MSG :: Volume #6

#521: The making a comeback beginning to end has not ended

Zola's sneering made Nick Fury be quietly has closed own eye. 左拉的冷笑让尼克.弗瑞悄无声息地闭上了自己的眼睛。 What's wrong, your subordinate had caught the whole lot in a dragnet by me. Your also can only be trapped in my present pile of obsolete antiques. In this case, you think that you can also have the hope that what makes a comeback?” “怎么,你的手下都已经被我一网打尽了。你本人也只能受困于我眼前的这堆过时的老古董里面。在这种情况下,你认为你还能有什么翻盘的希望吗?” You think? Really was a pity, Chief. I also hold anything to anticipate to you in vain. However now looks like, you are also the idiot who does not see clearly the situation.” “你是这么想的吗?真是可惜,弗瑞局长。枉我还对你抱有着什么期待。但是现在看来,你也是一个看不清楚局势的蠢货。” Character sudden on computer screen, then looks like the broken thermo emerges one pile for the first time equally fiercely green is similar to the mosquito ant same character. Meanwhile, the high-pitched and fine sound becomes is also more rapid. 计算机屏幕上的字符突然一顿,然后就像是乍破的水瓶一样猛地涌现出一堆绿色的如同蚊蚁一样的字符。与此同时,尖细的声音也变得更加急促起来。 I must correct your two points, Chief. This first point is, my subordinate may not catch the whole lot in a dragnet by you.” “我要纠正你两点,弗瑞局长。这第一点就是,我的手下可还没有被你一网打尽。” This saying just said, several ends stood in the Nick Fury behind SHIELD agent suddenly transferred the injured spear head, aimed at the past colleague, the buckle began the trigger. 这话刚说完,几个端立在尼克.弗瑞身后的神盾局特工就突然调转了自己受伤的枪头,对准了自己昔日的同僚,扣动了手中的扳机。 This sudden action naturally is many people have not thought that therefore is only several gunshots, inundates fresh blood smell. In the entire underground command post restored a tranquility. But only different is, just also in good condition stood in the Nick Fury behind SHIELD agent has been short of the larger part. As for the remaining these, like is treats the prisoner, has aimed at the past chief the weapon in own. Probably so long as he has any change, be relentless under the killer to his pain will be the same immediately. 这突然的举动自然是很多人都没有想到的,所以只是几声枪响,漫上一阵新鲜的血腥气味。整个地下指挥室里就重新恢复了一片平静。而唯一不同的则是,刚刚还好端端站在尼克.弗瑞身后的神盾局特工已经是少了一大半。至于剩下的那些,则像是对待囚犯一样,把自己手里的武器对准了自己昔日的局长。好像他只要有任何的异动,就立刻会毫不留情地对他痛下杀手一样。 The sudden mutation has not touched the Nick Fury hard nerve. He is only whatever a SHIELD rebel arrives at himself behind, locks oneself with the handcuff on the chair. Meanwhile was asking to front computer. 身后的突发异变并没有触动尼克.弗瑞坚硬的神经。他只是任由一个神盾局叛徒走到自己身后,用手铐把自己锁在椅子上。同时对着自己面前的计算机问道。 These are your person, Zola. Said. I am very curious. You seep my SHIELD with any way.” “这些都是你的人吗,左拉。说真的。我很好奇。你到底是用什么方式来渗透我的神盾局的。” What's wrong. Has also wanted to inquire my secret to you at this time?” Zola's some sound spiritedness, but this displays on that several broken loudspeaker, was the noise is more grating. But, since you want to know. Told you also the no reason why not, let understanding that you died, was good.” “怎么。到了这个时候你还想打探我的秘密吗?”左拉的声音有些些许的昂扬,而这表现在那几个破喇叭上,就是噪音更加刺耳了而已。“不过,既然你想知道的话。告诉你也未尝不可,就让你死的明白一点,也是好的。” SHIELD had person who we seeped, these words says not accurately. Exactly said, was you chooses accepted our Hydra strength.” 神盾局有我们渗透的人,这句话说得不准确。确切的说,是你们自己选择了接受我们九头蛇的力量。” „After second war. Although Hydra has defeated, but strength still. But your SHIELD to grow strong, fundamentally, no matter do have that ability, directly swallowed down the Hydra strength. You think oneself can digest Hydra strength, but you actually do not understand the Hydra genuine bottom strength. Reduces a head, will also be long two. All that you make impossible thoroughly to annihilate Hydra radically. You have put in it a greenhouse, waits for it to resurrect.” “二战以后。