MSG :: Volume #6

#514: The hero is whether reckless

Heroes? Hears such a name suddenly, Zhou Yi cannot bear is laughing at heart. It is not because this was called Skaj's girl flexure to his itchy place, because by her status said that this words, was really extremely laughable. 英雄吗?骤然听到这么个称呼,周易忍不住在心里哈哈一笑。不是因为这个叫做斯凯的小姑娘挠到了他心里的痒处,而是因为以她的身份说这种话,实在是太过可笑了一些。 A SHIELD agent runs up to himself in front, to was saying that she believes herself, believes oneself is a hero. No matter this saying stems from inciting of her behind person, stems from own conscience. Thoroughly has been separated from the soil of reality. 一个神盾局的特工跑到自己面前,对着自己说她相信自己,相信自己是一个英雄。不管她这话是出自她身后的人的授意,还是出自于自己的本心。都已经彻底地脱离出了现实的土壤。 If she is stems from the meaning of her behind person, then Zhou Yi can only think that the SHIELD interior had certainly the serious fission problem. Not but Nick Fury and astuteness of Coulson these people, are absolutely impossible to make this decision. 如果她的话是出自她身后的人的意思的话,那么周易只能认为神盾局的内部一定是出现了严重的分裂问题。不然以尼克.弗瑞科尔森这些人的精明,是绝对不可能做出这种决定的。 If stems from her original intention, then has saying that this girl is really somewhat is much sillier. Most at least looked from the Zhou Yi angle, she in most people's the idea with this world is entirely different. 而如果是出自她自己的本意的话,那么就不得不说,这个小姑娘实在是有些傻得可爱。最起码从周易的角度去看,她和这个世界上的大多数人的想法是截然不同的。 This cannot say that is a good deed, but cannot say that is a misdemeanor. Naturally, in the situation of present. Zhou Yi has had a favorable impression to this somewhat alternative girl. 这不能说是一件好事,但是也不能说是一件坏事。当然,在现在的这个情况下。周易还是对这个有些另类的小姑娘产生了一丝好感。 As just joined the SHIELD new person, Skaj, although has not learned the agent to have the ability of watching a person's every mood. However regarding closes right up against itself her who since childhood tries hard to survive, feels the manner of oneself nearby person became an instinct response. Therefore the nature, Zhou Yi keenly was also caught by her to her good intentions. This makes her somewhat excited, even somewhat cannot bear oneself innermost feelings the excitement, was asking to Zhou Yi anxiously. 作为刚刚加入神盾局的新人,斯凯虽然还没有学会特工应该有的察言观色的能力。但是对于从小就靠着自己一个人努力生存的她来说,感受自己身边人的态度已经成为了一种本能性的反应。所以自然的,周易对她的那种善意也被她敏锐地捕捉到了。这让她有些兴奋,甚至有些忍不住自己内心的激动,对着周易急切地问道。 He is a hero, right? You also think so?” “他是一个英雄,对吗?你也是这么觉得的吗?” Was asked is in itself a hero, this first time regarding Zhou Yi. In this case, he can certainly remain silent to this girl, but looks at her earnest look, he actually must say anything's impulsion. But what should say? Suddenly, Zhou Yi has to plant to act bashful the uncertain feeling. 被人问起自己是不是个英雄,这对于周易来说还是第一次。在这种情况下,他当然可以对这个女孩保持沉默,但是看着她那热切的眼神,他却有一种自己必须说些什么的冲动。而该说些什么呢?一时间,周易却是有种拿捏不定的感觉。 If before, perhaps he can also call the hero himself self-confidently. However now. Can oneself have this energy? This point, Zhou Yi are unable to affirm. Therefore he hesitated. 如果是以前,他或许还能自信地把自己称之为英雄。但是现在。自己是否还能有这个底气呢?这一点,就连周易自己都无法肯定。所以他犹豫了。 But when he hesitates, Skaj actually stares in a big way the eye, was opening own small mouth. Is gazing at the change of his expression stubbornly. As if regarding her, Zhou Yi every action and every movement, each has made up mind sufficiently to affect her mind, has the enough inevitable relations to be the same with her. 而就在他犹豫的时候,斯凯却是瞪大了眼睛,微张着自己的小嘴。死死地注视着他表情的变化。似乎对于她来说,周易的一举一动,每一个决意都足以牵动她的心神,都和她有着足够必然的关系一样。 On how long, on Zhou Yi face cloudy clear uncertain quiet. He looks that anxious looks at own girl. Shows a faint smile, said to her. 