MSG :: Volume #6

#518: Road of the common language friendship

Silent for a long time, the team leader forcefully has pressed down the restlessness in heart, was inquiring to Tony. 沉默了许久,队长还是强行按下了心中的不安,对着托尼询问了起来。 What means you have, Stark?” “你有什么办法吗,史塔克?” The specialized issue needs to ask that the specialized public figure, can obtain the most correct solution. Is just like in this issue, the team leader is clear, oneself that ability has not aimed at the technology of Dr. Trask to make anything. However he does not have the ability, does not represent others not to have this ability. Stark this withstand/top the fellow of talent scientist reputation is being he now can count on the fellow. 专业的问题需要问专业的人士,才能得到最正确的解决方法。就好比在这个问题上,队长就清楚,自己没有那个能力去针对特拉斯克博士的技术去做些什么。不过他没有能力,不代表别人也没有这个能力。史塔克这个顶着天才科学家名头的家伙就是一个他现在能够指望得上的家伙。 Do not visit me!” However faced team leader's inquiry, Stark is not having the strength of spirit to raise the hand, expressed own helplessness. I most also have some physical achievements in the electro-mechanical and programming. Likely is the issue in biology, you asked that I and asked ordinary university student not any other differences. Therefore I thought that if you want to find the person to consult, Bruce can be a better choice.” “别看我!”不过面对着队长的询问,斯塔克却是非常没有骨气地举起了手,表示出来了自己的无能为力。“我最多也就是在电子机械、编程还有物理方面有些建树。像是生物学上的问题,你问我和问一个普通的大学生没有任何其他的区别。所以我觉得,如果你想要找人咨询的话,布鲁斯会是一个更好的选择。” Bruce?” Hears Stark to mention this name, in the eyes of team leader is to actually reveal very obvious feeling embarrassed and dreaded. He looked to stare at oneself Tony with eye, was saying to his sinking sound. 布鲁斯吗?”听到史塔克提及这个名字,队长的眼睛里却是流露出一丝非常非常明显的为难和忌惮。他看了看一直用眼睛盯着自己的托尼,才对着他沉声说道。 You should know that he is a dangerous character. If possible, I never will rather use him.” “你应该知道的,他是一个危险人物。如果可能的话,我宁愿永远都不会用到他。” Heh, your this saying said a little went too far.” Stared own eye to look at team leader one eyes, Tony has used the expression that shook the head own manner. I acknowledged that Hulk is dangerous existence, but Bruce is not. In fact the level of this fellow is good, most at least stronger compared with most people who I know. Even said that I do not think many people can surpass him in the quantum physics and biology.” “嘿,你这话就说的有点太过分了。”瞪着自己的眼睛看了队长一眼,托尼就用摇头的表示了自己的态度。“我承认浩克是一个危险的存在,但是布鲁斯可不是。事实上这个家伙的水平非常不错,最起码比我认识的大部分人都要强。甚至说我都不认为有多少人能在量子物理学和生物学上超过他。” This and knowledge has not related, Stark. You should know, I am worried is not Bruce. But when he cannot when controlling oneself another fellow at heart serious results that can have. Deep that too once he contacts, therefore goes to the frontal battlefield time. You thought that we are capable of preventing him?” “这和学识没有关系,史塔克。你应该知道,我担心的不是布鲁斯。而是当他不能在控制自己心里的另外一个家伙时的会发生的严重后果。一旦他接触的太深,并因此走上正面战场的时候。你觉得我们有能力阻止他吗?” Ha, is really laughable. I thought that you were worried for the matter that this type has not had with it, how might as well thinks to solve present's these troubles as soon as possible is the subject. You thought, without Bruce help, we have the means to deal with Dr. Trask's research?” “哈,真是可笑。我觉得你与其为这种还没有发生的事情担心,还不如尽快想想怎么解决眼下的这些麻烦才是正题。你真的觉得,在没有布鲁斯帮助的情况下,我们有办法应对特拉斯克博士的研究吗?” On the face hung up oneself usual taunt smiling face, Tony has treated as the rubber ball to kick to return to the under foot of team leader the issue on a foot. After the team leader has measured the gravity of these two issues, he has finally chosen the compromise. 脸上挂起了自己惯有的嘲讽笑容,托尼就一脚把问题当做皮球踢回到了队长的脚下。而当队长权衡了这两个问题的严重性之后,他最终还是选择了妥协。 Good, I must acknowledge. The Bruce issue indeed does not have the issue that you discover to be important. I can allow Bruce to do the research in this aspect, but actually absolutely does not allow him to act presumptuously, particularly in he may expose in other aspect situation. The mood fluctuation of his another personality is getting bigger and bigger. Can not make his coming out should better do not make him come out. This is the suggestion of Professor Charles, I think that you should also agree with this viewpoint.” “好吧,我必须承认。