MSG :: Volume #6

#519: The sentry secret is confusing

Bruce has used for probably one hour, general read these materials on oneself hand. But until looking at these, Bruce has knit the brows, is pinching own bridge of the nose with the finger, while was asking to Tony. 布鲁斯用了大概一个小时,才大概地看完了自己手上的那些资料。而直到看完了这些,布鲁斯才皱着眉,一边拿手指捏着自己的鼻梁,一边对着托尼问道。 What meaning do you look at these things to me are? If wish makes me imitate with this similar thing, I can only express helplessly. This scientific research needs the massive basic data and clinical data as the reference, let alone does not have these things. Even if has, I will not do this. My sin was heavy, therefore I do not want to carry on the back some Mutants weights again.” “你给我看这些东西是什么意思?如果是想要让我仿制和这类似的东西的话,我只能表示无能为力了。这种科研需要大量的基础数据和临床资料作为参考,别说是没有这些东西。就算是有,我也不会这样做的。我身上的罪孽已经够重了,所以我可不想再背上一些变种人的重量。” Regarding the Bruce words, Tony one hear understood his meaning. Likely is this biological above research, always could not lack existence of test piece. In past these biological research, acted as the test piece also to promote the progress of research with the orangutan and monkey kinds of person living thing reluctantly. However the present, in Dr. Trask's research, the mammal of this type person was impossible to play any role. Only has human, or Mutants can obtain the data that he wants, therefore wants to promote this research to present the achievement, must take the upholstery with the quantity astonishing Mutants life. 对于布鲁斯的话,托尼一听就明白了他的意思。像是这种生物学上面的研究,总是缺少不了试验品的存在。在过去的那些生物研究中,用猩猩和猴子这类类人生物充当试验品还可以勉强地推动研究的进步。但是在现在,在特拉斯克博士的研究中,这种类人的哺乳动物已经不可能起到任何的作用了。只有人类,或者变种人才能得到他想要的数据,所以想要推动这种研究出现成果,就必须要用数量惊人的变种人的生命来作为铺垫。 But this, is actually any matter that has the conscience scientists unable to handle. The animal that even if year to year accepts the biological research regarding these, some people will produce in the heart do not endure. Let alone regarding living, can say can the language, even has the independent thought and personality Mutants. 而这,却是任何一个有良知的科学家都做不出来的事情。就算是对于那些常年接受生物研究的动物,一些人都会在心中产生不忍。更何况是对于活生生的,能言能语的,甚至有着自己独立思维和人格的变种人 Can make this matter inevitably is the devil. But can Dr. Trask be a devil, this issue when discovered that he and Hydra had involve had the answer. 能做出这种事情的必然是魔鬼。而特拉斯克博士会不会是魔鬼,这个问题在发现他和九头蛇有所牵扯的时候就已经有了答案。 However Dr. Trask may be a devil, but Bruce or Banner are not. Most at least, in their brains did not have to taking the life of innocent person crazily makes the idea of experiment. 不过特拉斯克博士或许会是一个魔鬼,但是不论是布鲁斯还是班纳都不是。最起码,他们的脑子里还没有疯狂到拿无辜者的生命去做实验的想法。 Therefore looks at the loathing on the Bruce face not covering up, Tony immediately own idea said. 所以看着布鲁斯脸上不加掩饰的厌恶,托尼立刻就把自己的想法说了出来。 Relax. I to not duplicate this evil research, that does not conform to my esthetics. In fact I look at these things to you am I the secret literature that steals from the White House. What we definitely know is that hides the influence in White House with the aid of Hydra, Dr. Trask had certainly some achievements, even can say that his achievement drew close in perfect. Believes that looked understood you of these materials are clear, if his research obtained the end product, a how fearful matter can be. Especially he in has under the exchange premise with Hydra.” “放心。我可不是为了重复这种邪恶的研究,那不符合我的美学。事实上我给你看得这些东西是我从白宫内部盗取来的机密文献。可以肯定的是借助九头蛇隐藏在白宫里的势力,特拉斯克博士一定已经有了些许的成果,甚至可以说他的成果已经趋近于完美。相信已经看明白了那些资料的你非常清楚,如果他的研究得到了成品,会是一件怎么可怕的事情吧。