MSG :: Volume #6

#520: Electronic spirit victory and defeat unknown

Sorry, sorry. Temporarily a little urgent matter must do. Therefore......” “抱歉,抱歉。临时有一点急事要做。所以……” When brings teammate front that Tony of face apology was just arriving at early be ready and waiting, the team leader patiently has not broken him, was exclaiming to him. 带着一脸歉意的托尼刚刚走到早已经整装待发的队友面前时,队长就已经非常不耐烦地打断了他,对着他吼道。 You have been late, Stark. Entire ten minutes!” “你迟到了,史塔克。整整十分钟!” I said was sorry!” Stiffens the neck, is not willing to be returned to one by this idle air/Qi Tony at a bigger volume immediately. You do not know that I do have a lot to be busy?” “我说了抱歉了!”一梗脖子,不愿意受这个闲气的托尼立刻就以一个更大的音量回了一句。“你难道不知道我有很多事情要忙吗?” Has any matter to be quite busy, but is only some excuses.” Almost said without hesitation , the team leader immediately closely has closed own mouth. He has thought oneself asked the matter that Tony handled, but this matter was not obviously suitable to know. “有什么事好忙的,不过只是一些借口而已。”几乎是不假思索地这么说上一句后,队长就立刻紧紧地闭上了自己的嘴巴。他想到了自己拜托托尼去做的事情,而这种事情显然还不适合让所有的人都知道。 Knowing oneself and other side is a matter, but if the great strength of enemy can be above own imagination, that was a different matter. Chief Steve does not hope own team before the fight because enemy loses the confidence formidable, therefore he rather before all matters occur remains silent. 知己知彼是一回事,但是如果敌人的强大能够超乎自己的想象,那就是另一回事了。史蒂夫队长可不希望自己的队伍在战斗之前就因为敌人的强大而失去信心,所以他宁愿在所有的事情发生之前保持沉默。 I know, you can understand my.” Regarding Tony, can see that team leader eats to suppress not easy. Therefore he has gathered immediately the team leader, almost such was saying to him winkingly. “我就知道,你是能理解我的。”对于托尼来说,能看到队长吃憋可不容易。所以他立刻凑到了队长的跟前,对着他几乎是挤眉弄眼地这么说道。 Looks at his expression, team leader cold snort/hum entered in the elder brother fighter aircraft. But after him, Natasha was a face curiously has actually gathered the Tony side, was asking to him in a soft voice. 看着他的这幅表情,队长冷哼一声就率先走进了昆式战机里。而在他之后,娜塔莎却是一脸好奇地凑到了托尼的身边,对着他轻声问道。 Why I felt that what matter you as if do have really to hide the truth from us?” “为什么我感觉你们似乎有什么事情实在瞒着我们?” I can affirm that is your misconception.” Maintaining composure has moved out of the way own look, Tony like is wields the fly to beckon with the hand. „, Always do not have come to see me to be good in that spy skill that in SHIELD uses with you, we are also the people on one's own side, can entrap you to be inadequate?” “我可以肯定那是你的错觉。”不动声色的挪开了自己的眼神,托尼像是挥苍蝇一样摆了摆手。“还有,别老是用你在神盾局里用的那种间谍本事来看我好吗,我们好歹也算是自己人,难道还能坑害你不成?” I also had not said that I do not believe you!” Showing a faint smile. Natasha has also reversed the waist, walked toward the airplane. Only leaves behind a few words to make Tony awkward. “我又没有说我不相信你!”微微一笑。娜塔莎也扭转过腰肢,向着飞机走了过去。只留下一句话让托尼尴尬莫名。 Regarding me. Your performance was really too not naturally, my very easy on association to other places.” “只是对于我来说。你的表现实在是太不自然了,我很容易就联想到其他的地方去。” These words almost told Tony obvious, oneself saw many things. But this suggestion lets Tony besides the forced smile, simply does not have any other means. His group of child teammate few fools, moreover this class in the superficial thing, whom he does not have the prospect to deceive to go. 这句话几乎是明摆着告诉托尼,自己已经看出了不少东西。而这种暗示则让托尼除了苦笑之外,根本没有任何别的办法。他的这帮子队友没有几个傻瓜,而且这种流于表面的东西,他也没有真的指望能够骗过谁去。 They know sooner or later this matter, looked when the team leader prepares to say this news. But before that oneself remain silent good. 他们早晚会知道这件事,就看队长准备什么时候把这个消息说出来。而在那之前,自己还是保持沉默的好。 