MSG :: Volume #6

#517: The accident/surprise discovers nine shadows

Looks that such one crowd is considered as is the fellows of senior is using this curious vision to look at itself, even if has been used to insensitively Spidey unavoidably somewhat is also shy. 看着这么一群算得上是自己前辈的家伙们都在用这种好奇的眼光看着自己,即便是厚脸皮惯了的小蜘蛛也难免有些羞涩起来。 However he is also clear now is not shy time, if quickly did not explain the matter clearly, then this group of troublesome seniors will refer to erratically will also make any matter to come out. Therefore he has raised the hand immediately, was saying to them. 不过他自己也清楚现在不是自己羞涩的时候,如果不赶快把事情解释清楚,那么这群麻烦的前辈们指不定还会做出些什么事情出来。所以他立刻举起了手,对着他们说道。 My family now already not in New York. The reason that because my uncle works has moved to Radiance City, there, his boss provided an apartment to treat as the new home to him, my aunt also moved. For serveral days I was only and they have related 1-2 times, did not have official and them meets. Therefore I want to take a look at them while the present, they in province are always worried about me!” “我家现在已经不在纽约了。我叔叔因为工作的原因搬到了辉耀市,在那里,他的老板给他提供了一个公寓当做新家,我婶婶也跟着搬了过去。这些天来我只是和他们联系了一两次,还没有正式和他们见面。所以我想趁着现在去看看他们,省的他们老是担心我!” Hears Radiance City this name, Tony or Chief Rogers have had a strange feeling. They have looked at each other one, saw surprised from each other eye. However they controlled oneself mood very well, has not expressed this mood. 听到辉耀市这个名字,不论是托尼还是罗杰斯队长都产生了一种古怪的感觉。他们对视了一眼,都从彼此的眼睛里看到了一丝惊疑。不过他们很好地控制住了自己情绪,并没有把这种情绪表现出来。 Even at this time, team leader also with a worry was saying to Spidey. 甚至在这个时候,队长还用一种担心的对着小蜘蛛说道。 Peter, I remember that you have not told your uncle aunt your status probably, then you at the matter of West coast, how you should explain to your uncle aunt now?” 彼得,我记得你好像还没有把自己的身份告诉过你的叔叔婶婶吧,那么你现在在西海岸的事情,你该怎么向你的叔叔婶婶解释呢?” This, I have made up an excuse. Said that at that time I by Miss Wanda rescuing, because of the SHIELD secrecy principle, I only have then been able to move under your monitoring temporarily. Until now, I gained freedom, can see them. As for the later words, I told them me to find the work here, later here will also temporarily reside. In that case, I think that they should not have any unnecessary worry to be right.” “这个啊,我编了个理由。就说在那个时候我被旺达小姐给救了,然后因为神盾局的保密原则,我只能暂时在你们的监控下行动。直到现在,我才获得了自由,才能去看望他们。至于以后的话,我告诉他们我在这里找到了工作,以后也会在这里暂住。那样的话,我想他们应该不会有什么多余的担忧才对。” This lie arranged in the brain of Spidey obviously was very long, the words that did not go into seriously, could not find any flaw. But this quick-witted performance, was makes Tony reveal the obvious badness to smile immediately, then made an effort to pat his shoulder. 这段谎话显然在小蜘蛛的脑子里编排了很久,以至于不去深究的话,根本找不到什么破绽。而他这种机智的表现,却是让身边的托尼立刻露出了心照不宣的坏笑,然后使劲地拍起了他的肩膀。 Ok. Child. I have not thought that unexpectedly you can arrange the lie was so neat. Come, told me, you to your uncle and aunt have arranged many such lie, can such have a familiar task and handle it with ease like the present.” “可以啊。孩子。我还没有想到你居然能把谎话编的那么齐整了。来,告诉我,你到底对你的叔叔和婶婶编了多少这样的谎话,才能像现在这样这么驾轻就熟。” Aha. This!” The opposite such inquiry, the Spidey expression naturally is very awkward. But this, was nobody is willing to break through for him obviously. No matter this is the white lie, he has deceived oneself elder. Also therefore just, everybody is glad to see him to receive this small penalty and lesson. “啊哈。这个啊!”对面这样的询问,小蜘蛛的表情自然是很尴尬的。而这一回,显然是没有什么人愿意替他解围了。不管这是不是善意的谎言,他都欺骗了自己的长辈。也正因此,大家都乐意看见他受到这种小小的惩罚和教训。 Arrived finally. The team leader who is unable to continue watching eventually broke through for him. 到最后。终究还是看不下去的队长替他解了围。 