MSG :: Volume #6

#512: Before the people, behind arbitrarily unseemly behavior

The clue that very easy found such broke, Nick Fury naturally is very is not willing. However regarding a deceased person, even if he is the SHIELD chief is impossible to have any means. Therefore he can only depress in the heart all doubts, was asking to Pierce. 好不容易找到的线索就这么断了,尼克.弗瑞自然是非常的不甘心。但是对于一个死人,就算他是神盾局的局长也不可能有任何的办法。所以他只能压下心中所有的疑惑,对着皮尔斯问道。 Except for him, what person but also there is to continue this plan? I meant that he does have any collaborator or the successor and so on.” “除了他,还有什么人会继续这项计划吗?我是说他有没有什么合作者或者继承人之类的。” This unlikely!” Pierce shook the head, replied earnestly. You must know, they the Nazi scientist who surrenders from the battlefield. Even if had been integrated subordinates by us, is during our monitoring throughout. His collaborator can only be we, as for the successor, is the impossible matter.” “这不大可能!”皮尔斯摇了摇头,认真地回答道。“你要知道,他们是从战场上投降的纳粹科学家。即便是被我们纳入了麾下,也始终处于我们的监控之中。他的合作者只能是我们,至于继承者,更是不可能的事情。” Right?” Regarding this point, Nick Fury displayed the thorough suspicion. However his heart understands, wants to obtain more news in Pierce, is the unlikely matter. Since the clue has interrupted his here, is very difficult to continue again from his here. He must look for other clue. “是吗?”对于这一点,尼克.弗瑞表现出了彻彻底底的怀疑。但是他心底明白,想要在皮尔斯得到更多的消息,已经是不大可能的事情了。线索既然在他这里中断了,那么就很难再从他这里续起来。他必须去寻找另外的线索。 Although he knows that must look for the clue the words, seeks Pierce's help to be a very good way. Why however does not know, he has had a feeling of suspicion in the instinct to him. But this feeling, lets the USB that he received himself to bring, then has stood directly. 虽然他知道要寻找线索的话,寻求皮尔斯的帮助会是一个非常好的方式。但是不知道为什么,他在本能上就已经对他产生了一种怀疑的感觉。而这种感觉,让他收起了自己带来的u盘,然后直接站了起来。 I will find the way to find some clues from other places again. Before then, I have a matter to ask you!” “我会想办法再从其他地方找到些线索的。在这之前,我有件事情要拜托你!” What matter?” As if realized that anything's Pierce asked to Nick Fury with a smile. Expression sincere looks like many years ago they fight side-by-side is the same. But saw his appearance, Nick Fury has pulled own corners of the mouth, turned toward out of the door to walk. “什么事情?”似乎是察觉到了什么的皮尔斯笑着对尼克.弗瑞问道。表情诚恳的就像是多年以前他们并肩作战的时候一样。而看到他的这幅样子,尼克.弗瑞扯了扯自己的嘴角,就向着门外走去。 Helps me arrange in order a list. I need to know, which person there is this sees clearly the plan to have the connection. The commander of aerospace aircraft carrier, is the above maintenance man. I must know each of them's status.” “帮我列一份名单。我需要知道,有哪些人和这个洞察计划是有关联的。不论是空天航母的指挥官,还是上面的维修员。我都要知道他们每一个人的身份。” „It is necessary to achieve this degree, you must know, in them many people also take orders from the conduct.” Such sigh with emotion, Pierce saw the Nick Fury ugly complexion. Therefore he has taken back oneself language immediately. Good, I knew. I will give you as soon as possible an answer.” “有必要做到这种程度吗,你要知道,他们中很多人也只是听命行事而已。”这么感慨了一句,皮尔斯就看到了尼克.弗瑞难看的脸色。所以他立刻收回了自己的语言。“好吧,我知道了。我会尽快给你一个答案的。” As soon as possible!” Emphasized in this noun, Nick Fury in big strides walked. But looks back that he gradually vanishes. On Pierce face the temperate smiling face gradually became fierce. In his eye also starts to reveal the cold and gloomy ray. “尽快!”在这个名词上强调了一下,尼克.弗瑞就大踏步地走了出去。而看着他逐渐消失的背影。皮尔斯脸上温和的笑容渐渐地变得狰狞了起来。就连他的眼睛里也开始流露出森冷的光芒。 Said goodbye. Nick Fury. I think after us, will not have the opportunity that anything meets again.” “再见了。