没过上多久,周易脸上的阴晴不定就沉寂了下来。他看着那个紧张的看着自己的小姑娘。微微一笑,就对她说道。 I cannot say what you said is right, cannot say what you said is the mistake. But by words that my viewpoint comes to see, his past can indeed calculate on is a hero. However he can also be able to become a name of hero in the future actions, that was not I can narrate and comment.” “我不能说你说的是对的,也不能说你说的是错的。而以我的观点来看的话,他的过去的确可以算的上是一个英雄。但是他在未来的所作所为是不是还能当得上一个英雄的称谓,那就不是我能评述得了的了。” The reply of Zhou Yi made in Skaj's eyes present one to be anxious and puzzled. She is not as if clear, why Zhou Yi will reply her like this. Saying that therefore she can only think oneself infallible. 周易的回答让斯凯的眼中出现了一丝焦躁和不解。她似乎并不明白,为什么周易会这样回答她。所以她只能自以为是的说道。 You are perfunctory my view? This type of ambiguous thing cannot be persuasive. Sir, I know that you had not possibly felt relieved regarding my this stranger, therefore you did not have that type to reveal the aspiration to me the meaning. However I can tell you, each few words that I spoke are earnest, thing that is I truly thought. If you do not believe. You can look for one to watch for the innermost feelings from this city casually Mutants to come, lets all that she had a look at me to say is my innermost feelings tallies.” “你这是敷衍我的说法吗?这种模棱两可的东西可不能让人信服。先生,我知道你对于我这种陌生人可能没有那么放心,所以你还没有那种对我吐露心声的意思。但是我可以告诉你,我说的每一句话都是认真的,都是我心里真正在想的东西。如果你不信。你可以从这个城市里随便找一个能窥伺内心的变种人来,让她看看我所说的一切是不是和我的内心相吻合的。” Puts with ease, puts with ease!” Looks that gradually becomes along with own spoken language somewhat anxious and anxious Skaj, Zhou Yi shows a faint smile, has held down her shoulder. I do not have any to suspect your meaning, does not have any meaning of being perfunctory. In fact, I do not have any reason to be perfunctory your such young people. All that you hear, is actually my true idea.” “放轻松,放轻松!”看着随着自己的言语而逐渐变得有些急切和焦躁的斯凯,周易微微一笑,就按住了她的肩膀。“我没有任何怀疑你的意思,也没有任何敷衍的意思。事实上,我没有任何的理由来敷衍你这样的年轻人。你听到的一切,其实就是我真正的想法而已。” Indeed, in the past years, he has handled a lot. Even to protect other people, he is even fighting by a spirit of nearly offer. At that time, when he believes this world does right by his protection, he can indeed call the hero. I think. He also thinks.” “诚然,在过去的岁月里,他做了很多事情。甚至为了保护他人,他甚至在以一种近乎奉献的精神在战斗着的。在那个时候,在他相信这个世界对得起他的保护的时候,他的确可以称之为英雄。我想。就连他自己也是这么认为的。” But, the person becomes. But this change mutual. When he discovered that this world has abandoned him repeatedly, betrays all times that his these years came to make. He was naturally impossible again like initially, did not change the first thought to continue to work as a -called hero.” “但是,人是会变得。而这种变化是相互的。当他发现这个世界一再抛弃了他,背叛了他这些年来所做的一切的时候。他自然不可能再像当初一样,不改初心地继续去当一个所谓的英雄。” Skaj, you must know. The heroes are not given name of pleasant to hear. It means the responsibility, means the sacrifice. Means insistence of faith. When one day, was the person discovery own sacrifice of hero, the responsibility that oneself bore, oneself all faith was protected the thing betrayal that destroy by oneself the time, he definitely with changing.” “斯凯,你要知道。英雄不是什么好听的名号。它意味着责任,意味着牺牲。意味着一种信念的坚持。而当有一天,身为英雄的人发现自己的牺牲,自己背负的责任,自己所有的信念都被自己守护的东西背叛破坏的时候,他肯定会跟着发生变化的。” Some people will perhaps choose to continue on this road to walk, then takes the dead end, finally turns into one only to be able by the milestone that the person commemorates. But before some people will actually put down themselves all, choose to make a fresh start a new journey. Very obviously, Dawn Knight choice is the latter. Regarding him, the given name of so-called hero became the laughable burden, therefore is he should drop out all times.” “有些人也许会选择继续在这条路上行走,然后走上末路,最终变成一个只能被人纪念的丰碑。