MSG :: Volume #6

#515: Genuine and fake misconception mission germination

The bustling sounds of people passed to Skaj's ear, the surroundings noisy crowd as if simply has not come under the influence that she shouts. They are bustling about as before, are enjoying the time of afternoon tea. Regarding them, Skaj's actions look like do not exist to be the same, they are still continuing oneself ordinary life, is similar to they places in two entirely different world is ordinary. 熙熙攘攘的人声传到了斯凯的耳朵里,周围嘈杂的人群似乎根本没有受到她呼喊的影响。他们依旧在忙碌着,在享受着下午茶的时光。对于他们来说,斯凯的所作所为就像是根本不存在一样,他们依然在继续着自己的平凡生活,如同他们身处于两个截然不同的世界一般。 This situation is naturally inconceivable regarding Skaj, after she has discovered these, she returns the body of Zhou Yi the line of sight immediately. When she examines carefully Zhou Yi again, is actually discovered in front of own the form of that person, disappeared along with the breeze in her line of sight little. 这种情况对于斯凯来说自然是不可思议的,所以当她发现了这些之后,她立刻就把视线放回到了周易的身上。但是当她再细看周易的时候,却是发现自己面前的那个人的身影,已经随着微风一点点地消失在了她的视线中。 Resembles him always not to appear there is the same, resembles her to be the same to the air speech. All such is not real, the false letting person is flustered, dreadful. 就好像他从来都不曾出现在那里一样,就好像她一直在对空气说话一样。一切的一切都那么的不真实,虚假的让人心慌,让人害怕。 This situation, has naturally scared Skaj. Although she has joined SHIELD, became a SHIELD agent, but, she is an ordinary girl, this strange matter also naturally surpasses the bottom line that her psychology withstood. Therefore she starts to shout, in direction that Zhou Yi vanishes. 这种情况,自然是吓坏了斯凯。她虽然加入了神盾局,成为了神盾局的一名特工,但是从本质上来说,她还是一个普通的女孩,这种诡异的事情也自然地超出了她心理承受的底线。所以她开始大喊起来,向着周易消失的方向。 Where are you at? The cowards, come out to me, come out. You had not answered to me how you can such run away?” “你在哪?懦夫,给我出来,出来。你还没有给我答复,你怎么能就这么跑掉?” Her shouting makes an effort very much, but does not have any effect as before. With was just same, the person of surrounding person is handling own matter as before, anybody has not paid attention to her. 她的呼喊很用力,但是却依旧没有任何的效果。就和刚刚一样,周围的人的人依旧在做着自己的事情,没有任何人来理会她。 The situation becomes more and more strange, was strangely incomprehensible to Skaj some, the unacceptable situation. But had been scared in her whole person, starts to feel helpless. A big hand actually fiercely according to her shoulder. 情况变得越来越怪异,怪异到了斯凯有些不能理解,不能接受的地步。而就在她整个人都已经慌了神,都开始不知所措的时候。一只大手却是猛地按在了她的肩上。 This sudden movement makes her have a scare, naturally also made her not be possible to suppress looks around the past toward own. This looks around, immediately makes in her brain have an misconception of light shadow circulation, until she sees own behind that person time, this misconception along with appearing in her present that form gradually is clear to vanish without the trace. 这个突然的动作让她吓了一跳,当然也让她不可抑制地向着自己的身后张望过去。这一张望,就立刻让她的大脑中有了一种光影流转的错觉,而直到她看到自己身后的那个人的时候,这种错觉才随着出现在她眼前的那个身影的逐渐清晰而消失无踪。 This is an acquaintance, lets acquaintance who the person feels relieved. Although periphery regarding Skaj is that fearful strange, the big stone that but the appearance of this acquaintance lets her heart fell. 这是一个熟人,让人放心的熟人。虽然周围对于斯凯来说还是那么可怕怪异,但是这个熟人的出现还是让她心底的大石落了下去。 „Is Grant, you? Thank God. You came fortunately!” “格兰特,是你?谢天谢地。还好你来了!” Nobody can understand Skaj mood at this moment, even if her so-called acquaintance is also incomprehensible. In fact, Grant also very obscure, how because Skaj's performance saw how is not to be normal. Even made the person have her to knock the feeling of medicine likely. 