尤其是他在和九头蛇有所交易的前提下。” The Tony words make the Bruce complexion change again and again. Changes , because he has not made him study this type damn the idea of thing to relax regarding Tony. But again changes, is because he thinks the importance of matter Tony said clearly. 托尼的话让布鲁斯的脸色一变再变。一变,是因为他对于托尼没有让他研究这种见鬼东西的想法而松了口气。而再变,则是因为他想清楚了托尼所说的事情的重要性。 Although he loathes these disgusting government bureaucrats, but he actually loathes to kill without batting an eye, for own plot even can cause countless people in deathtrap Hydra. The government bureaucrats regarding human are only the troubles of mange, but Hydra is actually the genuine fatal malignant tumor. 他虽然厌恶那些恶心的政府官僚,但是他却更厌恶杀人不眨眼,为了自己的阴谋甚至能致无数人于死地的九头蛇。政府官僚对于人类来说只是疥癣之患,而九头蛇却是真正的致命毒瘤。 But regarding such malignant tumor. Also some people want crazily toward its within the body injection catalyst, making it grow wildly. This was touched the issue of his bottom line obviously. 而对于这样的毒瘤。还有人想要疯狂地往它体内注射催化剂,让它生长地更为狂放一点。这显然就是已经触动了他底线的问题。 Therefore he wants not to think that asked. 所以他想也不想地就问道。 What then your idea is? So long as can give on the strength, I will help you with every effort. Even if makes Hulk come out, I can also try reluctantly!” “那么你的想法是什么?只要能出上力的,我都会尽力帮助你。就算是让浩克出来,我也可以勉强试一试!” „, Cannot use Hulk this type terrifyingly kills greatly.” Beckons with the hand to prevent his idea to Tony that Hulk has a lingering fear hastily, simultaneously smiles bitterly was saying to him. I and team leader want to make you have a look, can discover the method of dealing with from these things. If they complete the transformation through the human body transformation. We could find the way to restrain them with the similar method.” “不不不,用不到浩克这种恐怖的大杀器。”对浩克心有余悸的托尼连忙摆着手阻止了他的想法,同时苦笑着对他说道。“我和队长只是想让你看看,能不能从这些东西里找出一些应对的方法。如果说他们是通过人体改造来完成转换的话。我们也许可以想办法用同样方法来克制他们。” This is impossible.” Listens to the tentative plan of Tony, Bruce directly to shake the head. You are study the machinery and programming, in some unspoken rules regarding this biological application possibly is also not very clear. You looked, inside has vacates more than 50% papers and reports much, but these are the research on Trask's in the human body injection and transformation, although finally has not come out. However I have been able to guess similarly. He affirmed that has tried this way, then had discovered this road is the blind alley that takes does not pass.” “这不可能。”听完托尼的设想,布鲁斯就直接摇了摇头。“你是学机械和编程的,对于这种生物领域中的一些潜规则可能还不是很明白。你看,里面有不少空出一半以上的论文和报告,而这些都是特拉斯克在人体注射和改造上的研究,结果虽然没有出来。但是我已经能猜得差不多了。他肯定已经试过了这种方式,然后发现了这条路是一条走不通的死路。” But you look. His following several papers and reports are also smooth. Simply does not have hindrance and limit in what thought. Moreover the words that distinguishes carefully, can definitely see that in inside these documents has a feeling of fault. Then I almost can affirm. He wants certainly to come out the means. Not in human body injection and biological transformation, but has used other, method that I have not known temporarily. Therefore I guessed, certainly still the confidential papers exist, but that document, is the true core that Trask studies is.” “但是你看。他接下来的几份论文和报告又非常顺畅。根本没有什么思维上的阻碍和限制。而且仔细分辨的话,完全可以看到里面这几份文件里有一种断层的感觉。那么我几乎可以肯定。他一定想出来了办法。不是在人体注射和生物改造上,而是用了一种其他的,我暂时还不知道的方法。所以我猜测,一定还有一份机密文件存在着,而那份文件,才是特拉斯克研究的真正核心所在。” You said, the core thing had not gotten so far as by me!” Hears this guess, even if were proud incomparable Tony also becomes somewhat had worried. Reason that he can also arrange the present all calmly, that is because he analyzes the answer that can control from these materials in oneself. “你是说,还有更加核心的东西没有被我弄到!”