尼克.弗瑞。我想我们以后不会有什么再见面的机会了。” Senior official, do we need to start to take action?” “长官,我们需要开始行动了吗?” When did not know from stand in secretary walked, was consulting to say to him in a low voice. 不知从什么时候起站在门外的秘书走了进来,对着他低声咨询道。 Told the winter soldier, I gave him day. Ends his life to me. Moreover. Sees clearly the plan matter is you reveals to him?” “告诉冬兵,我给他一天的时间。给我终结掉他的性命。另外。洞察计划的事情是你泄露给他的吗?” Is my arrangement. The barons have arranged several board game pieces in the subordinate of Dr. Zola. Is I orders them bit by bit to expose the plan of Dr. Zola, believes that Nick Fury also followed the clue that they left behind to find here.” “是我的安排。男爵在左拉博士的手下安排了几个棋子。是我命令他们把左拉博士的计划一点一点地暴露出来的,相信尼克.弗瑞也正是顺着他们留下的线索才找到这里来的。” Lowers the head, the secretary was answering Pierce's issue respectfully. But sees his performance, Pierce nodded satisfied. 低着头,秘书恭敬地回答着皮尔斯的问题。而看到他的表现,皮尔斯满意地点了点头。 Good that makes, but is insufficient. Let these people leak some core news to exit. Not only need make Nick Fury know. Also must let his two assistants, as well as the person of avenger understood all these that Dr. Zola plans. Since him exposing, has not needed to let him the whole body to draw back again. Solves him while this opportunity, yes?” “做的不错,但是还不够。让那些人泄露一些核心消息出去。不仅仅要让尼克.弗瑞知道。还要让他手下的那两个副手,以及复仇者的人了解到左拉博士谋划的这一切。既然已经把他给暴露出来了,就没有必要再让他能全身而退了。趁着这个机会解决他,明白吗?” Yes, I understand how should do!” “是的,我明白该怎么做了!” Is very good, after Zola was eliminated. I will suggest to the Baron, is accepted Dr. Zola by you remaining influence. Believes that he is also glad to see, own subordinate can become a Hydra chieftain.” “很好,等左拉被清除掉之后。我会向男爵建议,由你接受左拉博士残余的势力。相信他也很乐意看见,自己的手下能成为九头蛇的一个头目。” I do not certainly disappoint your great expectations, the senior official!” “我一定不辜负您的厚望,长官!” Pierce's promise made on this secretary face show the wild with joy expression immediately, although he went all out to control muscle on the face. However Pierce the eyebrow corner/horn that twitched from him has discovered change on his mood. 皮尔斯的许诺让这个秘书脸上立刻露出了狂喜的表情,尽管他拼命地控制着自己脸上的肌肉。但是皮尔斯还是从他抽动的眉角上发现了他情绪上的变动。 This discovery makes him very favorite, sees through the thoughts of subordinate to let high-rank to control his all obviously well. But in his eyes, this by Baron was placed, in own assistant like is turned on the box, own intrinsic completely exposed in his front. Such person, sooner or later becomes the board game piece on oneself hand. 这种发现让他很是得意,看穿下属的心思显然会让上位者能更好地掌控他的一切。而在他的眼中,这个被男爵安插在自己身边的助手已经像是一个打开了的箱子一样,把自己的内在完完全全地暴露在了他的面前。这样的人,早晚会成为自己手上的棋子。 Therefore, he has patted the shoulder of secretary with a smile, was saying to him. 所以,他笑着拍了拍秘书的肩膀,就对着他说道。 Works, don't matter that forgot me to tell. Can this matter as soon as possible, yes?” “去做事吧,别忘了我吩咐的事情。这件事一定要尽快,明白吗?” Yes, senior official. I order them to start to take action now.” “是的,长官。我现在就命令他们开始行动。” As if also immerses the secretary in excited mood somewhat self-satisfied has turned around. Went out of Pierce's office. His performance naturally was makes on Pierce's face have the smiling face, but he had not seen, when this secretary transferred the past instance, on his face also had the smiling face. 似乎还沉浸在激动情绪中的秘书有些飘飘然地转过了身子。走出了皮尔斯的办公室。他的表现自然是让皮尔斯的脸上出现了笑容,但是他却怎么也没有看到,当这个秘书转过去的瞬间,他的脸上也出现了笑容。 