bombs, they not to be afraid by an accident/surprise are exploded to the space unexpectedly go?” “见鬼,真是见鬼。这群混蛋居然敢在自己屁股地下塞这么多炸弹,他们难道就不害怕被一个意外炸到天上去吗?” The steaming raging fire goes nonstop to the horizon, even if the firmest military installation cannot insist under this wild strength. The collapse of buildings, the road surface tilts, even does not have various types of various types of fragments to shoot up to the sky along with the flame, drops from the clouds. 腾腾的烈火直通天际,即便是最坚固的军事设施也不能在这种狂暴的力量下坚持下来。房屋倒塌,路面倾覆,甚至不是还有各种各种的碎料伴随着火焰冲天而起,从天而降。 Naturally, these things could not injure Quicksilver and Nick Fury. Quicksilver is a quite smart fellow. When the explosive sound just resounded, his speedily region Nick Fury was rushing to an absolute safety place. Even after the explosion and raging fire spread, he also had the leisurely mood to cause all these chief criminals to complain on two. 当然,这些东西是伤害不了快银尼克.弗瑞的。快银是个相当机灵的家伙。在爆炸声刚刚响起的时候,他就一溜烟地带着尼克.弗瑞跑到了一个绝对安全的地方。甚至于在爆炸和烈火蔓延开来了之后,他还有闲心对着造成这一切的罪魁祸首抱怨上两句。 However Nick Fury did not have this leisurely mood. He who was just saved from death has not even said a time of thanks to oneself savior. Directly has held down near oneself ear ear wheat, the avengers of his communication has been calling to the wiretapper. 不过尼克.弗瑞就没有他这个闲心了。刚刚死里逃生的他甚至没有对自己的救命恩人说一声感谢的功夫。就直接按住了自己耳边的耳麦,对着一直窃听者他通讯的复仇者们呼叫道。 Team leader, Tony. Did you hear just situation? Now tells me, do you have to look to hit that damn fellow!” “队长,托尼。你们听到了刚刚的情况了吗?现在告诉我,你们有没有找打那个该死的家伙!” You are daydreaming, chief Sir. That fellow is a data stream, without any ahead of time preparing, how you make me be able to catch him. He ran up to the Internet now, only if you can all web portal closure, otherwise no one is possible to hold him!” “你这是在白日做梦,局长大人。那个家伙是一段数据流,在没有任何提前准备的情况下,你让我怎么才能抓得到他。他现在已经跑到了互联网络里,除非你能把所有的网络端口关闭,不然谁都不可能抓住他!” Damn!” Indignant scolded one angrily, Nick Fury will not acknowledge that this is because want the result that retains the secret to cause. Therefore he can only send out a geographic name, then yelled to them in nearly the way of order. “该死!”愤愤然地骂了一句,尼克.弗瑞才不会承认这都是因为自己想要保留秘密而导致的结果。所以他只能报出了一个地名,然后以近乎命令的方式对他们大叫道。 Now you quickly go to there to control that several aerospace depot ship, once it lifted off. Then the matter is really unable to control. Computing mode that Dr. Zola studies the positive governing above autonomous weapon. Through satellite positioning. In one minute. He can kill tens of thousands of average people. Therefore, you must prevent it as soon as possible. Understood?” “现在你们赶快去那里控制那几艘空天母舰,一旦它升空了。那么事情就真的无法控制了。左拉博士研究出来的计算方式将直接控制上面的自主式武器。通过卫星定位。一分钟内。他就可以杀死成千上万的普通人。所以,你们一定要尽快阻止它。明白吗?” The Nick Fury words make the avengers who hears him to speak hate the tooth to be itchy. He has discovered obviously many clues, even grasped the enemy extremely important base to be. Because of being proud, even is some he secretive reasons. He actually must develop this one person alone to rush to the program of hostile camp. 尼克.弗瑞的话让听到他说话的复仇者们恨得牙痒痒的。他明明都发现了不少的线索,甚至掌握了敌人至关紧要的基地所在。