九头蛇虽然战败了,但是实力仍在。而你们神盾局为了发展壮大,根本不管自己有没有那个能力,就直接把九头蛇的力量吞了下去。你们以为自己能够消化的了九头蛇的力量,但是你们却根本不明白九头蛇真正的底力。砍掉一个头,还会长出两个来。你们所做的一切根本就不可能把九头蛇彻底地消灭掉。你们只是把它放到了一个温室里面,等着它重新复活而已。” I have worked the first 30 years in life for Hydra, has worked the post- 30 years in life for SHIELD. In 30 years, although you are maintaining to me the surveillance, but actually does not know. I have laid down many seed. Now, the seed took root to germinate. You know was also too late!” “我为九头蛇工作了人生中的前30年,为了神盾局工作了人生中的后30年。30年里,虽然你们对我一直保持着监视,但是却根本不知道。我到底埋下了多少的种子。现在,种子生根发芽了。你们知道的也就太迟了!” Zola spoke a few words every time, the muscle on Nick Fury face has twitched. This regarding this dead face naturally is a strange matter, but this has also proven, Zola's words to his innermost feelings some big impacts. 左拉每说一句话,尼克.弗瑞脸上的肌肉就抽动了一下。这对于他这个死人脸来说自然是一件离奇的事情,而这也证明了,左拉的话对他的内心到底有多大的冲击。 Past matter Nick Fury was not the matter bystander, he has also participated. Although was inferior that Howard that group of people are the same, find out all situations, but actually also handles the part to draw in the Hydra influence the duty. 当年的事情尼克.弗瑞并不是什么事外人,他也是有所参与的。虽然不如霍华德那群人一样,了解所有的情况,但是却也经手过部分收拢九头蛇势力的任务。 That time he has the same idea with all SHIELD high levels, that is will be insufficient to fear. Since Hydra has defeated in their hands, then draws in the captive and spoils of war is almost the perfectly justified matter. However now looks like, they think is too simple, was too pure. 那个时候的他和所有神盾局的高层都有着一样的想法,那就是败军之将不足为惧。九头蛇既然已经战败在了他们的手上,那么收拢俘虏和战利品几乎就是天经地义的事情。但是现在看来,他们想的太简单,也太单纯了。 Hydra is not the common enemy, even if chops his head, the remaining things cannot casual swallow in the thing to belly. It looks like wraps the toxicant of sugarcoating to be the same, pleasant and tasty that starts may joyful, however afterward violently poisonous is actually sufficiently fatal existence. But now is poisonously sends. 九头蛇不是一般的敌人,就算是砍下了他的脑袋,剩下的东西也不是能随随便便就咽到肚子里的东西。它就像是一颗包裹着糖衣的毒药一样,开始的甘美或许会让人愉悦,但是随后的剧毒却是足以致命的存在。而现在就是毒发的时候了。 Is tasting the bitter fruit taste that is led to by them, Nick Fury at heart naturally is hundred taste Chen Za. However he not disheartened, because he knows oneself have not arrived at the desperate time. In his hand also has a card in a hand, this card in a hand has not revealed comes out, who can say that all had finished! 品尝着由他们自己酿成的苦果的滋味,尼克.弗瑞心里自然是百味陈杂。不过他并没有灰心丧气,因为他知道自己还没有到绝望的时候。他的手里还有着一张底牌,这张底牌没露出来,谁又能说一切已经结束了呢! Therefore he has twitched under corners of the mouth, has exhibited a stiff smiling face. Was saying to present Dr. Zola. 所以他只是抽动了下嘴角,摆出了一个僵硬的笑容。就对着眼前的左拉博士说道。 Really is good to plan. However the matter I also need to tell you. That is these people who your subordinate massacres, is not my person. In particular, they are the same with you, is the malignant tumor of ambush in SHIELD. Although I have not known that they serve for whom, but I must thank you, helping me eradicate them.” “真是好算计。不过有一件事我也需要告诉你一下。那就是你的手下杀掉的这些人,并不是我的人。确切地说,他们和你们一样,是潜伏在神盾局里的毒瘤。虽然我还不知道他们到底是为谁服务的,但是我还是要谢谢你,帮我铲除了他们。” Useless struggling, you are the time that delayed itself dead.” Although the words said, however Zola's voice actually obviously became rapid a point. But lifts the ground in his several subordinates the corpse, saw several special tattoos after above. They on the complexion big change, simultaneously turn toward Dr. Zola to report this news immediately. “无用的挣扎,你不过是在拖延自己死亡的时间而已。”话虽然是这么说,但是左拉的声音却是明显地变得急促了一点。而在他的几个下属掀开地上的尸体,从上面看到了几个特殊的纹身之后。