After having weighed over and over, Tony set firm resolve. Has placed also the body of Dr. Trask more energy. With the SHIELD possible issue, as well as compared with Hydra ambush. The plan that they protect. The thing that is worth him attaching great importance. 衡量了再三之后,托尼还是下定了决心。同时也把更多的精力放在了特拉斯克博士的身上。和神盾局可能出现的问题,以及九头蛇的潜伏者相比。他们所保护的这个计划。才是更值得他重视的东西。 Had the idea, he starts to arrange to go into action according to the plan. But the avenger just sent out, Nick Fury received the message. 有了主意,他就开始按计划中安排行动起来。而复仇者刚一出动,尼克.弗瑞就收到了消息。 This let in his heart calm. 这让他心中大定。 Had meddling of avenger, actually also means that in his hand had a powerful card in a hand. But is grasping this card in a hand, his heart had has started this action adventure the energy. 有了复仇者的插手,其实也就意味着他的手里已经有了一张强有力的底牌。而握着这张底牌,他心底就有了展开这次冒险行动的底气。 Prepares, we walk.” “准备好,我们走吧。” Told conveniently, the SHIELD agent who Nick Fury by own side early been ready and waiting abandoned the military base to set out toward oneself in front. But along with his order. Dozens elite agents changed to the darkness immediately the silent spirit, was similar to under the cover of dim light of night the charm shade same sneaked in spacious, as if already did not have in the military base that the habitation had. 随手吩咐了一声,尼克.弗瑞就让自己身边早已经整装待发的神盾局特工向着自己面前的废弃军事基地进发了起来。而随着他的命令。数十个精锐的特工立刻化作了黑暗中无声幽灵,在夜色的掩护下如同魅影一样钻进了空旷的、似乎早就没有人烟存在的军事基地之中。 But looks that their forms disappear in this base, Nick Fury narrowed the eye, fell into during own recollection. 而看着他们的身影消失在这座基地中,尼克.弗瑞则眯起了眼睛,陷入了自己的回忆之中。 This base he is familiar, can say in his life to have considerable long part time really here to pass. At that time SHIELD had not called SHIELD, inside leader is also not he and Pierce. Although at that time, the SHIELD influence does not have now to be so huge. However a little actually many that the present is better. 这座基地他非常熟悉,可以说他生命中有相当长的一部分时间实在这里度过的。那个时候神盾局还不叫神盾局,里面的领导者还不是他和皮尔斯。虽然在那个时候,神盾局的势力没有现在这么庞大。但是有一点却要比现在好的多。 That is it many that the present is cleaner. Will not have permeating of any Hydra. Will not have any at sixes and sevens person to extend own tentacle to here comes. That time SHIELD some were only the partners who a faith and one crowd had a common goal truly. But like the present, is not staring at the SHIELD reputation. In fact gives loyalty to is actually other organizations and individual. 那就是它比现在干净的多。不会有什么九头蛇的渗入。更不会有什么乱七八糟的人把自己的触手伸到这里来。那个时候的神盾局有的只是一个信念和一群真正志同道合的伙伴。而不是像现在这样的,盯着神盾局的名头。实际上效忠的却是其他的组织和个人。 SHIELD agent? Perhaps this reputation early has been unworthy of the name. 神盾局特工?这个名头恐怕早已经名不副实了。 Thinks of here, starts inexplicable sad Nick Fury to be awakened by an intense sound of gunfire suddenly. But he immediately has also restrained oneself mind, has held down the ear wheat on oneself ear, makes noise to ask. 想到这里,开始莫名感伤的尼克.弗瑞突然被一阵激烈的枪声惊醒。而他也立刻收敛了自己的心神,按住了自己耳朵上的耳麦,出声问道。 What had?” “发生了什么?” Has the enemy to revolt, senior official! We have suppressed them thoroughly, now here had been controlled by us in own hand!” “有敌人反抗,长官!我们已经把他们彻底镇压了,现在这里已经被我们控制在自己的手中了!” I knew!” On the face has revealed one, only then know the smiling face of meaning, Nick Fury pulls up the skirt-width of oneself windproof coat, toward standing erect the military base in profound darkness walked on the broadsword golden horse. But is quick, he arrived at one to be equal to the abandonment underground command post. “我知道了!”脸上露出了一丝只有自己才知道含义的笑容,尼克.弗瑞一撩自己风衣的下摆,就大刀金马地向着屹立于幽深黑暗中的军事基地走了过去。