但是因为自负,甚至是一些他心里不可告人的理由。他却非要演一出这种孤身直闯敌营的戏码。 If this program developed. If can convince the enemy to surrender, or is closes right up against their these cards in a hand to come a startled huge reversal, gives to catch the whole lot in a dragnet all enemies. The avengers do not mind to some Nick Fury applause, in the publication two treasured sword not old commendations. 如果说这出戏码演好了也就罢了。如果能说服敌人投降,或者是靠着他们这些底牌来个惊天大逆转,把所有的敌人都给一网打尽。复仇者们也不介意给尼克.弗瑞一些掌声,发表上两句宝刀未老的称赞。 However the key of issue is, this program developed to collapse. Although front defers to the Nick Fury script. However finally. All turned into sudden resurrecting the duck in pot, is hitting the face of Nick Fury, while quack was laughing wildly from his eyes forward flight in the past. 但是问题的关键是,这场戏码演崩了。前面虽然是按照尼克.弗瑞的剧本来的。但是在最后。所有的一切都变成了突然复活的锅里的鸭子,一边打着尼克.弗瑞的脸,一边嘎嘎狂笑着从他眼前飞了过去。 The face of Nick Fury naturally was hit painful. But this is actually not the key point that avengers care about, what they care is the consequence. Now the consequence has been placed in their front, that stern fact is forcing them, has to take the most urgent action. 尼克.弗瑞的脸自然是被打得生疼。而这却并不是复仇者们关心的重点,他们关心的是后果。现在后果已经摆在了他们的面前,那严峻的事实逼迫着他们,不得不采取最紧急的行动。 Quicksilver, did not need to manage him. Immediately. We must before these depot ships lift off prevents them. Your speed is fastest, therefore these time still takes the lead by you!” 快银,不用管他了。立刻出发。我们必须在那些母舰升空前阻止它们。你的速度最快,所以这一次依然由你来打头阵!” The instruction sound of team leader near the ear of Quicksilver, but hears this saying, Quicksilver understands clearly was waving to Nick Fury. Changed to a lightning, will shortly vanish in dim light of night that in this flame has dragged. 队长的吩咐响在了快银的耳边,而听到这话,快银了然地对着尼克.弗瑞挥了挥手。就化作了一道闪电,于顷刻间消失在了这片火光摇曳的夜色中。 . Nick Fury heard in oneself ear to transmit Di sound. This is his communication bed sheet cuts off the later sound. Very obviously, he no longer was trusted by the avengers. Agent who cannot control the excellent situation, only meets the misdemeanor regarding the team leader. Even if he is Chief SHIELD, will not have any other giving favored treatment. 紧接着。尼克.弗瑞就听见了自己耳朵里传来了一声嘀响。这是他的通讯被单方面掐断之后的声音。很显然,他已经不再被复仇者们信任了。一个控制不住大好局势的特工,对于队长来说只会坏事而已。就算他是神盾局局长,也不会有任何的其他的优待。 His status function, this point is not clear. But after understanding this, Nick Fury also can only clench teeth, feels suffocated to return to own private car. The matter had this, although completely was he, but he also has to acknowledge, he must shoulder very important part of responsibility. 他的身份没有作用,这一点非常明白。而了解到这点之后,尼克.弗瑞也只能咬着牙,憋着气回到了自己的座驾中。事情发生到了这一步虽然并非完全是他的过,但是就连他自己也不得不承认,他必须承担很重要的一部分责任。 This makes him somewhat angry has pounded the steering wheel, vented despondance in the heart. However also such pounds, after having pounded this next, he quickly controls oneself mood, has retrieved own reason. 这让他有些气恼的砸了一下方向盘,借此发泄起自己心中的抑郁。不过也就是这么一砸,砸过了这一下以后,他很快就控制住了自己的情绪,重新找回了自己的理智。 