布鲁斯的问题的确没有你发现的问题重要。我可以允许布鲁斯做这方面的研究,但是却绝对不允许他擅自行动,尤其是在他有可能暴露出自己另一面的情况下。他的另一个人格的情绪波动越来越大。能不让他出来最好就不要让他出来。这是查尔斯教授的建议,我想你应该也同意这个观点吧。” Naturally!” As if has thought oneself was regarded the black history that the toy same beats by Hulk, on the Stark face has also shown the embarrassed expression. „Can I make him do a research, look make some pointed prevention plans to the invention of Dr. Trask. Actually you are unnecessary worried that I will handle the matter that anything take risks, in the Hulk issue, I and you are consistent.” “当然!”似乎是想到了自己被浩克当成玩具一样摔打的黑历史,史塔克脸上也露出了难堪的表情。“我只是让他做个研究,看看能不能对特拉斯克博士的发明做一些针对性的预防方案。其实你不必要担心我会做什么冒险的事情,在浩克的问题上,我和你是一致的。” Hopes so!” Experience that goes to school from Howard body absolutely does not want easily to believe the people of their this family. In this regard, the team leader also conscientiously implemented on the body of Tony. Therefore he after using the vision gave him to warn slightly. Turns around to walk toward out of the door. Naturally, he has not forgotten to remind this frivolous prodigal son in the time. “但愿如此!”从霍华德身上学来的经验就是绝对不要轻易相信他们这个家族的人。在这一点上,队长也非常认真地贯彻在了托尼的身上。所以他在用目光稍稍给了他一些警告之后。就转身向着门外走去。当然,在走得时候他还没忘提醒这个轻浮的浪子一下。 Do not forget, 9 : 00 pm start to take action. I do not hope that saw you have the issue that anything is late and so on again.” “别忘了,晚上九点开始行动。我可不希望看到你再有什么迟到之类的问题。” Relax, relax. This time I will not ask any great person to be able the long in coming again the excuse! I meant, will not have any excuse.” Was curling the lip to the back of team leader, holds you were complaining while played with a small fountain pen in hand. This type pure manual, with the fountain pen that the hawk's-bill turtle and platinum build from some perspective can be a good present. Used to give a present. What no matter delivers is. Is absolutely enough. “放心,放心。这一次我不会再找什么大人物都会姗姗来迟的借口了!我是说,不会有任何的借口。”对着队长的背影撇了撇嘴,托你一边抱怨着一边盘弄起了手里的一个小小的钢笔。这种纯手工的,用玳瑁和铂金打造的钢笔从某种角度上来说会是个不错的礼品。用来送礼。不管送的是谁。都是绝对足够的。 Tony has completed full investigation, in fact he believes. The average people do not know, Dr. Bruce Banner will have collection fountain pen hobby. 托尼已经做好了充分的调查,事实上他相信。一般人也不会知道,布鲁斯.班纳博士会有收藏钢笔这种爱好。 But this hobby regarding him is actually a good deed. Most at least, regarding pulling closer relations between him and Bruce, the function of this little thing is very necessary. 而这种爱好对于他来说却是一件好事。最起码,对于拉近他和布鲁斯之间的关系来说,这个小东西的作用就是非常必要的了。 Looks free time that nobody paid attention, Tony has arrived at itself in the large-scale laboratory in headquarters. As scientific researchers, must certainly have the laboratory in the place that oneself appear and disappear, this can be said as a necessary facility. But regarding existence of laboratory, is not only he, similarly has scientist status Bruce to be also glad to accept. 找了个没有人注意的空闲,托尼就走到了自己设在总部里的大型实验室内。作为一个科研人员,在自己出没的地方肯定是要有实验室的,这已经可以说是一件必备的设施。而对于实验室的存在,不仅仅是他,同样有着科学家身份的布鲁斯也是非常乐意接受。 Can in the person who on the learning arrives at their this degrees, mostly is the person who the sincerity deeply loves this profession. Therefore Bruce with Tony from some perspective is the completely same person. Also because of this, Tony knows how should be able to find him. 能在学术上走到他们这个程度的人,大都是真心热爱这个行业的人。所以布鲁斯托尼从某种角度上来说是完全一样的人。也正是因为这个,托尼才知道该怎么才能找到他。 Regarding Bruce Banner, if can choose, he is not willing to accept present's life. He rather as before conducts academic research, spends together a period of good time with the beloved woman, is not willing to join to the avenger, does any so-called super hero. However this is beyond control he to choose, since after his body had Hulk, he was impossible went to think the life. 