Was good, do not feel embarrassed Peter. Since this case, Peter can go to Radiance City while the present. As for the words of other people, prepares, we nine o'clock put in order to start to take action in the evening. If no other any issues, everybody can dismiss!” “好了,不要为难彼得了。既然这样的话,彼得可以趁现在去辉耀市一趟。至于其他人的话,准备一下,我们晚上九点钟整开始行动。如果没有什么其他问题的话,大家可以解散了!” At present in avenger naturally does not have what issue, therefore most people walk toward oneself room, started to start the preparatory work for the following motion. One exception, that is the old God, even built on desk Tony the foot. 眼下里的复仇者自然是没有什么问题,所以大部分人都向着自己的房间走去,开始为接下来的行动做起了准备工作。只有一个例外,那就是老神在在,甚至把脚搭在了办公桌上的托尼 Here strict is his office. How therefore he likes doing can how do, nobody can stop him. Also nobody can think that he has attempt. When all people went out of the office, only remaining he and team leader two people time, he received the frivolous expression on face, then has stood, serious was saying to the team leader. 这里严格来说是他的办公室。所以他爱怎么做就可以怎么做,也没有人能够制止他。也没有人能够想到他是有所企图的。而当所有人都走出了办公室,只剩下他和队长两个人的时候,他才收起了脸上的轻浮表情,转而站了起来,对着队长一脸严肃地说道。 Team leader, something I thought that I should with you discuss!” “队长,有些事情我觉得我应该和你谈一谈!” Very important matter?” Looks that Tony Stark will choose in a situation on the scene unexpectedly this matter, he realizes the importance of issue immediately. Therefore he knits the brows directly, arrives at the Tony nearby to ask to him. “很重要的事情吗?”看着托尼.史塔克居然会选择一个只有自己在场的情况下来说这件事情,他立刻就认识到了问题的重要性。所以他直接皱着眉,走到了托尼的边上对着他问道。 What matter is will make you choose and me discussed alone, but is not and all people discussed together the issue that you say?” “是什么事情会让你选择和我单独商量,而不是和所有人一起谈一谈你说的这个问题?” Believes me. This matter should do not let good that too many people know, most at least I think that now does not let the opportunity that they know.” “相信我。这件事情最好还是不要让太多人知道的好,最起码我认为现在不是让他们知道的时机。” Selected the eyebrow, Tony was saying to the team leader on the faint smile. But his expression of looking down on the world was actually let the team leader at heart has one to be discontented. 挑了挑眉毛,托尼就似笑非笑地对着队长说道。而他的这种玩世不恭的表情却是让队长的心里生出了一丝不满。 According to his view, then without a doubt. This matter very important. However from his expression, the team leader actually could not see that he has any takes seriously the performance of this issue. This made him think of the Tony father immediately, Howard. That man in young is also this appearance, carved simply frivolously in the bone. 按照他的这种说法,那么毫无疑问。这件事情非常的重要。但是从他的表情里,队长却是看不出他有任何重视这个问题的表现。这让他立刻想到了托尼的父亲,霍华德。那个男人在年轻的时候一直也是这幅模样,简直把轻薄刻在了骨子里。 However he understands the Tony ability, moreover he is also clear oneself impression and present condition not too big connection. Therefore has some disaffection freely, he has been revealing the appearance of listening in reverent attention to Tony. 不过他到底还是明白托尼的能力的,而且他也清楚自己的印象和现实情况并没有太大的关联。所以尽管有着些许的不满,他还是对着托尼露出了洗耳恭听的模样。 But saw the team leader reveals this appearance. Tony has pulled the corners of the mouth, fiddled with a document of stereographic projection from own hand, threw the front of team leader. 而看到了队长露出这幅模样。托尼扯了扯嘴角,就从自己的手上捣鼓出了一份立体投影的文件,扔到了队长的面前。 This was I invades several special experimental organizations under White House name to obtain some news, I have discovered some interesting things from this. Moreover I think, perhaps these thing you can some interests.” “这是我入侵了白宫名下的几个特殊试验机构得到一些消息,从这里面我发现了一些有意思的东西。而且我想,这些东西也许你会有些兴趣。” Looks the own present document, once threw the head, to sprinkle the warm-blooded team leader to hesitate after several degrees for this national several degrees, began to read. But this reads, his complexion immediately becomes exceptionally ugly. 