After all he is the SHIELD chief, in the world the profoundest agent. A failure also impossible to strike down him. After he took easy, he has found immediately oneself condition. Starts to ponder how should tackle the following issue. 毕竟他是神盾局的局长,世界上最精深的特工。一次失败还不可能把他击倒。所以当他想开了以后,他立刻就找回了自己的状态。开始思考该怎么应付接下来的问题。 First sees clearly the issue of plan. Without a doubt, after Dr. Zola escapes, definitely as soon as possible will launch this plan. Because he has exposed, if not as soon as possible. Drags for one point, on his dangerous many point. But to finally, this plan has only been able to put to the running water thoroughly. Even he and his subordinates will also welcome the destructive attack. Therefore he certainly as soon as possible, even starts his seeing clearly plan immediately. 首先是洞察计划的问题。毫无疑问,左拉博士逃脱之后,肯定会尽快启动这项计划。因为他已经暴露了,如果不尽快的话。拖上一分时间,他的危险就多上一分。而到了最后,这项计划只能彻底地付诸流水。甚至他和他的手下们也将迎来毁灭性的打击。所以他一定会尽快,甚至是立刻开始他的洞察计划。 But this means own movement also to as soon as possible. Although the avengers started to take action, but spoke the sentence innermost thoughts, Nick Fury does not trust the abilities of these fellows specially. Besides team leader and Natasha, he in avenger on few trustworthy people. Especially after having the Tony Stark such frivolous fellow, he does not hold a favorable view on them. 而这就意味着自己的动作也必须尽快。虽然复仇者们已经开始行动了,但是说句心里话,尼克.弗瑞并不是特别信任这些家伙的能力。除了队长和娜塔莎之外,他在复仇者里面就没有几个信得过的人。尤其是在有了托尼.史塔克这样轻浮的家伙之后,他就对他们更加不看好了。 If not because the strength of this group of people is really is above the great strength of average man, he has not even regarded them is the idea of card in a hand. Even if were the avenger has taken over has seen clearly the plan the matter, he did not feel relieved prepared to place the second defense line again. 如果不是因为这伙人的力量实在是超乎常人的强大,他甚至都没有把他们当成是底牌的想法。所以即便是复仇者已经接手了洞察计划的事情,他还是不放心的准备再安插第二道防线。 Has thought of here, Nick Fury took up contact on vehicle, the preparation contacted on Commander Hill on aerospace aircraft carrier to say first again. He now after all not there, only then pays in this matter the hand of trusted aide, he can feel relieved. 想到了这里,尼克.弗瑞就拿起了车子上的联络器,准备先联络上空天航母上的希尔指挥官再说。他现在毕竟不在那里,只有把这件事交付到心腹的手中,他才能放下心来。 When he takes up the communications device, dials the above special number time, is actually discovers only has an intermittent static that in communication transmits. Let alone relates the aerospace aircraft carrier, is accepts the signal of broadcasting station became a impossible matter. 但是当他拿起通讯装置,拨通上面的特殊号码的时候,却是发现通讯器里传来的只有一阵阵的杂音。别说联系空天航母,就是接受电台的讯号都已经成为了一件不可能的事情。 This situation emergence, makes Nick Fury sink immediately at heart. If the average person. Only will treat probably also as here signal not to be good. Cannot accept the information. However Nick Fury is actually very clear. Own private car after vehicles of special re-equipping. In signal communications, let alone any unmanned wilderness, thoroughly arrives at the wilderness jungle deep place, can open access to receive the SHIELD exclusive satellite signal. Therefore, any signal not good issue regarding him should be a radically unlikely matter. If occurred, then certainly had a worse situation to appear. 