他们立刻就脸色大变,同时向着左拉博士汇报了这个消息。 But listened to their report, Zola's voice also became gloomy. 而听了他们的汇报,左拉的声音也变得阴沉了起来。 You want to provoke our to fight, Chief?” “你是想挑起我们的内斗吗,弗瑞局长?” Naturally, otherwise you think why I will make this matter?” On this issue, actually Chief replied simple thorough. My hand/subordinate these many some fellows of having ulterior motives, since I knew their status, didn't use too to waste well?” “当然,不然你以为我为什么会做出这种事情吗?”在这个问题上,弗瑞局长倒是回答的干脆彻底。“我手下有这么多心怀鬼胎的家伙,既然我知道了他们的身份,不好好地利用一下岂不是太浪费了吗?” These words are very direct, but also is makes Dr. Zola start to be in a dilemma. If these people are Pierce's person, he does not care actually. After all his Pierce was almost also equal to tearing to pieces the facial skin, does not need to leave behind any face countenance again. 这句话很直接,但是却也是让左拉博士开始左右为难起来。如果是这些人是皮尔斯的人,他倒是不怎么在乎。毕竟他还皮尔斯几乎等同于撕破了脸皮,彼此之间也不需要再留下点什么颜面了。 However seepage in SHIELD may not only be he and Pierce's person. The barons even are other Hydra leaders, more or less uses the Hydra energy, has placed some board game pieces toward inside. Good to achieve some secretive plans. These plans. Some are Zola knows. Some are he listens not to listen. Some are perhaps immaterial, some are actually concerning the general situations in these leader hearts. 但是渗透在神盾局里的可不仅仅是他和皮尔斯的人。男爵甚至是其他的九头蛇首领,都或多或少地利用九头蛇的能量,往里面安插了一些棋子。好达成一些不可告人的计划。这些计划。有的是左拉知道的。有的则是他听都没听过的。有的或许无关紧要,有的却关乎着那些首领心中的大局。 But at this time, Nick Fury actually cleaned up a group of essential spies with Zola's hand. How this can not make Zola be surprised, becomes angry out of shame. 而这个时候,尼克.弗瑞却借着左拉的手清理掉了一批关键的间谍。这怎么能不让左拉大吃一惊,恼羞成怒。 Once the plans of these people fall short because of the deaths of these spies, they definitely will calculate this responsibility on him and Nick Fury body. But Nick Fury is difficult to run away now dies. In the future then he naturally becomes the essential target that they will give vent to indignation. 一旦那些人的计划因为这些间谍的死而功亏一篑,他们必然会把这个责任算在他和尼克.弗瑞的身上。而尼克.弗瑞现在已经是难逃一死了。那么他自然就会成为未来他们泄愤的主要目标。 Thinks method that own colleagues retaliate, even if were turned into Zola of electronic spirit also to have some fearful feelings. However although felt that is this, but must say the fear, he is also insufficient that degree. After all he is one is aloof existence of human shape. Death and so on threat is naturally impossible to have anything to affect to him. Therefore quick, he restored calmly, was saying to Nick Fury icily. 想想自己同僚们打击报复的手段,即便是已经变成了电子幽灵的左拉也有了些心寒的感觉。不过虽然感觉上是这样,但是真要说害怕,他还不至于到那种程度。毕竟他已经是一个超脱出人类形态的存在了。死亡之类的威胁自然是不可能在对他有什么影响。所以很快,他就恢复了镇定,对着尼克.弗瑞冷冰冰地说道。 They do not know all that here has. Even said, they will only calculate all in your head.” “他们不会知道这里发生的一切的。甚至说,他们只会把一切算在你的头上。” You must guarantee that your hand/subordinate keep one's mouth shut are!” Similarly is sneering expression, the Nick Fury look actually suddenly became strange. I think, you should not be the Hydra biggest that head. Thinks to look, if that fellow knows that own person dies in your hand, you will have any fate. Even if your clever appearance can make you fearless in him. Your these subordinates, can they have what means self-preservation?” “那你要保证你的这些手下们守口如瓶才是!”同样是冷笑着的表情,尼克.弗瑞的神色却是突然间变得怪异了起来。“我想,你应该不是九头蛇最大的那个脑袋吧。想想看,如果那个家伙知道自己的人死在你的手上的话,你会有什么下场。就算是你的这幅鬼样子能让你无惧于他。那你的这些手下呢,他们难道就能有什么办法自保吗?” Nick Fury only used several words to make these Hydra spies was terribly suspicious and fearful. Some people perhaps in Hydra will make the foolish matter that devotes to for ideal, but that absolutely is not the smart person. But the genuine smart people understand the self-preservation. 