对于布鲁斯.班纳来说,如果可以选择,他并不愿意接受现在的这种生活。他宁愿和以前一样搞搞学术研究,和自己心爱的女人一起共渡一段美好的时光,也不愿意加入到复仇者中,去做一个什么所谓的超级英雄。但是这由不得他选择,自从他的身体里有了浩克之后,他就再也不可能去过自己想过的生活了。 He needs to be all that Hulk makes is responsible, simultaneously he also shoulders is controlling Hulk, preventing him to create the mission of destruction to this world. Although this is not the matter that he is glad, but is actually the matter that he must handle. Because he has not abandoned oneself conscience, therefore he can only such continue to insist. 他需要为浩克所做的一切负责,同时他还肩负着控制浩克,防止他对这个世界造成破坏的使命。尽管这不是他乐意的事情,但是却是他必须去做的事情。因为他还没有抛弃自己的良知,所以他只能这么继续坚持下去。 But which step can achieve, he does not have a definite answer. 而能做到哪一步,他自己心里都没有一个确切的答案。 The avenger is only his present choice, because regarding him, only then the avenger alliance can help him achieve own goal. Protects human, matter that these make reparations for Hulk, only then can obtain a quite clear answer here. 复仇者只是他现在的一个选择,因为对于他来说,只有复仇者联盟才能帮助他实现自己的目标。不论是保护人类,还是那些替浩克赎罪的事情,都只有在这里才能获得一个比较清楚的答案。 However, he does not want to handle these matters by the Hulk status. But wants to do this matter by the Bruce Banner status. On for example now, him is busy the information that prepares itself to use. We hope that can provide some help to his present teammates at crucial moment. 不过,他并不想以浩克的身份去做这些事情。而更想以布鲁斯.班纳的身份来做这种事。就比如现在,他就在忙着准备自己能用到的信息。希望能在关键的时候给他现在的队友们提供一些帮助。 But when he was just busy to certain stage, Tony suddenly has actually opened the front door of laboratory. Walked. 而就在他刚刚忙到一定阶段的时候,托尼却是突然推开了实验室的大门。走了进来。 Bruce, I know you here!” 布鲁斯,我就知道你在这里!” What's wrong, what matter you have to look for me, Mr. Stark?” “怎么,你有什么事情找我吗,史塔克先生?” Perhaps is realized that their this group of people regarding own dreading, Bruce also does not appear very intimate regarding them. Besides Spidey and Jennifer, regarding the team leader, is regarding Stark also or other certain people, he is the respectful designation of use. But the respectful designation, is always a symbol of distance. 也许是察觉到了他们这伙人对于自己的忌惮,布鲁斯对于他们也并不是显得非常亲近。除了小蜘蛛詹妮弗以外,不论是对于队长,还是对于史塔克亦或是其他的某些人,他都是使用的敬称。而敬称,从来都是一种距离的象征。 So should not be impolite, Bruce. I am not the person of need smalltalk.” Beckoning with the hand. Tony has arrived at the Bruce, then patted his shoulder to say with a smile to him in a soft voice. You called me Tony directly on the line. Must know, in this team, our two should most have the type of common words. After all from the school record, our two is the same steps. As for other people......, Hehe!” “别这么客气,布鲁斯。我可不是什么需要客套的人。”摆了摆手。托尼就走到了布鲁斯的边上,然后拍了拍他的肩膀对着他轻声笑道。“你直接叫我托尼就行了。要知道,在这个队伍里,我们两个才应该是最有共同话语的类型。毕竟从学历上来说,我们两个才是同一阶梯的。至于其他人……,呵呵!” Tony these words obviously are used to express to certain in this aspect cannot despising of person, but he just said. Bruce shook the head, the sincere said to him. 托尼的这句话明显是用来表示对某些在这方面没有才能的人的鄙视,但是他刚说完。布鲁斯就摇了摇头,实诚地对他说道。 Actually is not this appearance, Mr. Stark. As far as I know, Miss Natasha is proficient in the languages of more than 20 countries, simultaneously yoga and top player in Judo. Moreover Jennifer is also the legal science elite who the ivy school graduates. Even if has not stepped into Parker of university, the present foundation also hits very sturdily, conceivable. He can be very splendid physicist in the future.” “其实并不是这个样子的,史塔克先生。据我所知,娜塔莎小姐就精通20多个国家的语言,同时还是瑜伽和柔道方面的顶尖选手。而且詹妮弗也是常春藤学院毕业的法学精英。就算是还没有踏入大学的帕克,现在的基础也打得非常牢靠,可以想象。他未来一定会是个非常出色的物理学家。” Called me Tony!” Emphasized once again. Tony has arrived at his opposite, faces up to him to say. Good. Good. I know, I know. These I know, you do not need to give me to explain these, moreover I believe that you should also know I said is not this. Bruce, we are a kind of person, regarding our kind of people, the scientific research is the most essential and important issue not?” “叫我托尼!”