这个情形一出现,立刻就让尼克.弗瑞心里一沉。如果是普通人。大概也只会当做这里的信号不好。接受不到信息而已。但是尼克.弗瑞却是很清楚。自己的这辆专车可是经过特殊改装的车辆。在通讯联络上,别说什么无人荒野,就是深入到荒漠丛林深处,也能畅通无阻地接收到神盾局专属的卫星讯号。所以,什么信号不好的问题对于他来说理应是一件根本不可能发生的事情。如果发生了,那么就一定有更坏的情况出现了。 Had realized anything's Nick Fury has put in the hidden compartment place before auxiliary seat the hand immediately, has fished out a pistol from inside. Then the accelerator steps on, drives the vehicles to rush toward the road on. 已经意识到了什么的尼克.弗瑞立刻把手伸进了副座前的暗格处,从里面摸出了一把手枪。然后油门一踩,就驾驶着车辆向着公路上奔去。 Here situation is somewhat unusual. Therefore naturally first walk regarding him to wonderfully. However his vehicle just started, never in the jungle of distant place flashed to project two dazzling flames. Two rocket projectiles like are flying bolides, is bringing gratingly hu-hu the sound flies to shoot to the Nick Fury private car. 这里的情形有些异常。所以对于他来说自然是先走为妙。但是他的车子刚起步,从不远处的密林里就闪射出了两道耀眼的火光。两枚火箭弹像是飞火流星一样,带着刺耳的呼哧声就冲着尼克.弗瑞的座驾直直地飞射而来。 Some people in hidden place, moreover wants under the killer to own pain. This cognition appears to make Nick Fury turn the monstrous waves at heart immediately. However he reluctantly maintained oneself calmness, when at a crucial moment, the violent force rotated own steering wheel, was hit in the surrounding jungle by own private car one. 有人在暗处,而且想要对自己痛下杀手。这个认知一出现就让尼克.弗瑞心里立刻翻起来巨浪。不过他还是勉强维持住了自己的镇定,在千钧一发之际,猛力地回转自己的方向盘,让自己的座驾一头撞进了周围的密林之中。 The steel body, the vehicle of special bulletproof armor like was the bulldozer has interrupted near road several big trees, was roaring, rushed in the jungle good. But in it behind. That two rocket projectiles are one hit on the tree trunk, then erupts the deafening bellow fiercely. 钢铁身躯,特殊防弹装甲的车子像是推土机一样截断了公路边上的几颗大树,然后咆哮着,在密林中奔行了起来。而在它身后。那两枚火箭弹已经是一头撞在了树干上,然后猛地爆发出震耳欲聋的轰鸣声。 The violent flame and shock-wave in erupts instantaneously. Not only exploded the innumerable fragments the surrounding number easily accomplished, was coercing one pile the wooden crushed stone, has hit above the Nick Fury private car ruthlessly. 猛烈的火光和冲击波于瞬间喷发出来。不仅仅把周围的数目摧枯拉朽地炸成了无数碎片,更是裹挟着一堆断木碎石,狠狠地撞到了尼克.弗瑞的座驾之上。 Even if the Nick Fury private car tonnage is not small, under this type attacks violently, jolts to fly unavoidably along with the billowing air current. However Nick Fury good and evil experience is extraordinary, he held on to the steering wheel in oneself hand at this time firmly, has not let the private car under his body, because this sudden explosion turns into the out of control Beast. The vehicle still in his control, leaps up to be good in the forests. Although among presents many obstacles unavoidably, however under the armor and brute force of vehicle, has not actually created too many hindrance to the motion of Nick Fury. 即便尼克.弗瑞的座驾吨位不小,但是在这种猛烈地冲击之下,也难免随着滚滚的气流而颠簸飞起。不过尼克.弗瑞好歹经验非凡,在这个时候他牢牢地把住了自己手里的方向盘,没有让他身下的座驾因为这突然的爆炸而变成失控的野兽。车子依然在他的掌控中,在林木间蹿行着。虽然中间难免地出现许多障碍物,但是在车子的装甲和蛮力之下,却并没有对尼克.弗瑞的行动造成太多的阻碍。 