没人能够理解斯凯此时此刻的心情,就算是这个她所谓的熟人也不能理解。事实上,格兰特还非常的费解,因为斯凯的表现怎么看都是怎么不正常。甚至让人有一种她像是磕了药的感觉。 Naturally, this definitely is the misconception. Because of Grant. Warder as Skaj's guide, is clear she not possible to contact that type of thing. But the body of her health is more impossible to have any similar illness. Therefore, the crux affirms in other places. To clarify the answer, he increased oneself strength. Skaj according to the chair on, was asking stubbornly to her. 当然,这肯定是错觉。因为格兰特.沃德作为斯凯的引导者,非常清楚她根本不可能接触到那种东西。而她健康的身体更不可能有任何的类似病症。所以,症结肯定出在其他地方。而为了弄清楚答案,他加大了自己的力量。把斯凯死死地按照椅子上,然后对着她问道。 Calm, Skaj. You are all right now, what just exactly had, can you tell me entirely one?” “冷静点,斯凯。你现在没事,刚刚到底发生了什么,你能统统地告诉我一遍吗?” What had?” Recalled that just bitter experience, in Skaj's brain is actually inexplicable painful, that type almost makes her whole person have a disgusting feeling with the strange feeling that the world was separated from, looked like the carsickness is seasick, but actually also want serious many compared with that. However Skaj endured suffering of this ache, opened the mouth to say to Grant. “发生了什么?”回想起刚刚的遭遇,斯凯的脑子里却是一阵莫名的生疼,那种几乎和世界脱离的陌生感觉让她整个人都产生了一种恶心的感觉,就像是晕车晕船一样,但是却要比那还要严重的多。不过斯凯还是忍下了这种疼痛的折磨,张开了嘴对着格兰特说道。 I am exchanging with that person. Just. Why however does not know, he disappeared suddenly . Moreover the surrounding person displays is also very strange. Obviously I called was so loud, their nobody is actually willing to respond my, resembled them simply not to see my movement, heard my words to be the same!” “我在和那个人交流。就在刚刚。不过不知道为什么,他突然消失了,而且周围的人表现的也很奇怪。我明明叫的那么大声,他们却没有一个人愿意搭理我的,就好像他们根本没有看到我的动作,听到我的话一样!” These words said that many were a little complains. However she just said these, is actually felt that the inside on own shoulder was also fiercely heavy several points. This made her somewhat bewilderedly lift the head, looked to oneself behind senior. 这句话说出来,多少是有一点抱怨的。但是她刚刚说完这些,却是感觉到自己肩膀上的里面猛地又沉重了几分。这让她有些莫名其妙地抬起了头,看向了自己身后的前辈。 Grant?” “格兰特?” Heard doubts in her words, Grant hesitant. Lowered the head, was saying to her near her ear low voice. 听到了她话语里的疑惑,格兰特犹豫了一下。才低下了头,在她的耳边对着她小声地说道。 From just started, your person sits here, anything has not done. If were not I have patted you one. You currently have possibility that appearance.” “从刚刚开始,你就一个人坐在这里,什么都没有干。如果不是我拍了你一下的话。你现在都有可能还是那副样子。” This is impossible!” Grant's reply made Skaj whole person unable to bear yell. But the vision that with her cry, the surroundings busy crowd in abundance was at the direction that casts to her or curious or rebukes. This type and just entirely different scene immediately was makes Skaj believe several points in the heart. However she struggles asks. “这不可能!”格兰特的回答让斯凯整个人都忍不住大叫了起来。而随着她的叫声,周围繁忙的人群纷纷向她所在的方向投来了或是好奇或是嗔怪的目光。这种和刚刚截然不同的情景立刻就是让斯凯在心中相信了几分。但是她还是挣扎地问道。 Just I obviously also sat with that person here, I and he chatted long time, even among he also drank up one coffee......” “刚刚我明明还和那个人一起坐在这里,我和他聊了很长时间,甚至中间他还喝光了一杯咖啡……” Said here, Skaj's vision turns toward the position that Zhou Yi was just at to sweep immediately. But this looked, she is shocked immediately. 说道这里,斯凯的眼光立刻就向着周易刚刚所在的位置扫了过去。而这一看,她立刻就愣住了。 