MSG :: Volume #6

#516: The revenge sets out the spider minor matter

New headquarters building that the US West coast, Stark Corporation opens. A conspicuous symbol on such vertical in building most place above. 美国西海岸,史塔克公司开设的新的总部大楼。一个显眼的标志就这么立在大楼的最上方。 That is not the symbol of Stark Industries, but is avenger's symbol. When this sign was placed this place, actually has meant, Stark returned to the ranks of avenger. 那不是史塔克企业的标志,而是属于复仇者的标志。而当这个标志被安插到这个地方的时候,其实就已经意味着,史塔克已经重新回归了复仇者的行列。 This actually is also the matter that can think. After all this world early no longer is single-handedly can able to move unhindered the shameless world, if Zhou Yi they stands erect in the top powerhouse like this, perhaps also has this privilege, but can only close right up against Tony Stark that a technical armor shows off one's power not to have this skill. 这其实也是一件可以想到的事情。毕竟这个世界早已经不再是单枪匹马就可以纵横无忌的世界了,如果是周易他们这样屹立于顶尖的强者,或许还有这种特权,但是只能靠着一身科技装甲逞威风的托尼.史塔克就没有这个本事了。 This point, Tony are also very clear. Enemy who some strength many on he very clear hand, clearer must face fearful. That is called suddenly Ross people of Wanke now to be missing, but that type of steel armor has actually realized equipping in the Hydra army. Among some connections, how Tony does not need to move the brain can find out by secret inquiry 78. Also because of this, he is deciding to return to the ranks of avenger. 这一点,托尼自己也很清楚。他很清楚自己手上的力量到底有多少,更清楚自己所要面对的敌人会有多可怕。那个叫做万科的俄罗斯人现在还下落不明,而那种钢铁装甲却已经在九头蛇的部队里实现了列装。这中间有多少关联,托尼连脑子都不需要怎么动都能探知个78分。也正因为这样,他才决定回归到复仇者的行列中。 One person alone cannot save the situation he needs the strength of avenger, deals the retaliation of Wanke in the future will have inevitably. But the avenger alliance also needs his financial resource, after being separated from SHIELD supports oneself with the foot. This is the matter of fitting in easily, therefore is impossible to suffer any twists and turns. 独木难支的他需要复仇者的力量,来应对未来必然存在的万科的报复。而复仇者联盟也需要他的财力,在脱离出神盾局之后自立住跟脚。这是一拍即合的事情,所以根本就不可能出现什么波折。 What after one crowd does have the elite character of superpower had the deep financial resource, will have? This is the issue that many people have not thought of the beginning. When all these lightning make peace in the same place, has the chemical reaction that is hard to imagine time, all already some without enough time. 一群拥有超能力的精英人物拥有了雄厚的财力之后会发生什么?这是很多人一开始都没有想到的问题。而当这一切闪电式地媾和在一起,产生出难以想象的化学反应的时候,一切都已经有些来不及了。 Most minimum SHIELD Security Council, or these shameful, hides the feeling of the person one type in hidden place being annoyed and rude awakening. However all late, the avenger alliance of power-and-power union became a firm fort, deals with impact under any situation sufficiently. 最起码不论是神盾局还是安全理事会,亦或是那些见不得人,隐藏在暗处里的人都对此有一种懊恼和后悔莫及的感觉。但是一切都已经晚了,强强联合的复仇者联盟已经成为了一座坚固的要塞,足以应对任何情况下的冲击。 Not only deals with the impact of enemy force, even can say that they have are attacking the ability of any hostile goal. But now, they biggest hostile goal has been set, that is Hydra. 不仅仅是应对敌对力量的冲击,甚至可以说他们还拥有着打击任何敌对目标的能力。而现在,他们最大的敌对目标已经确定了下来,那就是九头蛇 This fearful terrorist organization and avenger have the origin of difficult solution. As the key person in avenger alliance. Captain America Steve. Rogers or Iron Man Tony Stark, somewhat is hard with this terrorist organization the hatred of decomposing. 这个可怕的恐怖组织和复仇者有着难解的渊源。作为复仇者联盟里的核心人物。不论是美国队长史蒂夫.罗杰斯还是钢铁侠托尼.史塔克,都和这个恐怖组织有些难以分解的仇恨。 Regarding the team leader, Hydra is he has continued from the World War II to the present enemy, even if in line with a principle of serviceman. He must conquer this enemy. Let alone this enemy also once claimed the friend who oneself have most been better, as well as most precious life. 