MSG :: Volume #6

#513: In the afternoon time respectively depending on performing skill

Had ended and meeting of Magneto, a Zhou Yi person aimlessly strolled in the Radiance City urban district center. Said somewhat ashamed, although this city has been equal to his private equity, he is also this city nominal master. However discussed to the familiarity of this city, perhaps he continually common petty bourgeoises did not compare. 结束了和万磁王的会面,周易一个人漫无目的地在辉耀市的市区中心闲逛了起来。说起来有些惭愧,虽然这座城市已经相当于他的私人资产,他也算是这座城市名义上的主人。但是论起对这个城市的熟悉程度,他恐怕连一般的小市民都比不了。 Especially in this city by the sunglow company after the expansion, is he remembers that the place turned into two appearances completely. Naturally, this is not a misdemeanor. Because this means that Radiance City is changing in a good direction. But this is Zhou Yi is glad to see. Radiance City is his work, is his territory and homeland. Can look that it develops in a better direction innovatingly, is naturally extremely good. 尤其是在这个城市被日冕公司几经扩张之后,更是和他记忆中的地方完全地变成了两个模样。当然,这并不是一件坏事。因为这意味着辉耀市向着一个好的方向变化着。而这正是周易所乐意见到的。辉耀市是他的作品,更是他的领地和家园。能看着它日新月异地向着更好的方向发展,自然是极好的。 Regarding present Zhou Yi can, be able to look that on each face has the smiling face is starting the new day, looks that human and Mutants walk shoulder to shoulder on a street, talked and laughed merrily. Sufficiently makes him have a feeling of comfort. Most at least, all these had proven he was not a futile effort the fool of half a lifetime, most at least can also have all that a place made him recall itself to throw down. 对于现在的周易能来说,能看着每个人脸上带着笑容开始新的一天,看着人类和变种人并肩走在一条街道上,谈笑风生。就足以让他产生一种安慰的感觉。最起码,这一切证明了他并不是一个徒劳了半生的傻子,最起码还能有一个地方来让他回忆自己丢下的一切。 But is in this somewhat laughable mood, Zhou Yi sits arrived on pedestrian street nearby dining room dinner table. He has selected something casually, then sits there, is wasting the time, while is taking a look at the pedestrian of coming and going with a strange vision, with all that this city has. 而怀着这种有些可笑的心情,周易坐到了位在步行街边上一个餐厅外面的餐桌上。他随便点了一些东西,然后就坐在那里,一边空耗着时光,一边用一种奇怪的眼光打量着来来往往的行人,和这个城市所发生的一切。 Now also just crossed 4 : 00 pm appearances, the pedestrian on road are not many, but is actually very leisurely and carefree. And some large number of people, same are also enjoying the comfortable sunlight with Zhou Yi and similarly wonderful afternoon tea time. Therefore looked at the past from the Zhou Yi angle, the entire city like immersed in a pale yellow picture. Affable and low and deep, as if linked the time also to stagnate was the same. 现在也就是刚刚才过下午四点的样子,路上的行人不多,但是却很是悠闲。其中还有相当一部分人,都在和周易一样享受着舒适的阳光和同样美妙的下午茶时间。所以从周易的角度看过去,整个城市都像是沉浸在一段昏黄的照片里一样。舒缓而低沉,就仿佛连时间也凝滞了一样。 This regarding has been busy, sometimes even do not know that the time was spent freely where went to Zhou Yi by oneself indeed is a very rare experience. Thinks that the previous time can such leisurely and carefree sitting in a place, anything does not want to do is killing the time like this matter, is actually remote including him somewhat to record is unclear, wants to go carefully, even also made him have one type has just liked separates the feeling of world. 