听到这个猜测,纵然是一直骄傲无比的托尼也变得有些担忧了起来。他之所以还能从容地布置眼前的一切,那是因为他从自己手上的这些资料里分析出了一个自己能够控制的答案。 If Hydra and Trask want to return to the road that the super soldier plans, he was not worried the matter that oneself described will become the reality. Even if has that situation, also sold certainly at a discount. Because said that other he is not quite perhaps clear, but regarding this type related to the human body transformation, was similar to the thing that the super soldier planned he is clear. 如果九头蛇和特拉斯克是想重蹈超级士兵计划的覆辙的话,他根本不担心自己所描述的事情会变成现实。就算是真的出现那种情况,也一定是打了折扣的。因为说别的他也许不大清楚,但是对于这种涉及人体改造的,类似于超级士兵计划的东西他却是再清楚不过了。 In the material that Howard keeps has the most detailed explanation, but since second war these years, all, because the super soldier the accident/surprise that plans to have is also a strong evidence. 霍华德留下来的资料里就有最详细的说明,而二战以来的这几十年里,所有因为超级士兵计划而发生的意外也是一个有力的佐证。 No matter puts in the big energy, the characters of talent are unable to duplicate the matter that on the team leader has again. In dozens years, the US has wanted to duplicate the team leader, but actually can only obtain various variants of all forms, even not steerable terrifying monster like Hulk and Abomination (Fiend). But now, Hydra also wants to duplicate this process, although starts from Mutants, but regarding their results, Tony does not favor similarly. 不管投入再大的精力,再天才的人物都无法重复再队长身上发生的事情。几十年里,美国一直想要复制队长,但是却只能得到各种形形色色的变异体,甚至是像浩克恶煞这样不可控制的恐怖怪物。而现在,九头蛇也想重复这种过程,虽然是从变种人身上入手,但是对于他们的结局,托尼同样也是不看好。 The natural talent of human is nearly already was fixed the thing. It is not casual external strength can change. Breaks this setting forcefully, can only make all be similar to incorrigible same rushes to the destruction the region. This point early became the theorem in Tony heart. Therefore, before him these words completely are the flickering team leader and Bruce lie, for arranges the pretence to own some movements. 人类的天资是近乎已经被固定了的东西。不是什么随随便便的外来力量就能改变的。强行打破这一设定,只能让一切如同脱缰野马一样奔向毁灭的境地。这一点早已经成为了托尼心中的定理。所以,他之前的那些话完全就是忽悠队长和布鲁斯的假话,为的就是给自己的一些动作打点幌子。 However he has not thought, the matter had the unpredictable change. 但是他没有想到,事情真的发生了不可预知的变化。 If Dr. Trask really likely is such that Bruce said that has used other method substitution human body transformations, then his plan also really may becomes the reality. Once that type of thing becomes reality, then absolutely is the disaster same destructive issue. 如果特拉斯克博士真的像是布鲁斯说的那样,使用了其他的方法取代人体改造的话,那么他的计划还真的有可能成为现实。而一旦那种东西成为现实,那么就绝对是灾难一样的毁灭性问题。 This point Tony affirmed, therefore he also started anxiously. 这一点托尼非常肯定,所以他心里也开始焦急了起来。 I will think the means to have a look, to have the thing that anything omits to be able by me to be looked. I only hope that now you can be ready, if the matter develops in the bad direction, I hope that you can find a method of solution as soon as possible.” “我会想办法在去看看,有没有什么遗漏的东西能被我找回来的。我现在只希望你能做好准备,如果事情真的向着坏的方向发展的话,我希望你能尽快找到一个解决的方法。” Naturally, that is my job.” On this issue, Bruce said bounden, after he sees the anxiety on the Tony face not faking, he also repressed the restlessness in heart, has been comforting to him. You did not need to worry. This matter does not have to be so anxious actually, everybody who you think has done the scientific effort. Naturally should understand, transforms from the theory to the reality will have the how big disparity. An accumulation in the course of time, has almost not been is impossible to achieve all these. Therefore, perhaps we have the sufficient time.” “当然,那是我的分内之事。”