对于队长来说,九头蛇是他从二战时期一直延续到现在的敌人,就算是本着一个军人的原则。他都必须战胜这个敌人。更何况这个敌人还曾经夺走了自己最要好的朋友,以及自己最珍贵的人生。 But regarding Tony Stark, Hydra is actually the biggest suspect who kills oneself parents. Depending on this point, he has the sufficient reason to go to and this organization opposes. Do not say, in this organization also eyes covetously to oneself. Wishes one could to kill the then quick fellow. 而对于托尼.史塔克来说,九头蛇却是杀害自己父母的最大嫌疑者。就凭这一点来说,他就有充足的理由去和这个组织作对。更不要说,这个组织里还有一个对自己虎视眈眈。恨不得杀自己而后快的家伙。 Therefore, after obtaining a wee bit news of related Hydra sound, the entire avenger alliance starts to be ready to make trouble. 所以,在得到了有关九头蛇动静的一丁点消息之后,整个复仇者联盟都开始蠢蠢欲动起来。 However under having an action to perform, some discrete must have. It looks like the present, to guarantee accuracy and efficiency of motion, the team leader gathered all people on a desk, then brought this news Natasha to ask to this. 不过在有所动作之下,该有的谨慎还是要有的。就像是现在,为了保证行动的准确性和效率,队长把所有人都聚在了一张办公桌上,然后对这个带来这个消息的娜塔莎问道。 First, I want to ask. You determined really the origin of this news is accurate?” “首先,我想问一下。你们真的确定这个消息的来源是准确的吗?” Naturally!” “当然!” On this issue, Natasha any cannot the hesitant place. She nodded directly, was replying to the team leader. 在这个问题上,娜塔莎没有任何可以犹豫的地方。她直接地点了点头,就对着队长回答道。 Nick Fury has determined secret instigation of this plan. Issue that but also some need to solve. Now, he is finding the way to solve this problem, simultaneously he also somewhat worried that can have the situation occurrence of accident/surprise, therefore he hopes that we can be ready ahead of time!” 尼克.弗瑞已经确定了这项计划的幕后主使者。只不过还有一些需要解决的问题而已。现在,他正在想办法解决这个问题,同时他还有些担心会有意外的情况发生,所以他希望我们能提前做好准备!” Natasha is very special in the avenger internal status, she is not only one of the avenger, is the SHIELD senior agent. Although her high-level jurisdiction had been taken back by SHIELD, but she still has to relate SHIELD, receives the news from SHIELD the ability. This also means actually, she is simultaneously for these two organizations are serving the two-sided people, is these two organization middle bridges and contact people. 娜塔莎在复仇者内部的身份很特殊,她既是复仇者的一员,同时也是神盾局的高级特工。虽然她的高级权限被神盾局收回了,但是她依然有联系神盾局,从神盾局内部获得消息的能力。这其实也就意味着,她是同时为这两个组织服务着的双面人,同时也是这两个组织中间的桥梁和联系者。 Natasha status everybody at heart somewhat is actually transparent. However nobody will say directly. This is a matter of agreement existing writing, since is the teammate, naturally must care about the Natasha face. 娜塔莎的身份大家其实心里都有些明了。但是却没有什么人会直接说出来。这是一件约定成文的事情,既然已经是队友了,自然也要顾及一下娜塔莎的脸面。 Listened to the reply of Natasha, the team leader who has acted as the leader has knocked the table. Was saying in table all around avengers to the encirclement. 听完了娜塔莎的回答,一直充当领导者的队长就敲了敲桌子。对着环绕在桌子四周的复仇者们说道。 This is Nick Fury gives our news unilaterally, in fact besides us, even if in entire SHIELD also only then few knows this news personally. But this also means, SHIELD was also seeped by Hydra. Therefore I hope that everybody can be mentally prepared. Has the possibility very much, in final of this motion, we will face to come from the attack of SHIELD.” “这是尼克.弗瑞单方面给我们的消息,事实上除了我们之外,就算是在整个神盾局里面也只有寥寥几个人知道这个消息。而这也就意味着,神盾局也已经被九头蛇渗透了。所以我希望各位能做好心理准备。很有可能,在这次行动的最后,我们会面对来自神盾局的攻击。” The words of team leader made the avengers in abundance silent peacefully. Regarding them. If the matter developed this step, then without a doubt, that is one type and the awful situation. The most minimum most of them have not prepared for this psychology. But particularly displays by Spidey obviously. 