这对于一直忙来忙去,甚至有时候连自己都不知道时间被自己挥霍到哪里去了的周易来说的确是个很难得的体验。想一想上一次能够这样悠闲的坐在一个地方,什么都不想就是做着这样打发时间的事情,却是遥远的连他自己都有些记不清了,仔细想去,甚至还让他产生了一种恍如隔世的感觉。 Really was very long time? Arrived also not necessarily! Some things depressing is too deep. Let him suddenly recall, is unable to adapt. Also because of this, this leisurely and carefree comfortable relaxation time is appearing especially is valuable. 真的是过了很长的时间了吗?到也未必!只是,有些东西压抑的太深。让他一时间回想起来,无法适应而已。也正因为这样,这种悠闲舒适的放松时光才显得格外可贵起来。 However, such time is not long-time. Because lost blows off the line of sight in Zhou Yi. Is gazing at the street time, a form kept off his front suddenly, has tunnelled his all vision. 但是,这样的时光并不长久。因为在周易愣愣出神地放空视线。注视着街道的时候,一个身影突然挡到了他的面前,挡住了他所有的视线。 Hello, Sir. I can sit here, puts together a table with you?” “你好,先生。请问我可以坐在这里,和你拼个桌子吗?” What speech is a young pretty girl. It seems is also 20 -year-old appearances. The brown long hair was gripped a ponytail by her, reveals her beautiful face and a smart eye. But flood wheat color/look skin is brimming with a healthy youth style, matches on her is wearing leisure clothes, making her seem full is the freedom and individuality elegant demeanor that this age advocates. 说话的是一个年轻靓丽的女孩。看上去也就是20来岁的样子。棕色的长发被她扎成了一个马尾,显露出她姣好的脸庞和一双灵气十足的眼睛。而泛着小麦色的皮肤则洋溢着一种健康的青春风范,搭配上她身上穿着着的休闲衣服,让她看上去满是她这个年龄所崇尚的自由和个性风采。 Was tunnelled the vision, Zhou Yi not only had not been angry, instead smilingly takes a look at her to come, after looking at smiling face on her face starts becomes somewhat cramped. Said to her. 被人挡住了视线,周易不仅没有生气,反而笑眯眯地打量起她来,直到看得她脸上的都笑容开始变得有些局促之后。才对她说道。 Naturally, Young lady. If you did not mind that with an old man sits together, I am glad to be able with you such young pretty woman to spend together a period of good time very much!” “当然,小姐。如果你不介意和一个老男人坐在一起的话,我很乐意能和你这样年轻漂亮的女士共渡一段美好的时光!” You spoke really of pleasant to hear, Sir!” Somewhat stiffly hehe smiles. The girl took a seat the Zhou Yi opposite, was in front of his to put out a magazine, watched. “你说话真好听,先生!”有些僵硬地呵呵一笑。女孩就坐到了周易的对面,然后当着他的面拿出了一份杂志,观看了起来。 The magazine in her hand is very interesting, likely is not the thing that any big newspaper sells, but is more like some bordered news hearsay and so on existence. Middle had one by frame replenishment the title appeared especially conspicuous under her movement. Even regarding Zhou Yi, is somewhat dazzling. 她手里的杂志很有意思,不像是什么大报纸发售的东西,而更像是一些花边新闻小道消息之类的存在。当中有一条被边框加注了的标题在她的动作下显得格外显眼。甚至对于周易来说,有些刺眼。 Lives in the demon God of this world? Is throwing over the hero of hypocritical coat?” This is the content of this title, but in the below of this title, Dawn Knight will set up the airborne image to keep person one eyes from now on the crowding around lower end of everywhere night monster again from forgetting clearly. “活在这个世界的魔神?披着伪善外衣的英雄?”这是这个标题的内容,而在这个标题的下面,黎明骑士在漫天夜妖的拥簇下端立空中的影像更是清楚地让人一眼过后就再也无法忘记。 