He runs fast, although ran off one and remote distance, however his has not relaxed at heart. Because he is very clear, person who dares to intercept this Chief SHIELD, will inevitably not be the general small role. But this person, impossible the unfavorable situation that because one time attacks, gives up to his interception. They also will definitely take an action, moreover was crazier than before, was cut-throat. 他跑的飞快,虽然已经跑开了一段及其遥远的距离,但是他的心里还是没有放松下来。因为他很清楚,敢截击他这个神盾局局长的人,必然不会是一般的小角色。而这种人,更加不可能因为一次攻击的失利,就放弃对他的截击。他们肯定还会有所行动,而且比之前更疯狂,更凶狠。 On this issue, Nick Fury guesses right. Because he heard sound quickly. Has heard the bellow of vehicle from his, that type with monster same roaring, coming out that only then the military armored vehicle can send. But this type of vehicle, can definitely in the forest recklessly the leaping up line, but does not have any dreading. 在这个问题上,尼克.弗瑞猜得没错。因为他很快就听到了声响。从他的身后传来了车子的轰鸣声,那种和怪物一样的咆哮,只有军用的装甲车才能发的出来。而这种车子,完全可以在林中肆意蹿行而没有任何的忌惮。 The armored vehicle when pursues appears in own line of sight one after another, the Nick Fury mood was more awful. The enemy manpower is numerous, moreover weapon private car does not lack, wants to run away from their hands, is an issue of not big reality. 当追击的装甲车接二连三地出现在自己的视线里的时候,尼克.弗瑞的心情就更加糟糕了。敌人人手众多,而且武器座驾一个不缺,想要从他们手中逃走,已经是一件不大现实的问题了。 But can kill? Heard helicopter sound Nick Fury to cancel this idea immediately. The air ground both sides converging attack, he is impossible to have any opportunity. 而要不要杀出去呢?听到了直升飞机声音的尼克.弗瑞立刻打消了这个主意。空陆两面夹击,他不可能有任何的机会。 Regarding the present situation, Nick Fury simply is similar to the bright mirror is at heart same. Can be sent to intercept itself, no matter what can also be elite in enemy. Two said fortunately, relies on skill that are exercising, he has a confidence to complete instead kills. However likely is such magnificent scene, he did not have a wee bit grasping. 对于眼下的情况,尼克.弗瑞心里简直如同明镜一样。能被派出来截杀自己,不管怎么说也会是敌人中的精锐。一个两个还好说,凭借着自己锻炼出来的本事,他还是有那么点信心来完成反杀的。但是像是这样的大场面,他就没有一丁点的把握了。 He is only an agent , was only lives at most for a long time an agent. He does not have what superpower, is not the super hero. Hits ten, gives his sufficient preparation him to could achieve. However like present, was attacked, moreover by one crowd of armed complete elite surprise attacks. He except for recognizing does not instigate any other choices. 他只是一个特工,顶多也只算是活得久了点的特工。他没有什么超能力,更不是什么超级英雄。一个打十个,给他充足的准备他或许能做到。但是像现在这样,被人突袭,而且还是被一群武装齐全的精锐突袭。他除了认怂没有任何其他的选择。 Naturally, the surrender is not realistic. Looked from just that two rocket projectiles, idea that they have not captured alive. The revolt dies, was caught also died. Therefore the only means of livelihood run from their hands, but this can run from this type of dead end? 当然,投降是不现实的。从刚刚的那两枚火箭弹上看,他们也没有活捉的想法。反抗是死,被抓到了也是死。所以唯一的活路就是从他们的手里跑出去,但是该怎么才能从这种死局里跑出去呢? Recalled surrounding terrain Nick Fury to think diligently thinks, finally set firm resolve. One dozen of steering wheels hit to return to the forests above the vehicle the road.( To be continued.) 努力地回忆着周围地形的尼克.弗瑞想了又想,终于是下定了决心。一打方向盘就把车子重新撞回到了林间公路之上。(未完待续。)
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