队长的话让复仇者们纷纷沉默安静了下来。对于他们来说。如果事情发展到了这一步,那么毫无疑问,那将是一种及其糟糕的情况。最起码他们中的大部分人都没有做好这个心理准备。而其中尤其是以小蜘蛛表现得最为显著。 Team leader, you said that this can be chief mister makes a mistake. Perhaps SHIELD did not have us to think that badly also perhaps.” Just took the SHIELD agent badge not two days of new people as one, the Spidey present innermost feelings without doubt are very contradictory. On the one hand he really cannot believe that the SHIELD strict department also will be seeped like this by the enemy, on the other hand he does not hope that saw own parents turn into that most fearful appearance for the organization that it devotes. “队长,你说这会不会是局长先生弄错了。也许神盾局还没有我们想的那么糟也说不定啊。”作为一个刚刚拿上神盾局特工徽章没两天的新人,小蜘蛛现在的内心无疑是非常矛盾的。一方面他实在是不能相信神盾局这样的严密部门也会被敌人所渗透,另一方面他也不希望看到自己父母为之献身的组织变成那种最可怕的模样。 Therefore he can only harbor some such was asking to the team leader by luck, hopes that can obtain some are not that awful reply. 所以他只能怀着些许的侥幸这么对着队长问道,希望能得到一些不是那么糟糕的回答。 Chief Rogers very clear Spidey present mood, he was also clear such matter is some are really heavy regarding the child of Spidey this age. Let him too early contact the plot and betrayal without doubt is the failure of their these adults, when the situation in this country erosion to this situation, has haggled over the Spidey age whether contacts these qualified, is an inopportune matter. 罗杰斯队长很明白小蜘蛛现在的心情,他也清楚这样的事情对于小蜘蛛这个年龄的孩子来说实在是有些过于沉重了。让他太早地接触到阴谋和背叛无疑是他们这些成年人的失败,但是在这个国家的局势都已经糜烂到了这种地步的时候,去计较小蜘蛛的年龄是否够格接触这些,已经是一件不合时宜的事情了。 He is able, particularly scarcest the ability in this special season, therefore he must shoulder certain responsibility. This is one cannot under the pretext of the issue that his age shifts. Although was sorry very much, but the other people of team leader as well as avenger think. 他有能力,尤其是在这个特殊的时节里最紧缺的能力,所以他必须要承担起一定的责任。这是一件不能以他的年龄为借口来转移的问题。虽然很抱歉,但是队长以及复仇者的其他人都是这么认为的。 This is a special season, but in this special time, they are not actually able to lose, even if a wee bit strengths. Even if everyone has some guilty, but they were nobody are willing just to cross the child of 18 th birthday to remove Spidey this to these plots beyond. 这是个特殊的时节,而在这个特殊的时间里,他们却是根本无法损失哪怕一丁点的力量。所以即便每个人心里都有着些许的愧疚,但是他们还是没有人愿意把小蜘蛛这个刚刚过完18岁生日的孩子排除到这一场场阴谋之外。 However fortunately, Spidey oneself pour care about this issue very much. Therefore the team leader also maintains relative came to give the explanation to his just words tranquilly. 不过还好,小蜘蛛本人倒是不是很在意这个问题。所以队长也才保持一个相对的平静地来对他刚刚的话做出解释。 Peter. I know that you are also possibly harboring certain fantasy regarding SHIELD. However you must know, New York war time, the first round of nuclear bomb is issued the order to launch by SHIELD. If SHIELD had not been seeped, by Nick Fury their temper, how can also issue such order.” 彼得。我知道你对于神盾局可能还抱有着一定的幻想。但是你要知道,纽约大战的时候,第一发核弹可是由神盾局下达命令发射出去的。如果说神盾局没有被人渗透,以尼克.弗瑞他们的性子,又怎么能下达这样的命令。” Heard such reply silent, Spidey. He has thought at this moment that video recording that oneself father keeps, can that not well-known SHIELD agent be the fellow who Hydra seeps. This idea emergence, took root in his brain immediately, is unable to erase cleanly. Also for this reason in particular, he actually also immediately became regarding the SHIELD sentiment complex. 听到这样的回答,小蜘蛛沉默了下来。他此刻又想到了自己的父亲所留下来的那份录像,那个不知名的神盾局特工会不会是九头蛇渗透进来的家伙呢。这个想法一出现,立刻就在他的脑子里生了根,然后怎么也无法抹除干净。也正因为这个原因,他对于神盾局的感情却也是立刻变得复杂了起来。 But looks at Spidey becomes the depression of accident/surprise, his Tony has patted his shoulder immediately. 而看着小蜘蛛变得意外的消沉,他身边的托尼立刻拍了拍他的肩膀。 