Then passed is about several days, own reputation turned into this appearance. Although psychologically has prepared sufficient, but such sees such thing fiercely. Zhou Yi felt at heart is uncomfortable. 这才过去了不过几天而已,自己的名声就已经变成了这个样子。虽然心理上已经做好了充足的准备,但是猛地这么看到这样的东西。周易的心里还是感到了一阵不舒服。 This is human, this is human that he once put down protects innumerably. Thinks of here, Zhou Yi had one type the impulsion that immediately wants to laugh. However he has not smiled, the expression that even smiles continually does not have. He is narrowing the eye. Is staring in front of that girl silently. The cold light that reveals from the corner of the eye slit lets the person, even if sweeps one, fearful and apprehensive feelings. 这就是人类,这就是他曾经放下无数所保护的人类。想到这里,周易顿时有了一种想要大笑的冲动。但是他没有笑,甚至连笑的表情都没有。他只是眯着眼睛。默默地盯着自己面前的那个女孩。从眼角缝隙里流露出来的寒光让人哪怕只是扫上一眼,就有一种心惊胆战的感觉。 But saw the Zhou Yi so scary look, sits also dares to continue to provoke the magazine of person in his opposite woman where with this. She fills in this magazine oneself packet along hastily, then to the Zhou Yi whole face innocent hehe smiles, starts to attend to about him getting up. 而看到了周易这般吓人的眼神,坐在他对面的女人哪里还敢继续拿着这份撩拨人的杂志。她连忙把这个杂志塞到自己随身的小包中,然后对着周易满脸无辜的呵呵一笑,就开始顾左右而言他起来。 Was right, has not consulted. I am Skaj. From New York. This mister, are you native in this city?” “对了,还没有请教。我是斯凯。来自纽约。这位先生,你是这个城市的本地人吗?” Compared with here majority of resident, I have not been considered as that the native. However compared with your such tourist, I is also actually considered as on is a master. Skaj, please forgive me to use such direct way to call you. You said that you come from New York, how can think arrives at such a small city?” “和这里的大部分市民相比,我还不算是本地人。但是和你这样的游客相比,我却也算得上是一个主人。斯凯,请原谅我用这么直接的方式称呼你。你说你来自纽约,怎么会想着来到这么个小城市呢?” Was answering girl's issue, Zhou Yi on while played you to ask with her game that I answered. He already knew this girl's status, is only somewhat curious, she wants to do. 一边回答着女孩的问题,周易就一边和她玩起了你问我答的游戏。他早就知道了这个女孩的身份,只是有些好奇,她到底想要干什么。 Enrages itself? Can obtain such a suspicion from her just movement. However has thought carefully, Zhou Yi also denied this idea. SHIELD does not need to provoke itself, does not have that courage to provoke itself. Only if they dislike oneself trouble to be not enough. 触怒自己吗?从她刚刚的动作里可以得出这么一个猜想。但是仔细想了下,周易又否定了这个想法。神盾局没有必要来招惹自己,也没有那个勇气来招惹自己。除非他们嫌自己的麻烦还不够多。 But if this is not the meaning of SHIELD, who that does have to be? Is this girl's own meaning, is what person his behind? Harbored this idea, Zhou Yi somewhat anticipates her reply actually. 但是如果这不是神盾局的意思,那有会是谁呢?是这个女孩自己的意思,还是他身后的什么人呢?怀着这种想法,周易倒是有些期待她的回答了。 I am a professional person, heard that the atmosphere in this city tries one's luck well. However, so far had not found the appropriate work. Why as for will come to this city, I also can only say that this does not have the matter of means.” Skaj does not know that oneself status early has exposed in the Zhou Yi front. Is facing Zhou Yi, she has put out oneself performance ability as far as possible, makes appearance that had no alternative , to continue to say. “我是一个自由职业者,听说这个城市的风气不错才来碰碰运气的。