Sees only in place that just Zhou Yi sits. One also remaining most coffee alone place on the table. But its existence, overall denied Skaj's just experience, the cognition that gives her whole person has taken away the impact that is hard to imagine. Under this impact, Skaj's spoken language is unable like to be just assured again. She can only duplicate including the tone that oneself are unable to believe with one type. 只见在刚刚周易坐着的地方。一杯还剩下大半的咖啡就那么孤零零地放在桌子上。而它的存在,却是全盘地否认了斯凯刚刚的所见所闻,给她整个人的认知都带去了难以想象的冲击。在这种冲击之下,斯凯的言语再也无法像刚刚那样笃定了。她只能用一种连自己都无法相信的语气重复着。 This is impossible, he just also in this. I noticed obviously, you should also see. Grant, replied me! Replied me quickly!” “这不可能,他刚刚还在这的。我明明看到的,你也应该看到的。是不是,格兰特,回答我!快回答我!” Looks at horridness and entreaty in Skaj eyes, although Grant is not cruel enough very much, but hard was saying to her. 看着斯凯眼中的惶恐和哀求,格兰特虽然不是很忍心,但是还是硬邦邦地对着她说道。 Sorry, I only noticed that you just sat, has said a hello with that person. That person set out to leave. Then, you move from beginning to end have not moved sit on this chair, had just patted your shoulder to me!” “对不起,我只看到你刚刚坐过去,和那个人打过一个招呼。那个人就起身离开了。然后,从头到尾你都动也没动地坐在这张椅子上,一直到我刚刚拍了你的肩膀为止!” How can, how be able like this. I chatted with him obviously was so long, how possibly is this appearance?” “怎么会,怎么会这样。我明明和他聊了那么久,怎么可能会是这个样子呢?” On Skaj's face as before is that unbelievable look, as if she does not believe in all these that on oneself has. However Grant's icy words have broken all her luck. 斯凯的脸上依旧是那种难以置信的神色,似乎她还是不相信在自己身上所发生的这一切。但是格兰特冷冰冰的话语还是打断了她所有的侥幸。 Do not forget, we have the telephone conversation record. From just started, your monitoring facility has not accepted any sound about that person. Beyond sound that except that you and your person make, absolutely does not have other records. From beginning to end only then you alone, Skaj. These are your misconception.” “别忘了,我们是有通话记录的。从刚刚开始,你身上的监控设施都没有接受到任何关于那个人的声音。除了你自己和你身边的人发出的声音之外,根本就没有其他的记录。从头到尾就只有你一个人,斯凯。那些都是你的错觉。” Misconception?” Grant's words made Skaj unable to bear such repeatedly, but along with this redundant, she actually could not bear think at heart. Just that all, that clear, then coming clearly into view. She closes the eye now, in the head can recall just and that dialogue of Zhou Yi. Like this was inscribed the thing clearly in brain, how possibly is an misconception. If the misconception, her first does not believe that is also absolute does not believe. “错觉吗?”格兰特的话让斯凯忍不住这么重复了一下,而随着这声重复,她却是忍不住在心里思索起来。刚刚的那一切,是那么的清晰,那么的历历在目。她现在闭上眼睛,脑袋里都能回想起刚刚和周易的那一段对话。这样被清晰铭刻在脑子里的东西,怎么可能会是一个错觉。如果说是错觉,她第一个不相信,也是绝绝对对的不会相信。 If this is not the misconception, but is special and unique experience words. What then this does mean? Thoughts flexible Skaj associated to here, actually could not bear the heart jump crazily. At this time, she suddenly felt a sense of mission. One type special, can by the sense of mission that oneself jump for joy excitedly. Although she does not know that this is real, but also is only own wishful thinking. However, she such believed. 而如果这不是错觉,而是一种特殊而独特的体验的话。那么这又意味着什么呢?心思活泛的斯凯联想到了这里,却是忍不住心脏狂跳了起来。在这个时候,她突然感到了一种使命感。一种特殊的,能够让自己激动雀跃的使命感。虽然她不知道这是真的,还只是自己的一厢情愿。但是,她还是这么相信了。 This special feeling makes her start to restrain on the face all expressions, became by oneself is similar to puts on a mask to be equally raw and cold. But at this time, when she feels on own shoulder that almost does not have what the strength of change, she to behind Grant was saying. 这种特殊的感觉让她开始收敛起自己脸上所有的表情,让自己变得如同戴上了一副面具一样生冷起来。而这个时候,当她感受到自己肩膀上那几乎没有什么变化的力量的时候,她就对着自己身后的格兰特说道。 