而有的人却会放下自己之前的一切,选择重新开始一段新的旅途。很显然,黎明骑士选择的就是后者。对于他来说,所谓英雄的名号已经成为了可笑的负担,所以是他该抛下一切的时候了。” No, this is unfair! Should not be this.” Listens to Zhou Yi that tranquilly to have some regrettable explanations, Skaj actually like was encounters any fearful painful event, in a terrified way and has held on the arm of Zhou Yi anxiously, then the corner of the eye belt tears were saying to him repeatedly. This from beginning to end is only the idea that you alone think oneself infallible. He has not thought that are this world how many people always steadfastly believing him? Some how many people were anticipating he can return to their sides? He does not know, when he makes this choice, he was equal to actually betraying these people to his trust, to his hope?” “不,这不公平!不应该是这样的。”听着周易那平静中带着些许遗憾的说明,斯凯却像是遭遇到了什么可怕的伤心事一样,惶恐而急切地拉住了周易的手臂,然后眼角带泪地对着他连声说道。“这从头到尾只是你一个人自以为是的想法而已。难道他就没有想过,这个世界到底有多少人在始终坚定不移地相信着他吗?到底有多少人期待着他能回归到他们的身边吗?他难道不知道,当他做出这种选择的时候,他其实就等同于背叛了那些人对他的信任,对他的希望吗?” Skaj, listening to me saying that child!” Has patted this because of girl's back of the hand that but sheds tears, on the Zhou Yi face appears take pity on, a helplessness. This world likely is not simplicity that you know. Perhaps regarding these average people, they have not handled the matter of betrayal. However they have not done, does not represent other people not to do. In this world voice is never the average person, but is the government and so-called person in power. But regarding all that they make, you do not have any right to speak. This is your irrelevant wars, but the result early has decided actually, therefore, is actually this letting loose time.” “斯凯,听我说,孩子!”拍了拍这个会因为自己而流眼泪的女孩的手背,周易脸上浮现出一丝怜惜,一丝无奈。“这个世界并不像是你认识的那么简单。也许对于那些普通人来说,他们是从来没有做过背叛的事情。但是他们没有做过,不代表其他人没有做过。在这个世界发声的永远不是普通人,而是政府和所谓的当权者。而对于他们所做的一切,你们是没有任何发言权的。这是和你们无关的战争,而结果其实早已经决定了,所以,其实是该放开的时候了。” Goes all out to shake the head, Skaj was pale the face to make an effort to hold on the arm of Zhou Yi. She as if wanted to say anything again, but at this time, she actually really does not know oneself should say anything. 拼命地摇了摇头,斯凯苍白着脸用力拉住了周易的手臂。她似乎想要再说些什么,但是这个时候,她却是真的不知道自己应该说什么了。 Can live these many years, then also joins by own ability to SHIELD, Skaj naturally possibly is not that type fool who does not have what brain. Although she is pure, but is not stupid, particularly after Zhou Yi the words spoke such opens, she is clearer, keeps off in front of oneself is anything thing. 能够独自一人生活这么多年,然后还凭借自己的能力加入到神盾局之中,斯凯自然不可能是那种没有什么脑子的傻瓜。她虽然单纯,但是却不愚蠢,尤其是在周易把话说地这么开之后,她就更加清楚,挡在自己前面的到底是一些什么东西。 Wish makes Dawn Knight return, at all was not her wish can change. What keeps off before her is the government influence and Dawn Knight oneself wish these two cannot be moved the mountain that but must cross them, is almost a impossible matter. 想要让黎明骑士回归,根本不是她一个人的意愿能够改变得了的。挡在她面前的是政府势力和黎明骑士本人意愿这两座不可挪动的大山,而要越过它们,几乎是一件不可能的事情。 Skaj is not one person who easily speaks to give up, regarding this matter she naturally is not willingly. However something were not she are not willing to change, was most minimum, she absolutely is helpless the present. Therefore she can only be pale face, sat on the chair dull silly, like was one does not have the puppet of soul, the look was gazing at Zhou Yi emptily oneself. 