That is one is different from Pierce's smiling face. Also is not the been wild with joy smiling face. But sneers, has filled sneering of disdaining. Looked like was seeing an incredible performance was the same, the whole person looked like feel alienated and indifference particularly. 那是一个不同于皮尔斯的笑容。也不是欣喜若狂的笑容。而是冷笑,充满了不屑的冷笑。就像是在看到了一场荒诞的表演一样,整个人看起来分外的疏离和冷漠。 This smiling face only presented the flash merely, immediately is restrained that harmless mask by him. He with usually is then same, is carrying out Pierce's order silently. Weaves plots for him the big net. 这个笑容仅仅只出现了一刹那,就被他立刻收敛到了那副无害的面具。然后他就和平时一样,默默地执行着皮尔斯的命令。为他织开一张张阴谋的大网。 Obviously this type by big net of plot knitting, prepares for some special moths. However who can throws the moth of net. Who can be spider of waiting? This is one also nobody knows the matter of answer temporarily. However, this answer certainly is what we definitely know is that unexpected. 这种由阴谋编织的大网,显然是为了一些特殊的飞蛾所准备的。但是谁会是扑网的飞蛾。谁又会是等待的蜘蛛呢?这是一件暂时还没有人知道答案的事情。但是可以肯定的是,这个答案一定是出乎意料的。 Since Nick Fury left the SHIELD aerospace aircraft carrier, after going to the trident building to look for the answer. Phil Coulson once again has put Radiance City own attention, on his once old friend. 自从尼克.弗瑞离开了神盾局的空天航母,前往三叉戟大厦寻找答案之后。菲尔.科尔森就再度把自己的注意力放到了辉耀市,他曾经的老朋友身上。 Naturally, his attention is not ordinary friend such dozen telephones likely, chats. Asked that recent condition, shares the recent mood same to be so simple. His so-called attention, lets a person of not shame specialized, is most minimum. As friend, this attention can injure to them absolutely the friendship. 当然,他的这种注意并不像是普通朋友那样打打电话,聊聊天。问一下最近的状况,分享一下最近的心情一样那么简单。他所谓的注意,更专业也更让人不耻,最起码。以一个朋友的身份来说,这种注意绝对是可以伤害到他们之间的友谊的。 However Coulson any means that he only cannot choose the method of this attention. Or he can only choose with the method of surveillance treats oneself old friend. This is his responsibility, is his mission. In the face of oneself mission and friendship, he has chosen the former obviously. 但是科尔森没有任何的办法,他只能选择这种注意的方法。或者说,他只能选择用监视的方法来对待自己的老朋友。这是他的职责,也是他的使命。在自己的使命和友谊面前,他显然选择了前者。 Although thinks the time of will make him feel intermittent ashamed, but this matter of doing, he little will not do equally. 虽然想起来的时候还是会让他感到一阵阵的羞耻,但是该做的事情,他一样都不会少做的。 Took up contact, Coulson has turned toward has been stationed has sent out the call in the Radiance City internal subordinate. 拿起了联络器,科尔森就向着已经驻扎在辉耀市内部的手下发出了呼叫。 Plum, you in? Is the situation what kind of?” “梅,你们在吗?情况怎么样?” After long time, a voice of icy woman passed from contact, returns to the covered passageway to him. 半晌之后,一个冷冰冰的女人的声音从联络器里传了出来,对他回复道。 They had ended this meeting. No. 1 goal left from there, but Magneto did not have any movement. Among them exchange we have not imagined evidently is so ordinary. The senior officials, what do you have to plan?” “他们已经结束了这次会面。一号目标已经从那里离开了,但是万磁王还没有任何的动作。看样子他们之间的交易没有我们想象中的那么普通。长官,你有什么计划吗?” Listens subordinate who most are trusting to ask that such words, on the face of Coulson has revealed the forced smile. 听着自己最信任的手下问出了这样的话,科尔森的脸上露出了苦笑。 I do not have any plan, therefore do not have any acting rashly. That city cannot the casual dissolute place, if you have exposed, I am want to rescue you not to have any means. Therefore, safety first. This is I to your only requests.” “我没有任何的计划,所以你们也不要有任何的轻举妄动。那个城市不是能够随便放肆的地方,如果你们暴露了,我就是想要营救你们都没有任何的办法。所以,安全第一。这就是我对你们唯一的要求。” Understood, I will pay attention. However you said possibly some late!” “明白了,我会注意的。