尼克.弗瑞只用了几句话就让那些九头蛇的间谍变得疑神疑鬼了起来。在九头蛇里或许有人会为了理想而做出献身的蠢事,但是那绝对不是什么聪明人。而真正的聪明人都是懂得自保的。 Can make spy high-tech content the person of manual labor naturally is the smart person. Therefore these smart people listened to the Nick Fury words. Immediately starts the motionless look to move own muzzle, simultaneously starts to take a look at all around companions with an alert look. 能做间谍这种高技术含量的活计的人自然是聪明人。所以这些聪明人听了尼克.弗瑞的话。立刻就开始不动神色地挪动起了自己的枪口,同时开始用一种戒备的眼神打量着四周的同伴们。 Everyone wants to go on living. The sniper's shot that no one wants to come from person on one's own side kills. In this type, once exposes in the situation that basically must die, perhaps in this type informs in the situation that can also leave behind the strip poor life. Many people start, for own future will calculate. 谁都想要活下去。谁也不想被来自自己人的冷枪干掉。在这种一旦曝光就基本要死的情况下,在这种也许告密还能留下条小命的情况下。很多人都开始为了自己的未来盘算起来。 But in camera through command post saw action that oneself these hand/subordinate make, Zola has sent immediately out grating sneering. 而通过指挥室里的摄像头看到了自己的那些手下所做的举动,左拉立刻就发出了刺耳的冷笑。 Nick Fury. You thought that the way of this sowing dissension can make you go on living from here? Don't forget, even if they start the internal strife internecine strife, you are impossible to live are leaving here. Your result has been doomed, that died!” 尼克.弗瑞。你觉得你这种挑拨离间的方式能让你从这里活下去吗?别忘了,就算是他们开始内讧火拼,你也不可能活着离开这里。你的结局已经注定了,那就是死亡!” This is uncertain!” “这就不一定了!” At this time, Nick Fury suddenly selected the eyebrow to smile, but along with his voice, the silver lightning burst in together immediately, in the moment, dashed about wildly in this not big command post instant several back and forth. 就在这个时候,尼克.弗瑞突然挑眉一笑,而随着他的话音,一道银色的闪电顿时破门而入,在刹那须臾之间,就在这个不大的指挥室里狂奔了几个来回。 The line of sight of human naturally cannot catch this silver lightning appearance/portrait, even if with the obsolete camera of Dr. Zola , can only see a fuzzy general idea. But has not waited for him to distinguish clearly, all have settled down. 人类的视线自然是捕捉不到这道银色闪电的真容的,就算是凭着左拉博士的老旧摄像机,也只能看到一个模糊的大概。而还不等他分辨清楚,一切就已经尘埃落定。 Quicksilver suddenly appears here, and look stood in Nick Fury frivolously. When Nick Fury rubs own wrist/skill is standing, in the entire command post any was unable continuation to stand Hydra member. 快银突然出现在这里,并且神色轻佻地站在了尼克.弗瑞的身后。而当尼克.弗瑞揉着自己的手腕站起来的时候,整个指挥室里已经没有任何一个能继续站着的九头蛇成员了。 General! Dr. Zola. You lost. If not think that I destroy your this stupid making one's home clean. You best to coordinate us obediently and honestly, answered my issue.” “将军!左拉博士。你已经输了。如果不想我把你这个蠢笨的存身之所破坏的干干净净的话。你最好老老实实配合我们,回答我的问题。” „Is this your card in a hand? Very splendid, but not necessarily is useful.” “这就是你的底牌吗?很精彩,但是却不一定有用。” What's wrong, can you have the opportunity that what makes a comeback?” “怎么,你还能有什么翻盘的机会吗?” The similar issue, actually must come similar answer. 同样的问题,却是得来了类似的答复。 Still remembers that I and you had said place that you need to correct? Second, who told you, I can only make one's home in this place. My world is limitless, you gave up any idea of that arrests me!” “还记得我和你说过的你需要纠正的地方吗?第二点,谁告诉你,我只能存身在这个地方的。我的世界无边无际,你休想逮捕我!” Zola's voice has not fallen, under the entire base has heard the giant bellow. The heartless flame gushes out along with rumble the demolition sound, in an instant all submerged in a sea of fire.( To be continued.) 左拉的话音还没有落下,整个基地下面已经传来了巨大的轰鸣声。紧接着,无情的火焰伴随着轰隆隆的爆破声喷薄而出,刹那间把所有的一切都淹没在了一片火海之中。(未完待续。)
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