斯凯不是一个轻言放弃的人,对于这种事情她自然是不甘心的。但是有些事不是她不甘心就能改变得了得,最起码,在现在她就绝对是无能为力的。所以她只能苍白着脸,呆呆傻傻地坐到了椅子上,像是一个没有灵魂的木偶一样,眼神空洞地注视着周易本人。 This look Zhou Yi has looked, in that on the reporter who is called to reveal the Yi (easy) silk. At that time, her look has given itself very big touching. But now, when he sees this same look once again, an inexplicable feeling well uped once again. 这种眼神周易看过,在那个叫做露丝的记者身上。那个时候,她的眼神就给了自己很大的触动。而现在,当他再度看到这一样的眼神的时候,一种莫名的感觉再度涌上了心头。 With angry irrelevant, with has nothing to do sadly. Some feelings as well as some regrets, as well as one type just likes separates the world same not clear feeling. 和愤怒无关,和悲伤无关。只是些许的感慨以及些许的遗憾,以及一种恍若隔世一样不真切的感觉。 The heroes, this name was too was really far regarding him, blurred to him to its impression. If not this girl who called Skaj mentioned this matter to him, perhaps linked him soon to forget, oneself once have this kind of name. 英雄,这个名字对于他来说实在是已经太远太远了,远到了他自己都已经模糊了对它的印象。如果不是这个叫斯凯的女孩对他说起这件事,恐怕连他自己都快要忘了,自己曾经还有着这样一个名字。 However looked like he had said such, that was only once. But once, absolutely cannot mean the future. His heroic profession early has answered a curtain call, how even if recalls again , is impossible to return. This point, Zhou Yi is well aware. Therefore looks at Skaj's change, he can only sigh to pat her shoulder, was saying to her. 但是就像是他说过的那样,那只是曾经。而曾经,就绝对不能意味着未来。他的英雄生涯早已经谢幕了,就算是再怎么回忆,也是不可能回到过去的。这一点,周易心知肚明。所以看着斯凯的这种变化,他只能叹息着拍了拍她的肩膀,对着她说道。 Skaj. When he died. Holds the past that the sad futile effort is fondly remembering is having him to protect with it, might as well makes a fresh start , to continue oneself that him not to protect the life that. This is an advice, perhaps this, to your such person, can be a good deed.” “斯凯。就当他已经死了吧。与其抱着伤悲徒劳地怀念着有他保护的过去,还不如重新开始,继续自己没有那个他来保护的生活。这是一个忠告,也许这样,对你这样的人来说,会是一件好事。” Patted hand of Zhou Yi fiercely according to in own shoulder, Skaj looked like injects the soul same to live. However, present she actually as if lost oneself reason to be the same in the grief and indignation, was screaming to shout to Zhou Yi. 猛地拍开了周易按在自己肩膀上的手,斯凯就像是重新注入了灵魂一样活了过来。不过,现在的她却似乎在悲愤中丧失了自己的理智一样,对着周易就大声地嚷嚷道。 Do not find the excuse for your betrayal, Dawn Knight. You think that your this can cast aside cleanly oneself, then walks with ease comfortably? You gave up any idea of, you gave up any idea. I will not make you such prevail on such easily, cannot absolutely. I must to know that your true colors, making you forever impossible to escape from this shackles. I live up to one's words, you hear not to have. Dawn Knight!” “不要为你的背叛找借口,黎明骑士。你以为你这样就能把自己撇得干干净净,然后走得轻松自在吗?你休想,你休想。我不会让你这么就这么轻易得逞的,绝对不会。我要让所有人知道你的真面目,让你永远也不可能逃出这个枷锁。我说到做到,你听到没有。黎明骑士!” Her sound is such shouting oneself hoarse, is completely conceivable, will have many people attracted by her shouting. But this, is Skaj has the idea. 她的声音是如此的声嘶力竭,以至于完全可以想象,会有多少人被她的这种呼喊吸引过去。而这,就是斯凯打得主意。 It looks like such that she said that she cannot make Zhou Yi such with ease comfortably escape in any event, therefore exposes own real status, she must such do. From some angle, to let Zhou Yi rotates, she put together all her. 就像是她说的那样,她无论如何都不能让周易这么轻松自在地逃掉,所以就算是暴露自己的真实身份,她也要这么做。从某种角度上说,为了让周易回转过来,她是真的拼上了自己的一切。 However this really useful? The reality has given her a brutal answer.( To be continued.) 但是这真的有用吗?现实给了她一个残酷的答案。(未完待续。)
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