看着自己眼前的文件,曾经为这个国家几度抛头颅、洒热血的队长在几度犹豫之后,还是动手翻看了起来。而这一翻看,他的脸色立刻变得异常的难看。 Tony the document that steals from the White House secret are not many, but the content is actually enough scary. In short several image data, the team leader saw more than dozens Mutants test pieces. Has to live, there are. But regarding these died Mutants, the team leader does not believe after they died in bed of old age/be exhausted, moved here to act as the test piece. 托尼从白宫机密里窃取出来的文件并不多,但是内容却是足够的骇人。短短的几份影像资料里,队长已经看到了不下数十个的变种人试验品。这其中有活的,也有死的。而对于那些死亡了的变种人,队长一点也不相信他们是寿终正寝之后,才被搬来这里充当试验品的。 At this time, the team leader was completely conceivable, if the material on hand revealed that wandered about destitute headed by Professor Charles these Mutants union on, actually to have what fearful matter. Other said needlessly, White House definitely will welcome the Mutants crazy retaliation, but at that time, how their standpoints became awkward, was a issue awfully. 在这个时候,队长完全可以想象,如果自己手上的这份资料泄露出去,流落到了以查尔斯教授为首的那些变种人同盟手上的话,究竟会发生什么样可怕的事情。别的不消说,白宫方面肯定会迎来变种人疯狂的报复,而那个时候,他们的立场会变得如何尴尬,就是一个更加要命的问题。 Regarding this, the team leader deeply inspired, under reluctantly returns to normal own mood. He rejoiced very much Tony was alone and said this matter, this made him realize Tony is not such was not reasonable. However, he did not feel relieved that was saying to Tony. 对此,队长深深地吸了一口气,才勉强平复下自己的心情。他很庆幸托尼是单独和自己说这件事的,这让他认识到了托尼也并非那么的不靠谱。不过,他还是不放心地对着托尼说道。 This matter except for you, but also who knows?” “这件事除了你,还有谁知道?” Relax, nobody can get so far as such secret thing besides me temporarily. Moreover, I know that you are worried about these strange Mutants friends very much, but believes me, this is also not the matter that you most need to care about.” “放心吧,除了我暂时还没有人能弄到这么机密的东西。另外,我知道你很担心那些奇怪的变种人朋友们,但是相信我,这还不是你最需要关心的事情。” Has arrived on the bar in room directly, after Tony arrives to oneself one cup of liquor sleek/moist have moistened the throat, to the team leader such was saying. 径直走到了房间里的吧台上,托尼给自己到了一杯酒润了润喉咙之后,才对着队长这么说道。 But at this time, Chief Rogers has not believed that Tony will be aimless, said that not any assurance matter. He believes the judgment of Tony, therefore he has also put out 12 deals with the issue that he said prudently. 而在这个时候,罗杰斯队长已经不相信托尼会无的放矢,说那种没有什么把握的事情了。他相信托尼的判断,因此他也拿出了12分的慎重来应对他所说的问题。 What matter also has more serious than this?” “还有什么事情是比这更严重的?” I think that you still remember that once had beamed with joy at the White House release conference, fellow who is called Trask. I looked up that person past personal history, a series of papers and manuscripts that he publishes, I have then discovered a very interesting matter.” “我想你还记得那个曾经在白宫发布会上露过脸的,叫做特拉斯克的家伙吧。我查了查那个人过去的履历,还有他发表的一系列论文和稿件,然后我发现了一个很有意思的事情。” Like such that we know, this fellow indeed is a extraordinary scientist. In fact, the level that he shows makes me praise without cease sufficiently, I even suspected that also has the person to be able with raise in the anthropogenetics compares favorably. Naturally, I raised these to not to praise this small dwarf mister. But to explain, the thing that I discover and he has very close relationship, even I think that between Dr. Trask and Hydra, has and special relation inevitably!” “就像我们所知道的那样,这个家伙的确是一个了不起的科学家。事实上,他所展现出来的水平足以让我赞叹不已,我甚至怀疑在人类遗传学上还有没有人能和相提媲美。当然,我提起这些不是为了赞美这个小矮子先生。