在这个问题上,布鲁斯义不容辞地说道,而当他看到托尼脸上不似作伪的焦急之后,他也按捺下了心中的不安,对着他安慰了起来。“你也不用太着急了。这种事情其实没有你想的那么急切,大家都是做过科研工作的。自然应该明白,从理论转变到现实会有多么大的差距。没有一个日久天长的积累,几乎是不可能做到这一切的。所以,说不定我们还有充足的时间。” Hopes so!” Sighed, Tony started to receive anxiety on the face. Naturally, this does not mean that he has believed Bruce these words that really to comfort him spoke. Everybody is clear, to study these things, Dr. Trask has spent many time. An enough dozens years of accumulation, can definitely make him step forward this most important one step. Spoke the sentence words not of pleasant to hear, possibly in some place of present, Hydra already with Dr. Trask together, in the champagne of Kaiqing merit. “但愿如此吧!”叹息了一声,托尼就开始收起自己脸上的焦急。当然,这并不意味着他真的相信了布鲁斯为了安慰他所说的这些话。大家都清楚,为了研究这些东西,特拉斯克博士到底花费了多少的时间。足足几十年的积累,完全可以让他跨出这最重要的一步。说句不好听的话,可能在现在的某个地方,九头蛇已经和特拉斯克博士一起,在开庆功的香槟了。 This is the worst tentative plan that he can think, naturally. The fact possibly compared with this good, may compared with this bad. But which type, cannot change the Tony present mood. His mood now is awful, is unable to work according to the scheduled plan to him awful. 这是他能想到的最坏的设想,当然。事实可能要比这好,也有可能要比这坏。而不论是哪一种,都不能改变托尼现在的心情。他的心情现在非常糟糕,糟糕到他根本无法按照自己预定的计划进行下去。 Therefore he silently pulls out a small gift box, places the Bruce front, was saying to him. 所以他只是默默地掏出一个小礼盒,放在布鲁斯的面前,然后才对着他说道。 Also wants to ask you to eat meal together, drinks a liquor, chatted. However was sorry very much, my present mood some are uncontrolled, therefore only then this gift. We hope that we can the cooperation be happy, is this appearance.” “本来还想请你一起吃个饭,喝点酒,聊一聊的。但是很抱歉,我现在情绪有些不受控制,所以就只有这个礼物了。希望我们能合作愉快,就是这个样子。” He said, hurriedly walked, but vanished in the Bruce front suddenly. But Bruce looks own present gift box, after hesitant a while, opens it. 他说完,就风风火火地走了出去,只是眨眼间就消失在了布鲁斯的面前。而布鲁斯看着自己眼前的礼盒,犹豫了一会儿之后才把它打开起来。 Inside hawk's-bill turtle fountain pen attracts his look immediately, making him cannot help but show the smile. He received the good intention from Tony, but this naturally is an extremely good matter. The friendship such trains, if, he also hopes that can obtain a new friendship. 里面的玳瑁钢笔立刻就吸引住了他的眼神,让他不由自主地露出了微笑。他已经接收到了来自托尼的好意,而这自然是一件极好的事情。友情就是这么培养出来的,如果可以,他也希望能获得一份新的友情。 But when he is filled with emotion. Nearby Washington D. C., once subordinated in the abandonment base of military. On an obsolete computer screen has revealed such an information suddenly. 而就在他感慨万千的时候。华盛顿特区附近,一个曾经隶属于军方的遗弃基地里。一个老旧的电脑屏幕上突然露出了这么一段信息。 „Has thing, let out?” “东西,已经放出去了吗?” Sees this, personnel of guarding in front of computer has taken ear wheat immediately, said with nearly respectful sound. 看到这个,一直驻守在电脑前的人员立刻带上一个耳麦,用近乎恭敬的声音说道。 We have let out the material, believes that the avenger saw these things.” “我们已经把资料放出去了,相信复仇者已经看到那些东西了。” Is very good!” Quick, on the computer jumps some characters of distortion. Such does. Pierce thinks the strategic point I, must prepare for instead by that I entrap. the plan is conducted as usual, gives more clues to make them shift the attention to the sentry plans. Understood!” “很好!”很快,电脑上就跳跃出有些扭曲的字符。“就这么做。皮尔斯想要害我,就要做好反被我坑害的准备。计划照常进行,给出更多的线索让他们把注意力转移到哨兵计划身上。明白吗!” Yes, Hydra long live! Dr. Zola long live!” “是的,九头蛇万岁!左拉博士万岁!” A few words said computer the status of person. But its appearance made matter more confusing several points.( To be continued.) 一句话已经道出了电脑里的人的身份。而它的出现则让事情变得更加扑朔迷离了几分。(未完待续。)
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