而很快,他就来到了一处已经等同于报废的地下指挥室里。 Enters to the command post, he saw immediately several pour the militants in pool of blood. Their bodies mostly only have a wound, that fatal spear/gun on forehead. But can look from their expressions, they as if simply have not thought that some people will sneak attack them in this manner. 一进到指挥室里,他立刻就看到了几个倒在血泊中的武装人员。他们的身上大都只有一个伤口,那就是在脑门上的致命一枪。而从他们的表情里可以看出来,他们似乎根本没有想到,会有人以这种方式对他们进行偷袭。 Depending on this point, the SHIELD agent who these attack has no qualms in the elite name. However elite turns over to elite, are they loyal? In the heart early had Nick Fury of answer to show a faint smile, no longer thinks are more. 光凭这一点,这些突击进来的神盾局特工就无愧于精锐之名。但是精锐归精锐,他们忠心吗?心里面早已经有了答案的尼克.弗瑞只是微微一笑,就不再思索更多。 But at this time, has cleaned up the agent to walk, started to report the situation to Nick Fury. 而这个时候,已经清理完现场的特工走了过来,开始向尼克.弗瑞汇报起了情况。 Senior official, here has cleaned up. Altogether has killed 63 hostile militants. Nobody surrenders, does not have any captive. We had investigated, here not any other suspected targets.” “长官,这里已经清理完毕。一共击毙了63名敌对武装人员。没有人投降,也没有任何俘虏。我们已经排查过了,这里没有任何其他的可疑目标了。” I knew, you await orders first!” “我知道了,你先待命吧!” On the Nick Fury face did not have any expression to issue a new order, then sat on chair the command posts, was obsolete to front that pile, even closed right up against the diode to complete the operation work the computer to twist the mouth sidewise the mouth, asked. 尼克.弗瑞脸上没有任何表情地下达了一个新的命令,然后就一屁股坐到了指挥室中间的椅子上,对着自己面前那堆老旧的,甚至还是靠着二极管完成运算工作的计算机就咧开了嘴,问道。 Dr. Zola, I sat to your front. You do not have what to want with me to discuss that?” “左拉博士,我都已经坐到你的面前了。你难道就没有什么想和我谈一谈吗?” His voice just fell, this obsolete the underground command post that even is closed right up against to erect the head lamp headlamp that completes including the illumination is like has the life to move suddenly. 他的话音刚落,这个老旧的甚至连照明都是靠着重新架设的大灯来完成的地下指挥室却是突然间像是有了生命一样活动了起来。 First is early pale yellow tube started to leap the light and shade uncertain ray, was that pile of computers of an intermittent obsolete mechanical operation sound from Nick Fury has uploaded. This sound is off and on, is similar to thundering of worn-out engine equally coarse. Explosive that especially that type shouts suddenly, is worrying it can this suddenly discard. 先是早已经昏黄的灯管开始跃动起明暗不定的光芒,然后则是一阵阵老旧的机械运转声从尼克.弗瑞面前的那堆计算机上传了出来。这声音断断续续,如同破旧引擎的轰鸣一样难听。尤其是那种突然间嘶吼出的爆响,更是让人担心它会不会就这样突然间报废掉。 However this worry obviously unreasonable, because is quick, this obsolete machinery has completed the normal start work, beat the most primitive green character since a heavy/thick old style computer screen. 但是这种担心显然是没有道理的,因为很快,这个老旧的机械就完成了正常的启动工作,从一个厚重的老式计算机屏幕上跳动起了最为原始的绿色字符。 I am very curious, Chief. How you know my existence.” “我很好奇,弗瑞局长。你是怎么知道我的存在的。” The character leapt to compose the practical writing, but along with the emergence of writing, a somewhat high-pitched and fine mechanical sound from full was in the loudspeaker of dust jumps to shoot. 字符跃动着组成了切实的文字,而随着文字的出现,一个有些尖细的机械音从满是灰尘的喇叭里迸射了出来。 Sufficiently the person who the grating sound that type of loudspeaker in disrepair after many years emits lets any sense of hearing covers the ear, wishes one could to seal up own sense of hearing. However Nick Fury is his behind that group of SHIELD agents displays calm, as if has not come under the influence of this sound to be the same very much. 那种年久失修的喇叭放射出来的刺耳声音足以让任何听觉的人捂住耳朵,恨不得封住自己的听觉。但是不论是尼克.弗瑞还是他身后的那群神盾局特工都表现得很淡定,似乎一点也没有受到这声音的影响一样。 