而是为了说明一下,我发现的东西和他有着非常密切的关系,甚至我认为特拉斯克博士和九头蛇之间,必然有着及其特殊的联系!” From his a series of papers of publication I had discovered his research direction, this is one devotes to attacking and capturing the fellow of Mutants heredity issue. Naturally, his goal to not save Mutants, turns into any average person them. But to study them, imitates them, making human obtain with Mutants similar ability. Naturally, from his paper I had discovered many issues, I think that time he had not possibly found the way of solving this problem. However now, I think that the situation was possibly different. This small dwarf mister definitely has broken through in oneself domain, even started to develop toward the end product. But what is more important, the technology that he masters, as if settled on by Hydra.” “从他的发表的一系列论文中我发现了他的研究方向,这是一个致力于攻克变种人遗传问题的家伙。当然,他的目的不是为了拯救变种人,把他们变成什么普通人。而是为了研究他们,模仿他们,使人类获得和变种人类似的能力。当然,从他的论文里我发现了很多问题,我想那个时候的他可能还没有找到解决这个问题的途径。但是现在,我想情况可能已经不一样了。这个小矮子先生肯定在自己的领域有所突破,甚至已经向着成品开始发展。而更重要的是,他所掌握的这种技术,似乎被九头蛇看中了。” Tony is narrowing the eye, was saying guessed. But from the split vision of his corner of the eye, the team leader actually saw one type and profound dreading. 托尼眯着眼睛,说着自己心里的猜测。而从他眼角的余光里,队长却看到了一种及其深刻的忌惮。 An advent of new technology means anything, nobody will be clearer than Tony Stark. Fellow who because he most likes making this move. However he has restrained himself very much, has not made the matter too greatly. Even if is almost equal to infinite energy Arc Reactor, had been covered by him silently. 一项新技术的出现意味着什么,没有人会比托尼.史塔克更加清楚。因为他自己就是最喜欢弄出这种动静的家伙。但是他一直很克制自己,从来没有把事情闹得太大。就算是几乎等同于无限能源的方舟反应堆,也被他无声无息地掩盖了下去。 Reason that he such does , because he is very clear. If a terrifying technology appears, the result of causes can only have two. The good point named world innovates, bad point is the world is turbulent. But enables Hydra such terrorist organization to master such technology, will have this what kind of result. Tony Stark does not need the brain to guess correctly an answer. 他之所以这么做,是因为他很清楚。如果一个恐怖的技术横空出世,所导致的结果只能有两个。好一点的叫做世界革新,坏一点的则是世界动荡。而让九头蛇这样的恐怖组织掌握这样的技术,会有这怎么样的结果。托尼.史塔克不用大脑都能猜出个答案。 But compared with him, team leader some have not actually understood might that this technology truly has. He has guessed for quite a while, some indefinitely were asking to Tony. 而和他相比,队长却还有些不明白这项技术真正拥有的威力。他揣测了半天,才有些不确定地对着托尼问道。 You think that Hydra will control this technology, what advantage does this technology have to them? Can make them have the Mutants ability?” “你认为九头蛇会控制这项技术,这项技术对他们有什么好处?难道能让他们拥有变种人的能力吗?” No, I think that the situation will be worse. If according to my tentative plan, they will form a true Mutants army. Even that type Mutants army who has plural number ability. In addition presented the steel armor, I even start to suspect, to that time, we and they to is can also directly like the present, has the superiority!” “不,我认为情况会更糟。如果按照我的设想的话,他们会组建一支真正的变种人大军。甚至还是那种拥有复数能力的变种人大军。再加上已经出现了的钢铁铠甲,我甚至都开始怀疑,到了那个时候,我们正面和他们对上了是不是还能像现在这样,占据优势!” The suspicion of Tony made the team leader also realize the gravity of issue. Where is the superiority of avenger at? Lies in the special capability that they have as well as on the they and Mutants unions between. If Hydra had the innumerable Mutants soldiers, then their this only superiority are levelled immediately cleanly. Even goes a step further, they will fall into the absolute inferiority. 托尼的猜想让队长也认识到了问题的严重性。复仇者的优势在哪?就在于他们所拥有的特殊能力以及他们和变种人之间的同盟上。如果九头蛇拥有了无数的变种人士兵,那么他们这仅有的优势立刻就被抹平地干干净净。甚至更进一步,他们会陷入绝对的劣势。 But to that time, Hydra has also swallowed an insult, ambushes relieved in the hidden place? This point, perhaps if no one believe.( To be continued.) 而到了那个时候,九头蛇还有忍气吞声,安心地潜伏在暗处里吗?这一点,恐怕任是谁都不会相信的吧。(未完待续。)
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