但是,到目前为止还没有找到合适的工作。至于为什么会来这个城市,我也只能说这也是没有办法的事情。”斯凯并不知道自己的身份早已经暴露在周易的面前。面对着周易,她尽可能地拿出了自己的表演能力,做出了一副无可奈何的样子,继续说道。 I think that the mister you also knows that fearful all that New York has. Although all had finished. However regarding each New York person, we have to be forced to make a choice. Because of the damn nuclear radiation, we must leave our hometown. Seeks for a new homeland. But this city, is my choice.” “我想先生你也知道纽约发生的那可怕的一切。虽然一切都已经结束了。但是对于每一个纽约人来说,我们都不得不被迫做出一个选择。因为该死的核辐射,我们必须离开自己的故乡。去寻找一个新的家园。而这个城市,就是我的选择。” To your encounters me to express was sorry very much, Skaj. However I am not clear, why is here. This is only a small city. Only then has no way to compare with New York that type of earth. Moreover, if must choose, the West coast isn't? As far as I know, aren't the headquarters of present avenger alliance located there? If you settle down to there, will be more unsafe?” “对你的遭遇我表示很抱歉,斯凯。不过我还是不明白,为什么是这里。这只是一个小城市。和纽约那种大地方可没法比。而且,如果要选择的话,西海岸不是更好吗?据我所知,现在的复仇者联盟的总部不就设在那里吗?如果你到那里定居的话,不会更安全一些吗?” West coast. That is the choice of rich man. I may not have them to be so extravagant!” Hears the Zhou Yi issue, on Skaj's face revealed one to have some smiling faces of taunt meaning. My complete property adds also only then a second-hand vehicle and one pile tattered, moreover held the luck of these alien and government, I such select the property also to turn into the trash that one pile no one could recognize only. Present I can be said as the stony broke. Happen, I heard the news saying that this city is willing to receive the massive homeless New York people, therefore I came!” “西海岸。那是有钱人的选择。我可没有他们那么阔绰!”听到周易的问题,斯凯的脸上露出了一个带有着些许嘲讽意味的笑容。“我全部的财产加起来也只有一辆二手车和一堆破烂而已,而且托了那些外星人和政府的福,我仅有的这么点财产也变成了一堆谁都认不出来的垃圾。现在的我可以说是身无分文。正好,我听到消息说这个城市愿意接收大量的无家可归的纽约人,所以我就来了!” Originally is this!” On the face revealed some smiling faces, Zhou Yi has uppered shift from her body own line of sight, has put in this prosperous city. Miss Skaj, although your past sounded happily not that. However believes me, your choice absolutely is a correct choice. This city becomes your second homeland. Moreover does not lose in the New York second homeland absolutely.” “原来是这样!”脸上露出了些许的笑容,周易就把自己的视线从她的身上移了开来,放到了这个欣欣向荣的城市上。“斯凯小姐,虽然你的过去听起来并不是那么的美好。但是相信我,你的选择绝对是一个正确的选择。这个城市会成为你第二个家园的。而且绝对是不输于纽约的第二家园。” My also hope is this. However, Sir. Are you so self-confident to the future of this city? „ “我也希望是这样。不过,先生。你就对这个城市的未来这么自信吗?“ Curled the lip, Skaj difficultly left an ugly smiling face. Can look, regarding all these that Zhou Yi said that she seems not such approval. 撇了撇嘴,斯凯才艰难地咧出了一个难看的笑容。看得出来,对于周易说的这一切,她似乎并不是那么的认同。 Her expression naturally does not hide the truth from the eye of Zhou Yi, but regarding her performance, Zhou Yi shows a faint smile, said. 她的这幅表情自然是瞒不过周易的眼睛,而对于她的表现,周易微微一笑,就说道。 