I knew what's the matter, felt relieved that I will not impulse to make any matter out of the ordinary. You can let loose me!” “我知道是怎么回事了,放心我不会冲动做出什么出格的事情的。你可以放开我了!” The change nature on Skaj face was received the eyeground by her behind Grant. Naturally, in his eyes this is only a disheartened and disappointed performance. When Skaj said that he loosened the hand immediately, is comforting to say to her low voice. 斯凯脸上的变化自然被她身后的格兰特收入眼底。当然,在他的眼中这只是一种心灰和失望的表现而已。所以当斯凯这么说的时候,他立刻松开了手,然后对着她小声地安慰道。 Do not care this matter. That person and we are not existence of world, compares us with them is existence of tiny being nothing to speak. Therefore takes easy, this has the advantage to you.” “别把这件事放在心上。那种人和我们不是一个世界的存在,和他们相比我们不过是渺小的不值一提的存在而已。所以想开点,这对你是有好处的。” I knew, we then what to do?” “我知道了,我们接下来怎么办?” Receives the team, all people receive the team. Moreover, Skaj. You have violated the work rule, therefore you should know that waited for what your can be?” “收队,所有人都收队。另外,斯凯。你违反了工作条例,所以你应该知道等待你的会是些什么?” After Skaj just asked makes noise, an ice-cold sound actually through their ear in the communications devices transmits. Without a doubt, that is the sound of plum, but heard this sound, Skaj's complexion was ugly immediately. 在斯凯刚刚问出声之后,一个冰冷的声音却是通过他们耳朵里的通讯装置传递到了过来。毫无疑问,那是梅的声音,而听到了这个声音,斯凯的脸色立刻难看了起来。 Is mentally prepared, the issue is very serious!” “做好心理准备,问题挺严重!” Facing this issue, Grant did not say anything, therefore he has patted her shoulder. Took the lead. 面对这种问题,格兰特也不好说些什么,所以他只是拍了拍她的肩膀。就率先走了出去。 But looks at his back, Skaj curled the lip, set out to follow hastily. If before, facing this rigid punishment rule, even if had the problem, her many will also complain on two. However now, because that feeling in innermost feelings, she actually silently withstood all. 而看着他的背影,斯凯撇了撇嘴,连忙起身跟了上去。如果是以前,面对这种硬性的处罚条例,即便是自己真的出现了问题,她也多少会抱怨上两句。但是现在,因为自己内心里的那种感觉,她却是默默地把一切都承受了下来。 Regarding her, these things no longer were obviously important. Important matter in own at heart, in own hand. Harbors this unknown small secret, the agent who she such and is called Grant disappeared in the huge crowd. 对于她来说,那些东西显然都已经不再重要了。重要的事情就在自己的心里,就在自己的手中。怀着这种不为人知的小秘密,她就这么和叫做格兰特的特工消失在了人海之中。 But looks at her back, stood Zhou Yi in building to smile to Jean Grey. 而看着她的背影,站立在一座大楼上的周易对着自己身边的琴格蕾就笑了起来。 Thank you, Jean. If not you, perhaps I must have one pile to trouble.” “谢谢你了,。如果不是你的话,恐怕我又要有一堆麻烦了。” Troublesome? It seems like your feeling to this girl is good. What's wrong, did you have a liking for her?” “麻烦?看来你对这个女孩的感觉还不错啊。怎么,你又看上了她了吗?” The vision took a fast look around from Skaj's body, Jean Grey such asked to the Zhou Yi faint smile. But hears her words, Zhou Yi starts to shake the head immediately. 眼光从斯凯的身上扫视了一遍,琴格蕾就对周易似笑非笑地这么问道。而听到了她的话,周易立刻就开始摇起头来。 How possible, you cannot withstand, Jean that I thought! She can only be my supporter, a potential friend, that is all!” “怎么可能,你也把我想的太不堪了吧,!她只能算是我的一个拥护者,一个潜在的朋友,仅此而已!” Ok!” Jean Grey knows certainly that these words are really the vacation. Rumor before her useless, no matter who is the same. Therefore she has uncovered this directly, was then saying to Zhou Yi. What matter do you ask me to come out to have?” “算了!”琴格蕾当然知道这句话是真是假。谎言在她面前没用,不管是谁都一样。所以她直接揭过了这一段,对着周易接着说道。“你找我出来是有什么事情吗?” Naturally, something need you to help. Have you heard Queen white in hell hot club?”( To be continued.) “当然,有些事需要你帮忙。你听说过地狱火俱乐部的白皇后吗?”(未完待续。)
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