但是你这么说可能有些晚了!” The tone of woman almost does not have any fluctuation, as before is the indifference and stiffness of that formulation. However is such words, was makes the Coulson entire innermost feelings raise. 女人的语气几乎没有任何的波动,依旧是那种公式化的冷漠和生硬。但是就是这样的话,却是让科尔森整个内心都提了起来。 What do you mean, plum? Had problems?” “你这是什么意思,梅?出了问题吗?” I want!” The women pulled open have kept off in oneself front window curtains, spied on toward outside by that tiny slit. After she sees oneself goal, she replied to Coulson. That intern who you recruit newly, started to act presumptuously. I felt that she as to contact with No. 1 goal.” “我想是的!”女人拉开了挡在自己面前的窗帘,透过那细小的缝隙向着外面窥探了过去。当她看到自己的目标之后,她才对科尔森回答道。“你新招收的那个实习生,已经开始擅自行动了。我感觉她似乎是想要和一号目标接触一下。” Skaj? Damn, does she want to do? Why don't you prevent her?” “斯凯?见鬼,她到底想要干什么?梅,你为什么不去阻止她?” Heard the report of woman, Coulson somewhat was immediately breathless. At this time, SHIELD really did not suit with these goals has any contact. Because their present standpoints were really too awkward. No one said certainly, Zhou Yi also or Magneto that group of people will treat them with what kind of manner. Once the matter develops in not the good direction, the ability that they recall does not have. 听到了女人的汇报,科尔森立刻就有些气急败坏了起来。在这个时候,神盾局实在不适合和这些目标有任何的接触。因为他们现在的立场实在是太尴尬了。谁也说不准,周易亦或是万磁王那伙人会以一个怎么样的态度来对待他们。而一旦事情朝着不好的方向发展,他们就连挽回的能力都没有。 Perhaps regarding SHIELD, loses 1-2 low grade agents is only a minor matter. Only is handles various thunderbolts in world, the SHIELD personnel loses continues these. However regarding Coulson, he does not want to see own subordinate to have any damage. 也许对于神盾局来说,损失一两个低等级的特工只是件小事。光是应付世界上的各种突发事件,神盾局的人员损失就不止这些。但是对于科尔森来说,他是真的不想看见自己的手下有任何的损伤。 He is their leaders, to a certain extent he must be responsible for these people. This being responsible for first includes is their life. He will not make them put down gives in vain dead, does not want to look that they bring death. Therefore he can only shout, simultaneously racks brains to look for the method of solution. 他是他们的领导者,从某种程度上来说他必须要为这些人负责。这种负责首先包括的就是他们的生命。他不会让他们平白送死,更不想看着他们去送死。所以他只能叫嚷着,同时绞尽脑汁寻找着解决的方法。 But compares in the Coulson excited mood, contact another side woman however calm many. 而相比较于科尔森的激动情绪,联络器另一边的女人但是冷静的多。 I have made Grant find way to aid her. Moreover, I think that the matter does not have that awful that you imagine. After all she is only a novice, agent trace is not deep. Perhaps the goal does not have easy that to see through her real status. I want her not to go to enrage that fellow intentionally, finally should not have any issue to appear.” “我已经让格兰特想办法去接应她了。而且,我想事情也没有你想象的那个糟糕。毕竟她只是一个新手,身上的特工痕迹还没有那么深厚。目标也许没有那么容易识破她的真实身份。我想只要她不去故意触怒那个家伙,结果应该不会有什么问题出现。” That is only you thinks, if had the problem. What late! Listening, to be monitoring them, if there is an issue, even if exposes your status also to preserve Skaj. If he asked that who your secretly instigation is, told him my name, yes?” “那只是你以为,如果出现问题了。就什么都晚了!听着,监视他们,如果有问题,就算是暴露出你们的身份也要保住斯凯。如果他问你们幕后主使者是谁,就把我的名字告诉他,明白吗?” What's wrong, you want to sacrifice itself, protects the subordinate?” The women asked faintly, then causes is actually the Coulson somewhat violent interrogation. “怎么,你想牺牲自己,保护属下吗?”女人淡漠地问了一句,然后引起的却是科尔森有些暴烈的质问。 I asked that you do understand?” “我问你明白吗?” I understood, I know how should do. Senior officials!”( To be continued.) “我明白了,我知道该怎么做了。长官!”(未完待续。)
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