Takes easy, Child. This is the world of adult, although is not very wonderful, but you actually have to accept him. Does not think like you, will happen one day will say goodbye to the virgin status.” “想开点,小朋友。这就是成年人的世界,虽然不是很美妙,但是你却不得不接受他。就像你再不想,也终有一天会告别处男身份的。” Tony!” Heard Tony some more saying that a more excessive rhythm, several women in avenger opened the mouth in abundance, with rebuking vision white his eyes. 托尼!”听到托尼有些越说越过分的节奏,复仇者里的几个女人纷纷开张了嘴,用嗔怪的眼光白了他一眼。 This behavior naturally was to let Tony has raised the hand obediently and honestly, has made the appearance of surrender. After he completes these have done the strange action, the team leader immediately the topic shifts on the stock rail. 这种行为自然是让托尼老老实实地举起了手,做出了投降的模样。而在他做完了这些搞怪的举动之后,队长立刻又把话题转移到了正轨上。 This motion mainly to help Nick Fury seeks for the Hydra trail, thus prepares for our next effective attack. Therefore, I suggested to be divided into two groups of motions.” “这次行动主要是为了帮助尼克.弗瑞寻找到九头蛇的踪迹,从而为我们下一次的有力打击做准备。所以,我建议分成两组行动。” „The first group is primarily Natasha, Quicksilver also has Wanda to be responsible for assisting. You three primary missions are the Nick Fury contact, then material and clue that finds the way to assist him to obtain us to want.” “第一组以娜塔莎为主,快银还有旺达负责协助。你们三个的主要任务是和尼克.弗瑞接触,然后想办法协助他获得我们想要的资料和线索。” „The second group also has Jennifer comprised of me and Stark. The goal is to provide the necessary help protects the work. If the situation has the momentous change time, we can also join the war immediately, controls the situation.” “第二组由我、史塔克还有詹妮弗组成。目标是提供必要的援护工作。如果局势出现巨大变化的时候,我们也能立刻加入战局,控制情况发展。” As for Doctor Banner you? Troubles you and Peter guards the base together, simultaneously supplied the information to aid for us.” “至于班纳博士你?就麻烦你和彼得一起镇守基地,同时为我们提供信息援助了。” The plan of team leader is always systematic, systematic. He can always propose the most appropriate tactical plan in view of immediately situation, the meaning of therefore regarding his arrangement, the avengers slightly not having opposed. 队长的计划从来都是有条有理,井然有序的。他总能针对当下的情况提出最合适的战术计划,所以对于他的安排,复仇者们丝毫没有反对的意思。 Except for Spidey. 除了小蜘蛛 Team leader, can I go home one while the present?” “队长,我能趁着现在回家一趟吗?” Such asked weakly, Spidey displays somewhat embarrassed. Obviously, he thinks that oneself in work proposed this request is inappropriate, his work treats freely in this belongs to the headquarters of avenger. 弱弱地这么问了一句,小蜘蛛表现得有些不好意思。显然,他认为自己在工作的时候提出这个要求是非常不合适的,尽管他的工作只是待在这个属于复仇者的总部而已。 But regarding the request of Spidey, team leader to not the meaning of any vitality/angry. He was only some doubts looked at Spidey one, then asked. 而对于小蜘蛛的这个要求,队长到没有什么生气的意思。他只是有些疑惑地看了小蜘蛛一眼,然后问道。 Peter, I remember your family/home in New York. There words, now are not already......” 彼得,我记得你的家在纽约。那里的话,现在不是已经……” His words were needless saying that everybody understood his implied meaning. New York now became city of the death. This covered the city under nuclear radiation shadow no longer has suited obviously human to live. But at this time, Spidey said unexpectedly he wants to go home, how to make the team leader feel strange? 他的话不用说完,大家都明白了他的言下之意。纽约现在已经成为了一座死亡之城。这个笼罩在核辐射阴影之下的城市显然已经不再适合人类居住了。而这个时候,小蜘蛛居然说他想要回家,怎么不会让队长感到奇怪呢? In fact not only he, the other people of avenger is feeling strange this issue. Therefore all of them start to gaze at Spidey oneself, how wants to have a look at him to prepare to answer this issue.( To be continued.) 事实上不只是他,复仇者的其他人都在奇怪这个问题。所以他们所有人都开始注视着小蜘蛛本人,想要看看他准备怎么回答这个问题。(未完待续。)
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