Actually these words should ask that you are right, Skaj. Was you have chosen this city, was you have the confidence to be right to this city. If not this. Who will choose such a place? Don't forget, Radiance City is not only one is willing to accept the place of New York person, moreover here also led to excessively fearful biochemical crisis. Even is now, here is also in the world one of the Mutants most cities.” “其实这句话应该问你自己才对,斯凯。是你选择了这个城市,是你对这个城市有信心才对。如果不是这样。谁又会选择这么一个地方呢?别忘了,辉耀市可不是唯一一个愿意接受纽约人的地方,而且在这里还曾经爆发过可怕的生化危机。甚至就是现在,这里也是世界上变种人最多的城市之一。” Regarding most people. This city is not the best choice. If lists a rank, I believe that the rank of Radiance City falls certainly on the rear. In that many New York people, only then the minority part of talents will choose here. But why these people will choose here, I think that they have certainly a reason. Not? Skaj.” “对于大多数的人来说。这个城市都不是最好的选择。如果列出一个排行的话,我相信辉耀市的排名一定是落在最后面的。在那么多的纽约人中,只有少数的一部分才会选择这里。而这些人为什么会选择这里,我想他们一定是有所理由的。不是吗?斯凯。” Reason, naturally has.” Looks that Zhou Yi that is gazing at own, almost soon seeps to the vision of own heart of hearts. Skaj is forcing a smile. Continues to perform own role. Good, since you said. Then I also can only tell you. However, Sir. I hope that do not say this matter, will otherwise lead to any disaster I not to be irresponsible.” “理由吗,自然是有的。”看着周易那注视着自己的,几乎快要渗透到自己内心深处的眼光。斯凯强笑着。继续表演着自己的角色。“好吧,既然你都这么说了。那么我也只能告诉你了。不过,先生。我希望你不要把这件事说出去,不然会酿成什么灾祸我可不负责。” Naturally, please believe me, I am a person of keeping one's mouth shut. Even if has fallen asleep, the words that should also not say some randomly said.” “当然,请相信我,我是一个守口如瓶的人。就算是睡着了,也不会乱把一些不该说的话说出去的。” Looks this girl who called Skaj also had the meaning of performing, Zhou Yi lifts oneself cup, such promised to say her. 看着这个叫斯凯的女孩还有表演下去的意思,周易举了举自己的杯子,向她这么保证道。 But saw Zhou Yi to make this appearance, Skaj eyebrow corner/horn jumped, was moving own chair, has collected. 而看到周易做出了这幅模样,斯凯眉角一跳,就挪动着自己的椅子,凑了上来。 Listened to me saying that Sir. I obtained some unknown news. According to the news that I obtain, Dawn Knight, is that is the super hero is the Spiritual God fellow, treats in this city. Also because has him, I am willing to go to such a place, makes a fresh start a period of new life.” “听我说,先生。我可是得到了一些不为人知的消息。据我得到的消息显示,黎明骑士,也就是那个是超级英雄又是神灵的家伙,就待在这个城市里。也正是因为有他在,我才愿意来到这么个地方,重新开始一段新的生活。” Why?” Heard her words, Zhou Yi has smiled inexplicably. He is staring at this like girl in being a thief, has had such question. That fellow is not started everybody to shout that hit? Now the entire world almost regard as him are Evil Demon, you are also thinking why seeks for his trail, arrives in this city. You did not fear that his is unhappy, linking you gang burns entirely?” “为什么?”听到她的话,周易莫名地笑了起来。他盯着这个像是在做贼一样的女孩,发出了这样的疑问。“那个家伙不是已经开始人人喊打了吗?现在全世界人都几乎把他看做了是恶魔,为什么你还想着寻找他的足迹,来到这个城市里。你不怕他一个不开心,把连你在内的一伙人统统烧死吗?” Did not fear, I did not certainly fear!” Facing this issue, categorical that Skaj replied. I always believe that he will not handle such matter. In fact, in me, he forever is that hero!”( To be continued.) “不怕,我当然不怕!”面对这个问题,斯凯回答的斩钉截铁。“我始终相信他不会做这样的事情。事实上,在我心里,他永远是那个英雄!”(未完待续。)
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