Especially Nick Fury, he movement on expression or the body on face is the appearance that does not change. Even if saw an electronic spirit of dying appeared in own at present, he also still maintains composure. 尤其是尼克.弗瑞,他不论是脸上的表情还是肢体上的动作都是一副毫无变化的样子。就算是看到一个死去的电子幽灵出现在自己的眼前,他也依然不动声色。 What's wrong, knows that your existence is very strange? I thought actually, I know now your existence, is a genuine sound queer matter.” “怎么,知道你的存在很奇怪吗?我倒是觉得,我现在才知道你的存在,才是一件真正让人奇怪的事情。” You should not know my, in fact should know my existence on nobody. I hid for 40 years, has hidden in this place is watching for you, these for 40 years you had not discovered that a wee bit traces, how possibly now suddenly did know my existence?” “你不应该知道我的,事实上就没有人应该知道我的存在。我隐藏了40年,一直躲在这种地方窥伺着你们,这40年来你们都没有发现一丁点的痕迹,怎么可能现在突然间就知道了我的存在呢?” Dr. Zola looks like the professional custom same spits to sue puzzled at heart. But in fact, he is not indeed clear, why was at this time, was looked to visit by Nick Fury. 左拉博士就像是职业习惯一样吐诉着心里的不解。而事实上,他的确也不明白,为什么偏偏是这个时候,被尼克.弗瑞找上了门来。 I have not thought from the beginning, my goal can be a deceased person. Or I had suspected you, has suspected Pierce, suspicion many people. However after some people's reminders, I thoroughly puts your body the vision. Dr. Zola, you knows that what you do make the biggest mistake are?” “我一开始也没有想到,我的目标会是个死人。或者说,我曾经怀疑过你,怀疑过皮尔斯,怀疑过很多人。但是在经过有些人的提醒之后,我才把目光彻底地放到你的身上。左拉博士,你知道你犯得最大的错误是什么吗?” The Nick Fury issue traded Zola's silence, obviously, he also wants to know oneself had problems on that link. 尼克.弗瑞的问题换来了左拉的沉默,显然,他也非常想知道自己到底在那个环节上出了问题。 You should not keep your draft manuscript, although is only a guess and tentative plan, simply does not have the effective data support. However sufficiently has actually brought to my attention.” “你不应该把你的手稿留下来,尽管只是一种猜测和设想,根本没有有效的数据支持。但是却已经足以引起我的注意了。” Hears this reply, Dr. Zola long sighed immediately. 听到这个回答,左拉博士立刻就长叹了一口气。 Unexpectedly is here had problems, I really have not thought. However that does not have the matter of means that the thought and soul of human passes to in the computer, this is a matter of very risk. Even if were then I do not have any assurance. I have regarded myself white mouse, has made a unrestrained gambling with the final life. Has succeeded, naturally will present present me. But failed, my draft can also spread, provides some meanings of model to the successor. I have not thought that my unexpectedly really success. But I have not thought, I in line with the draft that the science inheritance principle keeps, unexpectedly has become I biggest flaw.” “居然是这里出了问题,我还真是没想到啊。不过那也是没有办法的事情,把人类的思维和灵魂上传到计算机上,这本来就是一件非常冒险的事情。就算是当时的我都没有什么把握。我只是把自己当成了小白鼠,用最后的生命做了一场豪赌而已。成功了,自然就会出现现在的我。而失败了,我的文稿也可以流传下去,给后来者提供一些借鉴的意思。只是我没有想到,我居然真的成功了。而我更没有想到,我本着科学传承原则留下来的文稿,居然成了我最大的破绽。” You should not think. What kind, feels better close to feeling that the moment falls short? One destiny takes the feeling that you crack a joke again.” “你是应该没有想到。怎么样,临近关头功亏一篑的感觉好受吗?是不是有一种命运再拿你开玩笑的感觉。” Zola's sigh has not drawn Nick Fury any sympathy, he sneers such was saying to oneself front computer. 左拉的叹息没有引起尼克.弗瑞任何的同情,他只是冷笑着冲着自己面前的计算机这么说道。 But listened to his words, the computer actually to laugh. 而听了他的话,计算机却是发笑了。 Chief, you have made a mistake anything. You had found me, but gains the final victory to you, perhaps also has a remote distance?”( To be continued.) “弗瑞局长,你是不是搞错了什么。你只是找到了我,而离你取得最后的胜利,恐怕还有一段遥远的距离啊?”(未完待续。)
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