再度强调了一下。托尼就走到了他的对面,正视着他说道。“好吧。好吧。我知道,我知道。这些我都知道,你不用给我解释这些,而且我相信你也应该知道我说的不是这个。布鲁斯,我们是一类人,对于我们这类人来说,科研才是最关键和重要的问题不是吗?” Mr. Stark. I......” just opened the mouth only to change a statement with look interruption Bruce by Tony, traded a name to continue to say. Good, Tony. I know your meaning, but you and I said that what meaning these do have? I do not think that you such suddenly found me, said these for and me. Your time did not have not to be valuable!” 史塔克先生。我……”刚刚开口就被托尼用眼神打断的布鲁斯只能改口,换了个称呼继续说道。“好吧,托尼。我知道你的意思,不过你和我说这些有什么含义吗?我并不认为你这么突然地找到我,是为了和我说这些。你的时间还没有那么不值钱!” Naturally, my time is valuable. However must look to anyone, if to the friend, the precious time can also waste. But you, Bruce, I think that we become a pair of friend, very good friend.” “当然,我的时间非常值钱。但是要看对谁,如果是对朋友,再珍贵的时间也是可以浪费的。而你,布鲁斯,我认为我们会将会成为一对朋友,非常好的朋友。” I also really feel extremely flattered!” With having the smiling faces of some feel alienated was replying Tony, Bruce has used own manner clearly to express to his reply. This is at the Tony expected matter, therefore he does not have any angry meaning, but smiled continues to say to him. “那我还真是受宠若惊啊!”用带着些许疏离的笑容回答着托尼,布鲁斯已经用自己的态度非常明确地表达出了对他的回复。这是在托尼意料之中的事情,所以他没有任何着恼的意思,只是笑了笑就继续对着他说道。 I know you possibly to my some vigilance, but I can promise you, I do not have what bad thoughts regarding you. I want to become friends with you, after all in this place, can have achievements in the high-level scientific field, only then you and I.” Here, he also knows that now said these do not have what use, therefore he returns in the topic the subject immediately. “我知道你心里可能还是对我有些戒心,但是我可以向你保证,我对于你真的没有什么坏心思。我真的只是想和你交个朋友,毕竟在这个地方,能在高层科研领域有所建树的,也只有你和我了。”说到了这里,他也知道现在说这些是没有什么用途的,所以他立刻把话题转回到了正题上。 Good, after this matter temporary pressure. I said proper business with you first. This is material that some I found, I want to ask your view.” “好吧,这件事情暂时压后。我先和你说说正事。这是一些我找到的资料,我想问问你的看法。” Then, he material once again has put the Bruce front himself to the team leader has looked. But this, attached great importance to by Bruce naturally. 说完,他就把自己给队长看过的资料再度放到了布鲁斯的面前。而这,理所当然得受到了布鲁斯的重视。 Attaching great importance to the result is different from the team leader's, Bruce attaches great importance to obviously is these literature. He reads Trask's paper, in eye started to send out the bright ray. That is the ray of having one's interest in an old hobby revived upon seeing somebody else doing, is seeks knowledge and wisdom ray. Almost does not need Tony to explain anything, he excited lowly shouted. 和队长对结果的重视不同,布鲁斯更重视的显然是其中的那些文献。他看着特拉斯克的论文,眼睛里已经开始散发出明亮的光芒。那是见猎心喜的光芒,是求知和智慧的光芒。几乎不需要托尼解释什么,他就已经激动不已地低呼了起来。 „Is this Mutants gene order analysis of Dr. Trask explains in detail? Really talent same opinion, if he is willing to send to the academic magazine to come up these things, I can affirm, Nobel has certainly his one.” “这是特拉斯克博士的变种人基因序列分析详解吗?真是天才一样的见解,如果他肯把这些东西发到学术杂志上去,我可以肯定,诺贝尔一定有他的一份。” I also think!” Looks at Bruce to show this expression, Tony has smiled was happier. Pulls closer the method of relations to have many types, at present this type is also one of the feasible ways. Some people are that pure, pure you really embarrassed use any extremely intense method. “我也是这么想的!”看着布鲁斯露出了这幅表情,托尼笑的更开心了。拉近关系的方法有很多种,眼下这种也是可行的方式之一。有些人就是那么单纯,单纯的你实在不好意思用什么太过激烈的手段。 Like this, is only a literature, on invisible has pulled closer two people relations. Then can affirm, so long as take then to his thing, among them quick has to form the special friendship. 就像这样,只是一份文献,就无形地拉近了两人的关系。那么可以肯定,只要自己拿出来接下来要给他的东西,他们之间很快就有形成特殊的友谊。 Has thought of here, on the face of Tony has hung up the fox same smiling face.( To be continued.) 想到了这里,托尼的脸上挂起了狐狸一样的笑容。(未完待续。)
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